Zima Miles

It was dark. It was dank. Visibility was low, but the pain was high. After giving an overly thorough disclaimer, collecting everyone’s social security number, and signing a waiver, we were off for a quick mosey around the park.

SS Hops
Tappy Taps
Moroccan Night Clubs
Polish Mating Dance (Goofball)

The Thang 1:
7’s on the walking path. Merkins on top of the hill (not Chip Hill) and Squats at the bottom of the hill (again not Chip Hill). Mode of transportation was running.

Mosey over to the parking lot.
Dying Cockroaches 🪳
Big Boy Sit-ups
American Hammers

Mosey over to the grass field for a Jack Webb. It was 1 lap around the field and 4 v-ups. We did a total of 10 laps and 220 v-ups. It was glorious.

Back to COT for stretching, announcements, prayers/praises. There was a meeting of the Bob’s at the Tega Cay Deli afterwards for some deep discussions over coffee.

JWow out.

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Funky shorts day

WARMUP: Mosey around teeter, deep breathes at the dumpsters, circle up on far end. SSHs, windmills, low slow squats. MNCs. Finish up warm ups with mucho chesto. 10 merkins, 10 diamonds, 10 wide arm, 10 stagger right, and 10 stagger left.
THE THANG: Mosey up to church parking lot for accumulating BOMBS. Perform first letter, run to front of church for 10 merkins, run back to start. Do first and second letter, run,…repeat…you know the drill.
B=5 burpees, O=10 Os (abs), M=15 mountain climbers, B=20 big boys, S=25 surf Jack’s.
Partner up for jump overs. P1 holds plank, P2 jumps over and does flying squirrel, repeat up to 10, then switch. We did 10, 8, 6, 4, 2. At 6 we switched to burpees instead of squirrels and added hand release merkins to plank.
Mosey back to lot and grab some curb. 20 toe taps, 20 dips, 15 toe taps, 15 dips. Finish up with 2 slaughter sets. 10 box cutters, 9 dying cockroaches, 8 BC, 7 DC….after 1 Finish with 10 box cutters. Keep legs off ground for entire series. Second set, 10 hand release merkins, 9 mountain climbers….Finish w/10 hand release…crowd pleaser after a lot of chest work. Mosey back to COT.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Apparently I missed the memo on funky shorts day. Grassy Knoll tried but it was Spectre for the win w/a fancy pair & matching headwrap. So next week the PAX will need to rise to the challenge.
COT: Thx for the opportunity Slapshot!

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Band Camp took the hill

Very delayed in writing this but since Band Camp finally came to a ruck workout and keeps ‘reminding’ me about it, I’ll try to remember what we did.
Ruck up and grab sandbags and head over to small field for some sandbag relays. Grab everything and head over to base of heart attack hill. Partner up and split taking sandbags up the hill. Drop the sandbags at the top and head back down. This trip up no straps. Suitcase, fireman, overhead, however you want to carry your ruck up the hill. Almost lost Tinsel to hills namesake bit his BP finally came down. Link the sandbags together for team weight. Everyone rotated on and off to help carry the weight most of the way back to COT. Times almost up so break apart the sandbags and huff it back for COT. Thanks for the Q opportunity Divac! And I promise next year when Band Camp returns the back blast will be prompt.

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Scary DORA

WARMUP: 40 SSH, SLOW Windmills, Imperial walkers, Hillbilly walkers
THE THANG: In a push to not only do something hard physically, but to fight through the mental pain as well. Life’s hard and that’s why you can’t do it OYO. Indian Run around the campus. It’s a big campus and lost a few along the way. Circled back and found a place for the main event in the elementary school bus loop.
Scary DORA: 100 Burpees, 200 Big Boys, low plank while your partner ran around the circle 3x. Run back the way we came to COT, which was a long way.
MARY: Freddies, Flutters, Dollys, Merkins
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Shieldlock Challenge, Bethal Men’s Shelter, Thanksgiving Convergence, Thanksgiving volunteer opportunites.
COT: Prays asked for. Lots of transition for people and praise for getting out of bed again.

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Speed Zone Board of Pain

WARMUP: 1/4 mile
THE THANG: 1 rounds of 10/21/22 reps with a 1/4 mile run in between and a speed zone with 5 alternating modes of transportation
MARY: no
ANNOUNCEMENTS: join us for a spartan in November

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Ab Destruction

WARMUP: SSH, Slow Windmills, Imperial Walkers, Morrocan Nightclubs
THE THANG: We toured the campus of Springfield Middle and Elementary schools stopping 5 times for Ab Destruction.

Big Boy w/Twist
Toe Taps
Reverse Crunch
Mountain Climbers
Plank Toe Taps
Each exercise was done 20× at each stop for a total of 500 reps.
MARY: Was alot of stretching/Broga

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Skeet shoot and Bourbon tasting was mentioed
COT: We had an FNG that we named RollOff. …we said our prayers and Praises and I took them out with a prayer.

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Footloose Marketing at Clydesdales

WARMUP: The Q warmed up with a few laps in the LPL parking lot. Olaf warmed up out and about.
THE THANG: The pax were given the route out to the Footloose AO and back. (as the site Q, never miss an opportunity to put the AO on the Pax’s mind). Modifiable from 3+ miles – add or subtract as necessary. 11 men launched and passed in front of my M on her way to work at the red light at the Peach Stand.
11 men arrived back safely!
This is not a DeepFake. This is an ACTUAL Real backblast from Clydesdales.
MARY: nah, not today.
COT: marriages.

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Round and Round Golden Corral

As I pulled into the lot, Ratt’s “Round and Round” was playing on the radio.

Started with a mosey run behind HT and up to Grace Presb Church.
SSH (20x I/C)
Windmills (8x I/C)
Imperial Walkers (15x I/C)
Moroccan Nightclubs (12x I/C)
Low slow squats (10x I/C)
Big Arm Circles (7 forward, 7 backwards)
Peter Parkers (10x I/C)
Plank Stretches (Downward dog, upward dog)

Short mosey run

Fish tracks routine:
Pax do the transportation and stop when instructed and do the exercise called.
Toy soldiers…stop and do Bobby Hurleys, repeat
Bear crawl…stop and do merkins, repeat
Lunge walk…stop and do squats, repeat

Short mosey run
Bench work: Incline Merkins, step ups, butt touch squats, derkins, calf raises

Over to the wall nearby:
Wall sits, BTW, and wall-tar-jai’s

Short run to adjacent parking lot: found the cinder block and did:
Pass the ammunition: Pax do a curb plank, drag/pass the cinder block to the guy next to you, and so until the last guy then sends the block back to starting guy. Then all pax do curb merkins (10 I/C). repeat.

Run back to Grace church: four cones in parking lot. 2 burpees at cone 1, 4 burpees at cone 2, 6 burpees at cone 3, 8 burpees at cone 4. Run between cones.
Second loop change-up: pax stick together, run to cone and do smurf jacks (10 1/C) at each cone.

Run to shovel flag.
Mary: Sally routine: Do leg lift up at ‘bring sally up’, and 6” at ‘bring sally down’.


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Stockade STL style

WARMUP: light mosey to Hubert graham
THE THANG: 11’s with merkins and squats. Covered 4-4.5 miles, 400’+ of elevation gain
COT: Prayers from @sugarbug for a local high school football injured in last nights game and prayers for @davinci father as he heals from an ass whopping from his mother

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