A tribute to 9/11 at Eagles Nest

  • QIC: Popeye
  • When: 9/13/16
  • Pax: Fusion, Big Papi, Fin, Padeye (FNG), Sapper, Reacher, Homer (FNG), Honey Pot, Money Bags, Pony Tail, Samurai, Black Hawk, Dingo, Waterboy, Mr Big Stuff, Leonardo (FNG), Pistol, Anchor Bar, Pescadore, Van Wilder, Reborn, Blue Print, Incoming, Bull, Mayhem, The Riddler, Popeye
  • Posted In: The Fort

27 #HIM including 3 FNG’s came to remember 9/11.

15 years ago Radical Islamic Terrorists attacked the very core of what America is – Liberty – by cowardly hijacking airplanes fully loaded with fuel and crashing them into the World Trade Center Towers, the Pentagon, and Pennsylvania.

Close to 3,000 people died in the WTC, including 343 Firefighters/Paramedics, 60 Police officers who ran into those burning buildings to save lives. Those men and women didn’t care one iota what color skin those people had, they didn’t care what religion they were, they didn’t care about anything other than getting into those buildings to save HUMANS.

So today’s Eagles Nest workout was dedicated to those men & women.


Warm Up

  • SSH X15
  • IW X15
  • MNC X15

Mosey to Popeye’s Peak aka the stairs next to Tilman Hall.

YHC talked about the brave men and women who ran up 60 to 80 flights of stairs to save HUMAN lives. Touching on how these so called millionaire athletes who were barely old enough to shave, drive a car or wipe the drool from their chin 15 years ago, disgrace the flag by sitting, kneeling or sticking their fists in the air during the National Anthem. Each of those knuckleheads disrespects each and every last one of those men and women who ran the stairs to save HUMAN lives. So to remind us we did the following –

Because of the number of PAX and safety, we paired up.

  • 25+/- Merkins while partner Ran the Stairs
  • 25+/- Monkey Humpers while partner ran the stairs
  • 25+/- CDD while partner ran the stairs
  • 25+/- Squats while partner ran the stairs

Feeling the pain in our legs we remembered the men & women who ran those WTC stairs by doing the following again…

  • 25+/- Merkins while partner ran the stairs
  • 25+/- CDD while partner ran the stairs

Mosey towards Digg’s field – Stopping where YHC heard for the first time that what happened in NYC and asked the PAX to remember for a second where they were.

Next – Only 6 people who were inside the WTC survived the building collapse. To honor those men and women who spent countless hours the following days after clearing debris and rubble, we did the following at the Digg’s Field


  • 10 Piston Rows w/ rock – Run the hill or stairs
  • 10 Over Head Press w/ Rock – Run the hill or stairs
  • 10 Curls w/ rock – run the hill or stairs
  • 10 count from Mayhem

Rinse and Repeat (minus the over head presses)

Mosey Back to the COT

This Q hurt, but it was designed to hurt, and remind us about sacrifices made for us. Not just by the people on and after 9/11 but the ultimate sacrifice Jesus made for us. Sky Q created HUMANS in His image – He sent Jesus to save all HUMANS. HUMANS!! One Race, the HUMAN race, God’s race!


Popeye OUT.


TClap |

15 Years, A Sunday Ruck and a Dozen Pax – A 9/11 Remembrance

  • QIC: Maximus
  • When: 09/11/16
  • Pax: Assassin, Trucker, Apache, Witch Hunt, One-Niner, Cha Ching, Lil E, Olaf, Fish Sticks, Crab Cakes, Backdraft
  • Posted In: Alcatraz, The Fort

8:46AM on September 11, 2001. Just writing those letters and numbers unleash a wave of thoughts and emotions. Like everyone who reads this, I know where I was and what my first several actions were following that moment. 4 attacks that morning led to nearly 3,000 lives lost and over 6,000 injured. In a nation divided leading up to 9/11/01, we saw something appear…UNITY.

I wasn’t alive to experience it firsthand but through my grandparents, as members of “The Greatest Generation”, I heard stories about the unity that this country developed during WWII. A unity brought about by strength, courage and pride. A unity that isn’t fractured. A unity that is central to the very fabric woven into every American Flag. It would be all too easy and pessimistic to focus on how this country has been divided over a variety of topics in recent years. This country has always turned the corner of adversity and found it’s strength in its unity. Do we all agree? No. Do we all like each other? No. But do we have the feeling deep inside to stand up for this great country when backed into a corner? I feel like we do but you are the only one who can truly answer that question.

