You Still Have 40%

17 brave men gave it their all this morning in the gloom of Quagmire.  After a disclaimer and a quick reminder of the theme of the month (VICTORY) it was off to better ourselves.

Quick Mosey complete with:

  • High knees
  • Butt Kickers
  • Karaoke
  • Toy Soldiers
  • Knees to Chest

Standard circle with warm up exercises

Series of exercises that “simply” came to mind:

Using the parking lot in front of Old Navy (slight incline) and Mosey up and down several times between exercises:

  • Lunge walks (up)
  • 10 Squat Jumps
  • Bear Crawl (down)
  • Reverse Lunge Walk (up)
  • 50 Squats
  • High Knees (up)
  • Butt Kickers (down)
  • 50 Merkins
  • 50 LBC’s in cadence
  • Plank challenge for 170 sec
  • 50 Burpee’s (10/min)
  • 3 Wind Sprints

It was repeated several times about pushing to the limits of what you are capable of.  As I have “famously” said once (and will obviously never live down), “When you think that you can’t go any further you have about 40% left in the tank.”  Many times we quit too early when pushing ourselves and it is not because we can’t “physically” do it but because our mind tells us to quit.  It is only when we push through those barriers on a consistent bases can be experience growth and grit to make us stronger men.  Super proud of every man who posted this morning and proved to themselves that they are willing to leave it all at COT.

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I really wish we could do more Side Straddle Hops

Nice cool morning at WEP for 8 PAX to get after it and get better. Cornhole leads us off with the disclaimer and off we go.

The Thang

Cornholes Section:

Dynamic Warm up around path High Knees, Butt Kickers, Toy Soldiers, Side Shuffles

COP – Windmill, IW, SSH, MT climbers, 12 Ct Merkins, Moroccan Nightclubs

Hill – Accumulator
Run up SSH-28 run down, Jump Lunges-10,
Plank Punches-28,
Bomb Jacks-10,
Squats-28, Merkins-10.

Hand of to Longshanks

Mosey to the Playground for a Dirty McDeuce (all IC except for Pullups)
12 Squats, 12 LBC’s, 12 Merkins, Run a lap around the playground
12 Sumo Sqwuats, 12 Rosalitas, 12 Wide arm Merkins, run a lap around the playground
12 Narrow Squats, 12 Flutters, 12 Diamond Merkins, run a lap around the playground
12 Monkey Humpers, 12 Dying Cockroach, 12 Pullups, run a lap.

Mosey to the Springs Building courtyard
10 Dips (IC), 10 Step ups each side OYO, 5 Derkins OYO
15 Dips (IC), 15 Step ups each side OYO, 10 Incline Merkins OYO

Mosey back to the WEP Parking Lot.
Stairway to Heaven
Run to first lightpole, 10 Burpees
Run to second lightpole, 9 Burpees
run to third lightpole, 8 burpees
run to fourth lightpole, 7 burpees
run to fifth lightpole, 6 burpees
run to the last lightpole, 5 burpees,
run back down stopping at lightpoles for 4 Burpees, 3 burpees, 2 burpees, and 1 burpee

Finish with COT and BOM

Announcements – Fastest 5k next Saturday, read your newsletter

Cornhole took us out in prayer

1. Weather is starting to get a little cooler so just remember the saying – there’s no such thing as bad weather, just bad gear. Hats gloves, tights are all acceptable as it starts to get cooler.
2. YHC knows he talks a bunch of crap on twitter especially before a Saturday workout. its all in good fun. Get up, get going to a workout of your choice, and #getbetter
3. Thanks Bonsai for the opportunity to lead and to Cornhole for letting me share the Q.
4. Mary Lou is scary fast at Stairway to Heaven. I think he was done before the rest of us were halfway.
5. Mad props to Little John for being 68 and still kicking donkeys. Always good to have you out.

Shanks Out!!

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The real gloom at WEP

What a great Saturday morning. I got out to the AO a little early cause I hadn’t been out to WEP in a very long time. The air was thick with fog, it was dark, it was downright scary  – the perfect type type of gloom that we love to work with.

