Kicking Off ’18 Nantan Summer Tour at Block Party

On an unseasonably cool June morning, 41 #HIMs met to get an attitude adjustment and start the day out right.

Mosey to the big parking lot on 160.


  • 20 4-count side straddle hops
  • Five Burpees OYO
  • 10 4-count Windmills
  • Five Burpees OYO
  • 20 Low slow squats
  • Five Burpees OYO
  • 15 4-count Merkens
  • Five Burpees OYO
  • 20 Mountain climbers
  • Five Burpees OYO
  • 20 Moroccan night clubs
  • Five Burpees OYO


Four corners in the big parking lot. Count off into groups of 4s and rotate through the stations.

  • Corner 1: Mosey to the bottom of the hill (160) and sprint back to the top, rinse and repeat. LBCs when done.
  • Corner 2: 30 Hand release Merkens. LBCs when done.
  • Corner 3:  40 Monkey Humpers. LBCs when done.
  • Corner 4: 20 Burpees. LBCs when done.
  • Rinse & Repeat

Mosey to the wall for 20 4-count wall mountain climbers.

Mosey back to COT….NOT DONE YET!

Captain Thors in cadence to 8 x 32.


1 Corinthians 9:24 reads “Don’t you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize? So run to win!” Give everything you do your best effort. Sometimes, however, this requires an attitude adjustment. Be grateful for how God has blessed you and honor HIM by giving it your all. After all, the only difference between a chAmp and a chUmp is YOU!

Announcements: Hog & Coyote, Nantan Summer Tour, #218in18, Read your newsletter

Thanks for the opportunity, Shady!

– Ginsu

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6 or So Pain Stations Around Fort Mill

Oh, it’s starting to get steamy.  So long cool mornings.  See you in 6 months.  The thick, non-cool air didn’t keep 8 pax from showing up to the party.  Here’s how we had fun:

Mosey to unused parking lot next between WEP and Springs building for warmup:

  • SSH x30
  • Mountain Climbers x20
  • Flip over for Peter Pointers x10
  • Flip over for merkins x10
  • Imperial Squat Walkers x10
  • Windmills x10
The Thang
Mosey to Oasis Park wall exercises OYO
  • Box Jumps (x15)
  • Dips (x15)
  • Derkins (x15)
  • Al Gore’s until the 6.

Repeat three exercises, but x10
Repeat three exercises, but x5

Mosey to wall near visitor’s parking lot
  • grab a seat on the wall
  • starting at one end, single coupon (log) curled 5 times, then overhead pressed 5x
  • pass to next guy and repeat

Once all 8 pax have a turn, quick recovery, then back on the wall to repeat.

Mosey to steps across from Main Street (behind grist mill stone).  Partner up, size matters.
  • Everyone bear crawl up steps, run down grass and back to bottom of steps.
  • Partner Wheelbarrow up steps (then run down grass) – flap jack
  • Everyone grab a stair for 10 calf raises in cadence
  • Take a step and repeat, toes in.
  • Take a step and repeat, toes out.
Run to lot behind Hobos
  • Broad Jumps across parking lot, everyone keeping count.  Flash made it in 12 jumps, so we all did 12 burpees.
  • Repeat going back.  This time Flash made it in 11 jumps.  11 burpees
Mosey to Veteran’s Park for LBCs until the 6.
Continue mosey to COT.  American Hammers and (something else I can’t remember) until the 6.
Great work by all pax!
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Cindy Throws a Block Party

Block Party lost out in attendance to a “more difficult”  Colosseum.  Next time we’ll use two blocks per man.

Here then is what transpired after a brief warm up:

The PAX gathered up their date for the morning, aka Cindy

Circuit of WEP on the mile marks with

  1. 20 Curls and 20 Hello Dolly
  2. 20 Rows and 20 Flutters + Bonus 5 Burpees
  3. 20 OH Presses and 20 Rosalita
  4. 20 Tris and 20 Leg Lifts
  5. 20 Swings and 20 Hello Dolly
  6. 20 Curls and 20 Flutters

(all ground moves had optional OH press)

Mosey to  hill with Cindy and move to first light pole and 10 merkins and back with 20 LBCs.  Repeat for next two poles and back for 20 LBCs etc. until time was called.

Moleskin – YHC commented on Honor (from Jekyl) and interwove the law as Christ described it:  Love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself.  (TT – 2018)

YHC will note that Maximus may have a kindred spirit in Husky and Husky needs to visit Beyond and the Badger



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Worthy Crew @ Block Party

18 PAX showed up strong on a beautiful spring morning. After the disclaimer, we shuffled out for a brief mosey replete with a Longshanks-style warmup: Butt kickers to Carioca around the Springs corporate center parking lot.

