Is this Pineville?

WARMUP: not much
THE THANG: run to the VERY back of Whiteville Park. Stopping along the way.

Each stop: Mary/Yoga for the 6
5 Burpees
10 merkins
15 squats

Examined the F3 Statue of men helping each other overcome an obstacle. If you know, you know. Keep striving to know and be known

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Upward pussy

WARMUP: not much
THE THANG: partner work: partner pushes across field, three trips back and forth with Kraken Burpees on either side, 3, 2, 1 was the count.

Next we busted out cindies and did a Dora with:

50 manmakers
100 goblet squats
150 flutter presses
100 curls
50 tricep extensions

First partner does exercise other partner runs lap around field.
After each set one partner has to murder bunny across field, then back after set, so on and so forth
MARY: American hammers, Heels to heaven, Freddy Merks and hello dollys
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Misogi Saturday, wild at heart starting on Wednesdays, bethel mens shelter mentorship program looking for men to step up!
COT: prayers for marriages and happy birthday Flounder! 77 and counting!

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Detective Mike Doty WOD

– Mosey around the big loop in front of the school
– Windmill X10
– Imperial Walkers X10
– Cherry Pickers X10
– Merkins X10

DOB 2/2/1978
– 2 OH Squats
– 2 Ruck Thrusters
– 19 Merkins
– 80 Single Count Flutters.

12 Years of Service and 37 Years of Life
– 12 Man Makers Run 100 yards
– 37 Ruck Swings Run 100 yards
– 12 SQUATS Run 100 yards
– 37 Bent Over Rows Run 100 yards
– 12 Merkins Run 100 yards
– 37 Ruck Curls Run 100 yards


Shield 809 (we did not get to do this, probably b/c I spent too much time during the warm-up)
– 80 Flutters with Ruck OH
9 LBC’s with Ruck OH

– Round Robin picking exercises

– Pints and Padres tonight at the Print Shop

-Prayers for marriages
– Prayers for healthy families

Thank you Divac for the opportunity to lead!!

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Got A Little Sandy

WARMUP: Escort the sand bags to the field and run a lap around the field. SSH, Wind Mill, Tappy Taps
THE THANG: Bear crawl the width (or depth depending on how you look at it) of the field while performing 3 Carolina Dry Docks every 10 paces. Crawl Bear back to the start while performing the same CDD movement.
Sand Bag toss the width of the field and overhead carry back.
15 Bent Over Rows, 15 Curls, 15 Merkins
10 Bent Over Rows, 10 Curls, 10 Merkins
4 corners on the right half of the field:
Corner 1: 15 Overhead Press
Corner 2: 15 Overhead Press
Corner 3: 15 Carolina Dry Docks
Corner 4: 15 Carolina Dry Docks
SSH x 25
Merkins x 15
SSH x 25
Merkins x 15

Mixed in a few other things…
Abbreviated Capt Thor:
1 WWII sit up: 4 American Hammers
We completed up to 6:24
MARY: Worked throughout.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Newsletter & Spectre needs help moving 4/15.
COT: 5th Core Principle

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Get Right To The Core

WARMUP: Run to The Print Shop for a few warm up exercises like Merkins, Imperial Walkers and Wind Mills.
THE THANG: At The Print Shop, 5 Burpees, 10 Get Ups, 20 Mountain Climbers.
Run to FMCOG for 5 Burpees, 10 Get Ups, 20 Mountain Climbers.
Run to the FM Golf Course Parking Lot for 5 Burpees, 10 V-Ups, 20 American Hammers.
Run to the American Legion for 5 Burpees, 10 Inch Worms, 20 Flutters
Run back to the FMCOG for 5 Burpees, 10 Mike Tysons, 20 Crunchy Frogs
Run to Footloose for 5 Burpees, 10(ea side) Side Bends, 20 Plank Jacks
Run to Hardee’s for 5 V-Ups, 20 American Hammers
Run to the new FM Pharmacy parking lot for something I can’t remember
Run to COT for 5 Burpees, 20 Flutters
MARY: See above
COT: 5th Core Principle

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Was it 41 or 42? I can’t remember…

25 – SSH (Cadence)
10 – Windmills (Cadence)
15 – Moroccan Night Club (Cadence)
5 – Burpees (OYO)

Mosey the big outside loop over to the school doors.


