Starting the new year with a haunted and (possibly) stacked deck

WARMUP: Short mosey with some SSH, Moroccan nightclubs, imperial walker, hillbilly walker and windmill


Broke out the Disney World Haunted Mansion deck of cards which may or may not have been separated to play eucher…

A: 1 Burpee and mosey to the end of the shops and back
2-4: Burpees
:heart:: LBC (4 count)
:diamonds:: Spiderman Merkins
:clubs:: Heels to Heaven
:spades:: Squats

Finished the deck and even got in some gas pumpers for Twister

COT: Welcome FNG Dutch

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Ring of Fire ? Burning Strong

Grab a block
Mosey to track
Imperial walkers
low Slow squats
Moroccan Night Clubs
Hillbilly walkers
20 reps of Cindy exercise
Tri extension
Shoulder presses
Murder Bunnies
—Rinse and Repeat

Track pain stations starting with 5 reps increase 1 rep each round
Leg lifts
Sumo squats
Donkey Kicks

Start with curls the lap stop at each pain station then next Cindy exercise and next lap with increased rep
Get as many rounds as possible
Acceleration project 12/20
Christmas Party 12/21
ClaveBoss 12/24

Prayers for mental health
Rumbling back
Chickenhawk dad

Be persistent and disciplined!!

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Kettle Bell Rounds

Mission/5 CORE Principles/Credo
WARMUP: Jog then a few exercises then grab your bell
THE THANG: Move to our starting position. Each PAX would perform the exercise with their kettle bell then when it was their turn, they left the bell for a sand bag. Choose between the 60 & the 40. Shuffle with the sand back about 20yds out then toss it the 20yds back.
The other PAX would perform their KB exercise until you returned; you were the timer.
After each round, you would farmer carry your KB about 25 yds out and back.
The exercises were:
Round 1
2-Hand Ground-to-Overhead
Man Makers
Upright Rows

Farmer Carry

Round 2
1-arm Overhead Squat (KB in the air with one arm and perform a deep squat)
Next arm.
Lawn Mowers – Left
Lawn Mowers – Right

Farmer Carry

Round 3
Kneeling Halos (Perform the halo exercise with the KB going around your head while kneeling)
Big Boy Sit Ups with KB up in the air
V-Ups (On the up, bring the KB to knee height)
Leg Raises (Holding the KB in the air)

Farmer Carry

Round 4
Side Lunges – Left
Side Lunges – Right
Side Bends – Left
Side Bends – Right

Farmer Carry

Round 5
Single Arm Overhead Press – Left
Single Arm Overhead Press – Right
Reverse Lunge – Left
Reverse Lunge – Right

Farmer Carry

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If you do it long enough, you’ll feel it

WARMUP: quick disclaimer when YHC identified no new pax, got a quick raise of hands on “new’ish” Pax that may not have Q’d a lot since this was Q school themed. Also a refresher for how Qs need to lead. Took off on a mosey down the hill to the school parking lot. Once we got there, did a few exercises in cadence, with the commands to be used for all Qs. One thing to remember is to give the commands with authority and ensure they are clear. If you screw up the words, that can always be improved, but with the right authority and simple instruction, that will at least make the men follow you. Last Call got to practice calling cadence for the group – he did just fine.

Back up the hill for a quick stop at the pull up bars. Lesson here was rinse and repeat can be your friend and standing in the middle facing the Pax is a good way to deliver instruction. We did 4 sets of 3 pull ups followed by 3 burpees. Everyone loved it.
THE THANG: We ran all the way to the band parking lot and we stopped along the way. Goal here was to stop and plank or big a tree to not lose the 6.

Once we got to the band parking lot, there were exercises, see picture, that had 2 pieces of paper on both sidelines. We started at the top and did 1 exercise, then ran to the other side where we started with that exercise. Then moved our way down the list to the next exercises.

