Bucket Tour Stop 2

After I partook in a little Broga led by Cobra Kai I made my way over to the area where the fellas were congregating. A few of the Pax thought I was gonna be a no show since The “Two Ferns Tahoe” was not in plain eyesight (they did not know I parked over by “Books a Million” for a reason later to be visited). At 5:15 I gave the disclaimer which included the announcement that I could not administer a Tourniquet since I could not find my belt this morning.

We moseyed over to the Home Depot Parking lot where I led the COP with:
SSH (30 in Cadence)
Mt. Climbers (15 in Cadence followed by a Right arm High then Left arm High and then a 6″ hold)
Squat Jacks or Smurf Jacks (15 in Cadence)
Plank Jacks (15 in Cadence followed by a Right arm High then Left arm High and then a 6″ hold)
Low Slow Squats (15 in Cadence)
Ranger Merkins (which are correct Merkins) (15 in Cadence followed by a Right arm High then Left arm High and then a 6″ hold)
Some Mumbling about going to COT now!

The Thang Part 1:
After making our way over to the Stairs by “Just Fresh” I instructed the Pax that we would line up in two lines and at the bottom of the stairs and hold an Al Gore. The two front Pax in the line would drop and do a Flying Squirrel and make their way up the stairs to the top landing (the next Pax would go at this time and so forth giving time to those in front to complete the said task). At the top of the stairs on the landing they would perform a Burpee and then make their way down the other side of the stairs and perform a Kraken Burpee. The instruction to hold plank was given until the 6 completed the Kraken Burpee. We then did this again with 2 reps of each then 3 reps of each.

The Thang Part 2: ”
After making our way over towards the old “Books a Million”, now “Tuesday Morning”, the Pax saw the Tahoe and trailer with a crap load of buckets full of Ziplock bags of soils (not dirt). I then took a minute to talk about it is usually this point in my workout that my head becomes clear and the thought of my day to come starts haunting me. I begin to think about my problems, my issues, my stress what ever it may be. Another words……what am I carrying around in my bucket today. The thought here is that we all are carrying around something and how can you help your fellow PAX with their bucket. Is that a phone call one afternoon to see how things are going with that prayer request he had last week? Or is that an extra fist bump when it looks like he is trying to say something but ends up keeping it to himself. We all know our buckets get heavy and fill up faster than they empty. So we picked up our buckets and made our way over to the small hill behind the Oil Change place. Last time the buckets showed up it was the “Green Monster” at The Crows Nest. Today we did 11’s with Monkey Humpers at the bottom and Bomb Jacks up top. I was smoked but were not done. I instructed them to assume the Body Destroyer Position and grab a breathe and I briefly talked about how we then get thru our day and lay down and then start all over again the next day so we jumped up and moved towards the trailer but FIRST we got some “gassers” in not Suicides anymore. I challenged the guys to grab another bucket if they would like and push themselves. Most did! We mixed in some Ab work during the intervals between the gassers.

After putting the buckets back on the trailer we made our way over to COT where the Ruckers joined us. A few Prayers request (particularly Gears’ Dad who has returned home from overseas where he suffered a Stroke. God bless him and thank God that his Son I believe (Gears’ brother) was there and was able to help since he is a nurse. I didn’t know this story and later found out and was completely blown away by the story. God is GOOD!

Hog and Coyote coming up Father’s Day Saturday….Read your new Letter…….

I AM Two Ferns

Thanks for the chance to Lead Cha-Ching!!!!

TClap |

Millendian Run @ the Abyss

It was a beautiful morning for a “millendian” run at the abyss.
Quick mosey to the courts/track and circled up.
Imperial walkers
Moroccan nightclubs
Then we began!
100 reps 10 exercises 2 teams
First pax from each team to complete the 100 “won” for their squad. The prize regular 1/4 mile Indian run, the consolation prize was a burpee Indian run.
Crunchy frogs
Sumo squats
American hammers
Shoulder taps
Monkey humpers
Ski Abs
That took us to 2.5 miles and 2 minutes left.
1 round of hello dollies and some Makhtar N’Diayes

It was an honor to lead and sweat with these men. Thanks for a great time.