Men  start showing up about eight minutes before launch, by the time we were ready to go we had a total of 19 PAX ready to get after it . Nomad  brought 3 FNG’s from his youth group and they were excited to figure out what was in store for them this morning.  I bet they felt differently after words.

Maximus were starting us off today so he gave the long disclaimer for new friends and off we went .

It was a nice quick jog and then circle up to do several exercises that I can’t recall individually – but Maximus pushed us to get nice and warmed up.

the Thang

Partner up

partner 1 pull ups AMRAP while partner 2 runs around the playground  perimeter.

Repeat three times

After that we will circle up in the playground dirt and did several of the exercises which included toe touches, LBCs, flutter kicks and chopsticks. Maybe an elbow plank in there as well.

Maximus then turned it over to Royale

Mosey into the grass circled up and picked new partners

Lazy Dora

No running, consists  of the following exercises that are rotated between the two partners until you get to the combined number .

100 merkins

10 each while other partner planks

200 Squats

25 each while other partner holds low squat

300  American hammers single count

30 each  while partner holds 6 inches

This evolution was terrible so I gave the guys a break after it was done and read from Discipline Equals Freedom, a section called “application of discipline ”  from Jocko Willink’s most recent book. I shared his video about the book above.  It’s one of my favorite short motivational videos on YouTube!

The next evolution involved a nice little hill for 11’s

Run up the top the hill- do 10 bomb jacks – run back down – one plank jack until you reverse the cycle down to one Bomb Jack and 10 plank jacks.

Next we moseyed halfway around the park on the running track until we came close to the front road and entrance to the park.

We formed two lines and partnered up with the person right across from you in line- sat down and did two minutes each of big boy sit ups many as you can.

finally spent the last two minutes doing as many as you can burpees – real crowd pleaser

COT with FNG naming, Gomer, Ghost Rider and Chop Block.

Announcements prayers and praises

It was an honor to lead,

Royale & Maximus

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Pre-Blast: 2017 F3 The Fort Christmas Party

2nd F….. AKA Fellowship to celebrate the year and blessings.

The Thang:

Meet up at Regal Manor Clubhouse for a diet beatdown at 6:30 p.

Warmup with some meetin’ and greetin’.

Mosey to the buffet line for smoked beef tenderloin, mashed potato bar (with bacon), salad, green beans and rolls.  Partner carry plate to table and fellowship.

Dora 123 on the dance floor with Flat Tire delivering the hits.  Mumble chatter welcome.


F3 is awesome and it makes us all better.  If you were just here for the fitness part you probably would just join Cross Fit and then bore your friends with stories about how awesome it is.  2nd ‘F’ is Fellowship.  That means hanging together, enjoying conversation and having a good time.  Make every effort to be part of events like this.  Because #ISI.


  • Place: Regal Manor Clubhouse 549 Starlight Drive Fort Mill, SC 29715
  • Date: Friday December 1st
  • Time: 6:30pm-10:30pm
  • Cost: $30/person
    • Includes: Facility, Tables/Chairs, Food, Music
  • Menu:
    • Smoked Beef Tenderloin
    • Mashed Potato Bar
    • Spring mix salad
    • Green Beans
    • Rolls
    • Sweet Tea
    • Fruit Infused Water
  • BYOB – No bar this year…responsible for own drinks
  • Dress: Nice Casual or crush velvet red suit


  1. RSVP: We need names of all attending
    1. Google Forms:
  2. Cost: $60.00 per couple or $30 per person
    1. Pay here: PayPal Link:
  3. Gift options for Children’s Attention Home – Duffle bags 36″ or larger, alarm clocks or travel size umbrellas
  4. Gift options for Operation Sweet include —any age toy and/or gift cards to take to Levine’s children hospital.

