Lucky Jokers, My Calves Hurt

8 HIMs reported to Varsity this morning, undeterred by the threat of cold weather and rain. We met at 0515 at the front entry awning of Nation Ford High School and promptly shared the requisite disclaimer, followed by a warmup.

We did some SSHs and then a bunch of planks, honey-mooners, downward dogs, and shoulder taps, and then I explained the game.

I decided to revise my deck of pain workout from The Armory to be used at Varsity, and I thought it worked out great.

We each took turns picking cards from the deck to determine what exercise and number of reps we would do…

Number of reps was determined by the face value of the card drawn, 2-13.

Spades = Jump Squats

Diamonds = Bench Dips

Clubs = Peter Parkers

Hearts = Derkins

Aces = 10 Burpees

Jokers = 100 SSH

We made it through the whole deck with about 7 minutes to spare, so you guessed it… Mary.

Each of us got a turn to pick an ab exercise, and we finished right at 0600 in time for COT.

Count-o-rama, Name-o-rama, and ended with prayers and praises.

Kelbasa shared a story with the group about a therapy patient he met who was a Green Beret in Korea and Vietnam who had a good attitude and kept moving even through a Covid diagnosis.

Prayers for those affected by Corona, and other needs. Many of us are battling mental and emotional demons, every day. Some are open about it, some have a harder time sharing our struggles. Never forget that sometimes we are the light or the rock for others around us, even if we don’t realize it. Post for eachother!

Thanks Splinter for the opportunity to lead this morning, I wouldn’t rather have shared this cold and gloomy morning with anyone else!


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Pyramid attempt at Fire Ant

On Christmas Eve, Divac introduced us to the way he was going to run The Fire Ant AO now that he is in charge. And guess what, it’s not for the faint of heart. That said, I had to live up to the billing.
In recent months, I’ve noticed a great way to challenge the PAX is to post the Weinke on the socials ahead of time. It also holds me accountable to planning the proper beatdown. So here goes:

Ruck 1 mile at a sub 14min/mi pace to TCES. Full disclosure, Punch List led us at a 13:37 pace…giraffe.

10 Man Makers
20 Lunges (ea leg)
30 Merkins (single ct)
40 Real Squats (you know what this means)
50 Mountain Climbers (left/right = 1)
60 LBC’s (single ct)
70 Curls
80 Peter Parkers (40 I/C) – I believe this is where the leaders ran out of time.
90 Bent Over Rows (45 I/C) – I was really looking forward to these!
100 Flutters w/ Press (50 I/C) – Surprise, Surprise. I was really, really looking forward to these.

Ruck 1 mile back to the Start Ex at a sub 14min/mi pace. We made it about .25mi and I abruptly stopped everyone for a Switzer. The new instructions were to Jail Break back to the Start Ex to complete as many Flutters/Press as you can until 0600. The leaders arrived at a 10:05 pace and a heart rate that neared, “explosive.”

COT practices with the Golden Corral bootcampers.


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First Post of 2021

What better way to start the new year than with your brothers in the rainy gloom? Well, 4 at Varsity did just that.

Today was really special for several reasons.

It’s F3’s 10 Year Anniversary.  I wonder if DREDD and the other Redwoods had any idea what this would turn into?  In Honor of that, we did the same workout they did on 1/1/2011.

First we started with a little mosey where we talked about who was up the latest and Harry Caray’s smart plan to go to bed, take a nap and then wake back up for the ball drop with his M and 2.0’s.  I’ll have to remember that for next year 😉

Since it’s 2021, our warm-up consisted of 21 reps of SSH, Marocain Night Clubs, Imperial Walkers, and 7 windmills (because we do them really slowly and I couldn’t cadence count 21 windmills).

Then it was a lap around the track and into the Thang.

Run a lap.

10 merkins, diamonds, and wide-arm merkins.  Run a lap.

Shield fell so far behind that we went back to pick up him.  He said he had to stop and tie his shoe to which we all said was a “likely excuse”.

10 knee up dollys (think bring your knees to your chest, back out, apart and back together is 1),  Freddie Mercury’s and LBC’s.  Run a lap.

10 Side Straddle Hops, squat thrusters, and mountain climbers. Run a lap.

Since it rained most of the night and was drizzling most of the morning up to this point, we decided that instead of running up and down the bleachers that were slick to do Jacob’s Ladder, we ran over to the hill by the pull-up bars.   We got an extra burpee in b/c YHC forgot that you have to run to the top first before doing the burpee.  The extra burpee was my NY gift to the group.

Since that only took about 25 minutes, I had to fill some time, but since we were at the pull-up bars, I figured why not.

