BAOPS Ladder Fun

When a shieldlock brother sends the late night text that he needs a sub, you gotta answer the call.

WARMUP: lap on the paved trail and circled up for IC warm-a-rama Goofballs (except for the liver eaters who are too cool to do those), various plank based stretching, mtn climbers, shoulder taps, MNCs

BAOPS Ladder
Accumulating bear crawl/crawl bear ladder with exercises at every tier (took about 30 minutes)

Bear crawl to 10 yard mark and do exercise and crawl bear back to start line – SSH for the 6

Bear crawl to 10 yard mark and do exercise then bear crawl to 20 yard mark and do exercise then crawl bear back to the start – SSH for the 6

Continue accumulating adding 10 more yards each time until you finish the 50 yard ladder.

B for Burpees – 10x at 10 yard mark
A for American Hammers – 20x at 20 yard mark
O for Overhead Claps – 30x at 30 yard mark
P for Plank – 40second hold at 40 yard mark
S for Squats – 50x at 50 yard mark

10 count recovery

Mosey around path to left field corner (top of the road with the long hill.

Partner up for classic DORA – 100x merkins, 200x squats, 300x LBCs – partner runs about 2/3 down hill to the 3rd rock and back as the timer

Mosey back to basketball courts and do a 50 yard lunge walk

MARY: circled back up on basketball courts and did IC core work – flutters, American Hammers, Freddie Mercuries, dying cockroaches and finished off with merkins

ANNOUNCEMENTS: mothers day

COT: yup

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Laps Around Kingsley

WARMUP: None… Forgot the Disclaimer too for what it’s worth…

THE THANG: Laps around Kingsley stopping at the backside corners for

10 – Curls
10 – Overhead Presses
10 – Overhead Squats


10 – Bent Over Rows
10 – Triceps’s Extension
10 – Overhead Squats (fan favorite)

At the front corner by Brix we did 20 step ups per leg.

We made 2 laps (plus the side road the first time around). Just under 3 miles

MARY: Got in some LBCs and AHs for the last few minutes

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WARMUP: Moroccan Night club
Side straddle Hop

THE THANG: workout with Cindy’s 15 Merkins, 50 Side straddle hops, 10 Man-Makers, 6 burpees. Between each set of exercises, carry cinder block down hill and return up hill. Finished with 1.5 mile run.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: cannoli run May 18 Jager May 11, Bethel Men’s shelter May 2, Read slack

COT: prayers for police officers and family from shootings. Family operations, kids safety.

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Over The River And Around The Cones

WARMUP: merkins, squats, MNCs, stretches
THE THANG: 8 stations with running to the other end of parking lot and returning to each station until the routine was complete. Stations consisted of merkins, squats, calf raises, IC flutter kicks, and burpees. Afterwards, did a 7 routine with hand clap merkins (3 different options to choose from) and jump squats on the other end. Finished with 20 squats at COT.
MARY: 62 IC Freddie Mercuries, 100 IC flutter kicks during cone station routine.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Rock Hill 10 year anniversary activities from 4/28 thru 5/4 with convergence on 5/4.
COT: Prayers were lifted for specific needs.

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Block Burpee Blast @ Ring of Fire

WARMUP: The Usual
THE THANG: Block and burpees
MARY: Run the hill
COT: Cake Boss send off

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Super 7 and a Burpee Mile

WARMUP: extended warmup with the usual suspects
THE THANG: mosey to the back wall of the school for some wall sits/exercises. Then to the track for the Burpee Mile= stop at 3 spots along the track & do 3 then 6 then 9 Burpees. Rinse & Repeat for 4 loops. Stole idea from . #crowdpleaser
Finished up with Jack Webb
MARY: no time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Jaeger, Amrap 4 Autism
COT: great reminder from to reach out to a Pax that you may not have seen in a while.

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Hard Core

WARMUP: Disclaimed the group and we started to Mosey around the COT parking lot. While moseying we did some buttkickers, high knees, & karaoke. Made it to the 1/8 mile track area and circled up. Performed SSHx7inCadence, 1 burpee oyo, WindMillsx7inCadence, 2 burpees oyo, CherryPickersx7inCadence, 3 burpees oyo, HillbillyWalkersx7inCadence, 4 burpees oyo, & ImperialWalkersx7inCadence. Group was ready to roll.

100 – LBCs
90 – Flutters
80 – Freddy Ms
70 – American Hs
60 – Mountain Climbers
50 – Reverse Crunches
40 – BigBoySitups
30 – Straight Lower Leg Lifts
20 – V-Ups
1 minute plank

Starting at the top of the list PAX were asked to take a lap around the 1/8mile track after completing the 1st exercise. While running the lap PAX started with 1 burpee and then half way around completed 1 burpee. Burpee counts increased by 1 for every lap. 10 Exercises = 520 total reps, 10 laps = 110 total burpees. Add in the warmup mosey and we covered 1.5miles.

MARY: No time

ANNOUNCEMENTS: AMRAP for Autism, Mike Doty Memorial Run, 427 burpees on 4/27, Rock Hill 10yr Anniversary, Trash Pick Up o 4/27, Jaegar on 5/11.

COT: Show to know.

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AO The Fort Shovel Flag Handoff

WARMUP: Motivators, Windmills, Cherry Pickers
1. 1 round at the stage: Partner 1 bear crawl to playground and mosey back while partner 2 cycles through 10x burpees & 10x donkey kicks. Switch.
2. Crawl bear up Massey St & 10x burpees at the bottom. Al Gore for the 6.
3. Mosey to the Print Shop. 10x Pull-ups
JWOW:Dora @ Fort Mill Church of God
1. 100x Merkins
2. 200x Heels to Heaven
3. 300x Squats
4. Mosey back to COT
MARY: Included
COT: Surviving children of domestic tragedy

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Strength & Sprints: Embracing the Rain

After the thorough disclaimer which YHC is famous for we circled up and started with Warm-O-Rama:
Side Straddle Hop
Produce Pickers
Hillbilly Walkers
Moroccan Nightclubs
Imperial Walkers

Lined up at one end of the parking lot for some,
Lunge Walk
Toy Soldiers
Butt Kickers
High Knees
Bear Crawl

Two rounds of 11s with,
CDD & Squats
Shoulder Taps & Monkey Humpers

Partner Dora’s:
50 LBCs
50 Freddie Mercurys
50 Flutter Kicks
50 Heels to the sky
50 Lunges
100 Squats
100 Calf Raises

Mary’s, storytime with PAX choice that included,
Gas Pumper
Freddie Mercury
Box Cutter
Ended with Hello Dollys


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