Ring-O-Fire and Ice

WARMUP: 10 SSH then mosey to field for 100 yard sprint and 100 yards of bear crawl
THE THANG: up and down the bleachers with a set of 15 dips at the end of each row, then to the hill for suicides, 5 burpees, 10 Merkins, 15 Big boys, 20 lunges (each leg) 25 squats, 20 Pull ups
MARY: Rebel merkins, upright flutters
COT: Shovel-flag hand off from Kaiser to Cousin Eddie

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Post Holiday Get Moving SL Run

WARMUP: Jog from house to meet PAX
THE THANG: HC & Ruby from from their hood to meet YHC & Shield along Starlight Drive. After that we weaved our way through Regal Manor, Balmoral and Fallbrook. Lots of talk about holidays, plans for next year and if working out in a hotel counts towards the post count for 2023. Most of us are shooing for 200 posts or more for ’23. Dropped of Shield back at his house, then YHC and HC and Ruby worked their way back home. Between 4.5 and 5.75 miles this am.
MARY: none
COT: Talked during the run.

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Xmas Eve below Zero

Some PAX ran the Clave Boss and then rolled out. Other PAX rolled in for only the workout. Some PAX did both.

Split quickly into 3 groups. Rebound, Sprocket, and Mark Twain each took a group through a warmup and then visited 3 stations. Double D, 38 Special, and Band Camp lead the PAX at each stations. It was too cold (11 degrees Fahrenheit with some biting wind) to vote on which station was the Ghost of Christmases Past, Present and Future (see we did work in a little Xmas theme)

38’s portion:

The Roshamburpee-fest
Demonstrated a roshamburpee (plank position, 1, 2, 3 shoot).
Assigned one PAX to the end of each of the concrete paths. Everyone will run up the concrete paths in succession (or do whatever) and challenge the guy stuck at the end with a roshamburpee.
Winner gets up and runs up to the next level to challenge the next PAX. Loser stays put and keeps plank (or just tries to keep warm). At the five minute mark called “Sudden Death!”. Everyone tries to do laps but they always challenge anyone they run by (passing challenges in progress) and basically it looks like a bunch of pool balls knocking into each other the whole way. A lot of burpees. A lot of laughs. A lot of running. A lot of fun

Double D’s portion:

Started with 10 burpees OYO.
Group then broke up into 3-5 pax.
1 pax runs to block does 1st exercise in red while others in group do exercise in green.
Cycle all pax in group through, then move to second set of exercises.

4.OH Press
2.Clave Raise
3.Sumo Squat
4.Monkey Humpers

We planked for 6 and a short msg. Then group moved on.

Band Camp’s Portion:
Buy in with 20 Bulgarian Split Squats each leg
Ran a version of Red Barchetta-style workout
Run down – exercises
Mosey back – 5 burpees in cadence
50 in cadence Mountain Climbers (cold hands)
49 in cadence Flutters
48 in cadence Squats
47 in cadence Merkins

COT – and to all a good night!

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We’re Not in Kansas Anymore Toto

WARMUP: Mosey to the pull-up bars to seek shelter from the wind. Followed up with some SSH, Moroccan NC, Imperial Walkers, Hillbilly Walkers.
THE THANG: EMOM with 30 second breaks in between. Order was Pull-ups, Squats with Block, Curls, Overhead Presses, LBC, Merkins, Flutters, Chest Press, Man Makers, Knees to Chest, Low Plank, KB Swings, SSH and Thrusters. Start over again.
MARY: Ran out of time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Christmas Eve Convergence. Bundle up! It’s gonna be cold! Blood a drive is coming up.
COT: What happens in COT stays in COT.