Questions: Contact Cake Boss or Anchorman

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Coliseum- Mumble Chatter- Not on my watch

After seeing twitter post about possible mumble chatter at my Q from some legendary yackers YHC decided to bring one of his old school simple but effective workouts to these guys. a nice 46 degrees to start the day had a few arriving in there sweatshirts, a few were mumbling about not knowing where their cold weather gear was. Little did they know the ones that showed up with it on would be wishing they hadn’t in a few.

Quick disclaimer and were off.

Mosey to basketball court, dynamic stretching toy soldiers, knees to chest.

Circle up SSHs, mtn. climbers, flutter kicks, Windmills, peter parkers, chopsticks.

Mosey to light poles. at each light pole perform 15 Carolina dry docks, 10 alternating jumping lunges, 5 burpees. 10 light poles. Flutter kicks until 6 arrives.

Return down the line except 15Air Squats, 10 merkins, 5 burpees. LBCs until 6 arrives.

Mosey to parking lot and pair up for DORA. 50 merkins, 100 squats, 150 LBCs while partner runs to wall and does 1 muscle up.

Back to COT with 25 yard bear crawl on the way.


Announcements- Fast 5, Family Ruck, Community Café 5k, The Fort Christmas Party.

Prayers- Passing of Cake Boss sister. PAX looking for work.



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The Ranch


Mosey around parking lot doing various dynamic stretches/warm ups.

Circle up for warm ups- 20 SSHs, 10 merkins, 10 peter parkers, 10 Morakin night clubs.

Mosey to picnic benches 10 step ups, 10 dips, 10 single leg squats (each Leg), 10 derkins, hold plank for the 6 to finish. Drop to 9 the next set until we get to 1.

Mosey to playground- 5 strict pull ups 10 in and out ab crunches on the swings. drop 1 rep on each pull up until you get to 1.

Mosey to middle school parking lot partner up. run 1 lap opposite direction from partner half way do 10 alternating push up and clap. Run other half 1 partner chair sit while partner does 10 air squats. repeat 2 sets.

Mosey to middle school wall. 15 Balls to wall peter parkers 20 second wall sit. 10 balls to wall peter parkers 10 second wall sit.

Mosey to front of school same partners wheel barrow 1 partner to end switch and go back.

Mosey to COT.

Announcements- fast 5, family ruck

Prayers and praises- Our country ( the people and the natural disasters going on), PAX looking for work, families.



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Family Ruck 001 – 11/18/17

With the great success we had with Brew Ruck 001 back in March, we’re launching the family version, Family Ruck 001 on Nov 18th. As the name implies, this is a FAMILY event and we encourage and want Ms and 2.0s! No rucking experience needed, this is ment to be a family event not a CSAUP, so just grab a backpack, any weight or no weight is fine and let’s have enjoy some fellowship and rucking!

This is a 3.3 mile route within Baxter, with two stops along the way at Parks for a break for kids to play and activities.

The Start Point (SP) will be the Mushroom Pool (3387 Richard’s Crossing, Fort Mill), the route is detailed below and the EndEx will be the Baxter Town Center on Colonel Springs Way.

Start Time will be 15:00 (3pm), estimated arrival at EndEx ~17:00 (5pm).

For those looking for more than 3.3 miles, there will be a pre-ruck launching from the EndEx at 14:00 (2pm).

Nothing special required, your ruck, some weight and smiles, be smart about weight for 2.0s.

Please pack your own water!

Feel free to bring adult beverages for some 2ndF at the EndEx!

Route Map:

Route Details:

SP- Mushroom Pool



First Leg

SP down Richard’s Crossing, loop around end, back to Front St


Right on Front St



Right on Birkshire Heights



Right on Revival Row



Right on Olmstead St & back (dead end)



Right on Revival Row



Right on Birkshire Heights



End at Park at Birkshire Heights and Downing Dr

Second Leg

Head down Downing Dr



Left on Morris Hunt Dr



Left on Gardenia St



Jump on trail system



End at Allison Park

Third Leg

Right on Founders St



Right on Ellis Way



Left on Sonny Way



Left on Colonel Springs Way



End at Town Center field

Questions, comments, concerns, holler at WWL, Cobra Kai or CSPAN.