21 pull-ups followed by 21 squats x2 rounds.

Then it was time to play with Cindy. 10 counts of bent-over rows (each arm), overhead press, goblet squats, curls, and KB swings. 2 rounds.

We finished COT with a discussion of our One Word from last year and this year.

On a personal note, these HIM’s are my SheildLock and were my quarantine workout partners.  I would be in a very different place (and not for the better) if it had not been for these men who I have learned so much from.  I hope I have impacted their lives as much as they have mine.  Here’s to 2021!


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Looked Better on Paper

I arrived a bit earlier this morning to scope out some areas of the campus that I have yet to explore.  Eight men showed up on this brisk morning.  We began with a slow mosey around the elementary school parking lot and stopped at the playground for the typical warm-up exercises (SSHs, Windmills, Imperial Walkers, Plank Stretches, Mountain Climbers, Peter Parkers, and Parker Peters.

Next, we moseyed back to the parking lot.  The first series of exercises was a combination bear crawl/squat across the length of the parking lot.  At every other parking space line, we did 10 squats.  Once finished, we did the same routine except we rolled to each line and did 5 merkins.  Lots of complains about dizziness after the first couple spins but we made it through the craziness.

Once the world stopped spinning, we ventured over to the pull up bars (Trucker approved).  We did 10 reps of jump and grab the bar, pull chin over the bar, and hold position for five seconds.  We took a lap around the bus loop to shake out are arms.  Next round was a jump and grab the bar, raise legs up 90 degrees, and hold for five seconds.  Again, another lap.  Last round was a jump up, rotate grip back and forth, and pull chin up over bar.  One last lap around the bus loop and back to COT for a few minutes of Mary.

Great job everyone!  Thanks for trying something new.

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Badger Sled Pull

Five men posted at Honey Badger for a beatdown and honor a fallen soldier.

Disclaimer given
Mosey run (approx. ½ mile)
SSH (12x I/C)
Windmills (10x I/C)
Imperial Walkers (10x I/C)
Moroccan N/C (10x I/C)
Low Slow Squats (10x I/C)
Arm Circles (10x I/C)
Peter Parkers (10x I/C)
Plank Stretches (downward dogs/honeymooners)

Thang #1: Bar hang
4 minute bar hang (cumulative); alternate = low plank
When a pax drops:
Run to bottom of hill and run back
Do 10 burpees
Get back on the bar, resume the hang
When finished: flutters for the six
Mosey run to school entrance

Thang #2: Bench work
20 incline merkins
20 Dips
20 step ups, 10 ea leg
20 decline merkins
20 butt touch squats
20 calf raises
Mosey run back to the ROTC building. Read story of fallen soldier CPO Kevin Houston (copied below).

Thang #3: Stations with coupons/cinder blocks
Station 1: sled pull: four cinder blocks in the sled (4x35lbs=140lbs), pax pulls sled to stop sign and back (approx. 100’ out and back, 200’ total). Sled pull is the timer, other pax are stationed at the below and then rotate.
Station 2: curls
Station 3: KB swings
Station 4: goblet squats
Station 5: flutters w/ block overhead
Rinse and repeat, each pax got to pull the sled twice.

Run to COT area; do some Mary: Slow freddies, American hammers

Fini, COT

Takeaways: The dead hang challenge was different. Important to have a visible timer so pax can keep track of time. Can flex up, for example: increase hang time to six minutes or increase run distance.


Home-made sled for cinder blocks

Special Warfare Operator Chief Petty Officer Kevin A. Houston
Kevin Houston was born on September 20, 1975 in West Hyannis Port, Massachusetts and graduated from Barnstable High School in 1994.
He enlisted in the U.S. Navy on January 18, 1995. He went on to basic training at NTC Great Lakes, Illinois, in April 1995. He attended Aviation Electrician’s Mate training at NAS Lemoore, California, from May to June 1995. He finished his SEAL training in 1999 in California and returned to the east coast and settled in Chesapeake, Virginia.
On August 6, 2011 Chief Petty Officer Kevin A. Houston was killed in action on his fourth tour of Afghanistan, when rebels shot down a Chinook transport helicopter (Extortion 17) carrying 30 American troops, including members of Navy SEAL Team Six during Operation Enduring Freedom. He was buried at Arlington National Cemetery.
Houston’s mother, Jan Brown, told the Cape Cod Times of Hyannis that her son was born to be a SEAL.
Houston leaves behind a wife and three children.
There is a memorial for Special Warfare Operator Chief Petty Officer Kevin A. Houston at the Hyannis Village Green in Mass.
His decorations include two Bronze Stars with ‘V’ devices for valor; Purple Heart; Joint Service Commendation Medal with ‘V’ device for valor; two Navy/Marine Corps Commendation Medals; Navy/Marine Corps Achievement Medal; Combat Action Ribbon; Presidential Unit Citation; Battle ‘E’ Ribbon; Navy ‘E’ Ribbon; three Good Conduct Medals; National Defense Service Medal; two Afghanistan Campaign Medals; Iraq Campaign Medal; Global War on Terrorism Service Medal; Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal; Sea Service Deployment Ribbon; Rifle Marksmanship Medal and Pistol Marksmanship Medal.


