The site formally known as The COOP.

Let me start off by saying cancer sucks. It took one of our PAX last week and I am still mad about it. Jay Griggs known in the gloom as Cash, 51 battled this aweful disease on and off for about two years. He left behind his wife Christine and two kids Katie (14) and Will (12). We came together today to do a workout for him and also to rename this AO in his honor. We wanted to give a name that if someone who didnt know Cash would ask we could explain that the name was in his honor and keep Jays legacy in The Fort going. More on the name at the end.
We statrted with a disclaimer and quick dynamic warmup.
51 SSHs in cadence.
Mosey down the hill for some instructions.
3 cones at bottom of hill. do the first cone run up hill to nafo crosswalk do 10 bombjacks, run back to pull up bars do 5 pull ups, run down to bottom of hill for the next cone, keep repeating until YHC stops the group.
Cone 1- Merkins and Squats
Cone 2- CDDs and American Hammers
Cone 3- Alternating lunges and Alternating Shoulder taps
At each of the cones we did a total between the two exercises 51 reps.
Mosey back to Cot.
We took this time to let the Pax know the AO formally known as The Coop was now to be known as Ring of Fire. One of Jonny Cashs greatest hits. So when someone says how did this palce get the name we can explain.
Announcements and naming of FNG.
FNG- Sappin Patel- Spam
reach out to funhouse to help with at risk middle school kids on their off days from school_ takes palce at forest hill church.
8th annual anniversary party of the Fort. held Oct 2nd 630-930 at 3399 Pleasant Rd. Convergence the following morning at 0630 first baptist fort mill.
for the family of Cash.
marriages and keeping real with raising shorties.
Backdraft Out.

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New Fellowship Ruck AO Official Starts 9/10 at 5 am

The fellowship ruck Sole to Soul that we have been doing unofficially for about 3 months has been gaining momentum so we have official start  date of 9/10 at 5 am. We shoot for  4 plus miles every Thursday starting at Panera Bread in Kingsley followed by Hanging with Stang afterwards. What better way could you start your day with a awesome mumblechatter while rucking and a great conversation afterwards with a great sunrise. Join YHC as we launch this AO. I look forward to seeing you in the Gloom.

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One time at Bandcamp….RPG Style

Band Camp came to RPG with one objective, prepare the Pax for the Sweati on Saturday morning.  Objective achieved!  

BROGA prepared the Pax for the SWEATI -CSAUP and offered a subtle reminder of the importance to add in some flexibility training during the week!

Bandcamp directed the Pax thru 30 mins of BROGA, then turned over the RUN/RUCK option to Bass-o-Matic (RUN Q) & CakeBoss (RUCK Q).

15 mins remained,  for a 1-mile tempo RUN with Bass-O-Matic or the all-important 3rd F Ruck with Cake Boss!

What are you doing to Get Right, Live Right, and Lead RIght?  POST somewhere to get better!

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The Coop: A Pint Down

YHC gave blood last night…so today’s workout was highly modular. (In case I passed out)

We headed to the center of the football field and circled up for a warm up
Shoulder Taps
Did some light yoga

Moved toward the goal line doing butt kickers, inch worms, and/or toy soldiers
Moved back towards the opposite goal line Karaoke, side shuffle, and more toy soldiers
Bear Crawl toward the 50-yard line adding 10 merkins every 25 yards.

Did some heavy yoga

Ran the track with four burpees at every corner

Did some heavier yoga

Sprinted 100 yards a few times until Yoshi looked a bit tired.
Mosey back to COT

Did pigeon lunge at COT and was called out for not having any ab-specific exercises by Straight Up. Fair point.


Kaiser asked YHC to think about a bible verse that speaks to me:
Exodus 4:2 [God talking to Moses]

Then the Lord said to him, “What is that in your hand?”
“A stick,” he replied.

Moses only needed what God had already provided to accomplish the divine work laid out for him. What do you already have that God can use in your life?

Band Camp dismissed.