No patch has been designed or ordered, there are costs to do so, we are happy to if there is enough interest, let us know if you have ideas.


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Old School Playground/cinder block workout

Mosey to the playground for the warm up:
Hillbilly Walkers
Split into partners for two rounds of each
P1 – run to the hill and back
P2 – Pull ups
P1 – run to the hill and back
P2 – Toes to bars
Mosey over to the bottom of the hill by the statue:
Round 1 – run half way up the hill backwards and run back down
– plank until the 6 gets back
– 10 merkins in cadence
Round 2 – run all the way to the top of the hill backwards and run back down
– plan on until the 6 gets back
– 10 merkins
Round 3 – run backwards to the top of the hill and wait
Starting at the top of the Stairway to heaven
Round 1 (going down hill) – 10 merkins each light pole
Round 2 (going up) – 15 squats
Round 3 (up hill) – 20 LBCs
After completing 3 rounds Trucker handed it off to Bonsai
If you have ever come to any of YHC q’s you will start to notice a trend. I
like to find something different to do and I also like to use “toys”. Cinder
blocks or other stuff to make it different.
Today I decided we should use the cinder blocks as a workout tool. However the
Pax had no idea what was coming as I had them hidden in my vehicle unti it was
time. I didn’t hear too much complaining except from CSPAN, but that is just a
We kept the same partners and each group grabbed one block and headed out to the
field for the following:
P1 – runs
P2 – performs workout move until P1 returns and you switch
Execises – Repeat 2 times each
Over head thrust
Bonsai Tree (1 round of 5 each)
Single arm merkin (One arm with forearm on the ground and the other palm on the
ground. Try to keep most of your weight over the palm when performing the
merkin (10 each side)
Toe Touches
Burpees (10 each person)
Bent over rows
Flutters – P1 bear crawled half the distance they were running and then ran back
With a few minutes left we enjoyed a few minutes of Mary until meeting for COT.
It was good to have a few Pax from the GrandStrand visiting us today including
an FNG that One Call brought with him.
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Wheezer’s VQ

F3 9/16 @ WEP (Wheezer & CSPAN)

Disclaimer & no FNGS

Warm up Mosey to lower visitor parking lot on 160

15 IWalkers

10 WMills

15 LSSquats

20 MNClubs

15 MTn Climbers

10 single Ct merkins Mosey- Reverse power walk up the side hill:

Upper PLot: Partner up size doesn’t matter

Dora 100/200/300

100: monkey humpers

200: LBC

300: MNC

Mid: Toy Solider 2nd light pole, 50% Duck Walk 1/2, 75% Bear crawl 1st light pole, 100% Upper P lot: Partner up

Reverse Dora 300/200/100

300: LBC

200: Squats

100: CDD

Handoff to CSPAN

I Q’d some stuff…most ignored me…Wheezer “smoked” them…


Read your newsletter

Get this Wheezer in the Q rotation…


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Living the High Life

5 souls arrived in the mild late-September gloom for a High Life-led Q at Laces In.

25 x SSH, 10 x merkins, 20 x squats, 10 x windmills

Line up on the parking lot line for: karaoke, side shuffles, butt kickers, run backwards (or, nur for Rock Hill familia), and run forwards.

Then all gathered around to hear about “living the high life”.  What was it?  Not Dora-lite, but Dora-heavy.  Grab a partner or two, and crank out:

100 merkins, 200 BURPEES, 300 squats….and 400 monkey humpers.  With running up the hill towards Munn Road.  Modify was needed to 150 burpees.  Don’t Q it if you can’t do it…

We survived and a standing 10 count was provided by all.  Mosey to the FMHS stadium for what Bonsai says is Pink Floyd.  2x Wall Sits, 2x Balls to the Wall.

Circle around around the bleachers for ab work (penguin, protractors, canoe/kayak, etc.).

Mosey back to COT doing Moroccan night clubs along the way.

Ball o’ man – reminder about the Invergence from CSPAN.

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