Cold Bells

9 men showed up for a cold kettlebell workout this morning at The Armory.  Good news, I planned to divide the group into teams of 3 so it worked out perfectly.  Since 9 / 3 = 3.  🙂

In order to get warm, we took a lap around the parking lot.  Next, we did a few exercises to get ready for the main event (SSHs, Windmills,  Imperial Walkers, Arm Circles, and Plank Stretches).

Next, we moseyed to the main parking lot where we formed teams of three.  Dora theme, exercises were written in chalk 25 yards apart (I didn’t measure it, but it looked close).  Two of the partners began the exercises while the third partner “traveled” to one of the partners.  Once he reached the other partner, they switched out and partner two headed back  to partner one. The mode of transportation was either a lunge walk, overhead bell carry, or the dreaded crab walk.  The exercises at each stop were as follows:

Stop 1

150 KB Swings

225 Curls

300 LBCs

300 Calf Raises


Stop 2

225 Squat Thrusters

300 Uptight Rows

300 Flutters

300 Chest Presses


The reps were high, but everyone was able to get through most of it.

Great job Everyone!



TClap |

Shovel Flag Handoff and Legacy Beatdown

It was my honor to receive the Shovel Flag from Uhaul this morning. I’m looking forward to joining with all the great HIMs that frequent this AO to continue the legacy that was celebrated today.

But enough about YHC, we enjoyed a true legacy beatdown this morning that included the following; (forgive me if I missed something)

0515 came early this morning for some of us… very early for a few that came rolling into the parking lot hot just in time for the fun!

  1. Uhaul started the custom playlist for the morning and then led us in some warmup exercises at the shovel flag to get the blood moving. We did a metric ton of SSH’s, was anybody still counting when they finally ended? All I know is Uhaul was having too much fun with them! These were followed by Moroccan Nightclubs, Tappy-taps… And we were moving!
  2. Mosey with our bells over to the far end of the parking lot for JWOW’s Q; There we did 30 counts of a bunch of exercises including curls, goblet squats, flutters… Probably some more that I forget at the moment. Between each set we ran a “suicide” with cones previously laid out by JWOW.  – Side note- B.O.B. recommended an official name change for suicides in light of our focus on mental health. I believe I heard either Gears or Cake Boss say “Gassers” while in COT, and I would second that. I don’t see that name used in the Exicon, how do we get an official name change for mental health awareness?
  3. After JWOW, Assassin had us on our sixes playing hot potato in a circle, passing our bells around the circle from left to right, then back right to left. We also did a bunch of LBCs while partners ran a kettle bell relay around the parking lot.
  4. Dark Helmet on Q had us lifting our bells, a lot! Shoulders were definitely burning! We also ran again around the parking lot. Music choice was… interesting, I’m going to assume that not many guys have ever worked out to the peaceful and spiritual sounds of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Maybe in SLC? We all thanked Uhaul for that!
  5. My turn. 50 Shoulder presses/tricep extensions, farmer carry across the lot. 50 Front shrugs/upright rows, overhead carry back across the lot. 50 halos and 50 around the worlds, farmer carry across the lot. 50 chest presses/skull crushers, overhead carry across the lot. And finally, 50 bent over reverse flys.

0600 we moseyed back to COT for Nameorama, Shovel Flag Hand-Off, and prayers and praises.

Prayers for our concentricas, prayers for F3 Hightower who was killed in the line of duty this weekend in Myrtle Beach. Especially for those who are left here without him.

Thank you Uhaul for the opportunity, thank you everyone for your support!

TClap |

Dealing cards at the Block Party

Just a heads up that this BB will be low on words (atypical for me) but hopefully, motivating for you to go try this.

Here’s the deal, simple yet effective was my intent today. For those that did the Bert at Honey Badger yesterday, this was a good round 2. The deck of cards entered my arsenal roughly 5 years ago and it’s been several months since they’ve made their way out to the gloom. That ended today.

14 men showed up today with the “threat” of rain (we had 2 ruckers join us at the end for COT).
Seeing a few new faces, check.
Disclaimer, check.
Mosey some distance making our way to a parking lot for a few warm-up activities.
Mosey to another parking lot in an effort to keep our voices from carrying over to “the house.”

For those not aware how this goes, each suit represents an exercise. Each number represents the number of reps 2-10. Jacks=11, Queens=12, Kings=13, Aces=14.

4 Jokers = 25 4ct Flutters
Diamonds = Mountain Climbers
Clubs = Jump Squats
Spades = Diamond Merkins
Hearts = 8ct Burpees

That totals (100) 4ct flutters and 104 each of the other exercises.