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Expect the Unexpected

As the first Q to kickoff the Block Party December to Remember, I knew I had a huge shoe to fill seeing the lineup Bobber scheduled. So I figured I had to take a page out of my Yinzer’s Q book and do something that I am not a fan of – burpees. If you have ever posted to one of my Q’s, you know there will be plenty of merkins and pull-ups, but not burpees nor running. Well, expect the unexpected.

I pulled in to the parking lot with some ideas, but no Weinke. When I mentioned this as we were standing around waiting for 05:15 start, you could imagine the mumble chatter!

So the Thang:

Was about to mossy when I called a Switzer and circled up for some stretching, then we mossy to Hobo parking lot for a little bit of COP. Low slooowww squats, merkins, and OH claps. Lines up at dumpster and for 5 rounds: 5 burpees, 10 squats, 15 merkins, run to Main Street Gazebo and back and rinse and repeat. Tesh was on round 5 when most PAX were on round 3…but his shirt was still on so maybe that slowed him down.

Mossy to “The Hill”. I figured most of the PAX won’t travel west of the Peach Stand on a Saturday to experience #BAOPS, so why not bring it to them! NUR up the hill and perform 1 burpee. Run down the hill, 10 LBCs. NUR up to 2 burpees, run down to 20 LBCs. NUR up to 3 burpees, run down to 30 LBCs. NUR up to 4 burpees, run down to 40 LBCs. NUR up to 5 burpees, run down to 50 LBCs.

Run to the park across from Main Street/160 intersection. 10 merkins, run up the stairs to the Xmas tree for 20 Freddie Mercury’s. Run back. Rinse and repeat by adding 5 additional reps at each end, with running the stairs in between. I realized I still had 8 minutes, so went back down the ladder to 15 merkins then 10 merkins with runnign the stairs in between each set with Freddies at the tree.

There is a snippet of what you  would experience at #BAOPS @ Alcatraz. Fill up your gas tank, get your M’s approval, and get your passport stamp some Saturday at #BAOPS – YOU WON’T REGRET IT

Thanks for the opportunity to lead!

Prayers go to Splinter’, Bobber, Trucker, and more recently Orange Crush son!


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Know before you show…

Tuesday’s are a treat here in The Fort so why should Tuesday, November 24 be any different? In an effort to ensure the PAX got their money’s worth, I decided to post the Weinke on Slack ahead of time. This gave them the choice of whether or not they wanted to make a run at it. That said, 14 PAX joined me at the Colosseum to give it a run.

Warm-up run around the drop off lanes for both schools, taking us back to the basketball hoops.
50ea I/C: SSH, Merkins (harder to actually do this than write this), Flutters

Line it up for sprints down/back: 50%, 75%, AYG

Mosey to the 1/2 wall: 25 Muscle Ups, 25 Mike Tysons, 15 get over the wall

Mosey to the back bus road. Nur up the road to the top. Run down but stop at each light pole for 10 Hand-Release Merkins, 20 Jump Squats, 30 Freddy Mercury’s (count how you wish since I tend to change my mind)

More was on the Weinke so it’ll have to wait for another day.

Loads of prayer requests and praises to be grateful for. Safe travels and for those not traveling, see you at the Convergence, Thursday at the Ranch.


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11 men posted at Honey Bader on a cool damp morning.
Disclaimer given and we were off with a mosey run (side shuffles, high knees, toy soldiers included)
Circle up for the WARMUP
SSH (12x I/C)
Windmills (12x I/C)
Imperial Walkers (12x I/C)
Morrocan N/C (12x I/C)
Low Slow Squats (12x I/C)
Arm Circles (12x I/C)
Peter Parkers (12x I/C)
Plank Stretches (12x I/C)

Run to school entrance
Read the account of the 31 US soldiers killed in the Extortion 17 Chinook helicopter shot down in Afghanistan (copied below).

