Always good to Q especially a location that I was former site Q at. Start with a nice disclaimer and let everyone know they showed up to the best and hardest workout of the day in The Fort.
Mosey around school grounds at a brisk pace. Warmup 20 SSH, 20 merkins, 20 flutters repeat.
Mosey to pullup bars
5 pullups-20 big boys
4 pullups- 16 big boy
3 pullups- 12 big boy
2 pullups- 8 big boy
1 pullup- 4 big oy
work back up the ladder.
Mosey to bus parking partner up Wheel barrow around parking lot when you switch 5 bomb jacks each.
Mosey to wall Balls to wall/ chair sit with shoulder presses x’s 3 sets each
Mosey to benches 15 derkins, 15 box jumps, 15 dips
set 2 10 of each
set 3 5 of each
Mosey to COT
Announcements, Prayers, Praises
Keep everyone safe and injury free.
Keep praying for Cash.
Backdraft out…
Tag: Hardwood
Four Corner Beatdown
- QIC: Shield
- When: 01/28/2020
- Pax: Cyclops, Hardwood, Harry Carry, JWOW, Kielbasa, Polaroid, Senator Tressel, Shield, Tesh
- Posted In: The Colosseum
Today at The Colosseum we had nine PAX for a four corner beatdown. We did my customary short mosey and warmed up with some Tappy Taps, Imperial Walkers, Windmills and Morrocan NC.
The Beatdown consisted of Three rounds of three exercises 25x , 20x, 15x at each designated corner with 5 burpees in the center on your return from a corner.
Corner 1: Merkins, Flutters, Squats
Corner 2:Wide Arm Merkins, LBC, Mountain Climbers
Corner 3: Diamond Merkins, BBS, Calf Raises
Corner 4: CDD, American Hammers, Box Cutters
Another quick mosey to COT and the beatdown was over
Black Diamond at the One Word Convergence
- QIC: Cha Ching
- When: 01/17/2020
- Pax: Backdraft, Cha Ching, Cheddah, Dark Helmet, Esso, Hardwood, Jedi, Mile High, Pot Hole, Shady, Slash, Spider Man
- Posted In: Convergence
If you’re going to call it a Black Diamond, well then I owe it to the guys who show up for it to give them a true Black Diamond. Even if that makes 12 guys hate your guts for 40 min. They’re mad because it sucks, which they willingly signed up for. I think the below was sucky and vomitty at times, but we’re all better men because of it. Here we go:
“Warm-up” – 5 exercises, 5 rep counts, we do 1 exercise every minute on the minute (EMOM). Translation, the faster you finish the one exercise, the more rest you have until the next minute starts up again.
Minute 1 – 20 burpees (do it, its possible)
Minute 2 – 30 jump lunges
Minute 3 – 40 toe touches
Minute 4 – 50 carolina dry docks
Minute 5 – 60 side straddle hops
From there, we broke into two groups. I informed the pax that we’d be doing a good old fashioned indian run, but notched up a level since it’s a Black Diamond. Call it a “competitive” indian run. 3 laps around the full Harris Teeter complex (behind the store and then out to the road near Wendy’s). Measured the lap online and 1 lap was 0.33 miles. 3 laps = 1 mile Indian run. Guy in back drops and does 3 burpees and then has to haul a$$ back to the front of the group and the last guy drops again. Do this for all 3 laps.
One team starts on the far side of the parking lot (near Pizza Hut), the other team starts on the opposite end of the parking lot (Moe’s). Goal is beat the other team to the finish w/ loser having to burpee broad jump 100 yards. Since the two groups ran in opposite directions, at one point every lap you had a good feel for how your team was performing vs. the other team and the hope was that it would speed up the laps…you can say it worked.
For the first lap I knew we’d have a better understanding of how competitive this was going to be – we passed the other team coming towards us at the same exact spot in the lap (going opposite direction) and both teams were going hard and I’d say were dead even. This was the point when things got a bit vomity. Fast forward 3 laps, and without really seeing the other side of the parking lot, I think team Pizza Hut won it out. In an effort to compromise and make everyone feel equally terrible, we shared the punishment. We did about 80 yards of burpee broad jumps, turned around and bear crawled back the 80 yards.