Until next time

TClap |

Kenyan’s request

7 PAX at the JOC. Having not Qed at this AO nor much experience with the PAX that posted here, YHC had a few different ideas to push the PAX present without leaving anyone behind. Thanks to JWOWW for crossing the bridge with me. Here’s what we did:

Short Mosey to the soccer field parking lot

Warm Up
1 burpee
2 burpees
Some Yoga
3 burpees
Mountain Climber
4 burpees
Moroccan Night Club
5 burpees

Mosey towards the BMX track

PAX hold plank while each individual takes a turn running up the stairs and back down

Mosey towards the RV parking lot at the far edge there are 8 lights
Lunge walk to the end adding 1 merkin at each light (36 total merkins)
Bear crawl back adding 1 CDD at each light (36 total CDD)
Did some arm circles to loosen back up
(side note: this would be Shady-level “fun” one row in….where there are significantly more lights)

Mosey back towards the BMX track and found some wall

Peoples Chair while PAX went down the line with 5 burpees each
– Kenyan said “finally some leg work”
Balls to the wall
– 5 merkins in cadence
– 5 shoulder taps in cadence

To honor Kenyan’s request for leg work we moseyed to the parking lot entrance and did a set of 11s
1 lunge (each leg) at the bottom
run to the top
10 jump squats
continued until
10 lunges at the bottom
1 jump squat at the top

Got to COT with a min remaining. Because F3 is a group of leaders not a group with a leader, YHC nominated Cliffhanger to call an exercise. He called big boy situps till 0600

An honor to lead.

-Band Camp dismissed

TClap |

Thrillmania – Uno Style At JOC

So our fearless Site Q apparently wasn’t feeling well, so he left Kenyan and I to lead the way at JOC and this is the nonsense I came up with.

Take one deck of Uno cards and use your numbers 0-9 as follows.  1-9 equals your rep and 0 = 10 reps.  Strange how we never found a 0 today.

Color determines exercise:

Blue – Merkins
Green – LBC
Yellow – Squats
Red – Lunges
Skip – Run a lap
+2 – Pick 2 exercises, 2 reps of each
+4 – All 4 exercises, 4 reps of each
Reverse – Repeat last rep, but keep going around the circle (rule change from real Uno)
Wild – Change color/exercise

It was a fun morning, got a little warm out there in the fog.  Speaking of the fog, I wonder if some Pax got lost in the fog.  Anyway, thanks Big Papi for inviting me to Q.

I’m Site Q now for The Fort’s 0630 IR Friendly/Low Intensity workout at WEP in Fort Mill Saturday’s .  Would love to have any of you Q or join us.  0630 each Saturday.

The Thrill is gone!

TClap |

7 Squared

So when i saw on Twitter that Spiderman needed a sub for his Q i said to myself, these fools will think this ole trail runner could never give them a proper ass whooping. It had been at least 6 months since i Q’d a bootcamp. Well i properly kicked my own ass with my Q and mumble chatter was kept to a minimum during the workout, except for Trucker who is always complaining and talking.

the Warmup   Mosey to football field for warmup

    • 19 Hill Billy Walkers
    • 9 Windmills
    • 9 Low Slow Squat-Hold 5 Seconds At Bottom
    • 19 Moroccan Nightclub

The Thang

Start on football field at 50 yard line on sideline. This was one of the 4 corners used for exercises. each exercise was in reps of 7. The other corners where each side of end zone and back to other side of the 50 yard line. After all exercises where done at each corner all reps went up 7 each new round. To get to each corner you moseyed from 50 yard line to end zone corner, then from there you Lt. Dan across entire end zone to other corner, mosey back to 50 yard line from that corner, then Bear Crawl across field to other sideline. Heres the exercises and the total amount done in parentheses.

  1. Burpees (28)
  2. Hand Release Merkins (56)
  3. CDD (84)
  4. Monkey Humpers (112)
  5. Flutter Kicks (140)

We did 250 yards of Lt. Dans and 250 yards of Bear Crawls

500 yards of moseying.

Finished with about 5 minutes left so i took pax back to COT and we did various leg stretches we had a lot of groaning from everyone.

Thanks to Spiderman for the Q and hope made Cyclops proud for his AO. I think this Trail Runner still has it and love having the Q!

TClap |

Block Party with Cake

Block Party 2/18/20

Warm Up

  • Mosey to drill bits
  • 1st 5 burpees
  • 2nd 5 burpees 10 Merkins
  • 3rd 5 burpees 10 Merkins 15 overhead claps
  • 4th 5 burpees 10 Merkins 15 OHCs 20 squats
  • 5th 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 leg raises

Mosey to playground

partner up- 2-3 rounds of each

  • Pull-ups 10
  • Swing crunches 20
  • Monkey Humpers 30
  • Lap 

Stairway to Heaven

  • 10 Dry docks 2nd light
  • 20 V ups 4th light
  • 30 Sumo Squats 6th light
  • Until time runs out

Great group of PAX today. The mumblchatter was quality. Solid work by all. Thanks Esso for the Q!! Honored to lead💪🏻

TClap |

Round 2 at Laces In

Lack of creativity? Potentially. Simple yet effective? Undoubtedly. That could be how I describe several stages of my life.

Yesterday at the JOC, we did round 1 of the Deck of Cards. Whenever you have a round 1, you have to have a round 2. Taking yesterday’s learnings on clock management, I modified the warm-up, flapped the gums a little less and up’d the tempo. That would ensure we get through the deck this time.

