Memorial Day Murph at The Fort

Step 1: Finish your regular Monday Post
Step 2: Show up at The Coop (Nation Ford High School, Ft. Mill) and do The Murph.
Step 3: Remember that Memorial Day isn’t just cookouts and pool time…

The Thang:
We began with a warm-up led by each of the Veterans who were in attendance (CSPAN, Blackhawk, Howitzer, and Apache – my apologies if I missed anyone, but that’s all I could remember). There were a number of Seal Jacks, SSHs, Imperial Walkers, and some Bro-ga…

We then brought it in to be reminded of why were really there. The workout is good, but Freedom isn’t free, and we were there to honor men and women who gave their lives for our freedom. So, after a lesson from CSPAN on how to count to 4, we moseyed to the track to begin.

47 Pax completed the following for time (some with 20lb weight vests, and some with our built in weight vests who competed in the “modified” category):
1 Mile Run
100 Pull Ups
200 Merkins
300 Squats
Another 1 Mile Run

And there you have it… Workout complete. Then we circled up and each man present read the name (either one that they brought or one that CSPAN provided) of a fallen serviceman/woman so we could memorialize them.

It’s always humbling to do The Murph for me. Not just because it is very physically demanding and I get to see how many times guys like Mary Lou can lap me on a mile track, but also because I am reminded of the men and women that gave all so that regular folks like me can live free. It is a gift that is unmatchable, unrepayable, and undeserved, and for it, I am grateful.

I can’t speak for everyone’s faith tradition, but in my personal belief system, Jesus Christ gave His life willingly to pay for my sins, my stupidity, and my weakness that I may live again in the presence of my Heavenly Father with my wife and family for eternity. Through His sacrifice, He has made me free from the tyranny of the Devil, free from pain, from death, and from Hell. He did something for me (and all of us) that we could not do for ourselves. It is my feeling that in keeping with that pattern, anyone who performs a service for another that they could not perform for themselves is acting in a Christlike way. The fallen soldiers that we honored today (and the many, many more that went unnamed this morning) did much that same thing. They willingly gave their lives and sacrificed that I may live on Earth in this country with my wife and family. They have provided me freedom from the tyranny of evil men, and they have done for me things that I could not do for myself. Reading their names after a workout is small in comparison, but I like to think that they are looking down and that maybe they appreciate the fact that we are trying, in our feeble ways, to honor them. To acknowledge that we rise and sleep in a country that their sacrifice made possible…

Helmet, out…

TClap |

ManU 600

  • QIC: Mayhem
  • When: 05/26/16
  • Pax: Radar, Murdoch, Voight, Cool Table, Smiley Face, Blackhawk, Snapper, Whitney, Reborn, Captain Kangaroo, Catfish, Van Wilder, Roxanne, Schrute, Italian Job, YHC
  • Posted In: The Fort

After a winter hiatus, much recognized by Schrute, YHC is attempting to return with a vengeance.

I’m 5 for 7 for 3 weeks running and we are making progress.

With a day’s notice from Italian Job, the pressure was on…

Finalized with minutes to go…here’s the THANG:

Incline row aka Drunken Oarsman
Incline row

Superman lifts
Superman lifts

Box jump
Calf raises

Peter Parker
Mountain climber
Crab thrust
Hip slap

Imperial walker
Cairo Nightclub

Oh BTW… 10x of each of those and 15x SSH or Seal Jacks in between each set. Some mosey and 10 counts mixed in.

Then a short 5 minutes of mary, because we kept a good pace.

KUDOS to Whitney, Roxanne, and Captain Kangaroo. You guys pushed yourselves and inspired me this morning.

Schrute just tried to fill in for Apache.

Oh yeah, we did over 600 reps if you hadn’t done the math yet.

BOM: prayers and praise…mine is for consistency/LSD.


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Pre-Blast for Memorial Day MURPH “FunHouse FunRun”

If you don’t know by now, The Fort will be conducting the Annual Memorial Day Murph at NAFO high school (The Coop and Varsity AO).  This is a great opportunity to work out with The PAX to honor our service men and women. Post to your regular AO, then head over to NAFO for the double-down.  In addition to the workout, there will be awards handed out to those who perform at the top of the group.