Not a week goes by that I don’t think about a decision I made twice in my life. At times, it haunts me. At times, I’m thankful. In the end, it’s a decision that inevitably leaves me with a little taste of regret in my mouth. That decision was whether I do or do not enter the United States Military, specifically, the United States Marine Corps. First, out of high school. And second, you guessed it, following the events of September 11, 2001. I’m the grandson of a Marine, the grandson of an Army soldier, the cousin of 2 Marines, the son-in-law of a Naval Seaman, the brother-in-law of an Army Officer and the friend of many more who have worn or do wear the Uniform to protect us globally or who serve and protect us domestically. And for those Police Officers, Firefighters, EMT’s, First Responders and others who don’t second-guess the decision to run toward danger, on behalf of a society that doesn’t consistently give you the respect you deserve, thank you for brushing that to the side and still, protecting and helping us.

With this year marking 15yrs since that day, I knew I couldn’t have possibly been the only man in F3 wanting to spend time with other PAX early in the morning. What better way to start this day than with a Ruck? Thankfully, I’ve been bit by the Ruck bug and I’m all in. There’s something about it, it just breeds Patriotism, American Pride and UNITY.

I had no idea how many men to expect this morning, considering it’s the first recovery day after so many of our brothers just ran BRR but once we got ready to fall in line behind Ol’ Glory, we were a dozen strong. I was extremely honored and humbled to have so many brothers stand with me.

After a few introductory words reiterating my earlier tweet about this not being the hardest workout you’ll ever do but we all know that’s not the reason we’re here anyways, brother Assassin grabbed the Shovel Flag and in 2 lines, we took off. Something to keep in mind, there were 4 numbers that our exercises would revolve around:
9: For the month of September
11: For the day of September
15: For the anniversary of that day
4: For the number of planes used in these attacks

We Rucked to the flags closer to downtown Ft. Mill and encircled the statue. Assassin planted the shovel flag and we began with a Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer then returned to the circle and dropped the Rucks for some stretching.
Wind Mills, Left Toe Touches, Right Toe Touches, Cherry Pickers, 11 Burpees

After the sweat started rolling and the minds began to clear, we reviewed some of the facts and stories from that day:
9/11 Facts
4 planes, 265 people on the planes. 2,977 people died (not counting the 19 hijackers) and over 6,000 suffered injuries. Included in that, a total of 411 emergency workers died as they did not hesitate to rescue others. This includes 343 from the NYFD, 37 from the Port Authority, 23 NYPD officers, and 8 EMT’s from private agencies.

American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into the World Trade Center’s North Tower
United Airlines Flight 175 crashed into the World Trade Center’s South Tower
American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon. Here, there were 125 military personnel & civilians that died.
United Airlines Flight 93 was diverted when the hijackers were overtaken by a few heroes and crashed near Shanksville, PA.

Upon learning of the earlier plane hijackings, Thomas Burnett Jr on Flight 93 called his wife from the plane’s Airphone saying, “I know we’re all going to die. There’s 3 of us who are going to do something about it. I love you, honey.”

Sandy Bradshaw, a flight attendant, called her husband and explained that she had slipped into a galley and was filling pitchers with boiling water. Her last words to her husband were “Everyone’s running to first class. I’ve got to go. Bye.”

Over an open phone line, another passenger, Todd Beamer, was heard saying, “Are you guys ready? Let’s roll”

There are two words that seem to have been etched into the minds of so many of us and that is something we say often in F3, LET’S ROLL!!

Rucks on:
Squats, Imperial Walkers, Moroccan Night Clubs, Carolina Dry Docks, Wide-Arm Merkins, 9 Man Makers

Merkin Wave x 9 times around in a slow pace
Carolina Dry Dock x 9 times around in a faster pace
Left Leg lunge x 11
Right leg lunge x 11
Overhead Press x 15
With Rucks held out front, we squat for a 9 count
Bicep Curls x 15 than hold the Ruck at 90 degrees for a 15 count
Ruck Swings x 15

Grab the Shovel Flag and short Ruck over to the stairs across the street. Plant the Shovel Flag.
Bear Crawl up the stairs and 15 calf raises on each leg at the top or 30 if you’re doing both legs together
Walk back down the steps then bear crawl back up with the calf raises at the top. Total of 4 times.

