Entry Level Sweeping

WARMUP: STL has no warmup. STL needs no warmup.
THE THANG: Run to Emory/Helton for an easy loop to where these two streets meet again.
At the top upper abs, 10 LBC, and 10 elbow to knee on the six
At the bottom, 10 leg lifts and 10 flutter.

Simple. Effective
MARY: We run until it’s over
ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2D is coming. Fundraisers are everywhere. Contribute if you can.

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What’s your 5k pace?

WARMUP: Mosey to the School
THE THANG: alternate loops. Short loop at 5k pace, long loop at normal pace. After each loop 10 Merkins, 15 Dips, 10 Step Ups, 20 LBCs
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your Newsletter
COT: Prayers were spoken and unspoken.

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WARMUP: Welcome, disclaimer (lame today) and explanation of route.
THE THANG: Take the walking path toward town and take a left on Skipper and a right onto Tom Hall St. Follow Tom Hall and right onto Main St back to 160. Right on 160 and left onto Massey Street (up that hill) all the way to Harris. Right on Harris, right on Ardrey, left on 160 and back on the trail to COT. About 4 miles total
MARY: No Mary was done today
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Alcatraz 10 yr anniversary workout this Saturday at Runde Park. Dam to Dam 10K and fundraising events starting now. Support your local community
COT: Prayers for my mom with dementia and terminal cancer, and the men and women serving our country.

This was my first Q at Clydesdales and the 1st time I’ve Q’d a run in several years. It was great to be back on that familiar trail and to spend time time with my friends Twister and Change Order. The cool fall weather was the icing on the cake. What a great way to start the day!

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Forgot there were a few hills….but just a few

WARMUP: none
THE THANG: run to river district and back
MARY: it’s a running AO- some did broga #freedtolead
COT: 5th core principle

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IPC Week 3 without Cindy

WARMUP: Short Mosey, 5 core principles were recited followed by a burpee for each one, cherry pickers, SSH
THE THANG: Went to the short track to show everyone the board. Liked the IPC week 3 format so much decided to use it. Increased the number of rounds since our run distance was shorter and Cindy didn’t participate. Here’s the run down:

RD1 – 10xMerkins, 16xStep-Ups, 20xMerkins, 26xStep-Ups, 30xMerkins, Run a Lap

RD2- 10xStep-Ups, 16xCDDsw/FeetOnCurb, 20xStep-Ups, 26xCDDswFOC, 30xStep-Ups, Run a Lap

RD3 – 10xCDDswFOC, 16xBulgarianSplitSquats, 20xCDDswFOC, 26xBSSs, 30xCDDswFOC, Run a Lap

RD4 – 10xBSSs, 16xV-Ups, 20xBSSs, 26xV-Ups, 30xBSSs, Run a Lap

RD5 – 10xV-Ups, 16xDerkinswFOCurborBench, 20xV-Ups, 26xDerkinswFOCorB, 30xV-Ups, Run a Lap

RD6 – 10xDerkinswFOCorB, 16xFreddyMs, 20xDerkinswFOCorB, 26xFreddyMs, 30xDerkinswFOCorB, Run a Lap

RD7 – 10xFreddyMs, 16xBurpees, 20xFreddyMs, 26xBurpees, 30xFreddyMs, Run a Lap

Most of us made it into rounds 6 & 7 and I believe we had a couple of finishers. Lots of mumble chatter, great fellowship.

MARY: No time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: What is said in COT stays in COT. This should give freedom to vulnerability. I encourage you to speak up at COT with anything on your mind/heart. This is your opportunity to ask/receive help with your burdens! You do not have to carry them alone!

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Shocker….We Ran

We ran to Downtown up banks street down Academy and back. Great morning to run.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead Anchorman.


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100 yards of fun

Quick mozy around the perimeter of the band practice area (parking lot/football field).  Brief warmup of mountain climbers followed by squats and plank jacks.

– Partner leapfrog starting in the endzone with partner 1 lunge walking to the 10 yard line and doing 10 merkins.  He then runs to the 20 yard line.  At the same time, partner 2 does 10 merkins in the endzone then runs to the 10 and lunge walks to the 20.  Flip flop until full length of field covered.  
– With minor confusion after round 1, we modified and returned as a group to the original start with bear crawls, jogging and 15 squats every 20 yards.

– Cones were then set out every 10 yards to the 50 with one exercise on each. Pax would run to the 10 and do 10 reps of the exercise shown, then run to the far end of the field to reach the next 10 yard line and repeat the exercise. Pax would then repeat coming back down the opposite side of the field and stop at each 10 yard line for 10 reps.
– After a full lap, Pax moved to the 20 and did 20 reps at each 20. Laps and reps increased until we reached the 50.
– Exercises and total reps completed:
– 10 yard line: 8-count burpees (40 total)
– 20 yard line: squats (80 total)
– 30 yard line: plank jacks (120 total)
– 40 yard line: SSH (160 total)
– 50 yard line: Merkins (100 total)

– With a little time remaining we returned to the end zone and bear crawled the length of the lot. At each 10 yard line we did 10 LBCs. (100 total)

– Closed things out by walking back the length of the field/lot to COT. On the walk we discussed empathy and the importance of understanding other’s perspectives to provide insights into their beliefs and actions. Pax was encouraged to apply it at home, work and while traveling on I-77 during rush hour.


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9/11 honoring WOD

WARMUP: get the sandbags out of the car

We honored the fallen on 9/11 by completing the number of repetitions for passengers and crew casualties on each of the 4 sites that airplanes struck. Rucks on at all times, we had 2×40#, 1×50# and 1×60# sandbags.

~North tower, 87 casualties
400 m lap with sandbags
20 bend over rows
20 curls
150m lap and switch bags
20 bend over rows
20 curls
150m lap and switch bags
7 man makers

~South tower, 60 casualties
150m lap
20 stepups
40 calf raises

~Pentagon, 59 casualties
50 high pulls, rotate bags every 10 reps
9 man makers

~Shanksville, PA, 40 casualties
150m lap
40 stepups
150m lap

Grab sandbags for a 600m lap, switch bags every 150m

MARY: 2 minutes of man makers rotating bags after each rep

ANNOUNCEMENTS: dam 2 dam, hero ruck for Travis Manion Foundation

COT: prayers for teachers and kids that are back in school, prayers for healing

Tinsel, out

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