However, there is one award that perked my ears, the Funhouse Pull Up award.  I assumed this award was for the PAX who increased their pull up count exponentially from the last go around (go search the last Fitness Test).  This was not the case.  ‘Casa de diversion’ (modified pull-up version aka the FUNHOUSE award)…..  “Don’t fall short, if you cannot or do not have a vest at least strive to perform your pull-ups without variation or as we stated above – try not to perform a #Funhouse so start working on those pull-ups today – you have time!”  So yes, YHC likes to modify.  Especially a freaking pull up. So why not “modify” the MURPH with a typical “FunHouse FunRun”?  Call it a triple-down.

So if you’re not afraid of modifying (CSPAN I see your “burpees” so I KNOW you love to modify) join me for this THANG:

Memorial Day – Monday, May 30th 0430

Start (Leg #1): 0430 at Trailhead Park in Tega Cay for a run to Flight Plan (Baxter Startbucks) ~ 4.2 miles

Leg #2: Flight Plan 0515 (YHC the Q) – I will find a suitable 4.5 mile loop that will get everyone ready to go do the MURPH- Total so far ~ 8.7 miles

Leg #3: Run to NAFO 0600 – There will be little time for COT at Flight Plan for those on the #FunRun, so I may hand this off to someone staying behind.  We must get on our horses and head out to make the 5.5 miles to NAFO in 50 minutes before the MURPH starts. The route is down 160 and take a left on 21 and then a right on 460 to NAFO. – Total so far ~ 14.2 miles

Leg #4: The MURPH – 1 mile run, 100 pull ups, 200 push ups, 300 squats and a final 1 mile run. Ugh. So final total mileage ~ 16.2 miles

So join YHC to “modify” your typical day.


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  • QIC: Socrates and Senator Tressel
  • When: 05/21/16
  • Pax: CSPAN, Longshanks, Walker, Dark Helmet, Geronimo, Ginsu, Tesh, Lile, Chicken Hawk, Tesla, Rock Thrill, Van Wilder, Cerrano, Short Sale, Beacon , MacGyver, Cake Boss, Reborn, Italian Job, Rooney, Who Dat, Change Order, Cheeze Whiz, Frogger, Olive, Two Buck Chuck, Wingman, Atticus, Quack Attack, Mary Lou, Maximus, Peabody, Patton, Corruption, Sketch, El Diablo, FNG/Sweetness, FNG/Outlaw
  • Posted In: The Fort

Thirty Nine men converged at Walter Elisha Park, and welcomed our brother Olive and the other Isotopes for a soggy Saturday beatdown.    After admonishing the Pax for their weak CAH snack contributions (74 individual snacks from 2 out of 39 people), the disclaimer was read and Socrates led us to the fields  Here is what we did:

Socrates at Q

Long warm up:
Side Straddle Hop
Hillbilly Walkers
Peter Parkers
Parker Peters
Double mountain climbers

Upper/Whole Body/Core sequence:
Sequence 1:
A) Crawly Plyo Merkins
B) Wheelbarrows around playground. (Way longer than I thought it would be. Sorry about that!)
C) Knees pulls hanging from monkey bars

Sequence 2
A) Elevator Merkins
B) Partner Carry around playground
C) Leg raises as partner throw your feet down to ground

Sequence 3
A) Maximum Merkins while partner holds your feet (Walker got like 64 – dang)
B) 20 Burbees while partner does Al Gores.

Senator Tressel on Q 

Mosey back to the parking lot, pick up two bricks from the white VW, and head out to the trail.  Jog along the trail and stop at three stations:

All with bricks:

Station 1:  Morracon night clubs x 20

Station 2:  Man-maker merkin x 10  (8 count)

Station 3:  V-ups x 20

Mosey to the bottom of the hill and line up for mini Jacob’s Ladder

Three trips up and down the hill with 1 bombjack, 5 bombjack, and 10 bobjacks (all with bricks)

Mosey back to the field and circle up

Crunch presses with bricks x 20

Jack Webb  1:4 with brick.  We stopped at 8 (10 were planned….don’t Q it if you can’t……)

Form straight line facing Springs building and lunge walk/arm crossovers with bricks

Mosey back for COT

Today’s workout was dubbed the Olive-vergence in honor of our brother Olive from F3 Isotope.  Olive and his buddies from North Charlotte came to the Fort to see some friends,  and meet some of the brothers who supported him when a sudden tragedy hit his family two weeks ago.    So-crates and I did not plan for large number we had today, and we had our challenges – sopping wet grass, not enough bricks, and coralling 39 people.  But, as always, we made the best of it, and in the end,  it really didn’t matter.  The real purpose today was to be around someone who was hurting and help him forget the pain for at least a little while.