Next up – a Jack Webb spiced up for a Black Diamond. 2 exercises w/ a 1:4 rep ratio, up to 10 reps of the first and 40 reps of the second. Mack Tar Jai / Jump Squats. 1 mack, 4 jump squats, 2 macks, 8 jump squats. Somewhere around the 6 mack tar jais and 24 jump squats is when I got the feeling some guys might lay down. I challenged the pax to give it all they got and finish strong, by doing some sort of rep, even if the jump squat was modified to a squat. Some needed it, others didn’t. We all finished. Final rep count – 55 mack tar jais, 220 jump squats in about 10 minutes.
We had 5 minutes, so as promised, we ended where we started with a repeat of the every minute on the minute (EMOM). Going down for that first burpee of the 20 in minute 1, after 220 jump squats almost ended me. Arms went down, legs froze and wouldn’t move.
The Black Diamond takers finished and limped over to CoT to close it out. Great effort fellas. My only requirement was to make it harder than most workouts we get on a regular basis, so hopeful it met your expectations. Until next time!
Cha Ching
A Little Of Dis And A Little Of Dat
- When: 12/12/2019
- Pax: 38 Special, Cash Flow, Change Order, Floppy Disk, Hardwood, Harry Carry, Keiser, Kilbasa, Mainframe, Ruby Slippers, Sasquatch, Skate or Die
- Posted In: The Ranch
- 20 Side Straddle Hops
- 20 Windmills
- 20 Low Slow Squats
- 20 Plank Jacks
- 20 Flutters
- 20 Bib Boy Sit Ups
- 20 Wall Mountain Cimbers
- 20 Peoples Chair Overhead Claps
- 20 Wall Mountain Cimbers
- 20 Peoples Chair Overhead Claps
- 20 Donkey Kicks
- 20 Dying Cockroaches
- 20 American Hammers
Colosseum- KISS (you know what it stands for)
- QIC: Backdraft
- When: 11/26/2019
- Pax: Floppy Disk, Hardwood, JWOW, Ltrain, Quack Attack, Ruby Slippers, Shield
- Posted In: Convergence, Pre-Blast, The Colosseum, The Fort, The Ranch
Always one of my favorite AOS in the Fort. A great place that makes you want to work. I like to KISS (keep it simple st&#%d)
We had a little disclaimer and intro and were off.
couple laps around the parking lot and circle up for a quick warmup.
22 SSHs
10 windmills
22 Mtn Climbers
6 inches with slow 10 count x 2
head down road for dynamic stretching and let the games begin.
light poles
1. 5 burpees.
2. 5 burpees, 10 plank jacks.
3. 5 burpees, 10 plank jacks, 15 merkins
4. 5 burpees, 10 plank jacks, 15merkins, 20 squats
5. 5 burpees, 10 plank jacks, 15merkins, 20 squats, 25 LBCs
Mosey down road. Pick up piece of rip rap
10 chest presses, 10 curls, 10 shoulder presses x 3 sets
Hill repeats mosey to top 10 merkins, 15 squats mosey to bottom 5 burpees. flutter kicks until 6 finishes 3 sets.
Indian run back to light poles.
1. 5 burpees.
2. 5 burpees, 10 plank jacks.
3. 5 burpees, 10 plank jacks, 15 merkins
4. 5 burpees, 10 plank jacks, 15merkins, 20 squats
5. 5 burpees, 10 plank jacks, 15merkins, 20 squats, 25 LBCs
COT- like I said KISS.
announcements- thanksgiving convergence
Christmas Party sign up by Sat. Dec. 30th
Prayers and Praises
Snake Pit – Quarter Pounders w/ Cheese
After rescheduling this too many times due to conflicts, able to finally Q at this fine establishment. Special guest Partnerwork who’s kind of a big deal showed up. Gave the obligatory disclosure and we were off.
To get the blood flowing, began with a kettle bell mosey down to the lower entrance of the football field.
Warm up IN cadence:
- IWs – little extra practice nice before to avoid repeating the epic failure from my Block Party Q
- Cherry Pickers
- Mtn. Climbers
- Low Country Crab – found this one in the Exicon
- Freddie Mercury
Quick recovery and Partnerwork opened the gates with the keys to the castle. Questions about a random tire placed by gate arose but was ignored.
The Thang
Line up at the goal line to explain the objective. Carry your kettlebell every 10 yards and execute number of corresponding reps to the end zone. Cyclops pointed out this is a reverse pyramid.
- 10 – Man Makers
- 20 – KB Swings
- 30 – Gobblet Squats
- 40 – Curls
- 50 – Tricep Extensions
- Repeat past the 50 to end zone
Checking time, needed to call a few audibles.
