DORAs at The Hive

DORA 1: partner run
– Man makers 50
– Goblet Squats 100
– Swings 150

DORA 2: farmers carry
– Burpees 50
– Squats 100
– Overhead clap 150

DORA 3: Bear crawl
– Bent row right 50
– Bent row left 50
– Curls 50

DORA 4: Farmers Carry
– Merkins 50
– Mountain climbers 75
– SSH 100

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Carry the heavy stuff, makes carrying the small stuff easier | Kitchen Sink

Buy-In: 10 Man-Makers, 20 weighted squats, 30 SSH + Mosey around parking lot

Lunge Walk the back of the school, ~200 yds:
– 20 merkins in cadence
– Lunge walk 20 paces with sandbag racked on back
– 10 low slow merkins IC
– Lunge walk 10 paces with sandbag above head
– 15 wide grip merkins IC
– Toy soldiers with sandbag front racked
– 10 diamond merkins IC
– 20 lunges w/bag back racked, 10 lunges with bag above head, 20 toy soldiers with bag front racked
– 15 CDD IC
– and so on, and so on

Pass every bag down the line while sitting shoulder to shoulder…pass them back

DORA #1: 100 merkins, 100 squats > Partner farmer carries both sandbags 80 yds.

DORA #2: 50 weighted dips, 50 shoulder presses with sandbag > Partner shuffles 80 yds with one sandbag back racked

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Stomping Grounds

Time to run the route I’ve driven many times in the last ten years.

Mosey to PFHC (former site)
20 Merkins and 20 CCD
Mosey to GHES parking lot
20 LBC
20 Rosalita
Mosey to handicap spot at GHMS
20 squats
15 Monkey Humpers

Repeat until time is called

Everyone got at least 3 and some got 4.5

Great crew and great work.

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No rain, no pain

WARMUP: Some of the usual windmill, IWs, etc
The rain was light but steady throughout and it didn’t scare off any of the pax. 36 degrees and wet — I’m grateful anyone showed up but I was especially grateful to see my co-Q Trucker. We used the morning as a faceoff between Trucker repping Penn St and DD repping Notre Dame in advance of the CFP game the following Thur.

Trucker led off with a history lesson of the rivalry that started in 1913. His upper body sequence included the list below with 19 reps on the first round and 13 reps in the second round.

Chest press
Skull crushers
Lat swings
Shoulder press
Front shoulder raises
Upright rows
Bent over rows
Mosey to funeral home and back

DD took over halfway through for a lower body sequence that included 4 quarters (4 rounds) of the following:

Cleans R/L
Goblet squat
Racked lunge R/L
Goblet calf raise
Core exercise
Mosey to front of church and back

It was a great .morning (once it was over) and a great warm up for the Irish victory 4 days later!

MARY: nah
ANNOUNCEMENTS: wine event, D2D, etc
COT: yes!

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Me and Tesh did a workout alone. What did we do? I’ll never spill the beans!

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Toss and Carry

WARMUP: 10 merkins. Lap around the lot to go through the workout.
THE THANG: A big lap around the soccer field with four stations. Each station had 30 reps of an exercise and then one partner would toss the bag while the other ran to the next station and back until the bag being tossed made it to the next station.
Station one : 30 plyo pushups, back carry and regular toss
Station two: 30 cleans, over shoulder toss and single shoulder carry
Station three: 30 gas pumpers, side toss and farmer carry
Station four: 30 press, thruster throw and front rack carry
MARY: yes
COT: yes

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Ring around the Rosie

WARMUP: Broke the rules by adding a mosey to a kettlebell workout.
THE THANG: 7 minutes of 15 thrusters EMOM
2 Rounds of :
single leg Romanian Dead lifts
Curls for the girls
Bent rows each arm | Option to just bend
goblet squats
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dam to Damn Bar, Mint hill CSOP / Welcome Brawny
COT: Stay safe

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2024.51 The Hive

Arrange all bells by weight and divide into 3 weight classes (light, med, heavy). Divide PAX into three groups for 3 sets of 3 rounds of 3 exercises.
Sets with light, mid, heavy
Set 1: Shoulder ext x10ea, snatch x10, swings x20
Set 2: Shoulder press x10ea, manmakers x10, squats x20
Set3: Lawnmowers x10ea, thrusters x10, 1leg deadlift x10ea

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2024.51 Block Party

The patty-cake circuit. Half-mile loop (Academy, Williamson, Watson, Railroad) with 4 stations.
1. Big-boy sit-ups with partner, clap hands at the top
2. Merkins with partner, clap hands at the top
3. Squats with partner, clap feet at the top
4. Dead hang, clap hands with partner
Clap hands 10x at each station.

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