Rinse and repeat

10 deadlift mosey to next station
10 deadlift, 10 row, mosey back to first station
10 deadlift mosey to next station
10 deadlift, 10 row mosey to next station
10 deadlift, 10 row, 10 cleans mosey back station
10 deadlift, 10 row and so on and so forth until we got to

10 deadlift, 10 row, 10 cleans, 10 press, 10 front squat, 10 back squat.

Oh yea if anyone dropped the bag everyone had to do three bag over burpees.
MARY: 3 bag over burpees
COT: in thy circle we trust.

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Post Golf Trip Memories

After reviewing previous backblasts, YHC noticed that the last time I submitted a backblast for the Armory was in October 2019 immediately following a golf trip where I likely ate and drank too much. It so happens that this was the exact scenario for today’s beatdown. After a long weekend in HHI, YHC was ready to make a downpainment on the day and happy to see some friendly faces in the Pax


Mosey around the parking lot


25 SSHs IC
21 KB swings
18 High pulls
15 Squat thrusters
12 Overhead marches
9 Lunges
6 Burpees
3 Big boys

Then run a lap

Repeat 4 times


Finished with 5 minutes of Mary around the horn


Fastest 5k coming up on 4/12
Pints and Padres in April


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Pillars of Pain – Part II

No warm-ups, straight to the pillars. Partner exercise. Partner 1 started at Pillar 1 (Squat Thrusters), Partner 2 started at Pillar 17 ( Bent over Rows). Reps = Pillar #. Once Partner 2 completes reps, flip flops with Partner 1.
Big lap around the field and back to the front of the school with stops at each corner, bear crawl and farmer carry between stops.
Sandbag exercises man makers, curls, Flutters . Lunge walk to last pillar. Squats, LBCs, bend over row. 10 reps at first stop, +10 reps at each next stop.
Back to flag for COT.

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Strength in Motion, Buckets of Pain and Cinderblock Regret

Pre-Workout Prep

Pulled into the gloom at 4:45 AM—silent, still, and completely void of movement. With no one in sight, I set up three lanes with four stations each:
• Cone 1: 5-gallon buckets filled with bricks for farmer carries
• Cone 2: Cinderblocks
• Cone 3: Sandbags
• Cone 4: More cinderblocks

Then it hit me—I was 15 minutes early. The start time was 5:15, not 5:00. So, a slow mosey to the COT area, where I linked up with Farmers Only and Brawley. Soon enough, the PAX began to roll in, ready to put in work.

At 5:15 on the dot, we launched. Disclaimer was given, and movement began.

Warmup (Buy-In)
• 25 Cinderblock Thrusters
• 25 Sandbag Throws
• 25 Bucket Squats

The Thang

PAX counted off into two teams, then received their marching orders: Work through each station in rotation, with a farmer carry serving as the movement driver.

Round 1
• Cone 1: Farmer carry buckets (approx. 0.05 miles)
• Cone 2: Sandbag Squats
• Cone 3: Cinderblock Front Raises
• Cone 4: Cinderblock Overhead Press

Partner 1 carried the two 5-gallon buckets down to the cone and back while the remaining PAX worked at their respective stations. Upon return, everyone rotated stations.

Round 2
• Cone 1: Farmer carry buckets
• Cone 2: Sandbag Bent Over Rows
• Cone 3: Cinderblock Curls to Press
• Cone 4: Cinderblock Tricep Extensions

Round 3
• Cone 1: Farmer carry buckets
• Cone 2: Sandbag Curls
• Cone 3: Cinderblock Manmakers
• Cone 4: Cinderblock Swings

Rinse and repeat—we cycled back to Round 1 and got about halfway through before time called.

Finisher (Buy-Out)
• 25 Cinderblock Thrusters
• 25 Sandbag Throws
• 25 Bucket Squats

Quick clean-up, then straight to COT.

COT (Circle of Trust)

• Convergence Friday
• The Jäger on Saturday, plus the check giveaway
• Fast 5K for Luka
• Read your newsletter for more details

• Health concerns for many family members
• Mental health struggles among the PAX and their loved ones
• Gratitude for the men who showed up, held each other accountable, and pushed through the work

Final Thoughts

No wasted reps. No shortcuts. Just men showing up in the gloom, embracing the grind, and getting stronger together. Iron sharpens iron.