- Grabbed some wall and proceeded with dirty hookups in cadence x 30.
- Jack Webbs (1×4 to 5×20)
- Shoulder Taps x 30
Lined up on goal line for next field round.
Quarter Pounder
- 10 KB swings to start, run to following yard markers, execute corresponding reps and run back backwards to start w/ 10 KB swings before running to next marker.
- 25 yards – Merkins
- 50 yards – American Hammers
- 75 yards – Mountain Climbers
- 100 yards – Calf Raises
With time running out, decided to head back to COT but with a bonus. Inspired by Geronimo’s Q at Laces In, decided we should Indian run with our kettle bells with leader also carrying tire. It was met with enthusiasm.
Reached COT with a few minutes to spare, MARY Ab workouts in cadence until time.
Announcements: Thanksgiving convergence, Christmas party
Prayers/Praises: health, unspokens, upcoming travel
Thanks to Partnerwork for the field access , 3D for the opportunity, and the wisdom of other PAX for this junior Q.
1990s HIITs
- QIC: Harry Carry
- When: 11/15/2019
- Pax: Floppy Disk, Haggis, Hardwood, Harry Carry, Kielbasa, L Train, Ruby Slippers, Shield, Slash
- Posted In: Varsity
Nine in total arrived. The rain held off, but conditions were still slick.
Warm Up
Mosey run
SSH (IC 10x)
Windmill (IC 10x)
Imperial Walker (IC 10x)
Low Slow Squats (IC10x)
Headed towards the benches area under the awning in front of the school.
Thang 1: HIIT Routine
The winner of Twitter poll, for which decade of rock to play during the workout, was the 1990’s! Playlist is at end of BB.
Set A: Do the below 32 seconds on, 10 sec standing rest in between
Cherry Pickers
Bobby hurleys
Set B: Do the below 40 seconds on, 20 sec rest in between (rest is a Low Plank)
Mountain Climbers
Amer Hammers
plank jacks
Set C: Do the below 45 seconds on, 15 sec standing rest in between
Flying Squirrels
Imp Walkers
Squat Jumps
step ups
Rinse/Repeat sets
Thang 2: Thunderstruck burpee routine
Played AC/DC’s Thunderstruck (Just squeaked in being released in 1990); do a burpee every time you hear thunder/thunderstruck.
Fini, COT
Prayers for those under doctor’s care. It’s been a heavy week, make sure to hug your kids/family.
Most of those in attendance were in our forties, so the 1990’s music was during our ‘coming of age’ years. Set B was a real core burner due to the low plank rest.
Playlist, year of release noted.
1. Everlong, Foo Fighters, 1997
2. Only happy when it rains, Garbage, 1995 (Shirley Manson representing Scotland)
3. The Beautiful People, Marilyn Manson, 1996 (Slash noted this song was written in Charlotte)
4. Lump, Presidents of the United States, 1995
5. Sabotage, Beastie Boys, 1994
6. Pepper, Butthole Surfers, 1996 (…pourin’ like an avalanche comin’ down the mountain…)
7. Enter sandman, Metallica, 1991
8. Flag pole sitta, Harvey Danger, 1997
9. Song 2, Blur, 1997 (Woo hoo!)
10. Thunderstruck, ACDC, 1990 (burpee challenge, always a crowd pleaser)
Not really a merkinfest…more a don’t stop movingfest
20 PAX gathered for a Jedi inspired chilly morning at the Swamp. This Friday AO is a great place to run around, see lots of parking lots, check out stairs and look at the water feature fountain…hard to pass up and a good place to be if you’ve never been. Quick disclaimer and YHC was shot out of a cannon. With the first mosey stop at Petsmart, the PAX followed the leader for some parking lot shuffles, karaokes, high knees, and butt kickers before progressing to the previously mentioned fountain.
Prior to getting to the fountain, we stopped in the back parking lot for some warm-ups which included: low slow squats, slow windmills, merkins (all counts of 10). Given this is a Cha Ching AO, what better way to get the PAX warmed up than a Cha Ching inspired 60 seconds of blood pumping 33 SSH and 7 burpee – rinse and repeat for a 2nd min. This was followed by some up/down dog stretching and then on to The Thang!
Mosey over to the fountain where it was time to get our merkin on…(not that kind of merkin so calm down).