We say that F3 is more than a workout, and anyone who has been around F3 for more than a couple weeks, knows it’s true.  We have our great workouts, happy hours, family events, and bible studies.  But, it’s still more than that.  F3 is a band of brothers.  Brothers who have your back.  Brothers who are parents, and who are there for you, when the worst thing that a parent fears happens. Olive, know that we will keep praying for you and your family.  Your F3 family is here for you.


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F3 Rock Hill AO The Thunderdome (Kettle bell) Launch PreBlast

  • QIC: Catfish, Bogey
  • When: 5/24/16
  • Pax: All PAX
  • Posted In: The Fort


The Rock Hill area has seen some great growth over the last two years. This growth has planted a boot camp AO on almost every day of the week! Each of these AO’s has their own personality, bringing unique pain options to every workout!! But they all have a common thread, they are all boot camps.

Well, it’s time for that to change! Coming to the Academy Sports parking lot off Dave Lyle is a kettle bell AO! This is the newest AO to Rock Hill F3’s arsenal and promises a vast campus for a good beat down!

With it being a kettle bell workout you can be guaranteed that it’ll suck, you will pick up heavy objects and hopefully you won’t be forced to cover miles carrying your man purse (hey, we can’t control everything the Q does!).

Each PAX will need to bring a kettle bell (dumb bells work too) to the AO. Check yard sales, flea markets, even Academy and find one just right for you! But I promise, if it’s pink or tiny there will be mumblechatter!

So, dust off that weight, climb out of the fartsack and come get stronger!

We’ll launch on 5/24/16 @ 0515 from here – – with Dark Helmet on Q. He’s promised it’ll be brutal!

TClap |

Wise and Foolish Builders

  • QIC: Italian Job
  • When: 5/20/16
  • Pax: Nunchuck, Red Fish, JAG, Whitney, Dawg Pound, Apache, Broteinshake, Lil’ Bear, Reborn, Burr, Dream House, Hot Sauce, Scrappy, Saw Dust, Schrute, Drifter, Bogey, Dry Dock, Samurai, Turbine, Stang, Catfish, Italian Job
  • Posted In: The Fort

What a great group of #HIM we had this chilly, soggy morning at Petra. 23 guys came out to push the rock this morning. Though we had hoped the rain would hold off, we were in no such luck. We all ended up soggy bottom boys.

The Thang

22 Burpees courtesy of an Apache/CSPAN (Grantan) bet. We won, but did Burpees anyway as a sign of solidarity.

Warm-Up Mosey around the parking lot (butt kickers, high knees, side shuffle, karaokes)

Circle Up for:

  • 25 Moroccan Night Clubs (IC)
  • 25 SSH (IC)
  • 25 Italian Night Clubs (IC)
  • 25 Imperial Walkers (IC)
  • 10 Slow Windmills (IC)

Mosey to Catawba Bingo for

  • People’s Chair

Mosey to Luigi’s for

  • Elevens (Squats/LBCs)
  • Turkish Get-ups (10 IC)
  • Rosalitas (25 IC)

Mosey around the parking lot and converge in front of Catawba Bingo for

  • Alternating Shoulder Taps (25 OYO)
  • Add in 30 Bomb Jacks for some R rated humor this morning.

Circle Up for some Dealer’s Choice Mary

  • LBCs (Dawg Pound)
  • American Hammers (Turbine)
  • Plank and Elbow Planks (Schrute)


Today’s workout spelled PETRA. Petra is Greek for solid, immovable rock. We named this AO because we are Rock Hill and we are called to be the rock in our communities. In Matthew 7:24-27, Jesus said, “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.”

If this week is any indication, the rains and winds in life will come. And when they do, how sturdy is your foundation? If your foundation is in Christ, your figurative home will prevail. If you foundation is on sinking sand, you will crash in a great heap. I encourage you to take the time to examine your foundation. If you have any questions, we have plenty of #HIM that can help fortify your base. Just ask; we’re here for you.