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WARMUP: Hillbilly Walker, Windmill, and the Motivator

TABATA: 4 rounds of each
40 sec. Mercs. 10 sec. Rest
40 sec. Flutters 10 sec. Rest
2 min. Bear crawl
40 sec. Squats 10 sec. Rest
40 sec. Rowers 10 sec. Rest
2 min Sprints
40 sec. High knees 10 sec. Rest
40 sec. Hello dollys10 sec. Rest
2 min Planks
40 sec. Shoulder taps 10 sec. Rest
40sec. Lbcs 10sec. Rest
2 min Crab walk

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The Beaver and Eleanor Tea Party

Boston Tea Party inspired workout for Varsity.
Started with a mosey run to parking spot “17” and did:
SH (15x I/C)
Windmills (8x I/C)
Imperial walkers (10x I/C)
Moroccan N/C (10x I/C)
Run to parking spot “73” and did:
Low slow squat (10x I/C)
Big arm circles fwd/bkwd
Peter Parkers
Plank stretches

Run to the pull up bars and deliver the Boston Tea Party story (see end of BB).
342 crates of tea tossed overboard, therefore we did:
3 pullups then remain on the bar and do 4 toes2bar, still hang and do another 2 pullups
Plank rest for the six
Repeat the 3-4-2
Plank rest for the six
Repeat the 3-4-2

Grab a cindy and go to the street. Pax circle up and do exercise called out with the cindy while a pax runs down to the stop sign with the slam ball and then TOSSES THE TEA (slam ball).
Return with ball and next pax cycles in to toss the tea. We did:
Curls, KB Swings, OH presses, goblet squats, bent over rows, Kaiser grips

Cindy blocks down, all pax wall sit. Pass the slam ball up/down the line; PASS THE TEA (as in I’d like to toss it overboard).

Since Varsity usually includes a broga segment, we did some deep stretching. Up dogs, down dogs, pickle pointers, piriformis stretches.

Recover, back to the cindy’s. Pax were to do 15 manmakers, but received/earned a reduction for naming the three ships involved in the Boston Tea Party, and naming the three cities where the British East India ships were forced to turn around and never got to dock. Six deductions possible, pax got five right. Thus did TEN manmakers.

Blocks back. COT.
Four mins of Mary.

Boston Tea Party, the Harry Carry abridged version:
Tea Act in May 1773 gave the British East India Tea Company a price advantage in the tea market, and the duty was to paid when cargo was unloaded in the American Colonies. Problem was the British tea was going to be cheaper than the smuggled tea (Dutch stuff) the American colonists were dealing…so the Americans were pissed about the taxation w/o representation and the potential of losing their own side hussle.
New York, Philly, and Charleston each had British East India Tea Co ships inbound, but the Colonists made an offer the consignees in those harbors could not refuse. Those ships never got to these three cities and turned around back to England.
Boston was different: The governor there was a big-time loyalist and his two sons were consignees. When three British East India Tea Co ships (Dartmouth, Eleanor, and the BEAVER) got to Boston, the colonists had to act fast before the cargo could be unloaded. At a big town-hall meeting, things got a little crazy and before the night was over 342 crates of British East India tea was in the drink.
For the manmaker deductions, the pax got New York, Philly and Charleston right, as well as the ships Dartmouth and Beaver (hmm, wonder why), but they forgot the Eleanor!

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12 Days of Christmas


Windmills (sloooow)
Imperial walkers
Hillbilly walkers
Upward dog
Downward dog
Peter Parker’s
Upward dog
Downward dog
Wide arm merkins


Mosey to pull up bars, had board set up with 12 days of Christmas…

Start with first day of Christmas, run to bottom of hill come back and do first and second day, so on and so forth

Kraken burpee
Knee tar jai
Sumo squats
Cindy press
Toes to bar
Diamond merkins
Calf raises
Man makers
Hello dollys
Freddy mercurys
Monkey humpers

No need
Christmas party, dam to dam

Discussion about patience and God’s timing, other prayers, had to be there

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Mississippi Mud

It was a chilly morning in The Fort, but the firey mumble chatter kept us all warm. So did the pain!

After a plethora of warmup exersices we were off for some wall work.

The Ascending Testicles (not so distant cousin to Balls to the Wall)

15 Degrees – 10 Derkins
45 Degrees – 10 Derkins
Balls to the Wall – 10 Derkins

Then a round of The Australian (aka decline mountain climbers

We then moseyed over to the track to celebrate the birthday of our beloved state Mississippi.
Fun Facts: Mississippi joined the Union as the 20th state on December 10th 1817 and gets its name from the Mississippi River, which forms its western border. Mississippi is known for being the birthplace of American blues music and is also famous for its fertile soil, which makes it an agricultural powerhouse, as well as for its catfish farming industry.

The Thang:
18 of one exercise, run half a lap around the track. Then 17 of the same exercise, and run the other half of lap (year 1817). We worked our way all the way down the list.