Jack Webb 1:4
1 – 8-count Burpee
4 – LBC

Mosey over to the bus stop man.

6 Rounds
24 Air Squats w/Cinder Block
24 Merkins
24 Alternating Lunges w/Cinder Block
Run “Medium” Loop

Popcorn abs work


Show to know

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The hills are still there

WARMUP: mosey to bottom of Brayden hill, plank up for 6
THE THANG: Hill repeats with 15 each of merkins, squats and lbc’s . Stop at first rd complete exercise, go back to bottom and complete 3 burpees. Back up hill to parking lot entrance complete exercise, go back to bottom , 3 burpees. Back up hill to 160 , complete exercises, go back to bottom , 3 burpees- repeat
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 420 burpees for 4/20, cannoli run

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Hills and Heavy things are hurtful

– Mosey the track loop around Runde Park
– Peter Parker x10 cadence
– Merkin x10 cadence
– Windmill x10 cadence

Part 1:
– Separate into 2 groups. One group starts at YHC’s truck and the other group starts at the batting cages

– Each station will have two sets of exercises. The first exercise will be done when the count is and odd number and the second exercise will be done on the even number.

Batting cage:
– Wall paver stones native to the AO. The general consensus was that they weighed about 70lbs.
– Odd: Bent-over Rows
– Even: Squats holding the massive paver

– “Hell Pavers” as previously labeled by Dark Helmet. Equivalent to a cinder block but more compact.
– Odd: Curls
– Even: Overhead Press

Rd 1: 15 count of the Odd exercise at the station your group started with. Then run to the other station and do a 15 count of the Odd exercise for that station.
Rd 2: 14 count of the Even exercise at the station your group started with. Then run to the other station and do a 14 count of the Even exercise for that station.
– Continue decreasing the count as you complete the exercises.
– We called it after the 7 count to be sure we had sufficient time for Part 2.

Part 2: Half-Pipe
– Ran to the bottom of the big hill. Once there we were nicely positioned at the bottom of 2 hills on either side of us….like a half-pipe.
– The moderate hill had 5 cones positioned moving up the hill. And the steep hill had spots marked with duct tape at various points up the hill with the last one at the top.

How the half-pipe works:
– Run to the first cone on the moderate hill. Complete 2 merkins. It was called out that if you were not matching Funhouse’s form, then you were doing it wrong.
– Run back to the bottom and up to the first marker on the big hill. Complete 2 burpees.
– Run back to the first cone on the moderate hill and complete 2 merkins. Continue to the second cone and complete 4 merkins. Run back to the first cone and complete 2 merkins facing the way you are running. This makes them derkins.
– Run to the first marker on the big hill and complete 2 burpees. Run to the second marker and complete 4 burpees. Run back to the first marker and complete 2 burpees facing downhill. Coming up on those while facing the downhill sucks on the legs!
– Continue the series for the 5 stations on each of the hills.

– Read your newsletter
– Prayers and Praises: Parenting, health, job searching

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What’s the Matter… Horn…

– Little warmup lap with some stretching as we go (toy soldiers, knee to chest, etc.)
– Short COP with Merkins, Parker Peters, SSH

– Jog back to area behind school where wall is…
– Perform Wallevens (it’s just elevens over the wall) – Mike Tysons and Burpees
– Head to front of school and to the bottom of Disco Hill (which I just named because of the purple lights in that one parking lot)
– Parking lot at bottom of hill = 40 SSH (IC)
– Run to end of guardrail = 20 Dips (IC)
– Run to top of hill at Ben Casey, grab a rock and don’t be a wuss = 40 curls, 40 OH Press, 40 Chest Press
– Back down the hill to the flag, stopping to finish our Dips on the guardrail = 20 more

MARY: No chicks

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter

COT: The 5th Core Principle

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