TClaps to Bogey for getting this AO off the ground and for pushing the PAX for 10 months. TClaps to Schrute for being the new Site Q and for the willingness to step out to lead this group of men to new heights. We have a good thing going in Rock Hill and it’s because of PAX like these two that we continue to impact our community like we do.

Nunchuck – Great job leading by example. We all notice your good form and appreciate your humbleness.

Red Fish – Glad to have you out for your first Petra workout. You may have been the smartest one wearing the long sleeves and beanie. I think the rest of us are still shivering from the rain.

JAG – #Respect! This guy is in better shape than most ex-pro athletes. Glad the judge is on our side.

Whitney – Getting stronger every day. Your effort is relentless and I’m proud of your tenacity.

Dawg Pound – Hope you enjoyed your first rainy beatdown. The fun is just amplified when it gets wet (no Bomb Jacks).

Apache – Always enjoyable to have F3Nation’s best mumblechatter master in the PAX.

Broteinshake – Thanks for joining us on this side of the county. Good to have you out with us.

Lil’ Bear – New name, MOGO – Moon’s Out, Guns Out. This guy says, “Sleeves? Who needs sleeves?”

Reborn – Our unofficial, official sweeper. Thanks for taking care of the 6

Burr – Awesome effort today! There’s no quit in you.

Dream House – Glad to have you back out. You’re looking more comfortable out there. We might have to turn up the pain a bit.

Hot Sauce – Someone is getting faster! I didn’t even have to push you today…you were at the front of the PAX.

Scrappy – Quickly becoming one of our regular posters. Thanks for your continued support.

Saw Dust – Its good to have you back in the fold. Don’t be a stranger…we’re ready to get you in the Q rotation.

Schrute – Great work again today at the front of the PAX. Guys are looking up to you and they have a great model to follow.

Drifter – I am so proud of the progress you have made since you started. Not only are you getting thinner and stronger, but you are sharing your passion with the rest of York County. Awesome work!

Bogey – Thanks for your example, Marine. Your 10 months as site Q really amplified Rock Hill’s expansion opportunities.

Dry Dock – I appreciate your passion and effort. We are expecting BIG things for York through men like you. Keep up the good work.

Samurai – #Respect! It’s always a pleasure to have you in the group. I think it’s time to get you on the Q schedule. When you speak, the PAX listens.

Turbine – You have to lay off those brussel sprouts. I’ve never seen a man clear a group out that fast!

Stang – Always a pleasure to have you across the river. Shout out for the selfless act at Bibles ‘N Biscuits this morning. Your heart for people is such a blessing. Thanks for doing what you know is the right thing.

Catfish – We don’t give you enough credit for the encouragement you give. Thanks for staying with the 6 and for showing us what a true servant leader looks like.

As always, today was a pleasure. I always enjoy leading at Petra and I appreciate the opportunity. Read your newsletter for announcements. Continue to lift up our brothers going through the loss of a loved ones (Roxanne), seniors as they graduate (Samurai’s 2.0), Bill Nye’s new baby, and all those with unspoken requests. Lift each other up every day and be the change you want to see in the world.


Italian Job

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Hog & Coyote 2016

June 2, 2016 — H&C UPDATES!!

Here is a LINK to the shirt preorder! Get yours now! Don’t delay!

Told ya someone would go rogue – except this is a very organized rogue – Zima is leading a ruck version. Check it out HERE!

May 31, 2016 — H&C UPDATES!!

Here is a LINK to the full route for the 2016 Hog and Coyote!

Sign up HERE so we have an idea of who’s running and who’s coming to the most epic 2nd F event to ever follow a Hog & Coyote!! Get in there early, need to give LRB a count by next week.

T-shirts are still being worked up, so keep your eyes open for those!

The Fort is excited to invite all of the PAX of @F3Nation to the 3rd Annual Hog & Coyote! This event is multi-leg #CSAUP event and is being held on June 18th and kicks off at 0600. What a better way to enjoy Fathers Day than iced up and questioning your sanity??

As was done last year, we are incorporating AOs from Tega Cay, Fort Mill, & Rock Hill. Except this year it’s going even further across the river!

A little background on the H&C …

In early 2015 SC passed a bill allowing the night hunting of wild hogs, coyotes, and armadillos. The inaugural included 8.4 miles, 4 AOs and 17 faithful Pax. The 2nd Annual event included 5 AOs, approximately 12-13 miles and 75 PAX took part in the crazy event! Such as #CSUAP’s go, this year is lining up to be the toughest yet!