Grab the Shovel Flag and another short Ruck to the adjacent parking lot.
Drop the Rucks in a pile then get in 1 long line and plant yourself on your six. Then came the American Hammers passing the Rucks from one end to the other. Then send them back then again and back again for a total of (4) 1-way trips. It was almost comical how we passed Rucks ranging from the professionally-packed Ruck with 30lb plate to the 50lb bag of tricks and even the regular backpack with home gym-type dumbbells inside.
On your six and in a circle:
Ruck Touches: think toe-touches but you’re holding your Ruck out stretched and you make a V with your arms and legs, bringing the Ruck up to touch your toes directly over your waist. Or that was the intent, at least. Did 11.
Flutter kicks with Ruck presses x 11
Protractor with the Ruck held high.
Form 2 lines of 6 for a nice bear crawl down and back in the parking lot.
Time for a great equalizer, grab a partner for a round of “Catch Me If You Can” back to the playground at WEP. Before your partner could begin their sprint to catch you, they had to do 9 Diamond Merkins. So much for a nice Sunday stroll in the park.
Partner 1: 11 Pull Ups Partner 2: With your Ruck on your back, hold your partner’s ruck out while in the squat.
Rinse & Repeat so each partner does each twice for a total of 4 rounds.
Line up again for a little bear crawl across the nice, plush playground mulch.
On your 6 to close out with Mary:
Peter Parkers x 9
Parker Peters x 11
LBCs x 15

Grab the Shovel Flag and take it back to COT.

I cannot explain the honor I felt to lead 11 other men this AM which included Servicemen, a Firefighter, examples of strength in our communities and all around, Strong Men. This morning was harder than I thought but only by the Grace of God was I able to wake up, put my feet on the floor and spend 75mins doing exactly what I wanted to do. There was no place I’d rather have been. I may just have to start working on next year’s plan. I’m tired of living with Regret; I’ll need to refocus that on future opportunity to be the man God designed me to be.

Invergence…Read the Newsletter
Prayer Requests:
Witch Hunt shared a personal story that touched his family so thank you for that, brother. We’ll never forget.
Fish Sticks shared a personal story about his sister and a great reminder to never let a day pass without telling your loved ones that you love them and how much they mean to you.
Assassin shared the story with us about the Man with the Red Bandana. We always need to be ready. Ready to pick someone up, ready to serve, ready to help.
Prayers for Olaf’s wife and her pregnancy.
Prayers for Trucker’s son’s friend and for a speedy recovery.

The Honor is all Mine

TClap |

Oh, it was Deep alright…

  • QIC: Dark Helmet
  • When: 08/03/16
  • Pax: DaVinci, Witch Hunt, Royale, Snooki, Mainframe, Twister (Respect), Lil' E, Alamo, Short Shorts, Vila, Dark Helmet (YHC)
  • Posted In: The Deep, The Fort

Another beautiful day at The Deep… Weather was good. Men showed up. And with Twister and YHC on Q… Things got loud… and a little stupid.

Disclaimer got disclaimed, and off we went with YHC at the helm for half number 1…

We jogged around a bit and did some typical warm up things:
SSHs, IWs, Moroccan Nightclubs, Squats, Merkins, that sort of thing…
Then we completed 3 Kraken Burpees and ran 3 laps as fast as we could around the small traffic loop at the far end of the front of the school (approx 1/2 mile).
Next, it was time to grab the blocks… Pax were warned… But they came anyway…
Each Pax performed the following with their cinderblock:
12 8 count bodybuilders (was supposed to be 25, but I was afraid of mutiny… don’t worry, we finished them later…)
25 4 count flutter kicks with block press
25 leg lifts (this was a TERRIBLE idea – put your feet in the holes of the CB and then extend legs – then nearly die from a CB hitting you in the face)
25 merkins (one hand on block then switch)
25 air squats
25 hello dollies
12 more 8 count bodybuilders

Good news! The first half is over… Bad news? There’s a second half.
Twister has everyone shoulder their block and then start running around the BIG parking lot.
Run halfway around, then do:
15 curls
15 shoulder presses
15 squats
and I think one other terrible thing…
Then REPEAT FOR A HALF HOUR. This utterly sucked. We ran roughly two miles, WITH BRICKS ON OUR SHOULDERS! What the heck is WRONG with that guy? And WHY DID WE LISTEN?!?!