TClap |
Olaf is evil

Snowman Celebrates America

22 Mericans joined YHC at #Abyss for some stars and stripes work.
Disclaimer was disclaimed very well and everyone was clear on my style of “fun” so to get the party started we counted off by twos but since nobody remembers their number we did stars and stripes. Then YHC’s paintrain was opened up and each PAX that was a star was asked to carry a tire carcass and the stripes had to pick logs.

Mosey over to back track and get artistic by making a flag with coupons from paintrain. Wish YHC would have taken a picture of the magnificently heavy flag.

Circle up for some COP/warmup
SSH x 13
Circle of hump x 13

Everyone grab a partner and grab something heavy and make a lap around the track AFAP.

Circle back up for more COP
Suicide squats x 17
Hip slap x 50 (crowd pleaser)

Everyone grab a partner and grab something heavy again and make a lap around the track AFAP.

Last little bit of COP
13 Bropees with high five at the top of the jump.

Now we storm the beaches and charge the back hill in memory of all the great men and women that have died protecting our great country.

One partner grabs a machine gun, aka log, while the other partner grabs a ring of belt ammo for the partner’s machine gun, aka tire carcass, and charge up the hill AFAP.

Starting at the top of the hill, lunge walk down to the middle light then backward lunge walk to the bottom. Then crab walk back up the hill to the middle light then bear crawl up to the top.

Grab all the coupons and rumble down the hill back to the track circle for some ring toss fun.

Broke PAX into 7 fire team columns of 3-4 men each. Starting at the end by the playground first pax up will ring toss tire carcass towards other end of parking lot, then run to where the ring stopped and perform 3 Kraken Burpees. Next man up grabs ring and tosses then chasses and performs krakens and so on until the team reaches the other side. Nobody was seriously injured so we ramp up the difficulty and with it comes more excitement and maybe more danger, remember the disclaimer….Same rules as first trip down but now ring has to be tossed overhead. Now as you can imagine the level of chaos and confusion got pretty intense. I can’t imagine the horror of being in a firefight with my fellow men getting dropped and scattered from a rain of machine gun fire from a superior position. Guys were ducking from other tires being heaved and jumping over their teammates and even jumping over other guys that were not even on their team but somehow there tire rolled into their path so they had to jump over them too, It was mayhem. Nobody died and there were some pretty good laughs so we continued.
All the coupons and logs were then distributed around the oval track for the final exercise. Deep squat expedition was about to start. Everyone started at a coupon around the track. Every time you encountered a coupon in your path you had to stop and perform three deep squats. If there were two coupons side by side, you guessed it, six deep squats for the double coupon. continue around the track until one minute to Endex then jailbreak to COT leaving coupons at the track.

Announcements before ball of man for COT with an open moment for PAX to lift up prayers and praises.

Great job by all the men gutting out a physical fast paced good old fashioned American beatdown in celebration of our wonderful nation.

Thanks for the opportunity Copyright to lead and Funhouse for the accountability to get it blasted.

If anyone has any suggestions or recommendations or comments on how I can offer a better beatdown please let me know. DM me or hit me in the gloom, I would love to discuss. I know that we are very fortunate to be AO rich and have multiple options on where we post each day so I want to make sure I am delivering a beatdown that is worth you unfartsacking yourself for. I don’t think I am alone in striving to serve up a beatdown that checks all of the 3S2T and if anyone has any feedback good or bad let me have it brother. Hit me with the hard truth, I demand it, because we can’t get better unless we get truthful. Here is your chance to work on your Candor, deliver a hard truth to me and let’s discuss like men how to make it better for everyone. I want to represent this region right when I have the opportunity to guest Q downrange so help me make us look good. Get out of your comfort zone and put yourself out there to become a better leader, be vulnerable and learn from the mistakes and analyze the feedback. I can’t wait until next time and I hope you feel the same way.

Stay frosty my friends,

TClap |

DORA Got Lost at Quagmire

While driving the clown car with 5 deep there is no better site then coming around the corner and seeing Jedi posting up the #Quagmire Shovel Flag. 13 PAX arrived to hit it hard with the worst merican ever dora.

Disclaimer was given and moseyed off to the Home Depot parking lot for a little warm up. Once warm up was complete off to the Target parking lot to get that blood flowing and a little more stretching. Then comes the pain.