The route for the 3rd Annual Hog & Coyote includes the following AO’s:

  • Start – Colosseum (Maximus – Warm up Q)     – 3.45 miles to RnG
  • Run-N-Gun (SpiderMan on Q)        – 2.4 miles to WEP (5.85 miles total)
  • The Fort (WEP) (Anchorman on Q)     – 2.75 miles to HoG (8.6 miles total)
  • Hills of Gloom (Popeye on Q)        – 3 miles to Patriot (11.85 miles total)
  • Patriot (Peach on Q)            – 3 miles to Old Town (14.60 miles total)
  • Old Town        (to the top of the parking garage)

This year will include (3) ways to participate:

  1. 1 Man Wolfpack – Run the whole thing yourself. Sure, its a CSAUP event, what the heck!
  2. 2 Man Relay – Similar to BRR or Palmetto 200, we will go “cannonball run” style (young guys, please Google it) with a 2 man team. Handoffs will occur at each AO. Variations could include both running the last 3 miles to old town or bike swapping between legs.
  3. The Armadillo – Whatever you decide from #1 or #2, the route from HoG to the top of the Old Town parking deck will be timed. Fastest man (or 2 man team) for this portion is awarded the Armadillo. Eligible participants must have completed the entire route.

This event will launch from the Colosseum at 6am with a 10-15 minute workout and each AO will have another 10-15 minute workout for the PAX to complete. Each AO will also have a water station for rehydration – it is the middle of June … in SC. Drinks and snacks will be awaiting your arrival at the top of the parking deck. It’s expected this event will take 3 – 3 ½ hours.

Then – to wrap this #CSAUP event up in F3 style – we will mosey (walk, bike, crawl, it’s ½ mile, or drive) over to Legal Remedy Brewing for a whole lot of 2nd F!

LRB is opening an hour early for us guys, so let’s show them our love afterwards! Plus, what an awesome venue to wrap up this shindig!

Please reach out with any questions – shoot them to myself ( / @ptthorne) or Cerrano ( / @CerranoF3Randol)

TClap |

Marriage and Merkins

  • QIC: Jekyll and Fusion
  • When: 05/14/16
  • Pax: Apache, Fusion, Bogey, Map Quest, Full House, The Don, Incoming, Pick Six, Mr. Clean, Gandalf, Mayhem, Limp Bizkit, Capt Kangaroo, Burgundy, Italian Job, Sawdust, Flat Tire, Pusher, Fall Guy, Twister, Hemingway, Walker, Peach, Corruption, Vuvuzela, Bull, Pistol, Choir Boy, Tony Hawk, Roxanne, Posh, Short Sale, Catfish, Jekyll. 1 FNG – Welcome Cornerstone
  • Posted In: The Fort

The Thang

Mosey to the football field.

Side Straddle Hop
More Side Straddle Hop
More Merkins
A few cries of pain
Imperial Walkers

Work out
Four corners/Jacob’s Ladder around the middle school track.

  • First Corner – 15 CCD (Carolina Dry Docks) – 1 Lunge each leg
  • Second Corner – 14 CCD – 2 Lunges
  • You get the picture. Four Laps around the track and 16 stations.

Jekyll spoke on marriage being an investment. Nothing in life will fix itself, you have to work at it, invest in it.

  • Challenge – Do something today for your “M” that you wouldn’t normally do. Small steps, you won’t get there overnight but the investment overtime will make your marriage fruitful.

Handoff to Fusion

1/2 mile mosey across Cherry Park.  Time for some trail running!

Fusion apologized to the unmarried guys and spoke on marriage again. It is not only an investment but also a partnership. God made us equal in his image.

1 Peter 3

Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker partner and as heirs WITH you in the gracious gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your prayers.

I don’t know about you all, but my wife keeps our family on-track and running, so I have never really considered her weak.  After reading into it a little further, it started to make sense.

As – the weaker vessel – Being more delicately, and consequently more slender, constructed. Roughness and strength go hand in hand; so likewise do beauty and frailty. The female has what the man wants – beauty and delicacy. The male has what the female wants – courage and strength. The one is as good in its place as the other: and by these things God has made equality between the man and the woman, so that there is very little superiority on either side.

