To cold to Golf

WARMUP: no warmup-run
THE THANG: To the Fort Mill Golf course and back 4.5 mile, shorter version was to downtown main street and back is 3.2 miles.
MARY: nope
ANNOUNCEMENTS: race this weekend

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There and back

THE THANG: Tega Cay and Back – 30-Merkins turns and shorter version runners 30 merkins at Banks 4.5m
MARY: Nope
ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2DB10k Saturday, Kid friendly, D2D in Feb 17th
COT: Prayers for mental health, Marriages.

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There and back

THE THANG: Tega Cay and Back – 30-Merkins turns and shorter version runners 30 merkins at Banks 4.5m
MARY: Nope
ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2DB10k Saturday, Kid friendly, D2D in Feb 17th
COT: Prayers for mental health, Marriages.

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Flight Plan – We Ran

THE THANG: ~4.8mi
Run down Market, cross Sutton onto Settler Heights. That turns into Stratford Run.
R/T Gardenia
R/T Morris Hunt
Run to the end of Morris Hunt and back
L/T Gardenia then up the hill
R/T Stratford Run and run to the intersection with New Grey Rock
Turn around and run back on Stratford Run-Settler Heights-Market back to COT.
MARY: Nope
COT: 5th Core Principle

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Morris is in the hunt

WARMUP: Nope. That’s frowned upon here.
THE THANG: Toward the river district, turn R on Gardenia (with a litte extra before), R on Morris Hunt to the cul-du-sac and back, L on Dowing, R on Birkshire, take it back to COT.
MARY: Nope. But some guys got back with time to stretch

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Morning Matinee @ Lazarus


Mosey to front of theater

-20 SSH (IC)
-10 Windmill (IC)
-20 SSH (IC)
-10 Moroccan Night Clubs (IC)


DORA – partner runs a lap while other partner:

-50 Burpees
-100 Derkins
-150 Dips
-200 Step Ups

Mosey to cinderblocks/coupons exercise rotations between partner with cinderblock and partner without.

Mosey back to COT

MARY: A little

ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2D Bar. Blood drive.

COT: Illness circling around schools/homes. Mental Illness and Addicton.

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Tribute to Cardinal


Brief description of workout today and shared a bit about Cardinal.


15 Side Straddle Hops
10 Tempo Merkins
10 Flutter Kicks
10 Little Baby Arm Circles Forward
10 Little Baby Arm Circles Backward
10 Hallelujahs *
10 Knoxville Cherry Pickers
20  Sec. Samson Hold**
10 Willie Mays Hayes
The Thang:

Set 1
5 Burpees
5 Big Boys
5 Heels to Heaven
Set 2
10 Burpees                                                
10 Little Baby Crunches
10 Mt. Climbers Double Count
Set 3
15 Burpees                                                
15 Air Squats
15 Freddy Mercury’s
Set 4
20 Burpees
* Hallelujahs = a shoulder burn exercise. Hands up at ear level. Raise up to full extension I cadence. 1 up, 2 down, 3 up, 4 down.
** Samson Hold = Arms extended straight out like your pushing against two pillars.

We had time left so we did some trips up the stairs at the movie theater and did some “pull ups” with the railing. “Reverse merkins”

MARY: lots
ANNOUNCEMENTS: prayers for marriages and families suffering loss
COT: yes

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No Dark Helmet

WARMUP: Merks SSH Cherry Pickers Nightclubs Squats Mosey w Toy Soldiers
THE THANG: Parking Spot Cinderblock Ladder- stack em up with a Run and Nur back between reps.
RND 1 – Iron Mikes Bomb Jax and Squats
RND 2 – Dips BBS Swings
RND 3 – Derks Dips Manmakers
Head Back to COT with a few stops on way back. Steps up burps Donk kicks Diamond Merks BBs Plank Jacks

MARY: Drop Thrill took the lead and lead the Pax.
COT: Positive and Encouraging

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Spidey Modification

WARMUP: mosey, merkins, arm circles, wind mills
THE THANG: EMOM 10 merkins then do a leg exercise until the next minute. No standing around chatting …just working. Do for 10 minutes. Leg exercises: split squat single leg pump, squats. Calf Raises, Al Gore. DORA: 100 merkins, 200 squats, 300 heel taps from a crunch position. Finisher: my hip exercises
MARY: not needed
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read your newsletter
COT: stays at COT

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