2024.37 Kitchen Sink

Move wights into place…

9/11 Memorial workout simulating 110 + roof (111) stair climb with sandbags and a parking lot with 37 spaces (373==11).

Split PAX into two teams for North and South Tower. Split teams into three groups each. At one end of parking lot (base of buildings) one group on each team will be performing KB lifts of their choosing (stipulation was to touch ground and then go over head, but that got lost in translation). One group will be performing burpees at each parking spot (or floor). One group will be carrying sandbags in between to relieve the other two groups.

As sandbag group relieves burpee group, he will proceed to the next available floor. (If he drops sandbag off at floor 25 while 25, 26, and 27 are doing burpees, he goes to 28.) There is an added mental exercise to count how many burpees/lifts you performed, and add that number to the number given to you associated with the bag you are carrying.

Demo: To start, floor 1, 2, and 3 will start with a bag and do that many burpees to preload the bag. Floor 1 will then run the bag to the lifters and hand it to the next available person. Lifter takes bag with 1, adds his lifts number (lets say 5) to 1. He then takes the sandbag, runs and hands it to burpee group at floor 4, tells him bag has 6 and runs to floor 7 to commence burpees. The man on floor 4 adds his burpee number (lets say 6) to the bag , runs, and hands it to the next available lifter and tells him the bag has 12.

Repeat until burpees have been performed at ever floor.

Run that back 3 times. (We got through 2… next time.)

Quick reminder that we will take for granted more than we will ever hope to contribute. We stand on the shoulders of giants and it was undeniably visceral on 9/11/2001 when we saw so many risk everything to help their brothers and sisters in need.

There’s two ways to make a living in this world… exploit systems or create value. I hope you get a chance at the latter. A rising tide lifts all boats.

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I cant hear you??? Decibel to the Rescue

WARMUP: Did lap around the track
Did some warm up COP
Then mosey to sugar creek
Burpees merkins squats in between bear crawl crab walks and crawl bears

Mosey to playground
Dora with 50, 100, 150
One exercise move each

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16 minute miles

Disclaimer and routes provided
THE THANG: All paces of jogging :running: Started after the whistle
Hwy 160 to Spratt to Harris to Munn and back to COT at some point. Some got 4ish and some got 8ish, and some got some trails
MARY: she was missed but remembered
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 9/21 Sundae Ruck, Convergence 9/28
COT: We Hugged, We shared, and we prayed for one another

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Down by the School

Mosey to track and do a backward lap.  Pick up Sofrito off the the track.

Circle Up:  15 Imperial Walker, 15 mountain Climbers, 15 Parker Peters, 15 Peter Parkers, 19 WM


Mosey down the hill to the elementary school parking lot.  Bear Crawl to 1st island and 5 burpees, crab walk and 5 burpees, and crawl bear and 5 burpees.  Rinse and Repeat.

Mosey to wall:  Wall Sit for ten-ten counts and BTW for 5 10 counts

Then Dora .5, 1, 2, 3

50 Burpees, 100 Merkins, 200 Squats and 300 LBC/Hello Dolly

Sprint up hill.

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Hills, hills, hills

THE THANG: 10 Mike Tyson’s in bank parking lot, 10 bombjacks in elementary school parking lot. 3 burpees every time you pass through the gate on Dave Gibson
ANNOUNCEMENTS: iron pax, ft mill care center, bethel

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Goat Track

– SSH x30
– Merkins x10
– Peter Parkers x10
– Windmills x10
Ran to Fort Mill Golf Club which has apparently moved to Augusta National status because we were turned away by the guy pulling the carts out. So a quick audible turned us around and headed back to the top of the steep hill on Withers St.

Here we would still play golf on something not nearly as nice as the course we planned to play. Nasty courses are commonly referred to as Goat Tracks.

9 Holes of Golf:
– Top of the hill is the tee box (perform 2 squats for the first hole, 4 for the second, etc.)
– Circular grass island in front of Fort Mill Baptist Church is the green (1 burpee for the first hole, 2 for the second, etc.)
– Run back and forth between the two points to complete 9 holes.

Most people got through the 7th hold before we needed to call it to mosey back.

Took turns calling exercises for 5 min

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Cha-Ching’s Legacy

So, https://f3thefort.com/2020/01/17/black-diamond-at-the-one-word-convergence/, because they guy would lay ridiculous beatdowns. And there’s just no need to reinvent the wheel. It’s already round and works really well (that’s also my Naked Man Moleskin). Plus that’s part of why we write the backblasts!
WARMUP: Yes, did that. Cha Ching didn’t, and I needed more warm-up. If you can’t do it, don’t Q it! FTC showed up late; so, he missed it.

Cha Ching warmup:
min 1 – 20 burpees (this was hard, counted them in cadence)
min 2 – 30 jumping lunges
min 3 – 40 penguins
min 4 – 50 carolina dry docks
min 5 – 60 side straddle hops

then we mosey a bit
did some peruvian mountain climbers and bulgarian split squats on a bench
mosey some more
bear crawl a bit

That’s when we hit the Jack Webb:
1 Mack Tar Jai
4 Jump Squats
got to 7/28, then moseyed to pull up bars

Hung on the bars for a while
Did some knee ups
Did some super slow pull ups

Got close to COT and finished the Jack Webb set

Then we had 6 minutes left, so we did the Cha Ching EMOM “warm up” sequence again. It was rough

MARY: Last Call called flutters in cadence for the first time.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: https://mailchi.mp/02213eb80972/lorrorq9g6-13583069

COT: Was held

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Leading the Way

Weather was fantastic at 59 degrees and YHC was excited for my VQ at Soul to Sole.

Based on a recommendation from Maximus, YHC read the Comfort Crisis and became a follower of Michael Easter who is big believer in the power of rucking. Since that time, I was gifted a ruck and have included this in my workouts more frequently yet my only Q to date was a solo workout at Dawn Patrol.

I have been thinking about the 5 Cs of leadership from Q Source recently. Q Source resonates with me on so many levels at home, work and in our community and the 5 Cs serve as the standard for Leading Right. I decided to standardize the definitions of these with the Pax as part of the workout.

The Thang

3ish miles of rucking and shuffling

5 stops along with the way with these 6 exercises:

Bent over rows x 10
Merkins x 10
Overhead Press x 10
Curls x 10
Squats x 10
Lunges x 10

At each stop, we discussed one of the 5 Cs:


The fellowship, weather and beat down serve to standardize the day. My prayer is that we can begin to optimize the day.

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