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The Full MALTZ at The Honey Badger

DEA Maltz Challenge — CrossFit Amplify

Today, we would be honoring Master Sergeant Michael H. Maltz (19 September 1960 – 23 March 2003).

Week 2 of Hard-Charging August consisted of the Full MALTZ. In total, 22 of us made the decision to start the week at The Honey Badger with cinder blocks, rucks and kettle bells in tow.  There wasn’t a warm up which according to the disclaimer, is a risk every man takes on themselves.

I had to slightly modify the WOD to fit the AO and current social guidelines so it looked like this:

Run 400M which is from the JROTC building steps to the stop sign at AO Jones Rd & back.
50 Pull-Ups
100M Farmer’s Carry which is from the JROTC building steps to the cross walk in in front of the stadium. PAX could use 2 cinder blocks, 2 rucks or 1 of each.
50 Dips and some chose to do this with added weight on their legs
100 Push-Ups: Most did it slick (no added weight) but once a few of us saw Ruby Slippers doing his with weight, he unintentionally pressured a few us to complete the remaining push-ups with weight. The is the good kind of peer pressure.
50 Knees-to-Elbows on the bars
100 Sit-ups with your feet anchored to the ground
Run 400M

To read more about this HERO, click on the link below taking you to the MALTZ Challenge web site.


With Honey Badger being 60min, this took us to 0535 so we had time to take advantage of. That said:

Grab a coupon, hoist it overhead and walk to the bottom of the hill. Set your coupon off to the side and bear crawl around one of the islands (follow Dark Helmet).
We did some Mary, a little more Mary and then just a little bit more Mary.
Next, NUR up the hill, run down then repeat.
Next, overhead carry your coupon to the JROTC steps then on to COT.

Announcements & Prayers/Praises

It was awesome to have 22 PAX out there at 0500 on a Monday, just think about that for a second. How many other places in the world would men volunteer to do a hard workout, outside by honoring one of our Service members? Thank you F3 Nation. A reminder for all of us, it’s not about us.


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Covid Vaccine for the Soul Coming in September… Join In

Has Covid frozen your faith Journey as Churches have closed their doors?  Or maybe Covid has you asking bigger question of God and you would like to be in a community of Men to discover the answers.  Are you interested in growing in your faith walk? Discovering a path toward an Intimate, Abiding relationship with Christ through a small group study.

Maybe you have been in the church for your entire life, the last 10 years or you are just now opening your mind to this idea of a higher power… a “Sky Q”.  Regardless of where you are in your faith walk we all have room to grow and mature in our relationship with Christ.

We are all on a faith journey and some of us are more or less equipped to take our faith deeper.  If you have a gap in any of these areas then I have a challenge for you.

  1. Do you feel that you have created a solid foundation of knowing who God is and his desire to be a part of your life?
  2. Are you in a group that is consistently seeking to grow in a relationship with God?
  3. Do you feel that you have an adequate tool kit to help you grow deeper in your faith?

In September, we will be launching into a Journey to build from the ground up a knowledge of who God is and to start to learn how to have an intimate, abiding relationship with him.  Please reach out to any of the Journey alumni to learn more and to get connected.


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RPG-Varsity July Combo

Twenty three PAX converged at NaFo for the RPG-Varsity Combo (July 2020 edition).  Meteorological note: there was actually an occasional breeze blowing!

Started promptly at 0515 with Sasquatch leading the Broga portion.

Sasquatch leading us in some Broga

The peaceful warrior  pose was shattered by the breaking of wind by some Pax.

Next, the pax had their choice of what to do from 0530 to COT/0600:

Boot camp: Kaiser on Q

Pax did:  Stage 1 = bench workouts including derkins, dips, incline merkins.
Stage 2 = bear crawl around circle.
Stage 3 = broad jumps across parking lot mixed in with burpees.
Stage 4 = cinderblock curls and step ups on bench
Stage 5 = flutters/ab workout to wait for the six
Stage 6 = 10 pull ups 10 chin ups 10 reverse grip pull ups 3 burpees pull ups with wall sit between intervals
Stage 7 = short Mary with Freddie mercuries and hello dolly.

