I’ve Never Done This Before

WARMUP: World’s shortest mosey (10yds), 5 Burpees, Mosey more, Shoulder Taps, Mosey more, SSH, Mosey more, Toy Soldiers, finish the Mosey to the back lot.
THE THANG: We had a circle of cones ~10yds out from the center cone. On the outside of the circle, we’d complete the round of exercises, 10 reps each, then bear crawl to the center cone for 2 wide-arm merkins, then crawl bear back to the outside circle and wait for the six.
Rd 1: 10 Carolina Dry Docks & 10 Peter Parkers
Rd 2: 10 Parker Peters & 10 Dips
Rd 3: 10 right side lunges & 10 left side lunges
Rd 4: 10 Slooooow Squats & 10 Jump Squats

Light Poles: This is something I’ve never done and had no idea how long it would take. Remember, not a pro and this is peer led.
Starting at the first light pole, run up two light poles, NUR back one, then 2 V-Ups.
From that point, run up two more light poles, NUR back one, 3 V-Ups.
Continue all the way up the hill to the 13th light pole, adding 1 more V-Up at each light pole.
Mosey back to the 1/2 wall I love so much and grab a partner.
Partner 1: 5 Over & Backs (more complicated than it should’ve been)
Partner 2: Burpees
As a group, 10 Muscle Ups.

MARY: Back at COT
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Independence Day Convergence, Stuff The Bus, HIM Camp
COT: Yes

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I like hotdogs

Each dude in shieldlock took a turn leading the pax. We covered all parts of body and it was glorious. We each spoke on what it means for us to be in our shieldlock. Thanks for those who joined us.

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Choose Your Cluster

Pledge of Allegiance then Mosey to FMRX.

4 cluster of cones set up in the parking lot. 3 cones in each cluster. One exercise (and count) on each cone. Pax, OYO, run the loop through downtown Fort Mill, choose a cluster of cones, do the exercise in the cluster, then rinse and repeat. The cones may or may not have been repurposed from yesterday’s workout at Ring of Fire.

Some had just a few minutes for Freddies and Flutters.

Awesome work by all pax. Thanks, FunHouse, for the opportunity to lead!

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Whetstone – The Vertical Relationship between Men

15 Pax chose to make a downpainment on the day and learn more about Whetstone this morning at Colosseum. Rebound is leading the charge to educate the Pax on Whetstone and Shieldlock and incorporating Qs to discuss these topics. YHC was excited for the opportunity to Q and added a Blade in Maximus for additional pain and discussion.


Mosey to parking lot
IWs x 10
SSH x 30
Strawberry pickers x 10
Mtn Climbers x 15
CDD x 10
Identification of those Pax currently in a Whetstone

Mosey to back lot with track

Modified Dirty McDeuce
12 burpees
12 Big Boys
12 Squats
12 Merkins
Then a lap
Round 1 = OYO, Round 2 = in cadence, Round 3 = with a partner

Mention of hypocrisy “we are all hypocrites” and goal of “audio matching the video” through accountability and Whetstone.

Hand off to Maximus

A comment about Grace (brief comment) and mosey to the playground

15 Pull-Ups while partner does Jump Squats – Flapjack then repeat

Mosey to the wall for 10 Mike Tysons on wall then 5 Muscle Ups
15 Hand Release Merkins
5 Hand Release Merkins

Mosey back to the parking lot
Partner 1 NUR then Partner 2 American Hammers

Flutter Kicks with feet 12” apart
Jail break to COT
6” foot hold

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Gardenia The Valuables

Ran to Gardenia

Stopped along the way for merkins/squats to keep folks together

Hit Savona Trace to keep it real

At Gardenia did 5 HR merkins
Ran the Gardenia cul-du-sac: 6 burpees
Ran to the top of Gardenia: 1 bomb jack
Rinse and repeat: 5 burpees/2 bomb jacks
(Still 5 HR merkins in the middle)

Barely had time to make it back. Some may say YHC didn’t make it back by 0600, others may say that we were way early on Central time.

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Ultra Farmer’s Carry

Some around the world and Halos

Farmer Carry to the pull up bars, while getting lost along the way.
Once at the bars, 5 rounds of 10 snatches (right arm) followed by 5 pull ups. 10 snatches (left arm) 5 pull ups.
Headed back to COT for the McGill Big 3
Big Boys, bird dogs, and side planks

Wanted to challenge the core muscles today along with all the stabilizers. Super crucial for overall back health.
MARY: Went around the circle doing Mary’s


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The 3in Screw!!

WARMUP: mosey to 5 light poles and do exercise
Mosey back to kettlebells

6 exercise moves
*kb Merkins
*shoulder press
*American hammers
Perform 20 reps of each and move to right
Once complete run up hill to Munn Rd and back
Rinse and Repeat except round 2 = 24reps and round 3 =26 reps
MARY: at cot got 3 rounds of Mary in and completed at 0600 sharp

Read your newsletter
Lots of prayers praises and good vibes by all

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Indian Jog

WARMUP: 10 Each- SSH, Moroccan Night Clubs, cherry pickers, 10 Merkins OYO, 5 Burpee’s OYO
Indian run to 160 with 2 pain stations:
Pain station #1
2 rounds of 4 corners 10-squats, 20-lunges, 30-Monkey Humpers, 40- Bomb jacks
Pain station#2
11’s- Diamond Merkins, HR Merkins
Indian Jog back to COT
MARY: 2-Minutes
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Q-Source, Kenya awareness convergence, Care Center Volunteers
COT: Yes

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