Homo Sapien does NOT melt in rain, drizzle or from a wet arse

Do you ever ride a high from a funny, proud or specific moment of the day?

It rained right before my bell Q started today. 2nd warm-up exercise was LBCs. Holy cow! that was the funniest moment I have seen in years, 7 grown men “chattering” about sitting in a puddle, you would think they were just dropped into a grave full of snakes. Still on a high. If you see me randomly laughing at a workout over the next week, you know the vision I am thinking about.

Any whoooo …

warm up, stuff like:
imperial walker, LBC, hillbilly walker, shoulder tap, LS squat, dying cockroach (there it goes again), morrocan NC, plank stretch

then we lifted stuff up and put it down:
curls, BO rows, chest press (standing and on 6), flutter with bell high (yup once again), goblet squat, around the world, tricep extentions, each arm dead lifts, good morning, side lunge, plank row

In between we did bootcampish stuff: burpees, flying squirrels, merkins, carolina DD, mahktar N’diayes, kneetar n’diayes (some did this) , bombjacks, jump squats, BB sits

wrapped it up with Assassin suicides with the bell
merkins, tricep extensions, curls
and goblet, chest press, around t world

Looks like we made it,

Barry Manilow

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There’s a hill here?

I was late. It’s a long story. Happy to tell you any other time

WARMUP: Olaf took the PAX that were on time to the FW parking lot for some stuff that YHC missed
THE THANG: Hustle down the hill and hit the very dark trails. YHCs light is in the other car so it was fun navigating the gloom. No matter. We got to the hill by the GHMS lot and up we went.
At the top bear crawl both ways across the street and 20 4 count flutters with press.
Down the hill and 20 4 count ruck curls and overhead presses. Repeat up and down with same reps.
Bottom of the hill we head back and stop at each bridge.
1. 10x LSS
2. 15x Overhead press
3. 10x Ruck Curl
4. 10x LSS
Then it was time to airport power-walk back to CoT. With the last 300 meters a ruck run to meet up with the STL crew

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Freeze warning

WARMUP: A jog down the hill for some COP. Tesh was shirtless.
THE THANG: after running back to our bells, a four corner AMRAP session ensued. 8 minutes for as many rounds as possible of the following:

Corner 1 – 5 manmakers 10 merkins on the bell 15 swings and 20 tricep extensions

Corner 2 – 5 burpees, 10 goblet squats, 15 swings, 20 curls

Corner 3 – 5 manmakers, 10 lunges, 15 swings, 20 calf raises

Corner 4 – 5 burpees, 10 squats, 15 swings, 20 curls

MARY: had to hustle back at make 0600
COT: you had to be there.

Thanks 3D for the opportunity. Always an honor to lead.


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Creative Assembly ( Tesh )

WARMUP: Side Straddle Hops ( 10 ), Diamond Merkins ( 5 ), Front Straddle Hope Seal Jacks ( 10 ), Regular Merkins ( 5 ), Side Straddle Hop Press Jacks ( 10 ), Wide Grip Merkins ( 5 ).

1 2 3 4
REPS 20 15 12 8 Cardio
Strength KB Hip Swing KB HS Front Raise KB HS FR Press KB HS FR P – Tri-X SSH Press
Core 30 Secs Skull Crunch SitUp SitupBoat SitUpBoat Scissor A Frame Crunch
Strength Chair Hold 1/2 Sumo 1/2 Sumo UpRow 1/2 Sumo UpRow Curl High Knee Jaw Breaker
Core 30 Secs Plank Hold 1 arm PetPark – L 1 arm PetPark – R SuperMan ISO MTN Climbers
Strength 1 arm Supin Row – L 1 arm Supin Row – R Shrug ScapTrap Side Lunge Bus Driver

MARY: I forget what this is, loopy lexicon!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: F3 on Good Morning America today at 1pm EST, Bourbon Tasting, Bourbon Trail Race in May.

COT: Prayers for Lookouts son’s shoulder surgery and seizures, Prayers for 3d’s Mother’s Knee Surgery, Praise for Uhaul’s family chemo recovery.