Limp back for COT… 🙂

Actually, it was glorious. It was hard and horrible and fantastic. And OF COURSE we followed Twister. And I’ll tell you why:
Number 1: We like that guy. He’s a good dude, and even though he has his own brand of crazy, it matches enough of our crazy that we get along with each other.
Number 2: Because that’s how this works. A man puts himself out there, voluntarily, in front of his peers, and we support him. We do what he says because we trust him. We know that our turn will come and we will want the same support in return. The workout is a microcosm of life. It is a pattern for life in many ways as well. (More on that in an upcoming backblast)

Helmet, out.

TClap |


  • QIC: Crash
  • When: 09/05/2016
  • Pax: Witchhunt, Cornhole, Dark Helmet (finally), Mr. T, Snookie, The Manderin, Da Vinci
  • Posted In: Alcatraz, Quagmire, The Fort

I have apparently become predictable, at least as far as my “warm-ups” go. After a quick disclaimer the pax were ready to go…

10 burpees OYO

Mosey a quick loop of the parking lot with side shuffles up the lot, jog across the top, and karaokes back down.

15 SSH IC…1x burpee OYO
15 IWs IC…2 burpees OYO
15 Plank Jacks IC…3x burpees OYO
15 Low Slow Squats IC…4x burpees OYO
15 LBCs IC…5x burpees OYO
15 American Hammers IC…6x burpees OYO
15 Plank Sacks IC (plank jacks held at 6 inches)…7x burpees OYO
15 Moroccan NCs IC…8x burpees OYO
15 Windmills IC…9x burpess OYO
15 Merkins IC (not sure why)…10x burpees OYO

Now that we were all warmed up…mosey to the fountain.

Today’s message: We were all given a gift at birth by our Creator. To be successful in life we cannot live in fear but rather we are to place our worries at the feet of our Lord and JUMP in. We are to be a light in this world and we each have been given the opportunity to be something great. While we may experience bumps along the way, our God will not let us fall. With that said…


Finding parking lines, the fun started.
60 seconds, front to back jumps over the line… Mosey recovery to/around the two islands.
60 seconds, side-to-side jumps over the line… Mosey recovery to/around the two islands.
60 seconds, box jumps to the benches… Mosey recovery to/around the two islands.
60 seconds, bombjacks… Mosey recovery to/around the two islands.
60 seconds, jumping lunges… Mosey recovery to/around the two islands.
60 seconds, SSH IC… Mosey recovery to/around the two islands.

At some point disturbing mumble chatter about bowel movements ensued one-upping each other about their choice of intake…the clear winner: a dozen pizza rolls at 2am with ranch and hot sauce.

Mosey back to main parking area…
Contra burpee broadjumps – traverse the parking lot doing burpee broadjumps; the contra is with each broadjump the merkins increase by 1x…The counts ranged from 10-12x to reach the far side depending on your jumping abilities. Note: Dark Helmet hated it so much he promises to bring it to an AO near you. STAY AWAY…you have been warned.

Mosey to COT with 2 minutes of Mary to close out.

Announcements: BRR, Invergence, Ragnar, …read the newsletter – it came out last night!

Prayers / praises: There were a number of repeated praises and/or prayers answered for witnessing firsthand the development and maturing of our youth. We were reminded to get involved and be a leader not only to our children but all those around us such as the youth in our church, our community, etc. Jump in and be a shining light to the next generation. It is not only our job to try to make ourselves better men and leaders, but also to help the younger generation around us on that same journey. Aye!!

