Real or imagined?

WARMUP: mosey to the bus loop- various exercises I/C and 5 burpees – just because….
THE THANG: 12’s – running the bus loop pax did burpees at the entrance and squats at the top of the loop. Maximus was king

PAX did abs until the six was finished.

Mosey to the band lot starting at the south goal line:

Bear crawl to the 20 – then 20 shoulder taps

Lunge walk to the 40 – 15 squats OYO

NUR to the 20 – 5 kracken burpees OYO

Bear crawl to goal line to finish in time for COT

MARY: nope
COT: 5th core principle

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Taking responsibility

YHC clipped the Ms car on the way out of the driveway this morning – initial reaction was to find anything and anyone else to blame…. I was running late because no one moved the elf, and I couldn’t find my running shoes because my son “put them away in the garage”, and my M didnt pull all the way up in the driveway.

The truth is I didn’t do the basic things required for the task like taking a walk/look around the car or adequately use my mirrors. These were all completely under my control and I failed.

Human nature is to deflect blame to others, as HIMs we need to resist this urge. We can’t blame other’s for our own complacency.

run to Allison park stopping every 1/4 mile for 10 merkins.

once at the park, yhc led IC exercises until the 6 arrived (squats, reverse lunges, sumo squats). Once all PAX arrived, we assumed plank position and performed in cadence shoulder taps (40) and then in cadence squats (30) while each PAX performed one max set of pullups.

ran back to Earthfare stopping every 1/4 mile for 10 merkins.

used remaining time to do 4 corners at Earthfare with10 reps of sumo squats and wide arm merkins at opposite corners.

couple minutes of Mary to finish.

strong work by all today.


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Spidey Modification

WARMUP: mosey, merkins, arm circles, wind mills
THE THANG: EMOM 10 merkins then do a leg exercise until the next minute. No standing around chatting …just working. Do for 10 minutes. Leg exercises: split squat single leg pump, squats. Calf Raises, Al Gore. DORA: 100 merkins, 200 squats, 300 heel taps from a crunch position. Finisher: my hip exercises
MARY: not needed
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read your newsletter
COT: stays at COT

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Spidey Modification

WARMUP: mosey, merkins, arm circles, wind mills
THE THANG: EMOM 10 merkins then do a leg exercise until the next minute. No standing around chatting …just working. Do for 10 minutes. Leg exercises: split squat single leg pump, squats. Calf Raises, Al Gore. DORA: 100 merkins, 200 squats, 300 heel taps from a crunch position. Finisher: my hip exercises
MARY: not needed
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read your newsletter
COT: stays at COT

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Finding Failure

10 Windmills
10 Hillbillly Walkers
10 Moroccan NightClubs


Select a Sanbag of Choice

15 – Under the wires – 3x
25 – Crunches – 3x
Over Head Press till failure – 3 x

Reverse forearm plank – 1 Minute

15 – Walk Out Push Ups – 3x
25 – Bicycles – 3x
Man-Makers till failure – 3x

J-Lowes – 1 Minute

15 – Clapper Push-Ups – 3 x
25 – Alternate Leg Jackknifes – 3x
Curls to Failure – 3 x

Reverse forearm plank – 1 Minute

15 – Seated – In & Outs 3x
25 – Mountain Climber 3 x
Reverse Lunges w/ weight till failure – 3x

J-Lowes – 1 Minute

No time
Ruby Slippers is raising money for Bethel Mens Shelter, Warning Track will post about urgent needs of Ft. Mill Families, Airborn is hosting a Christmas Party.

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Circuit de sole


THE THANG: running with exercises

Three 1 mile circuits through Brayden

First round
5 perfect merkins

5 jump squats

Both perfect merkins jump squats

15 burpees at top of hill

MARY: yes

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Ft Mill Laps

WARMUP: Jog over Walter Elisha Park for a few warmup exercises and an explanation of the plan.
THE THANG: 6 individual ~.5mi laps spread around downtown with 3 exercises after each lap. The exercises were:
10 Mountain Climbers I/C (scaled down to 5 for time)
10 Mak Tar Jai’s I/C (scaled down to 5 for time)
5 Burpees
I could provide the turn-by-turn directions for each lap but instead, call me and I’ll explain.
MARY: A few exercises performed just prior to COT.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Golf, D2D info, upcoming Shovel-flag transition at Colosseum, Newsletter
COT: 5th Core Principle

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“Sandbagging the Kitchen Sink”

WARMUP: Wind Mills, Cherry Pickers, Imperial Walkers
9 Pain Stations: 8 Reps of each x 4 Rounds
SB Curls
SB Bent Over Chest Rows
SB Dead Lifts
SB Clean Lifts w/Chest Press
SB Squat Jacks
Flutter Kicks w/SB over head
Sand Bag Throws
Reverse Lunges w/Side Rows on side of front legs
Bear Crawls w/SB
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read Your Newsletter, Upcoming Tallawah Convergence, and December events coming up.
COT: What happens in COT, Stays in COT !!!

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Pre-Convergence Convergence

Attention Pax!!!

The Wednesday AO Crew is getting together for an hour long coupon inspired boot camp convergence. That’s right! A midweek convergence and it’s NOT a holiday. This will be the hardest thing you’ll do that week.

Don’t worry runners, you’ll have your own thing.

3 Q’s, 20 minutes each, lots of fun (or pain).

Mark your calendars for December 20 at WEP with a start time of 0500. Santa will not disappoint.

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Pre-Convergence Convergence

Attention Pax!!!

The Wednesday AO Crew is getting together for an hour long coupon inspired boot camp convergence. That’s right! A midweek convergence and it’s NOT a holiday. This will be the hardest thing you’ll do that week.

Don’t worry runners, you’ll have your own thing.

3 Q’s, 20 minutes each, lots of fun (or pain).

Mark your calendars for December 20 at WEP with a start time of 0500. Santa will not disappoint.

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