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Snake Pit is a gear workout

I arrived in excellent spirits completely unaware that Snake Pit is a kettlebell workout. As I was without a kettlebell or an appropriate weinkie, I had to improvise quickly. I borrowed a kettlebell and possessing both a deck of cards and a Bluetooth speaker, for my planned bootcamp Q, lead the PAX to the bottom of the hill.

On the walk, I could only think of four exercises. PERFECT! There are only 4 suits in a deck of cards. Unfortunately, all I could think of was: manmakers (spades), swings (clubs), big boy situps (hearts), and squats (diamonds). Sometimes when the pressure of the moment is upon you, your mind gravitates to a core workout that is less that effective (big boy situps) and an exercise like manmakers which is best done in more limited rep counts than a deck of cards provides. Swings and Squats are more appropriate for a deck of cards, so 50% ain’t bad, right?

It’s important to remind that PAX that occasionally at an F3 workout, you get what you paid for. I think that’s core principle number one.

To make up for my chosen exercises, I called a run to the top of the hill (intersection with FM Parkway) after each 5 cards. Surely this would give the PAX plenty of time to come up with disgruntled yet witty mumblechatter. They did not disappoint. I even chose to leave my phone in the car so I could skip the initial run and retrieve it. Now for the remainder of the workout, we at least had tunes coming from the Bluetooth speaker.

As luck would have it, I have never shuffled a deck of cards before and we had 42 manmakers in the first string of 5 cards. While the PAX showed great resilience in the face of such a steep rep count, I realized that I will read the Site Qs invite a little more carefully next time. Also, I feel my desired name change to Batman could now be in jeopardy.

My final error in judgement this morning was accepting Band Camp’s offer to write this backblast for me.


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Count the right only

WARMUP: mosey brogaish things, @reaper stuff, few other things
THE THANG: a little 4 corners around the track 15ish was the count for all. Mostly for those requiring right side counts only. Merkins, mtn climbers, shoulder taps. Little mosey squats calf raises and monkey humpers; mosey then SSH seal jacks and overhead claps; mosey abs stuff big boys weezy Jefferson’s and that other exercise I couldn’t remember yeah bicycle somethin. Mosey over to benches for dirkins and dips. Did a pledge of allegiance somewhere in there with some rebel merkins
MARY: not much time left for American hammers and upright flutters. Oh yeah those were Freddy mercurys we did earlier.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: finally Fogertys trash pick.
COT: marriages and health concerns for a few.

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bells with the boys!!!

WARMUP: CHERRY PICKERS, windmill, side straddle hop
THE THANG: Goblet clean X10 each arm
Goblet squat low and slow x10
Bent over row x10 each arm
Murder bunny 10 meters and return
Turkish get up .25….. x10 each side
American hammer way too fast for those with something heavy x15
Lunge walk with a pass thru…. 10 meters there 10 meters back
Plank drag x10 on each arm.
Shower curtain slide… 10 meters there 10 meters back
Trade your weight with another pax Rinse and repeat

MARY: @battlebot asked me to q in the ambulance,
@hardwood was confused from the start,
@longduck paid for coffee
@showercurtain wrote his first backblast
Everybody had something to say and plenty to do!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter!!!
COT: No prayer requests. Praise to the good Lord for giving us another day!

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Getting swole

Warm up: SSH, Squat, burpee, merkins

Slow shoulder raise
21s: curls: 7 half down, 7 half up, 7 full
Jacob’s ladder series: 7 Count, run in between
curl/overhead tri
lawnmower/American hammer

Great morning with even better chatter with even better better tunes. We ran a bit more than Snake Pit is used to but we ate better for it.


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Cranked to 11s

11s Merkins/WW1 sit-ups
Lunge walk forward, side left and right
Karaoke left and right
Squat walks
High knees
Toy soldiers

Run up hill and back

11s Squats/Flutters (4 count)
Bear crawl
Crawl bear
Inch worm fwd and back
Side bear crawl left and right
Crab walk fwd and back
Cartwheels cause why not?

Hip flexors

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