As always, it is an honor to serve! – Crash

TClap |

Slow Burn Shuffle

  • QIC: Smiley Face
  • When: 09/02/16
  • Pax: Chicken Hawk, The Riddler, Schrute (BRR), Apache, Stang, Dollywood (Respect), Lucky Charm, Dream House, Dingo, Dr. Ruth, Crayola, Incoming, Pony Tail (Respect), Stockyard, Chucky (Respect), Anchor Bar (Respect), Blue Print, Big Papi, Hot Sauce, Smiley Face (Respect)
  • Posted In: The Fort

Arriving early I couldn’t help but notice a touch of fall in the air as a light mist occasionally dampened my face. A perfect day to be a part of the gloom. The pax began to arrive and I was quickly reminded that the sport of all sports, aka football, was in full swing. Mumble chatter revolved around a Gamecock victory over Vandy to Schrute’s delight, and Stang’s strain as he kept clenched cheeks during the entire game…which ended with a Vol’s overtime win against perennial powerhouse App State. I checked in with Stang making sure he had not pulled a hamstring, gave him a little fist bump as a fellow longtime fan of Big Orange football, and savored the ugly victory.


10 Abe Vigoda Windmill, 10 count stretch-right ankle, left ankle, and middle stretch. Kung Fu stretch left leg back then right leg back for a 10 count. Lot’s of mumble chatter here as the pax did not realize their legs would contort to this degree. 10 Imperial Walkers, 10 Hillbilly Walkers, and 10 MNC.

Sticking to the the slow burn theme I quickly had the pax give a 1,2 count and formed two lines for a slow burn shuffle going behind the Big Lot’s property around the front of Big Lots, stopping at the side of the building for what the pax thought would be a little People’s Chair action. But No!…I pulled the old switch-a-roo, and I had them mosey up to the dock rail where we performed the following in single count cadence, 25 Clave Raises, 10 Irkins (forehead touch bottom rail without drawing blood), followed by 10 Derkins.

Of course we could not pass the wall so I sent the pax back to the wall where we performed the People’s Chair in conjunction with 25 single count cadence air shoulder presses. The single count cadence lingo stirred up a lot of mumble chatter from a few pax (Apache) who felt I might have been too liberal with the term cadence and my failure to follow the traditional 1,2,3 ONE cadence. To honor my brother I threw in one traditional in cadence count for an extra air press…followed by 10 single count cadence Merkins and 10 single Carolina Dry Docks. Rinse and repeat the rail and the wall to emphasize slow burn, single count, all form, you against you theme.

I took a little time to read the first 8 lines from Amazing Grace and shared a little of my testimony. I continue to be amazed that His grace was provided to a “wretch like me”. As I shared some of my story I am still in awe of Sky Q’s ability to use our vulnerability to reach others. With no shame I share who I used to be and bask in His ability to make all things new!

Form pax back into their 1 and 2 slow burn shuffle lines and head back to the front of the Tawba Bingo lot, passing Wendy’s and Bojangles when I heard a little mumble chatter regarding Wendy’s from The Riddler. Assuming the pax was getting hungry I pulled into Popeye’s for a little take out order action. Line 1 and 2 faced each other. The man across from you is now your partner and each partnership was tasked with running around the take out window to pick up an order to go for the pax. While partners ran the pax performed LBC’s until the first set of partners arrived with the new take out pain order. 11 different partners called out 11 different pain events from Prison Cell Burpee to Box Cutters. Rinse and repeat, and I don’t think a duplicate pain event was called out for a total of 22. Again the theme was you against you…do as many as you can using the correct form.

Form the pax back into their 1 and 2 slow burn shuffle lines and head to the wall near Popeye’s where I had the pax assume the Balls to the Wall position while one bear crawled down the line. To say that the devil “Qdrenaline” had a hold of me was an understatement as many of the pax, including YHC modified to People’s Chair. For those of you that stayed committed to the Balls to the Wall…kudo’s to your strength and your character!

With time wrapping up the slow burn shuffle headed to the AO and the COT. (Note to self…always set up sweepers to check on the 6) Announcements were made, prayer request made, and prayers lifted up to all. Always an honor to lead and be led by this group of men.

TClap |

Pants On The Ground at The Fort

  • QIC: Flat Tire, Quack Attack
  • When: 08/27/16
  • Pax: MacGyver, Crab Cakes, Lil E, Hotty Toddy, Rad, Santini, DD, Matlock, Mary Lou, Javert, Fridge, Rooney, El Camino, Jiffy, Flash, Old Navy (FNG), Cooter (FNG) Quack Attack, Flat Tire
  • Posted In: The Fort

A cool(er), clear, and beautiful morning greeter 18 veteran Fort Mill PAX and 2 FNG’s this fine Saturday Morning. YHC was eager to lead and Quack Attack joined for his VQ outing.

