Burpees for Breakfast

WARMUP: The walk from car to AO
THE THANG: Rucked 2.3mi with stops for burpees and core exercises along the way. Lovely holiday light tour of FM plus fellowship followed by coffeeteria.
MARY: include in Thang
COT: Of course, as always!

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Soggy Miles

WARMUP: none

THE THANG: head out on Market, Right on Sutton, left on 160, mosey to sweep the leg and turn. All 3 put in the work. Miles consumed by all
MARY: none
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Christmas Party
COT: what happens stays

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One road – One route

WARMUP: nope
THE THANG: Kee it simple – Run Market St. to its end and back to Starbucks. Add on should time permit prior to 0600.
MARY: nope
ANNOUNCEMENTS: were voiced
COT: 5th core principle

A great way to start 1-0 on the week. Thanks for the call, Assassin. :eye:

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Ladders, lunges and bear crawls, oh my

THE THANG: Push/Kb swing ladder 2, 4, 6,…to 20 of each. 10 man makers.

To the hill for a Dora with one lunging while farmer carrying both the other with body weight lunge. Switch as needed with 5 goblet squats each switch til the top. Back down the hill with one partner overhead carry while the other bear crawl switching as needed with 5 press each switch.

Mary for 5 minutes at bottom.

Circle up for a few rounds of kettlebell work
MARY: yes
COT: yes

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4 corners beatdown!

WARMUP: SSH, imperial walker, super fast windmills,
THE THANG: 4 corners with over head carry in between. 60/40/20. KBS/Rows(RH)/Rows(LH), gobblet squats
ANNOUNCEMENTS: dad2dam, Xmas party, etc
COT: prayers or praise from all

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Lunge around the PKES Campus

Runners hit the track while Booters headed behind the track.
WARMUP: SSH, Squats, MNCs, LBCs, Mtn. Climbers
THE THANG: Light Pole Bingo. 5 Merkins then lunge walk to next pole & do 10 Bombjacks. Go back to the first pole & repeat up the ladder. 15 Squats, 20 Calf Raises, 25 CDDs.
Mosey to benches in front of the school. 10 Derkins, 10 Step ups, 10 Dips. Take a lap around the parking lot. Repeat 3 times.
Ended with half of a J. Webb
MARY: 2 rounds
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read your newsletter
COT: prayers for Rebel’s wife surgery recovery, recent coworkers who got let go & our country
SS out.

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Snatch jokes for days

Lots of jokes. small ball jokes. snatch jokes. runner jokes.

WARMUP: carry the bells to the top of the steep hill near entrance. SSH, Windmills, Produce Pickers all in cadence

3 sets of a 9 round tabata (40 seconds on 20 seconds off) with an active recovery between each set

9 rounds:
Bent Over Rows
American Hammers
Chest Press
OH Tricep extension
Goblet Squat

(third round I swapped a few exercises out so ended up with some deadlifts, curls, skull crushers, LBCs mixed in).

Active recovery included mosey up and down steep hill a couple times between sets 1 and 2, bear crawling down steep hill between sets 2 and 3, and an all you got sprint up the steep hill after set 3.

MARY: carry bells back to COT and in cadence flutter press, box cutters, more flutter press, and LBCs

ANNOUNCEMENTS: bourbon fundraiser tonight, Christmas party signups, Thanksgiving convergence, etc = read newsletter

COT: yup – No OYO – a lot of good dudes that can help each other through hard times here so be vulnerable with each other.

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A tropical misty hill of a good time at #ao-clydesdales

WARMUP: tried to do SSH, but the Pax just wanted the route
THE THANG: south Munn Loop,
South on Munn, East on Harris, north on Jackson, west on 160
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Sign up for FREE 4.01k Run https://criout.regfox.com/cri-401k-charity-fun-run

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