M – erkins
I – material Walkers
S – ide Straddle Hops
S – it Ups
I – nch Worms
S – holder Taps
S – umo Squats
I – ron Mike Tysons
P – eter Pointers
P – eter Parkers
P – eter Pointers
I – mperial Storm Kickers

Back to COT


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WW1 Hero & 21s

WARMUP: Asked the PAX to hold plank while I read the story of the hero we were about to honor, read below:

Today we have the privilege to honor U.S. Army Sergeant Richmond Hilton. Richmond Hobson Hilton was born in Westville, SC on Oct 8, 1898. He joined the army in Westville, SC. and was assigned to Company M, 118th Infantry, 30th Division during WW1. On October 11, 1918, a couple of days past his 20th birthday, while fighting near Brancourt, France, Hilton’s unit was held up by intense machine gun and small arms fire. Sgt. Hilton recognized that the machine gun fire was coming from a shell crater just ahead of them. Accompanied by several other soldiers, but moving out well ahead of them, Sgt. Hilton engaged the enemy machine gun nest, advancing using his rifle until his ammunition ran out, and then continued advancing alone using his pistol. Sgt. Hilton took the enemy machine gun nest using only his pistol killing 6 German soldiers and capturing 10 others. During the course of his actions on that day, Hilton was wounded by an exploding shell, which resulted in the loss of his arm. For his acts of bravery Sgt. Hilton was awarded several medals from many different countries, including the Medal of Honor. After his discharge from the army he returned home to Kershaw County a hero. He joined the Civitan Club of Columbia, of which he as a proud member. Richard Hobson Hilton died on August 13, 1933 and was buried in the Old Quaker Cemetery in Camden, SC.

After reading was completed, PAX joined me on an approx. 1/2 mile Mosey with karaoke both sides for 15 yards, high knees for 20 yards and butt kickers for 20 yards. We ended where the tough part was to begin.

THE THANG: I did not find any WODs for WW1 heroes, but during my search I found a workout dedicated to the Unknown Soldiers. The number 21 symbolizes the highest symbolic military honor that can be bestowed: the 21-gun salute. So, the format was simple, 21 exercises – 21 reps of each exercise. Split the 21 exercises into 2 groups. 1st group was at the top of the hill by the pull up bars and the 2nd group of exercises was to be performed at the bottom of the hill. Simple -complete the 1st exercise at the top of the hill and then run down to the bottom and complete the next exercise at that location, when done run up the hill and continue down the list. Here are the exercises:
Top of the Hill:
Diamond Merkins
Mike Tyson Merkins
Knees to Chest while hanging from the ba
Derkins ( feet on the curb )
Switch Grip Pullups
Peter Parkers ( count 1 leg only )
Straight lower leg raises into L position while hanging from the bar
Parker Peters ( count 1 leg only )

Bottom of the hill ( all of these exercises were completed with Cindy! )
Overhead Squats
Goblet Squats
Swings w/ Cindy
Man Makers
1-arm bent over rows ( 21 reps each arm )
Dead Lifts
Big Boy Situps
American Hammers
MARY: Made it back to COT with enough time to complete 21 side-straddle-hops in cadence!
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Christmas Party, Christmas Eve Convergance, D2DB10K
COT: Lifted up the prayers of the PAX, asked for help to always be prepared to help and serve others.

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Misty Morning Mahem

WARMUP: 25 SSH, 10 Hillbilly Walkers, 10 Windmills, 10 Mountain Climbers

THE THANG: start at COT, mosey to last island with a tree,
cut across to front island, mosey back to island by the bus loop, finish the box with a mosey back to COT. At each station:
• 10 burpees
• 20 lunges
• 30 merkins
• 40 squats
Repeat x4

Mosey to the wall
• Wall sits – each person does 5 Mike Tysons 2x
• 20 Calf Raises OYO
• 10 Derkins against the wall
• lunge walk back to COT

Covered Entry
• Steps ups
• Dips
• Derkins
• Wide arm Merkins

MARY: 30 LBCs, 10 Shoulder Taps, 15 peter parkers, 20 flutters

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lots of great feedback on my 2nd Q, all the stuff from the news letter

COT: prayers for family and jobs

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