A more thorough disclaimer was presented since FNG’s were present. One would think the PAX would be respectful while this important message was delivered but, alas, one would be wrong. In the midst of said disclaimer, one of the most veteran Fort Mill PAX who will remain nameless (rhymes with Mangini) attempted to “pants” YHC. Luckily the drawstring mostly held allowing for the completion of the disclaimer. With that we were off following Quack.

Here’s what we did:


Clockwise mosey along the jogging path over to the hill. Down the hill to the flat and circle up around Quackie.  All exercises in cadence:

SSH (20)

Windmill (10)

Moroccan Night Club (20)

Imperial Squat (20)

Low Country Crab (20)

Mosey to the front of the park by the WEP sign and circle up in plank position. This is where things got a bit interesting.   Sir Quack planned to play Roxanne by the Police with the instruction to do 1 merkin when we heard “Roxanne”, and 1 plank jack at “put on the red light”.  Great idea!  Forgetting to bring the wireless speaker so anyone but him could hear his phone?  Not so good.  To his credit, Quacker didn’t give up and simply called the commands.   That was not easy and should be revisited with better audio components.

Turn over to Flat Tire

Switzer for a quick word. It had been a tough week.  A coworker of mine that I work closely with unexpectedly lost her 27 year old daughter.  Dilbert’s father, who just saw a Doctor a few months ago and got a clean bill of health, died in his sleep Wednesday morning.  Life is tough!  Kids get sick.  Loved ones die.  Tomorrow is not guaranteed.  The PAX were encouraged to remember what’s important.  Be present.  Have your priorities arranged correctly and try your best to live accordingly.  The things of this world will fade away.  Invest in people and love others.

James 4:14: Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.

Mosey back toward the back of the park and line up even with the 1st of 6 trees to embark on a mission to slay the beast.  Tip of the hat to Wild Turkey from A51.  He introduced us to The Beast at The Coop back in June.  The Beast = 6 stations, 6 exercises at each station, 6 rounds.  After each round, plank up and wait for the 6.

1st round – Scorpion CDD

2 – Bombjacks

3 – American Hammers

4 – Hand release merkins

5 – Boat / Canoe

6 – Burpees (crowd pleaser)

Mosey to the playground and partner up. 1 ran a lap while the other did dips.  Round 2, derkins.  Round 3, incline merkins.

Mosey back to the field for PAX led 7 minutes of Mary. Details hazy but something like this:  flutter kicks, American hammer, Freddie Mercury, LBC, gravedigger left / right, low county crab


Prayers for Bailey Greene, Dilbert, injured PAX, sick relatives and friends, kids going back to school, teachers and admins


Great workout and effort by everyone. The FNG’s worked their tail off and kept right up, welcome Old Navy and Cooter.  Gents, this is EH season.  The weather is great and we’ve got plenty of AO’s to fill.  Give it away!  T Claps to Quack Attack on his VQ.  Great cadence calling with a good mix of exercises, get this guy on the Q schedule.

Thanks Ginsu, always and honor to serve,

Flat Tire

TClap |


  • QIC: Deacon
  • When: 8/30/16
  • Pax: Java, Kielbasa, Old Bay, High Hat, Olaf, Clark Kent, Cha-Ching, MacGyver, Chicken Wing, Short Sale, Repeat, Bird Cage, Shady, Figaro, Zimeren, Wapner, Saliney, Deacon (QIC)
  • Posted In: Alcatraz, Block Party, The Fort

18 Pax posted at the Block Party and encouraged each other to better themselves. Old Bay and High Hat ran for extra credit and hoped that the workout would be easy…not so much, it was a full downpainment with lots of grunts and mumble chatter.

The thang:

Mosey to the Founders Bank parking lot on 160

COP: SSH (30x), IW (20x), WM (15x), Sumo Squats (15x), MC (20x), CDDs (15x) and Heels to Heaven (15x)

Mosey to the parking lot on top of the hill

Pain Stations:

Circle up, count by 4, each group goes to a corner

Pyramid Drill: At each station/corner, do LBCs, Flying Squirrels, Diamond Merknis  in increments of 5 until we hit 15 repetitions then countdown to 5 as a group. Jog to each station.