Bench work
Derkins (17)
Step ups (20)
Dips (17)
Butt touch squats (17)
Incline Merkins (20)
Calf raises (17)
Leg lifts, grab post (17)

Run to pull up bars
Pull up routine:
Regular pull up (8)
Switch grip (6 and 6)
Toes to bar (11)

All pax grab a cinder block go to street
All pax Plank
Read hero story of 1st class Petty Officer John Douangdara, 26, and his Military Working Dog Bart (copied below)
Relay/block routine #1
Run to distance #1, run back to start
Blocks: do 13 curls, 13 squats (13+13=26)
Run to distance #2, run back to start
Blocks: do 13 curls, 13 squats
Run to distance #3, run back to start
Blocks: do 13 curls, 13 squats

Flutter for six, with block

Relay/block routine #2
Crawl Bear to distance #1, run back to start
Blocks: do 13 OH Press, 13 KB swings
Crawl Bear to distance #2, run back to start
Blocks: do 13 OH Press, 13 KB swings
Crawl Bear to distance #3, run back to start
Blocks: do 13 OH Press, 13 KB swings
Flutter w/ block for six,
Return blocks

Pull up routine again:
Regular pull up (8)
Switch grip (6 and 6)
Toes to bar (11)

To the street, a little mary to collect everyone:
Gas pumpers,
American Hammers

Run suicides to three cones.

Run to shovel flag.
Mary: Freddie Mercuries, Mountain Climbers, LBCs

Fini, COT
TWO FNG’s!  first is “Poppins” (a chimney sweep) EH’d by Refugee, and “Yeti” (2.0 of Sasquatch).

Take Aways: Need lights for the cones to see better in the dark.

Extortion 17
On August 6, 2011, a U.S. Army CH-47D Chinook helicopter approached a landing zone in Afghanistan 40 miles southwest of Kabul. The helicopter, call sign Extortion 17, was on a mission to support the 75th Ranger regiment that had secured an insurgent compound and were tracking down fleeing enemy militants.

As the chinook approached the landing zone, two enemy fighters ran out of a building and launched rocket propelled grenades. The first round missed the helicopter, but the second struck its rear roto blade. The resulting explosion caused a disastrous imbalance and tore the chinook apart. The helicopter spun out of control and crashed. There were no survivors.
The loss of 31 us military service members was devastating singular loss. Those killed were some of the U.S.’s most highly trained and battle-honed commandos.

In past Honey Badger workouts, I have chosen other Extortion 17 members to honor: Snr CPO Kraig Vickers; CPO Stephen M Mills; Specialist Spencer Duncan; Senior Chief Petty Officer Heath Robinson

Today we honor:
Petty Officer 1st Class John Douangdara, and military working dog Bart
John (nick named “Jet Li”) Douangdara was born on December 29, 1984, in Sioux City, Iowa. He enlisted in the U.S. Navy on February 15, 2002, and served at posts in the US, Europe and Iraq. In 2008 John became an Assault dog handler and deployed multiple times to Afghanistan to support SEAL team operations; and was the lead dog handler for SEAL team six. John and One of his dogs, toby, saved the lives of six Canadian service members, where unfortunately his dog died of injuries received in the actions. Later, both john and his dog received honors from the Canadian military for their actions.
On Aug 6 2011 1st class PO Douangdara (aged 26)  and his military working dog Bart were killed in the extortion 17 chinook crash from being shot down by enemy fire.
John is survived by his parents and four brothers and sisters.
Today There is a dog park named after John in Sioux City Iowa. John is laid to rest in Arlington National Cemetery and was posthumously awarded the Bronze Star with Valor, and the Purple Heart.

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Venice or Vienna

7 PAX on a perfect South Carolina morning in November.

Disclaimer was given

Mosey to Band Practice lot
Warmup in cadence
Side-straddle Hops
Imperial Walkers
Hillbilly Walkers
Shoulder Taps
Some Yoga
Split Squats (L, then R)
Some more Yoga

100 yard runs
1x @ 50% & some exercises for the six to rejoin
2x @ 75% & some exercises for the six to rejoin
1x @ 90% & some yoga for the six to rejoin
4x @ 100% & a walk back

Mosey to the Pull-up Bars for the HIIT portion:

20 seconds on, then 20 seconds rest

Pull ups
Mountain Climbers
Chin ups
3 rounds

Knee Ups
Split Squat Left
Split Squat Right
Monkey Humpers
2.25 rounds

Mosey to COT

How hard would you push if it weren’t for the guys around you?
How important is it for you to show up so other guys are encouraged to push themselves merely by your presence?

Band Camp dismissed

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