Run: Harry Carry on Q
Four pax ran a 3 mile loop at about a 8:10 pace.

run route

Ruck: Cake Boss on Q
Seven pax for the ruck, covering about 1.5 miles.  Topic: Matthew chapter 24 “Be ready”.

Fini, COT

Kaiser noted James 1:19; “…be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.”   It can be a struggle to those in the right order.

Prayers for Cash.

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Hills, Sprint zone, Steps, Sprinklers, and Fun

13 men showed up for loops of fun this morning.  We began with the Pledge of Allegiance at 05:14.  A quick disclaimer and description of the route thereafter.  The warm-up consisted of running to the top of the hill on Massey Street. We stopped there of a minute so I could explain the “Sprint Zone. ” Four sprints after completing pain station #2.  To keep it simple since I tend to forget the pain station exercises, each station had the same exercises:  10 bomb jacks, 10 hand release merkins, 10 squats.  Four stations:  Gas station on the corner of Massey and Spratt, parking lot on Massey, parking lot on Spratt, and steps on White.  Each loop was about a mile.  The “Sprint Zone” turned into a “Recovery Zone”   for most after the first lap.

Everyone did a great job.  I appreciate coming out each morning,  hearing the encouragement from others, and challenging myself to do better.

Life changing group.


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The Barry Loop at RPG

Sasquatch and BodyWash delivered at RPG.  Sasquatch started two minutes early and finished one min late, with Body Wash picking up the Pax with a strong “Barry Loop” path for the Cardio portion of RPG. (not to mention no sun and 20 degrees cooler.)  The humidity levels remained above normal and turned the fellowship run into a strong outing.

Nice work by all!!


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Obscure Parking Lots

8 PAX gathered in the grass outside the construction fence at Walter Elijah Park in the gloom.

Mosey to Springs Corporate parking lot.
Karaoke down one side
Butt Kickers up
Karaoke down the other side
Toy Soldiers back down

Pick up the shirt-less Sasquatch for a total of 9 PAX

Mosey to Springs Corporate lower parking lot
Plank for 6

Mosey to Pike Electric Parking Lot for some yoga. Or as Sasquatch calls it, “A commercial for RPG on Fridays.” Mostly we stuck to DownDog–>UpDog with some one-legged planks involved.

Mosey on to FBC Parking Lot

31 SSHs
21 Squats
11 Imperial Walkers
11 Hillbilly Walkers
21 Merkins
16 CDDs

Mosey up and down the stairs at FBC
Mosey to St. John’s and wall sit on a column
11 Moroccan Night Clubs in the wall sit
Plank with feet on the wall, 6-inches, back to regular plank

Mosey to the backside of FBC
Squats for 6
Bear Crawl half the parking lot
Plank – JLos
Bear Crawl back

Mosey across Tom Hall to Bank of America
Squats for 6
Mosey to Subway/N5 parking lot
Handstand walk the wall down the parking lot
Found a board of pain
10 Bomb Jacks
20 Lunges in cadence
15 Squats in cadence
40 Calf Raises OYO
15 Squats OYO
Flipped the board over

Mosey to Founders parking lot
Squats for 6

Mosey to Springs Corporate lower lot
Plank for 6
Some yoga

Mosey to COT
11 Mountain Climbers
11 Peter Parkers
11 Parker Peters
Some more yoga (Lizard Pose)


With all that’s going on in the world, it can be difficult to stay present in the moment. That’s one thing I love about the workout. All you have to focus on is the work in front of you. We can only live NOW, there is not other moment in which to exist. Getting through the tough moments reminds me of a moment from the Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt where she gets through things 10 seconds at a time. She believes “I can do anything for 10 seconds.” So she just counts down from 10 to 1, and then repeats the process.

A bit nonsensical to mix Eckhart Tolle with Kimmy Schmidt. Yet here we are.

Blood Drive on 7/28 – see Rebel’s note in the newsletter
Sweati 8/15

Prayers for those suffering

Great to lead and be pushed by the PAX present.

Band Camp dismissed

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