Partner up. Partner wheel barrells to each side of the parking lot (2x), Partner big boy sit ups (15x for 2 rounds), Partner Ski Jumps (15x for 2 rounds), Partners push ups (15x for 2 rounds)     

Mosey to COT


Our country has a culture that embraces revenge and grudges over forgiveness. Christ so that our sins may be forgiven. So why do we struggle to forgive others when we’ve been forgiven?

Matthew 6:14-15 explains that the act of holding a grudge is a way to lose your grace and blessings from God.  

Practice humility by forgiving those who hurt you.

~ Deacon Out

TClap |

PRE-BLAST: 4th Annual The Fort Invergence!

On September 30, come and join your F3 brethren from Fort Mill, Tega Cay, Lake Wylie, York, Rock Hill, and Indian Land as we celebrate four years of F3 in the Fort Mill area.   We will have a great meal and enjoy presentations from our local F3 leadership,  Aye, men, this is a great opportunity to learn more about F3 and get together with your brothers  in a relaxed, non-sweaty setting.  It’s a ‘can’t miss’ event so mark your calendars now and plan to be there!    No M’s on this one – just the Pax.

What:  Fort Mill Invergence (4th anniversary party)

When:  Friday, September 30, 5:30PM

Where:  Bruce T. Rush Pavillion at the Anne Springs Greenway

Bring:  Food, drink, chair, cash (to cover the pavillion rental/donations to the F3 Foundation)

Please use the link below to RSVP and list what food you will bring:

4th Annual Fort Mill Invergence Dinner Sign Up


TClap |

It Was A Yard Party!

  • QIC: Magnum
  • When: 08/27/16
  • Pax: Shaffer, Barry Manilow, Gilmore, Quickbooks, Short Sale, Freon, and FNG - "Pigeon."
  • Posted In: Millllkshake, The Fort

Seven braved the humid morning to help Magnum celebrate his 53rd b-day as he led his second Q at the Yard. The celebration started with 53 SSHs, 35 Moroccan Night Clubs, 15 Windmills, and 15 Squats. These were followed with High Knees, Butt Kickers, and Kareoke.

Then the real fun began as we made our virtual trip to Vegas with our deck of cards. The guests chose the following exercises: Carolina Dry Docks (hearts), Squats (diamonds), Dips (spades), Flutter Kicks (clubs). To stay with the theme, 5’s and 3’s were wild meaning after the exercise for each of those cards there were 5 or 3 bonus burpees. On a joker, we did a modified suicide run. After a trip through the deck, all seemed to be satisfied that they had enough.

I thank everyone for helping me start my 54th year right. Thanks for the inspiration and motivation.

TClap |

Partners Explored the Power of Pandoras Box

  • QIC: BearGrylls
  • When: 8/24/2016
  • Pax: Jekyll, Short Sale, Bullwinkle, Pusher, FishSticks, Funhouse, Bart, Atticus, Gekko, Smuggler, Puddles
  • Posted In: The Fort


  • Lap around soccer field with walking lunges, buttkickers, and high knees.
  • Circle of Power – ‘FRONT STRADDLE HOPS,’ moroccan midnighters, egosque grip flys

The Thang

  • Partnered up with equal size partner
  • Moseyed to Pandoras Box for partner superset exercises.  TRX with Body Squats, Incline/Decline Merkins with Dynamic Lunges, Battle Ropes with Box Cutters, Slam balls with planks,
  • Partner exercises – donkey kicks on bench, squat jump slam balls, Max Dips/Chin Ups, Squat Press with 100 pound barbell.
  • Moseyed to soccer field for Circle of Power for Jump to body roll to Merkin for 5 count – the pax loved getting all wet from recently irrigated field
  • Partnered back up for wheelbarrow Indian lunge race for 2 laps
  • Moseyed to baseball field dirt infield for Circle of Power high knee to football flip drills with lbc’s and merkins alternating.  We all looked like wet dirt powdered doughnuts by now.

Prayers for many including teachers, law enforcement and the Pax.


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