With the help of Jedi (trying to utilize the whole area/not get lost) we made our way to the fountain. Partner up. Dora time. Start out with 100 worst mericans ever (wide push up, normal push up, diamond push up=1), 200 clapping crunches (thanks six pack abs in 30 days), 300 irkins, and 400 LBC’s. One partner would run around the fountain while the other pushed pavers or worked those abs. Then once around the fountain trade spots. We were all able to get the 1st 3 exercises done before having to mosey back to COT. Once back at COT with a little time to spare we crunched out 100 LBC’s together. We were able to get in 2.25 miles and about 600 different variations of pushups.

These guys took the pain and kept on going. Proud to be part of this Pax and this community. Thanks Jedi for making me a better man. Until next time.

TClap |

Tempo Run at Tempo

We ran the Carowoods loop, 5.25 miles. Nice course for a tempo run – it is  mostly flat so you can open it up so to speak and maintain a good pace throughout. Spud and Decibel joined us for COT. After so much rucking it felt good to stretch the legs out with my running mates. Thanks Gekko for the opportunity to lead.


TClap |

30 of Everything

18 at the Abyss for some 30th birthday themed fun.


30 Moroccan Night Clubs
30 Peter Parker’s
30 Imperial Walkers

The Thang

Counted off to form groups of 3, each got a CB

Each pax:
Pull ups x 30
Push Press x 30
Plank for 6

Circled up for 30 body builder burpees in cadence (crowd pleaser) followed by a couple 10 counts

Swings x 30
Step ups x 30
BBS for 6

Squats x 30
Wide armed Merkins x 30
Diamond Merkins x 30
Farmers Walk to end of track and back
Crab Cakes/flutters/lbcs for 6

No time for Jack Webs… oh well.

Read your newsletter.

Welcomed FNG Mudslide (works in corrosion prevention)

TClap |

EMOM to close out AKA at Golden Coral

We had 19 at Golden Coral to close out AKA. I was honored that Lutefisk gave me the opportunity to close out AKA and I did not want to disappoint. So here it is:

We started with a 1 mile journey around Golden Coral stopping every 1/4 mile for 15 merkins. (Crowd pleaser).

We finished up at the fire station for a quick warm-up before we got to the thang. I dont remember completely but it was quick. I think it included some windmills and weed pullers.

Then we got to the THANG:

I planned a little EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute). Each Pax had 1 minute to complete 20 burpees, then 1 minute to complete 20 crunchy frogs then 1 to get down the hill and back before we started over. We did this rotation until 15 minutes were up. The goal was to finish as many of the reps as you could or push yourself to whatever number was achievable in the 1 minute.

With enough time remaining, we started another EMOM, switching the burpees and crunchy frogs for jump squats and CDDs.

With only 2 minutes to spare we ran back to COT.

Thanks to Lutefisk for the opportunity to lead and to all the Pax for putting up with my craziness.

Until next time, back to the hunt…


TClap |

Off My 4th Point of Contact to Q

The disclaimer was remembered, although, I was reminded that it was incomplete. F3 cannot be sued.
Moseyed to the HD parking lot – High knees, butt-kickers etc. Karoke is not a good warmup if you are nursing plantar facitis.
Circled up for IW, HW, Morrocan NC, Plank/Down dog/Honeymooner and slow/old-man/windmills.
Moseyed to the back of Target where the bad ideas started – probably as a result of being a slug for sometime. We did several rounds of 7’s between the walls, by the dumpster; interrupted by the Peoples’ Chair. Rd 1 – Mode: Bearcrawl, Peter Parkers and Parker Peters. Rd 2 – Mode: Lungewalk, Monkey Humpers and Squat Jumps. Rd 3 – Mode: Crabwalks, Rosalitas and Freddie Mercury. Rd 4 – Mode: Hop, Calf-raises and Bomb Jacks.
Moseyed 10 feet to long, back wall of Target for Peoples’ Chair and Donkey Webbs. After the previous bad ideas Donkey Webbs were a badder idea.
Moseyed to Best Buy for a brief taste of core exercises. I needed the core to start working of my large sit-up muscle.
COT: Prayers for families and loss of loved ones and for difficult conversations to be had with friends. Praises for new jobs and wedding anniversaries.
The word for May is mentorship. We saw examples this morning – young men, mentored by fathers and friends holding friends accountable. Pastor Tony Evans has a quote – “We are born male, but we choose to be men”. Maxim #3 in “Mansfield’s Book of Manly Men”: is “Manly Men, build Manly men.”
Thank you Jedi for getting me out of bed with the opportunity to Q. It is always an honor. Tater.