COP in front of the Springs corporate center (more on location later)

SSH x30
Imperial Walkers x10
Hillbilly Walkers x10
Windmill x10

Plank up ATM Variation:

Shoulder Taps x15
Tempo Merkins x10
Single-count Merkins x10

Head over to 8ft(ish) wall for some Muscle Ups x10 (oyo)

Plank up ATM Variation:

Shoulder Taps x15
Hand release Merkins x5

Mosey to UC Synergetic upper parking lot

Brief Thang:

Line Drill w/ Partner (Dora-sides): After both partners complete the line drill running, switch to bear crawl until exercises are completed. Partners strive for 20 Burpees, 100 LBCs, 200 Squats collectively. Mercifully, few had to bear crawl more than two line segments.

No Block Party is truly complete if the police don’t make an appearance. One of Fort Mill’s finest made a round through our parking lot. It appears, in YHC’s zeal to move from Springs Global to UC Synergetic, a stealth mosey of 18 PAX ignited a fire in the hounds of the mill hills. Despite our best efforts a local resident was not pleased with their dogs barking and asked for an officer to investigate. Once we’d been deemed nonthreatening, we completed the modified Dora/Line Drill.

To honor the dogs:

Plank up
Honeymooner to Down Dog
Hold Down Dog
Raise right leg high – bend the knee (open the hip)
Swing right leg forward between hands (knee to nose) into one-legged plank
Tap right knee to right elbow x5
Tap right knee to left elbow x5
Return to Down Dog
Repeat with Left Leg

Mosey down Massey hill to lower UC parking lot

Wall sit (till PAX began grumbling)
Monkey Humpers x20
Monkey Humpers x20
Derkins w/ feet on wall x10
Monkey Humpers x20
Derkins w/ feet on wall x10
Rest facing wall – 10-count
Calf raises facing the wall x20

Jump the wall and mosey up the hill

Word of the month is “Worthy.” This word has been on my mind for quite some time. Matthew 22 and Luke 14 give a parable about a great banquet or wedding feast where the invited guest (those “worthy”) don’t show up or actively refuse to attend. As a Christian, Jesus’s death has made my unworthiness worthy. But do I respond when he calls? How can I live in a way that is worthy of the blessings I’ve received and the gifts God has bestowed upon me?

Mosey back to COT (not past the dogs)

Mary: Flutters x20, Seating forward bends (right leg, left leg, both)

One last thought on worthiness. In Jedi’s BackBlast from his Beyond Q (, he mentions the idea of our motivation. Is my motivation for being worthy for my own benefit/vanity, or is it to glorify God. It may be that my current struggle with the concept stems from a selfish or myopic motivation. Can I be more worthy of God in order to glorify God rather than myself? This is my goal.

As an aside (if anyone has made it this far in the BackBlast reading), the actual act of writing his BackBlasts served to solidify the message I tried to deliver during our workout. I’ve been working out at F3 AOs for 6 months now, and I’m beginning to see what Old Bay, who EHed me to my first workout, mention about how much more than a workout F3 is.

Grateful for the opportunity to lead and appreciate of all the PAX that showed up to work and grow this morning!


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The Fort/The Rock Mini Convergence at Block Party

Nice warm morning at Block Party with 4 of our RH brothers coming up stream to get a Taste of the Fort. 10 total PAX for a morning beatdown from YHC.

The Thang Mosey up to the hill to the parking lot. Lap around the lot with High knees, toy soldiers, but kicks and Karoake. Back down the hill to the starting lot for some COP of:

15 x SSH
10 X windmills
10 x Imperial Walkers
10 x Moraccan Night Clubs

Drill Bit workout. Lap around the Park with the following at each Drillbit:
10 Merkins
20 Dry Docks
30 Squats
40 LBC’s
50 SSH

At the last drillbit we did Diamond Merkins and Sumo Squats

Mosey over to the Stairway to Heaven.
Partner carries from lightpole to lightpole. Switching partners at each light (6 lights total) while switching each person does 3 burpees.

At the top we stop. Partner 1 runs down the stairway while partner 2 does exercise and then switch.
exercise 1 – Flutter kicks
exercise 2 – Monkey Humpers
exercise 3 – Bombjacks

Mosey to the bottom – 5 Burpees then COT

Thanks to our brothers Italian Job, Reborn, SlowPitch and Ponytail for making their up from the Rock. Now Don’t be Strangers

Shanks out

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No 4Play at Block Party

7 at Block Party on a beautiful 50+ degree morning, fortunately the rain came through before the work out so although the pavement was wet we stayed dry because Chickens don’t like laying on the wet pavements and neither do Chicken Hawks.  Welcome back to Training Wheels after several months off after a mountain bike accident and welcome back to Fire Marshall Bill after a minor surgery that included frozen peas in the post op recovery.

