Uphill Times

19 Pax posted on a Yumid morning to salute Old Glory and dig deep to tackle the surrounding hills.  We were honored to welcome FNG/The Fonz (EH’d by Pusher) and a quasi-Kotter in Santini ( who has lost his excuses for not posting to any downtown FM AOs).  Longshanks led The Pledge and then the fun began.

The Thang

Hills, hills and more hills — that was the recipe for the day.

Brief warm-up in the parking lot to allow Body Wash to catch up with the pax on his late arrival — SSH, Mtn climber, Parker Peter, Merkins

Run to parking lot at WEP

Muster at bottom of hill leading to stop sign at entrance of parking lot

Run to top, do # Burpees of your choice, run back down; rinse & repeat adding # Burpees on each return to the top (UvU format — you pick initial # and increment); continue repeatedly

Muster at bottom of Stairway to Heaven

Run to light pole at top, do # Merkins (starting from last # Burpees, using same increment pattern), run back down; rinse & repeat adding # Merkins on each return to top; continue repeatedly

Run to large parking lot across from gun shop on Massey Street

Run to bottom of Massey Street; run back to top, do # Freddie Mercurys (starting from last # Merkins, using same increment pattern), run back down; rinse & repeat adding # Freddie Mercurys on each return to top; continue repeatedly

Mosey home


Naked man moleskin

Thank you to Longshanks for the Q invite at Minnow Pond — great AO, great format, lively pax who all got after it today.  It was especially sweet since it was my first Q back in The Fort in 90 days.  (Apologies to a few pax I missed in the attendees — Gen X camera malfunction)

Welcome to The Fonz!  Yes, he set a new fashion standard to rival Slash’s collars.  Plus, he pushed toward the front of the pax throughout.  Great first time out….look forward to seeing you again.  And T-claps to Pusher on the EH.

Great to have Santini in The Gloom!  If you have any history with this #Redwood, then you know why it’s great to have him back.  If you don’t, then find the chance to saddle up next to him the next time you see him in the circle and ask him about origin of the Moroccan Night Club. or Stairway to Heaven or the Echochamber.

Theme for the day was hills, because they provide great training for runners.  AND, because we’re living in “uphill times” in my view (pandemic, unemployment, social distancing, racism, injustice, protests, rioting — pure chaos in the headlines).  These hills in life (short, long, steep or any combination) can be strong training ground as well.  Much has been said by many about the “silver linings” of lockdown life.  Certainly that’s been true for me and my family.  At same time,  the tough stuff, the difficulties, the adversity in life are also challenges that can build endurance, resilience, passion, vision for the road ahead.  Take some time to reflect where the tough parts of your current situation are sharpening you and your family for the journey ahead.  Don’t limit your review to just the fun, funny, joyful, positive experiences  — the darker more challenging moments can provide training benefits too.

Great to be back in The Fort!

Keep pushing!



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BROGA and 2.9 Miles

4 Pax got a little better this morning.  It is easy to accelerate with Sasquatch on location!

Sasquatch pulled double duty this morning.  Not only did he drop off Wegmans at Charlotte Douglas before his RPG BROGA session at 515am, he fielded a phone call mid-run from his brother and didn’t miss a beat!

RPG delivers again! Come out for a change of pace, and start your weekend with some much needed BROGA! SYITG!


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20 at The Snake Pit

OMG Becky, am I at the correct AO? That was my thought when I pulled up at 5:11am and saw 15+ dudes waiting in the parking lot. The power of location! The Snake Pit doesn’t get much love way out at CRHS. I was honored to lead 19 others in a kettlebell workout. Here’s what we did:
1 Curl (each side)
1 Tricep Extension
1 Chest Press
1 Big Boy w/ Press
1 Goblet Squat
1 KB Side Bend
1 Bentover Row (each side)
1 KB Swing

Longshanks came running through with a super bright headlamp.

Round 2 was the same set with an added rep, so 2 of each. 3 of each in Round 3. 4 of each in Round 4. 5 of each in Round 5….we did 12 Rounds and got swole! It wasn’t too shabby the first few rounds but after round 5 the groaning and complaining started. Music to a Q’s ears! After 12 Rounds we circled up for 20 Flutters in cadence and 10 Box Cutters in cadence. 6 o’clock happened.