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WARMUP: around the world
good morning
some fake yoga

Barbarian to Press
8 reps for 5 rounds
in between rounds:
1. bear crawl – lunge walk back
2. crawl bear – reverse lunge walk back
3. bear crawl w/ bell – lunge walk back w/ bell
4. crawl bear w/ bell (sucked) – reverse lunge walk back (sucked more) (JWOW about fell over)

Bulgarian Split Squat and Cleans

Waiter carry back to COT
Right Hand: Row, Clean, Swing, Snatch
Left Hand: Row, Clean, Swing, Snatch

again time was limited. Quack Attack is probably right about me.

3/14 Convergence @ the hive
3/15 Jäger @ GHMS
4/12 Luka Fast 5 @ PKMS

COT: Was held

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The Swarm

WARMUP: 12 Moroccan Night Clubs, 12 Windmills, 12 Cherry Pickers
THE THANG: 4 Dora’s each w/300 reps of various thing’s including some hill runs, bear crawls and swamp rifle carry’s for partners.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Convergence, JEAGER, read your news letter, etc.
COT: It is what it is…

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Simple but painful

Run to the school back entrance but first male 2 stops for merkins.

The thang: 10 light poles. 1st light pole is for 5 burpees, run to second pole and do 27 squats and 27 merkins. Back to first pole and repeat 5 burpees. Run to second pole and do 24 squats and 24 merkins, back to first pole and repeat burpees. Keep going to the next paul and back to the first one reducing the number of squats and merkins by 3.

Run back to COT after finish all 10 poles for a total of 3.5 to 4 miles for everyone.

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GoRuck’s Valentine’s Day Massacre

Straight from the email inbox, delivered from GoRuck’s Tribe workouts, we performed The Valentine’s Day Massacre-Post Mortem (or most of it, at least)
WARMUP: Carry all sand bags to our starting point for a few of the typical warmup exercises.
Buy-In: 100 Sandbag Back Squats
Then, 4 Rounds:
200m Sandbag Shuffle
20 Sandbag Clean & Front Toss
20 Bear Crawl Sandbag Drags (each drag=1)
20 Sandbag Shoulder-to-Shoulders (each side=1)
Cash-Out: 100 Sandbag Front Squats (Punchlist did finish, I did not)

2 Things happened this morning that I greatly appreciate:
1. When starting round 4, it appeared that I had enough time to complete so I made a comment about taking my foot off the gas. Band Camp then said he’d murder me if I let up, I’m paraphrasing. I appreciate the reminder that just because I’ve done good work before, it’s not a hall pass to coast into the perceived finish line.
2. While executing the Cash-Out Squats, I was nearing squat #20 and my form was beginning to suffer. I was leaning forward at the waist and compromising form. Seeing this, Punchlist called me out by name stating my error noting this was not the proper way to perform a squat, especially with the added weight of a sandbag. This means a ton to me because that translates to someone caring enough about me to not let me live incorrectly. You may roll your eyes at the connection but I could have easily continued my incorrect squats and have nothing happen. Or, I could’ve easily injured myself. Regardless, I wasn’t realizing the benefit of doing the hard work and PL saw that. I appreciate that.

MARY: Assumed it was included in the above.
COT: 5th Core Principle

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Look at that Hill

Ran around lots of string of pearls.

Tried to climb every hill possible in a reverse bear crawl

Worked a good deal on side lunges, and moving around with ease, finished with a Jack Webb that the brothers tried to skip, but joined us eventually

Always an honor to lead a group of men I respect so much.

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WARMUP: run to back of GHMS
THE THANG: perform 10 reps of exercise listed on cone then run forward two cones and perform 10 reps of exercise listed on cone. Run back to the skipped cone and perform 10 reps of exercise listed on skipped cone. First one to complete 10 reps of exercise listed on skipped cone yells CHARGE and everyone moves forward two cones.
MARY: lots of imperial walkers and plank Jack’s and burpees

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