- 20 regular merkins
- 20 wide arm
- 20 diamond
- 20 decline
- 20 ranger
- 20 incline
- 20 hand release
After every round of merkins, PAX were instructed to run to the stairs – up, down, back up, then back down and back to the fountain…for the next set of merkins.
Since this was not enough fun, we partnered up and did some Dora with our new partner.
- 100 bombjacks
- 200 CDD
- 300 American Hammers (double count…well, because)
As partner 1 did exercise in the “warm-up” parking lot by the stairs, partner 2 took off to the fountain and did 20 dips before returning and relieving their partner. This took a good amount of time but the PAX finished American Hammer’s with the 6.
PAX took off towards COT but with 5 or so minutes remaining, MARY was calling our name so we answered the call. PAX went around clockwise with ab exercises until the bell was rung.
Normal mix at COT, but the highlight of the morning was welcoming FNG, now Chicken Noodle, to the party to join the lineage of other “chicken” inspired PAX. Thoughts and prayers to all prayers and praises raised. Thanks as always to Cha Ching for the call…enjoyed every minute of it!
Bataan Death March at Minnow Pond
- QIC: Punch List
- When: 11/07/2019
- Pax: Backdraft, Cha Ching, Double D, Esso, Gears, Hardwood, L Train, Longshanks, Punch List, Rex, Shady, Slash
- Posted In: Minnow Pond
12 Pax. 45 degrees. 1 EC’er (Longshanks).
Shanks is the only one who shows up 15 minutes early to a workout and runs hill repeats on Massey St. I’ll have to try that amount of crazy soon. Goodness!
The PAX arrived and 5:13 hit, we walked over to the Flag at Veteran’s Park to say the Pledge. I led the Pledge of Allegiance, and off we were.
Warm Up on Loop 1
Run up Main Street, right on 160, right on Monroe-White, right on Watson, right on Railroad Ave, back to Parking Lot
1 Mile Complete
Static Stretching –
Tappy Taps x 10
Groin Stretch
Runners Lunge L/R w/Arm Raise
Movements –
SSH x 10
Merkins x 5
Loop 2.
Bataan Death March – 5x Burpee CMIYC Indian Run
Up Massey St, Right on Harris St, Right on Ardrey, Right on White St, back to Parking lot. We had 12 Pax, so for the one mile loop, we all did one round of burpees. Needless to say I was thinking it felt easier than it looked on paper.
2 Miles Complete
Repeat Bataan Death March
Break into two groups to increase Burpee count – 6 & 6… and it’s a race!
This time on Loop 1. It pleased me to see some suck while PAX were doing burpees. It meant the workout was actually serving a purpose… making us better!
3 Miles Complete
Final Iteration
Partner Up
Run to base of Main Street.
Partner Carry up Main Street, switch at half way.
Jog Down to bottom.
Run to the bottom of Massey Street. Partner up with another PAX. Do the same thing.
Jog down.
Get back to the parking lot with a few minutes to spare.
Al Gore hold x 1.5 minutes
30 squat pulses after the 1.5 minutes.
Hold low lunge x 1 minute
10 pulses after the 1 minute.
Flapjack, other leg in front, same thing.
1 minute left! So we did a variation of the protractor.
Time up! 12 PAX for COT and some announcements. Shout out to Hardwood and Rex for fighting hard and earning those miles!
Read your newsletter.
Prayers for family traveling, friends/family who have recently been diagnosed with or are fighting cancer.
Prayers for a family member who was found passed away after falling in their home.
Prayers for families battling Hand, Foot, and Mouth. And flu, and all sorts of other virus floating around.
Praise for being able to use our bodies in the gloom every day.
Praise for the community that is F3.
Thanks for the opportunity, Longshanks. Sorry for the late BB!
Punch List out.
2019 Q4 PFT at The Coop
- QIC: FunHouse
- When: 11/06/2019
- Pax: Band Camp, Dark Helmet, Esso, Fire Marshall Bill, Funhouse, GQ, Haggis, Hardwood, Kaiser, KnockOff, Long Duck, Longshanks, Ruby Slippers, Shady, Shield, Slash, Spiderman, Squid, Wegmans, Youts
- Posted In: Ring of Fire
Here are the results of the 2019 Q4 PFT
1 Minute of pull ups, sit ups, push ups and a 1 mile run
Results from Today. No order. Bold are the top numbers for a sections.
Results from this year. Order is how many PFT’s posted. Bold are leaders.