We heard about Park and School AO’s opening soon.
We heard about an upcoming Convergence.
We prayed for Tinsel’s son.
We prayed for the end of the school year.
We praised Sky Q for life and the ability to workout in His presence.

Site Q’s…please schedule me.

The Thang

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RPG Delivers

Sasquatch continues to bring the heat with BROGA!  Every week he adds a new way to stretch, loosen, & bring the pain to areas of the hamstrings, lats, neck, back, calves, etc…….15 mins and you are renewed.  CakeBoss continually offers a Ruck option along with joining the Fellowship run to make RPG complete.  The best part of today’s version of RPG was watching the HIM Sasquatch take control of the Fellowship run along w a solid COT! Prayers & Praises as we head into the Memorial Day weekend!

Remember the Fallen, honor all who give their lives for our freedom!  SYITG.

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The “RPG” provides Options

9 Strong at “the” RPG for a perfect weather acceleration into the weekend.  Sasquatch always delivers an impressive BROGA session, followed by a fellowship run with Rebel on Q.  CakeBoss took the Ruck Q and did not disappoint.  Wegmans looked like the Ruck was meaningful, either that or fatherhood has set in very nicely.  Good to see Harry Carey, Body Wash, and Skate or Die.

Sasquatch closed us out.


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Olaf coupon buffet at Golden corral

My knee was still recovering so minimal running was on the buffet. Luckily I have more than enough coupons to entertain the PAX crammed into my garage so the couponmobile was loaded down and sitting low rolling into the coral.

Short mosey after disclaim was disclaimed over to a warmup a Rama. It’s been too long since the actual workout so I’m going to list some of the staples I usually go for along with a few I remember.
Lots of SSH to start. I remember a comment about my knee must not hurt to do SSH so I made sure to add a couple 20-30 once the mumble chatter started for good measure.
Then a magnificent Peter Parker followed by Parker Peter screw up by YHC.
Then it wouldn’t be a snowman Q without a full circle of hump.
A little longer mosey to the church parking lot across the street where the coupons were organized into a painful sequence starting with picking up something awful and awkward and ending with battle rope AKA hose tug.

Oh and don’t forget the timer to rotate obstacles being the pull-up dead hang as the center attraction.

Everyone got better except DoaH and Spiderman who chatted the whole time like two schoolgirls at summer camp. Anyways it’s always an “interesting” time and muscles you don’t normally use were sore for days following.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead Lutefisk.

Until next time stay frosty my friends.


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Shoulder Work at Quagmire

13 men arrived at Quagmire Monday morning.  After a quick disclaimer and some leg stretches, we ran over to Kohls.


SSH x 25

Imperial Walker x 15

Windmill x 10

Plank Stretches

Next, we began the meat of the workout.  We partnered up for burpee broad jumps.  Partner 1 started with the burpees while Partner 2 ran to the end of the parking lot near Ulta and back to Partner 1 to switch out. The total distance was around 320 yards (20 less than the Bills had in total offense).

I took a few minutes to talk about my grandfather who served in the Navy. He was someone I greatly admired growing up.  He had a strong work ethic and never let his age define him.  When he was in his eighties, he asked my brother and I to come to his house to help him dig a trench.  When we arrived, he was already actively digging the hole himself.  He was a loving and caring husband, father and friend. He passed away at the age of 99, less than six month from the century mark.

Back to the workout, we began a shoulder shuffle from Ulta back to Kohls.  I issued a challenge to push go as far as the pain would allow.  Once exhausted, get up, run to the next store front, and return to the back of the shuffle line.  Cha Ching and Slapshot killed it, they shuffled the full distance 320 yards without a break!

Once complete, we ran back to COT.


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Observations:  13 Pax posted for a hideous workout at Quagmire. Today’s workout looked better on paper but still successfully completed the Board Of Pain. FNG Zoolander fit right in with the mumble chatter. #EPIC

The Thang:

Mosey to Home Depot’s Parking Lot:

SSHs (20x), IWs (20x), Parker Peters (15x), Slow Sumo Squats (15x), WMs (15x), Box Cutters (20x), Windshield Wipers (15x)

Mosey to Kohl’s Parking Lot.

The Buffet Of Pain included the following  exercises. 

