Boot camp

Do 30 side straddle hops. Ran to the high school. Stop in the parking lot do lunge walks halfway down the parking spots, do 5 pushups, bear crawl the other half, do 5 burpees . Repeat back to the start. Split into partners. Do 100 drydocks, 200 big boys, 200 merkins, 200 American hammers, 100 squats in rotating fashion while the other runs to the end of the parking lot and back.

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Mule Kick

WARMUP: SSH, WM, CP, HW, yoga-esque stretch
3+ rounds of 5 exercises with varied cadence to yield full body burn:
Flutter Press, Bicep Curls, Shrugs, OYO 25 Sumo Squats, OYO 25 KB Swings

Nur halfway up the hill, Run back (calf raises until 6 returns)

Uneven Merkins
Standing Side Crunch
OYO – 30 Goblet Squats
OYO – 30 Deadlifts

Nur halfway up the hill, Run back (calf raises until 6 returns)

American Hammers
Tricep Press
OYO – 20 Two Hand Clean Press
OYO – 50 Calf Raises

Nur halfway up the hill, Run back (calf raises until 6 returns)

MARY: Unfortunately
ANNOUNCEMENTS: see newsletter – golf outing, chili cookoff, keep WNC donations coming
COT: prayers for growth in times of suffering

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Q school at The Ring of Fire ?

WARMUP: COP with newer PAX taking turns counting in cadence

Most closer to school for some more COP practicing cadence and exercise move commands

Mosey to benches at main entrance
10 dips
10 derkins
10 step ups
2 rounds with explaining the shovel flag and work out planning as well as knowing the AO

Mosey to circle for couple more exercises in COP

Mosey to band lot for partner “Catch me if you can”
Partner 1 – 5merkins
Partner 2 -run perimeter of football field
Partner 1 chases and flip flops when caught
Continue around field

Head to COT
Dying Cockroache
Read newsletter
Mission, principles, credo and 3Fs covered

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Jackyl Lanterns

Imperial Walker
Hillbilly Walker
Downward Dog

Mosey to bottom parking lot
Parking lot bear crawl
Crawl 1 space do a burpee
Crawl another spaces do two burpees
Crawl 10 spaces
Lunge same deal
Lunge 1 space do a big boy sit up
Lunge another space do another sit up
Half bear crawl and half lunge walk final set in lot

Mosey to bottom of hill
100 merkins
200 squats
300 LBC

Partner runs to top of hill and returns

Bear crawl 3 lights up hill Mosey to COT


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4 corner for Pushers Bday

Pledge Allegiance

Run up Massey stop at Harris 15 Merkins 15 LBCs, 15 Squats
Run to Ardrey stop 15 Merkins, 15 LBCs, 15 Squats
Run To White stop 15 merkins, 15 LBCs, 15 squats.
Run to bottom of Harris stop 15 merkins, 15 LBCs, 15 Squats

Rinse and Repeat two more time for 3+ miles.

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Best AI Q yet!

WARMUP: Lap around the big bus loop. Definitely longer than I was expecting and hoping, but we made it.

THE THANG: Tabata lead by the Seconds Pro AI genius. 50 seconds on and 10 off. A lap around the small drop off loop every 5 exercises. Any time remaining on those 2 minutes was earned rest

Donkey Kicks
Calf Raises
Mountain Climbers
Side Straddle Hops
Al Gore
Box Cutter
Plank Jack
Dry Dock
Seal Jack
High Knees
Monkey Humper
Freddie Mercury

COT: It happened

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