We focused on cadence counting, OYO, single vs double count or exercises that are in cadence 4 count. When we got to shoulder presses / raise the roof, 50 was the number and we decided double count would work because raising the roof is easy…unless you do a lot. Of course the burn begins to take effect. Lesson here is stick to your Q plan and modify as the Q as needed, but don’t Q it if you can’t do it.
MARY: Ran back to COT where Rumbling and Marty called out a few exercises in cadence – they also did just fine.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: newsletter for sure
COT: completed with a round the horn CSPAN special

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From the Ballroom Archives

The rain was coming down at the Ballroom. Mosey to the cover at the front of the school. <@UGND8G4TD> informed me the rain would stop at 5:30, he was correct, as usual.
Puller from the archives, this workout was also executed 7-10-2018.
with counts of 10-15 (depending on my wandering mind)
imperial walker, windmill, morrocan NC, LBC, hillbilly walker, weed puller, OH clap, dying cockroach, stationary toy soldier, richard simmons, LS squat
<@U5KHMNAG4> decided to show up, welcome
hello dolly, travolta, scorpion DD
to cheat death, and/or pulled muscles, etc, we mosey to a slick parking lot and do some crossing drills
karaoke L, karaoke R, high knees, power skip, butt kickers, squat walkers, bear crawl, 50%, 75%, 100%
next we mosey, and find a string of lights, we might have stopped at every light, maybe every other (once again, wandering mind)
We did 3 different rounds of: exercise 1, mosey, exercise 1&2, mosey, exercise 1,2&3, mosey, exercise 1,2,3&4.
1. OH clap, donkey kicks, squat jumps, HR merkins
2. morrocan NC, plank jacks, monkey humpers, Mahktar N’Diayes
3. arm circles, flying squirrel, stationary lunge, Kneetar N’Diayes
MARY: I had a girlfriend named Mary in my first year of college
ANNOUNCEMENTS: yes, primary focus on the BBQ/Bourbon event Friday
COT: of course

Looks like we made it,

Barry Manilow

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The Pusher

WARMUP: Parking Lot Mosey, 20SSH IC, 15 Imperial Walkers IC, 15 Hillbilly Walkers IC, 20 Moroccan Night Clubs IC, Plank & stretching
THE THANG: Starting at Carolina Pavilion Sign, run to 1st light pole – 20 Merkins, 20 LBC’s, 20 Squats. Return run to sign, run to 2nd light pole, repeat exercises. Rinse & repeat going 1 light pole further each rep.
MARY: Planks & stretches
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Yes, alot of them. RYN
COT: Always

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Zombie Survival Training 2024

After a great deal of research it was time to train the PAX in the rules of surviving the zombie apocalypse
Rule #7 – Limber up
Mosey around the concrete football field
10x Windmill
10x Cherry Picker
Rule #1 – Cardio
Line up at the end of the painted field. PAX make their way across the field by alternating high knees and butt kickers.
PAX will drop to the ground for 2-count (always double-tap) mountain climbers equal to the count of the yard markers (ladder up to 50 and back down).

Rule #2 – Double Tap
DORA (done in pairs, double, double tap… yeah)
100 squat, 200 merkins, 300 LBC
Partner runs to 40 line and back

Rule #3 – Beware of Bathrooms
Al Gore for 60 seconds

Rule #7 – Travel Light
PAX will shuffle entire length of the painted field.

On the way down they will drop at every length marker for 10 double-count dying cockroach. (to fend off the zombies when they are forced to the ground).
On the way back they will drop to do 10 double-count flutters at every painted length marker.

Rule #17 – Don’t be a Hero
Bear crawl 4 lines (20 marker). Run back to the start adn back to the 20. Then bear crawl 4 lines (40 marker). Back to the start back to 40. Repeat until COT

Lots of stuff going on. Happy Hour is doing a family 4k. There’s a Christmas party. Bourbon tasting. Convergences on Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve
Circle of TRUST. Not prayer chain. What’s on our hearts that affects US. We talked about things that affected us, difficulty in our lives that we deal with as men. Revealing truths that, if kept secret, erode our ability to be leaders.
F3 is not a Christian organization but CoT was ended in a prayer by a christian.

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Tour and More

Mosey to back lot –> WM, CP, HBW, yoga-esque stretch -> Mosey to islands
Appetizer –> 10 Big Boys, 15 Merkins, 20 Sumo Squats –> Lunge Walk to next island –> Repeat x 3

Mosey to top of hill via the yellow brick road

Palate Cleanser –> 5 Iron Mikes, 10 LSS, 15 American Hammers –> run to next island –> Repeat x 2

Entree –> partner up for 100 Dips, 200 Flutters, 300 Overhead Claps, 200 Step-ups, 100 Derkins while partner runs the track around Bball courts

Dessert — mumblechatter, flatulence, Cossack Squats

MARY: Negative
ANNOUNCEMENTS: see newsletter, swing those clubs today gents!
COT: prayers/praises. Challenge –> invite one person to post this week!

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