This morning we talked about abiding specifically as we apply it to our trails and failures.  How much do we look to and rely on God to show up during these times?  how much do we recognize God in our trials and what he is doing in and through us.

The Thang!

No 4play today.  COP was not… straight into the post.

Mosey to the high wall for 10 muscle ups, plank, 5 hand stands the hang on the wall for as long as possible or unit Q says mosey

Power Skip to the end of the parking lot to the next set of walls in the courtyard.  15 box jumps, 10 box jumps, 25 dips, 5 derkins, 5 box jumps.

Mosey to the next wall in the parking lot for wall sits then indian style bear crawl to the end of the line, wall sit, etc as everyone bear crawls until we get to the end of the wall, finish with some Australian mountain climbers

Mosey to the flag pole for the pledge of the allegiance at the memorials

slide over to the parking lot and do timed (i.e. not in cadence) … Squats, lunges, jump squats

Mosey to the stairs

  • Bear Crawl up and back down and merkins at the top and bottom
  • Crab walk up and back down and SSH at the top and bottom

Mosey to the hill run backwards up and 5 burps at the top 2x

Mosey to parking lot and do two sets of suicides

Mosey to covering for 3 min. of Mary

Run to COT

It was an honor to lead

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Block Party 2018.04

So I was expecting it to rain for this Q so I had an entire plan for under the awning of the Springs Global building but alas, the sky Q seems to always lighten the precipitation at 5:15…

Mosey to Springs Global building parking lot
SSH, Hillbillies, Merkins

Head to wall for 30sec People’s Chair, 30 sec Balls2Wall, for a total of 5 min.  Last round doubled the time added arm flutters to chair and inverted mountain climbers.

Mosey to the top of Gun Shop hill and partner up for a Dora123.  100 bombjacks, 200 merkins, 300 squats, run to the bottom of the hill and back

Mosey to circle drive to nowhere parking lot and do more peoples chair.  1 min then chalf raises while in peoples chair x20

Mosey to playground for 1 1arm pullup each arm, 5 pull ups, activated deadhang until failure.

Mosey back for COT
I touched on what the word of the month brings to my mind.  Beginning.  Beginning is the time in which you define the problem you are going to fix, the answer you are going to solve.  If the reason you do Merkins is to be able to do more Merkins, then this may not be for you.  But if you do Merkins so that you will get stronger and better at pushing, then maybe you have something.  Exercise is answering a problem, but first you need to know what problem you are solving.

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Beyond #1…What’s at your CORE?

Beyond can be defined as “Outside the understanding, limits, or reach of.” That is what this thing is all about; recognizing that a push beyond, in all many aspects of life, can be a really good thing. If you’re a killer runner, come do a Merkin and a Pull Up with us. If you’re strength nut, come do a few sprints and bear crawls with us. The reasoning for this is well documented now, dating back a few months to when Jekyll let me share about this at a Colosseum Q I had.

And yes, I am 8 days late in getting this BB written which is rather ironic. I will work to get these posted both by the Q’s and YHC in a more timely manner.

We started last Tuesday with the 1st round of Beyond and the theme was CORE. Besides the obvious, physical reference to the word, Core can be defined as, “A central and often foundational part usually distinct from the enveloping part by a difference in nature.” In other words, when the world strips away your exterior, what are you left with to truly guide you. To take this a step further, I let the PAX know that Beyond will challenge them to push past the limits they’ve previously established for themselves. This is aided by listening to a Podcast, “Team Never Quit” in which you listen to stories of people who’ve endured unbelievable challenges and have pushed through to find the redemptive outcome on the other side. It seems impossible when you’re in the thick of “it”, whatever “it” might be in your life, but God has a plan. Bad and difficult things happen, yes, but we try to find a glimmer of hope and positivity on the other side.

Enough rambling…I need to figure out a better way to capture the names for Beyond but for now, we’ll have to rely on my fuzzy memory. I know we had 15  which I think included the following, Bob the Builder, Geronimo, Band Camp, Straight Up, Fire Marshall Bill, Frat Boy, Longshanks, Jedi, Cha Ching, Ginsu, Trucker, Lutefisk, Bonsai, MacGuyver, YHC. My sincere apologies if I got a few of these wrong.

Once we separated from the Block Party PAX, we jogged through the park and made our way to the playground, which still sounds strange every time I write that. We did a few warm up exercises like SSH, Arm Circles, Sumo Squats and more SSH which was then followed by a little stretching and lot more of my talking (rambling). What I was trying to get to was that you can’t quit and if you need a little motivation to keep from quitting, look to the man to your left and right and realize they won’t let you quit and you don’t want to let them down. If it were just you out there, we’d quit a lot sooner. Remember, YOU’RE NEVER ALONE OUT THERE…SO DON’T QUIT.

