Hard chargers of The Fort

WARMUP: In the Field
25 SSH
10 HB Walkers
10 Merkins
10 Mt Climbers
Downward Dog
Honey Mooner
10 Peter Parker
10 Plank Jacks
Run a lap – CSAUP leaves

Big Bang – Circle up on cone in field. Q calls out an exercise and a #. Pax run to any edge and complete the exercise, then run back to the center and plank for the 6.
10 Merkins
20 lunges
30 American Hammers
20 bobby Hurley’s
10 burpees

Move to the hill – Bear crawl up for 11s
Big boys at the top and mike Tysons at the bottom

Partner up in Field (Grab Cones)
20yd partner wheelbarrow (switch back)
20yd partner carry (Anyway you like)
20 Wheel Barrow Pushup with Squat
20 plank hold- partner jumps on
20 reach and touch planks

Run the loop with 5 SSH at each bench

Mosey to COT for MARY
10 LBCs
10 Mike Tysons
10 Freddy Mercury’s
20 flutters
10 J-los

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D-day at the Coaches Box

Today’s workout was about perspective. History provides the best perspective and on 6/6 we were reflecting on D-Day.

Started with a mosey towards the entrance of the high-school.

Stopped and did

10 Windmills IC

Mosey to the bottom of the hill right at the entrance.

To celebrate, honor, and remember the 80th anniversary of D-Day we executed the following:

80 seconds work
2:40 minutes recovery

80 HR Merkins
80 Squats
80 4ct Flutters
80Diamond Merkins
80 Calf Raises
80 LBCs

So the idea was all Pax do as many reps as possible in the 80 seconds then the “recovery” run was back to the top of the hill where we each did 6 burpees and then get back to the bottom. Any excess time left of the 2:40 is your “rest”.

The Pax loved this and looking at time we got through 7 rounds of this before breaking back towards COT.

On the way we stopped by the band lot and did a 80 yard bear crawl followed by 44 SSH to close us out.

One last note on perspective…. It’s easy for us to get caught up in the day to day but take a step back, reflect on how we all got here and the opportunities each day brings because of the sacrifices of others.

Thanks to Warning Track for the opportunity!

:punch: :punch: :pray:

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Officer Aaron Smith Memorial WOD 2024

As promised we honored a fallen hero at the Honey Badger who was a friend of my brother in law.

Officer Aaron Smith’s life of public service began at the age of 16, when he joined the Mineral Wells Volunteer Fire Department (MWVFD) as a junior firefighter. He began serving the MWVFD “in full capacity” at the age of 18, and also went on to work as an emergency medical technician (EMT) for Roane County Emergency Medical Services, the St. Joseph Ambulance Service, Jackson County Emergency Medical Services, Camden Clark Memorial Hospital, and Med Trust of Myrtle Beach.
Officer Smith later became a South Carolina State trooper before joining the Horry County Police Department as a police officer.
His cousin Caroline Arthur wrote “Anyone who knew Aaron knew his passion for front line service. His many hours of service, lives touched, and lives saved will not go unnoticed.”
Officer Smith died on September 5, 2021 and was laid to rest September 12, 2021.
Officer Smith left behind his wife, Chelsy, as well as his parents, two sisters, and his brother.
– SSH x25
– Merkins x20
– Windmill x10
1. 1.Start on the far side of the parking lot and complete the first exercise.
2. 2.Run to the next island and complete that exercise. Run back to the start and complete the first exercise.
3. 3.Run back to the second island complete that exercise. Continue to the next marked exercise and complete. Run back stopping at each island to complete the exercise.
4. 4.Continue until you complete all stations on the 5 rep lane.
5. 5.Run one lap around the parking lot (0.40 miles). This is done after each lane is completed.
6. 6.Graduate to the next lane (10 reps) and do the same thing done on the 5 rep lane.
7. 7.After completing the 10 rep lane and running a lap, grab a block to use for all stops on the 15 and 20 rep lanes.
Lane 1 (5 Reps per exercise) & Lane 2 (10 Reps per exercise)
– Island 1 = HR Merkins
– Island 2 = LBC
– Island 3 = Bear Crawl
– Island 4 = 4ct Plank Jack
– Island 5 = Burpees
Lane 3 (15 Reps per exercise)
– Bent over Rows
– Curls
– OH Press
– Squat Thrusters
Lane 4 (20 Reps per exercise)
– Bent over Rows
– Tricep Extension
– OH Press

The counts:
– Total distance = 3.15 miles
– HR Merkins = 45
– LBC = 60
– 4ct Plank Jack = 30
– 8 Burpees = 15
– BO Rows = 105
– Curls = 60
– Tricep Ext. = 80
– OH Press = 70
– Squat Thrusters = 15

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Flag Handoff at The Sink…..If you know what I mean?

Flag handoff from Maximus to Farmer’s Only.

Warmed up with a lap around small loop and back to circle perform a few exercises to get familiar with the bags.

– Merkin (5-5-5 – Regular, Wide, Diamond)
– SB Toss (10)
– SB Shoulder to Shoulder (10)
– Deadlift (10)
– Manmaker (5)

Partner up. DORA. One partner carries, One partner exercises. 50 reps for each exercise.