We had a total of 20 at Laces, with 2 of those being Road Runners. The other 17 joined me as we circled up.

River Rat got to hear this twice but I shared what Billy Bob said on the Roundtable podcast recently about modifications. You can always modify as needed BUT do not use that as an excuse to not push yourself. It’s appropriate in so many areas of life and it was appropriate for the PAX & I this morning.

So, we jogged over to the start line for our abbreviated warm up consisting of (2) 50yd runs at 50% pace and 75% pace. We followed that up with windmills in cadence and butt kickers in place, also in cadence. And that was it for our warm up.

For the 1st-timers, the deck goes like this, your rep count is the number on the card, 2-10 are obvious, Jacks=11, Queens=12, Kings=13, Aces=14. Suits represent the following exercises:

Hearts: 8ct Burpee (It’s a burpee with a plank jack & the push up)
Diamonds: 4ct Mountain Climbers
Clubs: Jump Squats
Spades: Diamond Merkins
Jokers: (25) 4ct Flutters

In total, we did:
(104) 8ct Burpees
(104) 4ct Mountain Climbers
(104) Jump Squats
(104) Diamond Merkins
We had 3 Jokers in the deck so that is (75) Flutters, of the 4ct variety

We finished the deck at 0551 so we had 9mins left on the clock which was filled with:
(30) Flutters
(12) Hand-Release Merkins
(15) American Hammers

4 more 50yd runs at 50%, 75%, 100%, 75%

Moseyed back to COT for:
Heels to Heavens
Freddy Mercury

COT today was pretty powerful for me. We had men that brought some real stuff today that they are walking through life with. As we say, you are not meant to carry this on your own; that would crumble any man. You have been called and designed to lead but the best leaders have a group they work with. In F3, we call that group a Shield Lock.
Remember, sometimes you need to modify the game plan. However, DO NOT use that modification as an excuse to not give it your all.

It’s been my honor.

TClap |

Cards at the JOC

Today at the Joint Operations Command AO, we had 7 join me for a total of 8, to take on the deck of cards. It’s not the most creative workout you’ll ever do but I can promise you, you’ll get your money’s worth. If you think, “man, I’m tired of doing that deck…big deal”, then try to up your tempo then let’s talk. I announced via our Socials that we’d be doing this and it became clear, not many were interested in this kind of a challenge on Hump Day. So I was expecting it to be a typical challenge until I encountered an interview yesterday. I was struck when listening to the recent Roundtable Podcast when CSPAN interviewed Billy Bob. So, if you haven’t listened yet, go give it a listen…you’re welcome.

So, after the disclaimer, we moseyed a bit and attempted to “warm up” by doing typical warm up stuff: SSH, Squats, Arm Circles, Merkins. Frankly, when it’s 26 degrees here in the Palmetto state, it takes a fireplace to warm up (soft). A few exercises performed under 4 layers of clothing ain’t gonna cut it.

That said, I grabbed the cards and instructions and we moseyed to our spot at the “highest point in Rock Hill.” This nomad didn’t know such a place existed. #topographylesson

Back to the Podcast, Billy Bob mentioned a something he says at the end of his disclaimer when he Q’s and the point is this, you can modify if necessary BUT don’t use that desire to modify as an excuse to not push yourself. THAT’S IT, I thought. That’s the type of statement we need to prescribe to. At a workout, trying to complete something, accomplishing goals, shoot…in life. If something enters your field of fire, modify if you need to BUT do not use that as an excuse for taking the easy route.

I mentioned this to the PAX this morning then walked through our plan for the next 40mins. 2-10 were that number of reps, Jacks=11, Queens=12, Kings=13, Aces= 14. Jokers would be 25 (4ct) American Hammers followed by a 100yd run.

While we didn’t make it through the entire deck, we did complete 46 cards, accounting for:

3: Jokers (300yds + 75 American Hammers

85: Diamond Merkins

81: Mountain Climbers (4ct)

102: 8ct Burpee

73: Jump Squats

Remember, modify as needed BUT do not use that as an opportunity to not push yourself.

Stay tuned for the next opportunity to complete the entire deck. Until next time…


TClap |

Laces In- whats in your pocket (a deck of Cards)

dynamic warmup into static warmup.
Mosey to pull up bar (a longer ways away than Tesh made it sound)
pull ups 5-4-3-2-1 with 10 bagboy sit-ups in-between.
pull out the cards
spade= squat
club= merkin
heart= LBC
diamond= Burpee A=14, K=13, Q=12, J= 11 and etc.
After everyone got to pick a card we all did another set of 5 pull ups
Mosey to band lot.
Lunge 15 yards sprint 85
bear crawl 15 yards sprint 85
pick another card for the PAX at the end the Q picked all aces that had not been pulled.
jail break to COT.
announcements- Calve Boss 5K, 10K on Christmas eve. Look for pre-blast from Stang on giving gift cards for the teenagers at Levine Children’s hospital for Christmas.
Prayers- went around the circle. praise or prayer

TClap |