On the AO hunt

WARMUP: count off
THE THANG: run through Baxter down by mushroom pool, then all the way down to STL, then to Colosseum, then back to COT…and any extra laps / miles. 4-5 for runners, 2-3 for those rucking folks.
MARY: nada
ANNOUNCEMENTS: stuff that bus
COT: praying for our boy drop!

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Options at Flight Plan

WARMUP: Route explanations
Option 1: WalMart loop
Option 2: 4 miler through Baxter with a few hills
Option 3: 5 miler through Baxter with a few hills
MARY: Nope-It’s a running AO
ANNOUNCEMENTS: HIM camp, Litter pickup
COT: Had to be there.

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Join or Die

Today is Flag Day, so we did work to honor the commissioning of the stars and strips as our official flag on 6.14.1777. An assortment of sandbags  and Jerry Cans was provided for all to celebrate accordingly.

Buy In:

6 Ruck Body Builder’s – 8 Count
14 Ruck Lunges w/OH Hold
17 Ruck OH Press
77 4 Count SSH w/Ruck

WOD: Join Or Die – Flag Day
4 Rounds
* 250 Meter Ruck w/Coupon
* 17 Coupon Squats (With Ruck)
* 250 Meter Ruck
* Exercise Based On Round
   * Round 1: 77 Coupon Pull Throughs (With Ruck)
   * Round 2: 77 4-Count Flutter Kicks with Ruck Overhead
   * Round 3: 77 Ruck High Pulls
   * Round 4: 77 Ruck Push-Ups

We made it through round three and ran short on time.


HIM CAMP Aug 11-13
STUFF THE BUS the weekend after

Beaker to stay on the path with his daily 5K in June
Kaiser for leadership with his M as well as her health
PL for family sickness to pass, praise on 3 months for baby Nell!

Thanks Beaker for letting me take the reins today.

Punch List out.

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Wegmans Q

Wegmans sent us out to run to Brayden and back. 2 ruckers stayed a bit closer.

See video for the critique of Repeat’s cooking.

Prayers for Bass-O’s dad with kidney stones and Slash’s grandmother-in-law.

Praises for a beautiful day and that young Fox we saw as God shows off His creation.

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After a SL pre-ruck, YHC was 1 minute late to start… No worries – this isn’t a GORUCK event, so no punishment, right? The plan today was to teach a few lessons about GORUCK events… and how to properly train.

We got the sandbags out of the truck and proceeded to the shovel flag location. Drop the sandbags, disclaim to the PAX, move.

Coupon Ruck 1 – all PAX who have not participated in a GORUCK event grab a sandbag and file in columns of two. Need to work on that two columns thing… the Cadre wouldn’t have what we were doing… halfway to destination have PAX swap coupons.

Iteration 1: 10 minute EMOM
20 Reps EMOM, repeat twice.
Ruck Squats
Ruck Merkins
Ruck Lunges
Ruck Sit-Ups
Ruck Bent Over Rows

Quick hit about events – it’s not the smoke sessions you need to worry about… it’s the time under weight and the miles. That’s where the bulk of your training should be. Also – sandbags are “comfortable.”

Coupon Ruck 2 – Head back to start point in same fashion as before, swapping coupons halfway

Iteration 2: 10 (really 9…) Minute AMRAP
10 Reps Each, in Order, Repeating As Many Rounds As Possible
Ruck Cleans
Ruck OH Press
Ruck Back Squat
Ruck Good Morning

Finished up just before 0600. Low squats to talk NMM.

YHC is in the midst of infant #5. And I thought I’d have learned it all by now… wrong. What I have learned is that everything is just a phase… don’t miss it. Seriously. Don’t miss it. Because you will. Whatever season you’re in – cherish it. As the great philosopher Darius Rucker once said: “It won’t be like this for long.”

Thanks Tinsel for the opportunity.

Punch List Out

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1st Time For Everything

WARMUP: NONE….this is Clydesdales
THE THANG: a nice 4 mile loop: Down to Spratt…..Right on Harris……Back up on Munn rd….Bonus if you want.
1st time Q for the Clydesdales…..1st time I have Q’d and didn’t do the actual workout. Opted for the Ruck option.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Kenya Convergence. Boss Hogg’s going away party (although he already left?)
COT: Prayers for Luca/Vuvu family. Anchorman’s new business.

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