Dice & Deck of Pain

WARMUP: SSH, Moroccans, windmill, static stretching
THE THANG: 17 kettle bell cards, pick one, roll the dice for reps then do a lap. Repeat
MARY: one round of BB sit-ups w weight
ANNOUNCEMENTS: sign up for band 5k & cannoli run
COT: embrace the journey, focus on the process, happiness is on the trail not just at the finish line.

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Had these legs all my life

WARMUP: SSH, IW, HW, yoga, mosey
Humane Burpee – look it up

Farmers Carry towards the school courtyard
Stop a few times along the way for 5 of each
Goblet Squat
Squat and Press (each side)
Good Morning
Single Leg Deadlift (each side)

Got to the courtyard. Bearcrawl with the bell stopping for one manmaker at each light

At the end, built up into a kettlebell flow with each arm;
as we left we added an overhead lunge at the end.

Mixed and match how many times we did each side
MARY: one moment of core, but there was so much mumblechatter and very little work. So, we agreed to do four burpee snatches instead.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: read your newsletter
COT: prayers for marriage, parents, travel, our nation

NMM: not sure why, but I need deadlines to get some things accomplished in my life. Set a deadline on when you’ll go on your next date with your M, or when you’ll do something with just you and your kiddos. Be proactive about it. I know I have to; otherwise it is relegated to a “someday” activity.

A privilege to lead

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Kettle bell swings, Manmakers, oh my!

WARMUP: YHC came in hot so disclaimer was on the fly. All veterans in attendance so all knew the deal. Quick mosey around parking lot to warm up. Circled up: Windmills, Slow Low Squats, Moroccan Night Clubs, Downward/Upward Dog, Mountain climbers, Merkins.
THE THANG: JackWeb(ish): 1 Squat Thrust, 4 Kettlebell swings, 2/8, 3/12, 4/16, 5/20. (10 Flutters) 1 Upright Row, 4 Bicep curls, 2/8, 3/12, 4/16, 5/20. (15 LBC’s) Grab Kettle bell and walk to line. 5 rounds. 10 shoulder press, Lunge walk across parking lot. 10 Bent over rows (each arm), Riffle carry bell back. (20 Freddy Mercury’s). 11’s (Manmakers & Seal Jacks). Calf Raises (20).
MARY: Flutter with a Press. Windmill. Produce Picker
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel Men’s, Ass Kicking April
COT: Prayer for safe travels.

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History was made today as YHC made his VQ at The Armory. I’m happy that after 9 years someone finally noticed me. All it took was getting up at 3 am to make the drive across the bridge to the “other side” of Fort Mill.

We didn’t do a disclaimer because only professionals showed up.

Warm up was an Indian Run in a slowish pace around the parking lot. Battlebot decided to snake us a bit but we made it back. 5 Windmills and about 10 Polish night clubs.


After much discussion on the properness of the name, we did a Jack Web because I said so. Although others were determined it should have been called 11s. Luckily, I didn’t fold under the pressure and called it what I wanted. We started with 1 press and walked across the lot for 10 curls. Now normally you would assume we then did 2 presses and 9 curls…. but somewhere in YHC’s Coors Light daze the numbers didn’t add up. We pretty much did 10 of each exercise on both sides of the parking lot. I wish I could say it was a test to see who was paying attention, but that would just be a lie.

Next, we again debated the name of the exercise group. I said accumulator, some said Dora, others said Misogi….look I don’t care what yall call stuff, just do the exercises. We partnered up with 1 person doing the call out while the other ran across the lot and back. Each time the partner ran they had to add 1 merkin. I think by the end we were around 14-16 merkins each time we ran. Call out was 300 swings, 200 tri extension, and 50 man makers.

Closed with good news about Band Camps youth trip and prayers over the P200 runners

….Hope your happy 3D and thanks for the invite Battle Bot

Partake in 4/20


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…and thats how history is made

History was made today as YHC made his VQ at The Armory. I’m happy that after 9 years someone finally noticed me. All it took was getting up at 3 am to make the drive across the bridge to the “other side” of Fort Mill.

We didn’t do a disclaimer because only professionals showed up.

Warm up was an Indian Run in a slowish pace around the parking lot. Battlebot decided to snake us a bit but we made it back. 5 Windmills and about 10 Polish night clubs.

The Thang

After much discussion on the properness of the name, we did a Jack Web because I said so. Although others were determined it should have been called 11s. Luckily, I didn’t fold under the pressure and called it what I wanted. We started with 1 press and walked across the lot for 10 curls. Now normally you would assume we then did 2 presses and 9 curls…. but somewhere in YHC’s Coors Light daze the numbers didn’t add up. We pretty much did 10 of each exercise on both sides of the parking lot. I wish I could say it was a test to see who was paying attention, but that would just be a lie.

Next, we again debated the name of the exercise group. I said accumulator, some said Dora, others said Misogi….look I don’t care what yall call stuff, just do the exercises. We partnered up with 1 person doing the call out while the other ran across the lot and back. Each time the partner ran they had to add 1 merkin. I think by the end we were around 14-16 merkins each time we ran. Call out was 300 swings, 200 tri extension, and 50 man makers.

Closed with good news about Band Camps youth trip and prayers over the P200 runners

….Hope your happy 3D and thanks for the invite Battle Bot

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Cranky Q

THE THANG: Dora: 100 swings, 200 curls, 300 something (this is what happens when I don’t write a weinke and write backblast a week last). Another Dora 100 bent over rows, 200 squats, 300 LBC. Then speed drill of 20 skullcrushers, 20 hammers, 20 side abs.

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7 for the 7 WOD

WARMUP: SSH, low slow squats, Moroccan night clubs, low slow merkins
THE THANG: 7 rounds of 7 reps of each of the following 7 exercises:
Right arm curl
Left arm curl
Overhead  Tricep extension two hands
Overhead press two hands
Gobble squat
Swings two hands
High pulls two hands

Run up hill to Munn Rd after each cicle (7 times)

Definitely not a stationary kettlebell workout.

MARY: Ab lab
COT: stays at COT

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