1 – Suitcase Carry/Overhead Press
2 – Shoulder Carry/Lunges
3 – Back Carry/Flutters w/ Press
4 – Overhead Carry/Rows
5 – Zercher Carry/Cleans
6 – Bear Carry/Curls

Everyone went through once at 50 reps each exercise. Some began making way back through before all PAX drop the exercise portion and began making way down the list completing just the carry. Stopped with about 10 mins left for next activity.

Next up, we piled all the sandbags up on one end and went back to the other side. PAX divided into two teams and one PAX at a time for each time raced down to the pile to retrieve a bag and bring it back to other side. All PAX take a turn and team that recovered the most weight at the end is the winner. Losers perform burpees.

Lots of CSAUP opportunities this Summer. July 4th convergence.

Flag Handoff. Congrats Farmer’s Only.

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WARMUP: SSH, mosey to print shop
1st Station – Print shop
25 pull ups
25 squats
2nd Station – Academy & MAIN
25 merkins
25 squats
3rd station – Academt & Monroe White
25 merkins
25 squats
Repeat – most got 3 full loops

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The Tour de Fort Mill: Where Burpees Meet Churches and Açaí Dreams

I rolled up this morning and was surprised to see so many pax already there with five minutes to spare. Hopped out of the vehicle to find we had an FNG in attendance. At 6:30am, I gave the disclaimer and we started the workout:

– 10 Chain breakers
– 10 Italian night clubs
– 5 Side Straddle Hops

The Thang:
1. Run to Harris Street Park
– 5 Kraken Burpees

2. Run to Fort Mill Church of the Nazarene
– Halfway plank for the six
– 5 Kraken Burpees
– 10 Imperial Walker Squats

3. Run to the old Springs building across from The Print Shop
– Stop for the six at the Valero
– 5 Kraken Burpees
– 10 Imperial Walker Squats
– 15 WW2 Sit-ups (Omaha this round to 15 Seal team sit-ups)

4. Run to the Fort Mill Church of God
– 5 Kraken Burpees
– 10 Imperial Walker Squats
– 15 WW2 Sit-ups
– 10 Mike Tysons

5. First Baptist Church Fort Mill back parking lot
– 5 Kraken Burpees
– 10 Imperial Walker Squats
– 15 WW2 Sit-ups
– 10 Mike Tysons
– 20 Apollo Ohno’s

6. Run to Unity Presbyterian Church side parking lot
– 5 Kraken Burpees
– 10 Imperial Walker Squats
– 15 WW2 Sit-ups
– 10 Mike Tysons
– 20 Apollo Ohno’s
– 20 Worst Worst LBC’s (this seemed to be a crowd pleaser)

7. Run to Maui Açai Food Truck
– Wait for the six, then 15 monkey humpers in cadence

8. Run to the bottom of Massey St
– Nured up the hill to the entrance to the parking lot

Once at the entrance, we lunge-walked across the parking lot, headed for the transmission line, but I called an audible due to the time and we ran to COT.

Overall, we achieved 3 miles.

– HIM’s Camp
– Hog & Coyote on 6/15

Prayers and Praises:
– Loss of Dark Helmet’s father, Frank
– Kids graduating
– A friend going through a nasty divorce
– Mental health, especially when we are in a funk or injured
– Health of our kids

Great job to everyone who participated today! Let’s keep pushing and supporting each other. Aye!

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The Murph 2024

1 mile run
100 pull-ups
200 Merkins
300 squats
1 mile run

It’s more than a workout

We get to because they did.

God bless you all. Keep pushing and never forget.

:facepunch: :facepunch: :facepunch:

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Shoulder exhaustion-complete

WARMUP: Mosey-warm-up 51 SSH
THE THANG: Max shoulder reps 2:00 x2 each Merkins, Dips, CDD, Heels to heaven-

ending with 50 yard sprints-NUR 50 and repeat x4
MARY: out of time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 3 events this summer
COT: mental health. alcoholism and I shared people usually do the opposite of what they need to, when depressed, they usually withdraw and isolate. They need connection with fellows.

multiple messages-

1.Listen with the intent to understand not to respond!

2.also be careful what you think about? what consumes your mind rules your life!

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Aloha Covid

Wasn’t sure how this was gonna go since YHC has been sick last few days coming back from Hawaii. Asking Fogerty to have my back if I dropped over. With som solid HIMS showing up I knew I had no choice but to bring it.

And so it began with a nice mosey to our first stop for the warmup SSH, IWs and Mtn climbers. Then to the next stop where we had a wall. Wall sits while each PAX took turns doing 5 merkins went up and down the line for extra credit. Mosey tot the next wall for three rounds (thx Maximus for the suggestion) of dips, derkins and step ups 10 each. Mosey to the next spot for a round of 7s with burpees and squats with a run length of parking lot between. At this point we just gettin warmed up to do a partner DORA 100 merkins, 200 squats and 300 LBCs. Mosey back to COT where Fogerty closed us out with a ladder starting with 5 bombjax, 6 donkey kicks, 7 diamond merkins, 8 big boys, 9 Bobby Hurley and 10 LBCs. Finished right on time

We took a moment to watch the sun rise and do the pledge of allegiance earlier. Remembering those who gave it all for our freedoms that we have every day.

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Deck O’Pain

WARMUP: Windmills, Morrocan nightclubs, Imperial walkers and Hillbilly walkers…short mosey up to NaFo bench area.
THE THANG: Deck O’Pain

MARY: some Mary was had ending with body destroyers
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel, newsletter and Murph
COT: Prayers and Praises

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