  • 100 Yard Dash
  • Jumping Lunges (Double) 
  • Big Boy Sit Ups
  • Wide Arm Merkins
  • Jumping Squats 
  • Burpees
  • American Hammers (Double) 
  • Carolina Dry Docks
  • Donkey Kicks 
  • Flutter Kicks (Double)
  • Dips
  • Diamond Merkins 


Moleskin: We are constantly feeling good and bad pressures during our journey of life. Life has valleys and peaks with both bad and good experiences. Life is also like a train on parallel tracks, we continually find ourselves between the good track and the bad track. When things go well in life, we are soon challenged with a tragedy or a loss. Remain steadfast. Be aware of when you become unbalanced toward the bad track where evil one awaits. Choose God and move forward.


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Monotony is a Choice

16 energetic pax posted to the 4th installment of Minnow Pond.  All veterans, all had been warned in advance of need to warm up. So Disclaimed was super short and then it was game on.

The Thang

Run to playground at WEP.  First to arrive start doing Burpees until Six shows up.

Extended plank sequence while YHC delivers instructions.

Pax run one .6 mile lap around WEP on path at crisp pace. When pax arrive back to playground:
Pull ups x10
Derkins x20
Gorilla squats x30

Rinse & repeat lap/exercise sequence AMRAP for remainer of workout.

Short stint of Mary at playground while Six finishes final lap.

Run back home



Great effort by the pax, pushing themselves and pushing each other.  Total laps ranged from 3 to 5, depending on pace.  Total of 3.5-ish miles plus 50 pull-ups, 100 Derkins & 150 Squats for those who maxed out at 5 laps.  No one left without needing to wring out his shirt.

Shady’s mission at MP is to push the pax, both in terms of pain and pace.  Objective with today’s Weinke was to make sure pax of any running pace could participate without the Six falling behind or leaders catching too much of a break.  Seems like it worked.

Running laps and doing the same three exercises can become stale…kinda like many parts of daily life.  Sometimes it might be the work routine, other times it might be family life or exercise or church or anything.  I don’t deal well in maintenance situations or situations that become routine.  When I’m stuck in those places without much ability to change, I can be tempted to make poor choices to escape the mundane or to “spice” things up.  Jester can draw a bead on me quite easily at these times.  BUT, there’s ALWAYS a #choice.  And the first choice is how you see the situation.  Seeing it as “monotony” is a choice.  Someone else might see the work routine with envy, because they want a job.  Someone may see the family routine as a dream, because they live alone or can’t have children.  Someone may see exercise doldrums as a joy, because they’re injured or disabled.  So, when routine starts to weigh on your spirits, remember that you have a choice to see the routine in ways other than drudgery. And maybe a different choice will help keep the Jester at bay.

Thanks to Shady for opportunity to lead.  Looking forward to many more mornings at MP!

TClap |

The Ballroom Gets Its Boogie On

25 PAX  turned out to the Ballroom and boogied down, not in the Boogie Down Bronx,  BUT in Da Gloom:


Warm Up at the B’ball court:

Lots of mumble chatter…….

SSH , Leg Extensions, Low Slow Squats, Arm Circles, Mnt. Climbers, Merkins & a little bit of BROGA!

Next we “boogied down’ to the walk bridge & sat on the People’s Chair for several sets of overhead claps, calf raises, arm dips & topped it off with burpees.

The Thang:

On the football field-25yd sprints in between bomb jacks & merkins 10x each. RINSE & REPEAT. Next CCD & Bobby Hurleys, 10x each in between 25yd sprints. RINSE & REPEAT. Gas pumps & grave yard diggers 5x each was added in because we were getting down to a such a nice boogie rhythm.

Back to COT was announced. PAX protest-We still have 10 more minutes to boogie!! AB LAB was announced back at COT. LOTS of mumble chatter……….

Indian run back to COT, column of 2s.

AB LAB-circle up. each PAX took the initiative & announced a series of box cutters, Freddy Mercury, Flutter kicks & some big boy sit ups to round it out by Little John.

Was so amped to Q I realized no cell phone on hand. Short Sale came thorough with his. Thanks!

Announcements. Prayers & Praises

Want to thank those that turned out to support & allowing me to leadl!  AYE!!


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