TClap |

Running Palisades Neighborhoods

We ran down Langston, turned left on Oleander, right on Steadman Branch (which circles left all the way back to Oleander), turned left on Palisades Parkway, right on Lake Ridge Road, left on Coves Ridge Ln, left on Vale Ridge Dr, left back onto Palisades Parkway, right onto Goldnrod into Langston, all the way back to the school.


Something like that.


Lots of hills.  What’s new?


Thanks for the opportunity to lead Hauscka!

TClap |

License to Ill at Quagmire

I love the opportunity to Q at Quagmire. Starting off the week, you need to make sure you wake everyone up with a good shake of the weinke. I wanted this one to be different, and boy was it. It looked REALLY good on paper…..

Met up at COT. No FNGs. Disclaimer was made and off we went.

Short short mosey around the parking lot in front of Best Buy/Marshalls to get the heart rate up and muscles warmed up. Then it was right into the main event.

I am an 80s kid. I graduated high school in 1988. I feel to this day that the 80s had the BEST music ever. I was a music junkie – I loved metal, rap, country, R&P, hip-hop, and so on, and went to several concerts of those musical genres. Probably why I am tone deaf. In 1986 a cutting edge cassette came out that I loved, and still do. I thought I would incorporate it into the workout.

License to Ill (by the Beastie Boys)

Form a circle with the PAX about 20-25yds diameter. Then we got right into it. The idea was a tabata style workout. You pick an exercise and do it AMRAP for the prescribed time. In this case, we would be doing an exercise AMRAP for the duration of the song played. No rest between exercises other than the transition between two songs (a few seconds). PAX would get rewarded with breaks if they answered trivia correctly. So here it is

Number / Song Title / Duration / Exercise (Note if Applicable):

  1. Ryhmin & Stealin / 4:08 / Warmup = WM / SSH / Arm Circles
  2. The New Style / 4:36 / Merkins
  3. She’s Crafty / 3:35 / Lunges w Jump Lunges
  4. Posse In Effect / 2:27 / Hello Dolly w Reverse Crunch / BBS (1)
  5. Slow Ride / 2:56 / Bear Crawl circle w CDD every 5 strides
  6. Girls / 3:14 / LSS w Bomb Jack or Jump Squat
  7. Fight For Your Right / 3:28 / Peter Parker to Parker Peter
  8. No Sleep Till Brooklyn / 4:07 / Bent Knee Alt Leg Lower (2)
  9. Paul Revere / 3:41 / Bear Crawl circle w CDD every 5 strides >> PAX earned 1 min rest here
  10. Hold It Now, Hit It / 3:26 / IW-HW combo
  11. Brass Monkey / 2:37 / Monkey Humpers (expect anything else w this song??)
  12. Slow and Low / 3:38 / Elbow Plank w Knee Touches to Ground
  13. Time to Get Ill / 3:37 / Merkins

(1) Reverse crunch / BBS = Start big boy situp position but instead of lifting upper body and lower back up and off the ground, you bring feet off the ground, knees almost to chest (goal is knees 90deg bend at least), then return feet to ground for 1 rep
(2) Bent knee alt leg lower = Start on 6, both legs off the ground, knees at 90deg bend with lower leg/calf parallel to ground, then extend one leg outwards to where it is min 6″ off the ground while holding the other leg up at start position. Return extended leg back to start, then repeat with other leg. That is one rep. Harder version is starting w both legs 6″ off the ground.

I brought an OLD boom box and the original CD I bought back in the day and we cranked it out (not too loud). It was a real burner, and it was definitely different. Brought back some fond memories listening to that CD…..complete with a few skips here and there for old times sake.

There was no time for talking. Just doing the work while jamming to some old school hip.-hop/rap. All the PAX did great cranking out the reps, with very little rest, and although there was not much mublechatter it was still a good time. Next time I’ll incorporate some hair band metal/hard rock.

Back to the COT for Announcements, P&P….a little late.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.


TClap |