12 Days of Christmas

WARMUP: stretches; windmill praises (Pope Francis (85)), Boxer Squats (Chuck Liddell (52)), Jump Ropes Manny Pacquiao(43)), Evil Squats (Milla Jovovich (46))
Bear Crawled across the basketball courts, 20 big boy twists, bear crawl back and 20 more big boy twists
1 lap around the courtyard track
2 burpees
3 big boys
4 monkey humpers
5 squats
6 flutter kicks
7 bobby hurleys
8 Mt Climbers (4ct)
9 Plank Jacks
10 SSH (4 ct)
11 Lunges
12 Merkins

COT: Prayers for family members, and travel during the holidays

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52 Pickup

WARMUP: SSH, planks, arm circles, etc
THE THANG: Deck of cards workout
Spades = Thrusters
Clubs = High pull and shrug combo
Diamonds = Curls
Hearts = Tricep extensions
Ace = Mosey
Jokers = Wild (pax that draws it picks the exercise)

Took turns drawing cards, reps equaled face value of the drawn card. Ultimately we did a total of 90 reps of each of the exercises above.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Christmas convergence
COT: we all shared something we are grateful for, Prayers for patience, family going through medical procedures, etc.

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Unshuffled deck of total nonsense

WARMUP: tested the site Q to see if he would cancel and go home cause it was raining. A core principle was applied. Moseyed to cover under the awning at C.O.G.
THE THANG: Deck of cards. Took turns pulling cards and thinking of exercises and how many. Yes, that’s really what we did.
MARY: Nope.
COT: Mental Battles and Prayers for those that need a venue such as F3.

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12 days of painmas

WARMUP: mosey to parking lot across the street for a circle and warm up exercises.

THE THANG: mosey more over to medical building and get going on the 12 days.  

Not moderate.  Good work put in. Fellowship was pretty quiet by about day 5.

Do day one, run around building.

Plank for 6.  

Do day two, day one then around the building, etc

1 Donkey Kick


3 Jumping Lunges

4 Merkins

5 Squats

6 Burpees

7 Bombjacks

8 Sumo Squats


10 Flutters IC

11 Monkey Humpers

12 Diamond Merkins

During Plank we got to hear about Pax fav Christmas gift memory as a kid.  Sounded like a lot of our folks were hitting the Sears catalog or the local KB Toy in the mall for the best stuff.  

Outside of Old Bay who got a dot matrix printer.  Prob from Radio Shack.  We are renaming him Tandy.

MARY:  no time for her.  It took all 45 to wrap the 12 days.  Site q was nervous we’d be late during run back.


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Mississippi Mud

It was a chilly morning in The Fort, but the firey mumble chatter kept us all warm. So did the pain!

After a plethora of warmup exersices we were off for some wall work.

The Ascending Testicles (not so distant cousin to Balls to the Wall)

15 Degrees – 10 Derkins
45 Degrees – 10 Derkins
Balls to the Wall – 10 Derkins

Then a round of The Australian (aka decline mountain climbers

We then moseyed over to the track to celebrate the birthday of our beloved state Mississippi.
Fun Facts: Mississippi joined the Union as the 20th state on December 10th 1817 and gets its name from the Mississippi River, which forms its western border. Mississippi is known for being the birthplace of American blues music and is also famous for its fertile soil, which makes it an agricultural powerhouse, as well as for its catfish farming industry.

The Thang:
18 of one exercise, run half a lap around the track. Then 17 of the same exercise, and run the other half of lap (year 1817). We worked our way all the way down the list.

M – erkins
I – material Walkers
S – ide Straddle Hops
S – it Ups
I – nch Worms
S – holder Taps
S – umo Squats
I – ron Mike Tysons
P – eter Pointers
P – eter Parkers
P – eter Pointers
I – mperial Storm Kickers

Back to COT


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Oldie but goodie @ pantheon

WARMUP: mosey to dumpster. SSH Merkins Moroccan night clubs plank stretching mosey back to front of school
THE THANG: 3 min of 3 exercises(10,15,20 reps) with burpee stack. Look it up. Merkins mtn climbers and shoulder taps then run to the little green boy. Round 2 squats monkey humpers and calf raises run again. Round 3 big boys American hammers flutters and reverse LBCs (ask Maximus)
Lastly a Dora with 100 merkins 200 squats and 300 reverse LBCs since everyone liked them.
MARY: not necessary when doing reverse LBCs
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read newsletter.
COT: prayers for marriages and those dealing with lost loved ones. 🙏

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Hidden Card Tricks

WARMUP: Moseyed to a church parking lot, short warmup and stretch.
THE THANG: Moseyed to a sneaky hidden deck of cards on the ground for round 1. Cards were pulled. The first or second pull was for 25 burpees. The Q’s name was suddenly in sentences you don’t say in church. The burpees were done. Moseyed till another hidden deck. More cards, more exercises, more complaining “this is a moderate ya know”’. Next mosey to a set of hidden cards that were never found. Really hidden well. Moseyed to next set, then mosey back to COT.
MARY: nope
COT: Honorable group of men over 50 today. Amen.

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The happiest of all hours is 5am.

WARMUP: 3 pax looked awkwardly around for the scheduled Q. He was at an undisclosed location nearby. More to come on that.
THE THANG: Created a weinke on the fly by doing a 5 exercises on a countdown from 10 with a loop around the COG after each round. When we got to 1, we accelerated it to 10 to finish stronger.
MARY: not quite.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: The things you read in the newsletter.
COT: Powerful stuff.

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Pole Work makes the Goal Work

WARMUP: Some normal stuff
THE THANG: Split into 4 groups of Pax to run the poles. Pole 0: 10 KB Swings while rest of group does Seal Jacks, Pole 1: 10 Merkins, Pole 2: 20 Squats, Pole 3: 30 Plank Jacks, Pole 4: 40 Flutters. At least 4 or 5 rounds were completed by all.
MARY: LBCs, Protractor, Hello Dolly and then the classic Hive finishing move: Airborne’s hip destroyer
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Coffeeteria at Panera during the winter, Shovel flag handoffs this week on Wednesday, Serving at the shelter this week, and final highway clean up next week
COT: Take time today to love those around you because you don’t know when is the last time

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Clyde in the dales

WARMUP: nope, just counted off. Then I promptly forgot how many we had. Luckily Anchorman remembered we had Repeat and that he peeled off early. Q-fail. Will learn from that.
THE THANG: ran – https://strava.app.link/KeQquGKGmvb
MARY: nope, just a pigeon lunge
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read the newsletter
COT: had to be there, it was more meaningful

First time to Q at Clydesdales or any running AO. Not my forte, but we made it work. Not too many actually made the route I drew up work, but everyone was generous about not letting me know.

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