Remembering D-Day at Blockparty

WARMUP: pledge and setting the stage for the workout by pretending to be in a boat on our way to Normandy.
THE THANG: 6 BombJacks, 6 Airplanes, 6 mack tar jais, run up the hill to the mid point of hill, 6 bigboy burpees, 19 carolina dry docks. 44 SSH.
MARY: did I mention the big boy burpees

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Honey Badger Millenia Beatdown

Imperial Walker
Moroccan Night Clubs

Cubbie really wanted to lead the chorus on Medium Pace but decided to keep leading the workout.

100 reps, run 1 football field lap x 10 times.
First person to 100, everyone runs together
1. Burpees
2. Lunges (2x)
3. Merkins
4. LBC
5. Mtn Climbers
6. Flutters (2x)
7. Calf raises
8. Squats
9. SSH
10. Box Cutters

Great chatter on:
– 4 colleges who start with a color
– Office Space and how we miss the PC Load Letter error on printers
– many many (and yet not enough) Adam Sandler quotes

MARY: Marty Bird was our Ray from Ghostbusters. The destructor he choose for our last 100 count was Carolina Dry Docks


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Shieldlock vs Shieldlock

Get ready! The next couple of months are going to get crazy at #ao-Varsity as the ShieldLocks around The Fort show us what they’ve got! Each week we’ll have an entire Shieldlock co-Q a workout for those brave enough to show up. Lets see which Shieldlock brings the most pain!
First on deck are the FortHorsemen. There will be cindy’s, there will be bar work, there will be running, and a little something extra. Show to know this Friday at #AO-Varsity!

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Shieldlock vs. Shieldlock!

Get ready! The next couple of months are going to get crazy at #ao-Varsity as the ShieldLocks around The Fort show us what they’ve got! Each week we’ll have an entire Shieldlock co-Q a workout for those brave enough to show up. Lets see which Shieldlock brings the most pain!
First on deck are the FortHorsemen. There will be cindy’s, there will be bar work, there will be running, and a little something extra. Show to know this Friday at #AO-Varsity!

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Konvergence for Kenya

We converged on 6/10 to with a special weinke designed by the PAX of F3 Nairobi (but “may” have been augmented by Poppins…)

Warm up
Various, but highlight was 150 SSH in sets of 50. #CrowdPleaser

Groups of 5
Indian Run
5 burpees by the guys at the back

Dora on the football practice field
50 burpees – bear crawl
200 merkins – bear crawl
200 squats – lunge walk
300 4-count mountain climbers – frog leap a partner

Lots of bat flipping on the 4-count of the mountain climbers and the frog leaping

The guys in Kenya average a 5 mile transit to and from the AO, so a group of PAX dutifully pre-ran and post-ran 5 miles after the beatdown. YHC took a bit of flack, because it was me that spitballed that idea and then did not pre or post run. I did bring my 2.0 to the workout to try to cover the fact that I wouldn’t be running extra, but to no avail. Badlands 100% called me out.

Welcome FNGs
– Dungeon Master
– V-neck

– Badlands, Poppins, Rolloff, Maximus, Funhouse, Sasquatch, Cyclops, Beaker
– rucking: Sprocket, NakedandAfraid
– Badlands, Poppins, Rolloff, Maximus, Funhouse
All running
– Gears

The plan was to raise $$ to purchase a vehicle for transportation of Nairobi PAX to workouts, supporting efforts to assist in community and coordinating donations etc. The need is tremendous and our financial support is magnified in Kenya.

As of this backblast, we raised $2620. I have no idea when you’re reading this, but you could possibly still contribute and Poppins may still have T-Shirts in the back of his vehicle:

Q-School Wednesday 6/14 at Bushwood
The Fort Retreat 8/11-8/13 (Register now!)

Safari (F3 Nairobi Nantan) facetimed in at the end to offer up a prayer closing out COT.

This backblast respectfully submitted by Band Camp

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Miles and Smiles

WARMUP: No Warmup right into the Thang
THE THANG: Miles and Smiles….2 + miles stopping every half mile to do some pt… 10 ruck curls, 10 ruck overhead presses and 25 ruck squats. All while have great fellowship along the way.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Kenya Convergence
COT: Prayers amd Praises… safe travels, marriages ,Pax going to Growruck Charleston

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Choose Your Cluster

Pledge of Allegiance then Mosey to FMRX.

4 cluster of cones set up in the parking lot. 3 cones in each cluster. One exercise (and count) on each cone. Pax, OYO, run the loop through downtown Fort Mill, choose a cluster of cones, do the exercise in the cluster, then rinse and repeat. The cones may or may not have been repurposed from yesterday’s workout at Ring of Fire.

Some had just a few minutes for Freddies and Flutters.

Awesome work by all pax. Thanks, FunHouse, for the opportunity to lead!

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PainBall Redo

WARMUP: Mosey around the COT parking lot and then down the hill towards the backside of the school. While moseying we performed high knees, buttkickers, and L/R karaoke. We circled up at the pullup bars and executed the following: WindMillsICx5, 1Burpee OYO, CherryPickersICx7, 2Burpees OYO, MoroccanNightClubsICx10, 3Burpees OYO, HillBillyWalkersICx12, 4Burpees OYO, SideStraddleHopsICx25, 5Burpees OYO. We were ready to play ball!
THE THANG: 4 cones spread out in the shape of a baseball diamond. Perform exercises at each base and then proceed to the next base via suggested mode of transportation. Go until the defense completes the Outfield Dora. The base exercises and modes of travels were: Home Plate – 5 Pullups, 10 Merkins and then BroadJump to 1st base – 5 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 15 CDDs and then Lt. Dan it to 2nd base – 5 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 15 CDDs, 20 LBCs and then CrawlBear to 3rd base – 5 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 15 CDDs, 20 LBCs, 25 Flutters ( single count ) and then BearCrawl to homeplate.
The offense continues around the base path and tries to make as many trips to home they can before the defense completes the following Dora routine: 50 Burpees, 100 Sumo Squats, 200 Flutters ( single count ). Finished 1 complete inning with Bobber’s team losing to Rebel’s team 3-1.
MARY: Penalty for losing was 1 minute of Burpees. In F3 fashion both teams performed the penalty. Ended right at 6.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Convergence 6/10 for Kenya, Boss Hog farewell drop in at the Print Shop
COT: Lifted up prayers!

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Dora the explora?

WARMUP: Moroccan night clubs, cherry pickers, windmills
THE THANG: Dora with 200 reps at one end and coupon work at the other. Partner workout.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Convergence on 6/10
COT: Be accountable and prayer

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