100 American Hammers (we all thought about quitting on that one unless you’re Jedi/Geronimo

25 LBC

100 Flutters

30 Peter Parkers

50 Mountain Climbers

Partner 1: 50 Carolina Dry Docks   Partner 2: Pull Ups until your partner is done and flapjack

Partner 1: 15 Burpees   Partner 2: Pull Ups until your partner is done

Mosey to the Big Hill where found some cones forming a 15yd x 20yd rectangle on the hill.

Backward run up the hill, 5 Burpees at the top then run down. Repeat this 5 times.

Next we bear-crawled around the rectangle for 3mins which was awesome…

Mosey to the wall at the Springs building

Nothing fancy, just a mere 3mins of muscle ups…yup, it was turrible.

We talked about not quitting and trying to answer the question of whether or not you can change what is at your CORE. What is left when the world takes what you see, away? So that was it. I learned a lot in these 45mins and I hope we continue to see a good contingent of guys willing to push themselves.

As you were…



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Forefeast of the Theophany

10 PAX posted in the arctic air this morning (the Ninth Day of Christmas) after emerging from their warm vehicles. There was some mild griping about the weather and a college football game from the night before. Before our feet froze to the ground, YHC directed a mosey to the WEP playground:


SSH 27
Windmill (Abe Vigoda style) 18
Imperial Walkers 9
Hillbilly Walkers 9
Mountain Cimbers 9
Plank to Down Dog to Honey Mooner back to Down Dog
Pull-ups (oyo) 9

Mosey to missing drill bit:


Brief quiz on Theophany that resulted in a lack of correct answers and lead to:
Merkins 9
Low Slow Squats 9
Burpees 9

Mosey to Calhoun St. parking lot

The Thang

Begin w/ 9 bomb jacks (modify to squats if needed)
Run to the center of the parking lot
5 burpees
Run to the end of the parking lot
9 merkins (reserve the right to call hand-release merkins if form is suspect)
Run to center of parking lot
4 burpees
Run back to start

Rinse and Repeat 9 times – (due to time constraints we completed 6-7)

Mosey to CoT for Mary (9 reps of 9 exercises)

1 Love – Flutter
2 Joy – Freddie Mercury
3 Peace – LBC
4 Patience – American Hammer
5 Kindness – Box Cutter
6 Generosity – Monkey Crunches
7 Faithfulness – Big Boy Situps
8 Gentleness – 9 count
9 Self-Control – Catalina Wine Mixer
*Bonus* Stubbornness – 9 Burpees

Naked man moleskin

January 2 is the Ninth Day of Christmas and/or the Forefeast of the Theophany of Jesus Christ. The Theophany, in the orthodox tradition, is the revealing of the divine in Jesus at his Baptism. This date in the more modern tradition coincides with Epiphany, which is the revealing of Jesus as coming to redeem the Gentiles as well as the Jews represented by the Magi.

Some Protestant traditions also celebrate Paul’s nine Fruits of the Spirit listed in Galatians 5:22-23 as part of the Ninth Day of Christmas, hence the focus on repetitions of 9. I add a bonus fruit of the spirit, stubbornness. Stubbornness has been a real blessing to my life (and occasionally a source of frustration).

We welcomed FNG, Spay, to the ranks. It is a good sign for a FNG to post in 11ºF (which for the record is -12.2ºC). Welcome to Spay!

This was my VQ. It was an honor to have so many come out and post! Thank to Double D for the opportunity!

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A different kind of Dora

Perfect weather for the Gloom today, 43 degrees and foggy at Walter Elisha Park.

Quick Disclaimer and of we went.

The Thang

Mosey up the Hill
20 x SSH (IC)
10 x Slow Merkins (IC)

Butt Kickers Down the Hill
15 x IW (IC)
10 x Windmills (IC)

High Knees Up the Hill
15 x Squats (IC)
15 x Mountain Climbers (IC)

Mosey back down the hill
At The bottom, Karaoke Left, then Karoake Right.

Mosey to the first Drill Bit
10 X Peter Parkers
10 x Parker Peters

Mosey to the playground For Dora 1,2,3
Partner up one partner runs to path and back while one does the exercise.
100 Pullups
200 Sumo Squats
300 Dying Cockroaches

Drill Bit work with 10 Merkins, 15 Squats, 20 LBC’s with Indian Run Between each.
Finished with 5 minutes of Mary/Q school as each PAX called out an exercise IC.


Announcements – Joe Davis Run, Christmas EVE EVE Convergence this Saturday – Clave Boss 5k/10k at 0600, Regular workouts at 0700.

Prayers – Lonely and depressed during this time of year, those battling cancer and other diseases.

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