F3 Not only gives us strength but it also gives us emotional courage for our relationship. Men are typically very good leaders by default, but how good are we as partners in our marriage? How good are we as equals? You both need one another to fill a void that you can’t achieve on your own. Really focus this week on the partnership of marriage that you committed your life to.  What really makes your marriage work? Where are the weaknesses in your marriage?  Identify those and correct/eliminate them.

Now, time to work on those partnership skills:

Trail run to the top with your partner

  • Wheelbarrow Merkin (Partner one does merkins, partner two holds his feet/ while doing a squat) 20 Merkins each partner

Run to the bottom of the trail

  • Partner one planks, partner two side jumps their legs. 20 each partner

Rinse and Repeat

5 Minutes of Mary

Mosey back to COT

Marriage is the theme for May and something many of us struggle with. Always invest in your marriage as she is your partner in life. After god, make her your focus every day.  It isn’t winning the lottery (besides maybe the wedding night), it is a daily investment.

Welcome FNG Jeremy Holt (Cornerstone).  We have been praying for his beautiful daughter Emma and his family for the past year.  Today, we were blessed with his presence and it was an honor working out with you!  The Cornerstone is the point of the foundation in which everything else stems from and relies on. That is our burden to carry as fathers and husbands.  The men of F3 are here to carry it with you.

See you in the Gloom!

Fusion Out

TClap |

22 makes you go hmmm.

  • QIC: Backdraft
  • When: 05/17/2016
  • Pax: Weezer, Package, Man-o-War, Ginsu, Mission impossible, Trucker, Atticus, Rooney, Gatsby, Crosscheck, Tesh, Backdraft
  • Posted In: Alcatraz, The Colosseum, The Fort

After reading posts on F%^&book over the past couple of weeks by old Marine Corps buddy’s and friends from other branches I noticed a lot were posting about a 22 pushup challenge. People are taking this month long challenge to do 22 pushups everyday for a month to make others aware of the number of Vets that take their own lives everyday. So I felt that if I could bring awareness to the handful of guys that came out to my Q this morning maybe 1 of them at some moment during their interaction with others might make a difference to a Vet that might be having a bad day. It could be as simple as a handshake and a thanks to them or hooking them up with a coffee.

The beat down went like this

Circle up for disclaimer. (Not as well spoken as many are able to do)

Mosey to sidewalk and bear crawl about 50 yards hop up mosey about 50 yards and crab walk another 50. We than moseyed to the flagpole and played Old Glory respect with the Pledge of Allegiance fitting we came across the flag with what the Q had on his mind this morning.

Circled up for warm ups ( the bear crawls were not enough).

22 SSH’s, 22 Mtn. Climbers, 22 Low Squats, 22 grave diggers

mosey about 1/4 mile to rock pile. Pick rock of your choice and do the following sequence curls, military press, flutter kicks, skull crushers, chest press. You guessed it 22 reps on each.

Mosey to basketball court and partner up.

Partner 1- bear crawl to light run backwards to partner who on first set did Mtn. Climbers and on second round did CDD. Once partner finished we planked for 6 than moseyed to playground

here we did 3 sets of 10 pull ups followed by 22 swing crunches.

Mosey back to BB court and find a place on a bench.

Their was no time to sit even though I think the pax wanted to. We knocked out 22 dips and 22 derkins.

After Q said go to COT. While in COT Q  talked to PAX about the significance of the number 22. We also had to knock out 55 Burpees during the workout for the difference between 100 and the amount of snacks brought for the CAH.

It is always an honor to lead such a great group of HIM.

Prayers: Package dad and getting his knee better, marriages, WWLs M lost her grandfather, work situations, upcoming birth of another 2.3


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Puddles of sweat at the Swamp!!

  • QIC: Puddles
  • When: 05/13/16
  • Pax: Royale, Gekko, Bart, Tater (Respect), Bear Grylls, Gears, Zima, Senator Tressel (Respect), Bing, Crash, Cable Guy, Wild Thing, Witch Hunt, Fish Sticks, Short Sale (Respect), Wapner, Da Vinci, Snookie, Speaker, and Corn hole (Respect),
  • Posted In: The Fort, The Swamp

4:30am came and anxiety rose. Other than a slight modification to the Pantheon field trip from Wednesday I had been drawing a blank. Place it in God’s hands and move forward!

Show up and the numbers rise! Thank you all for an awesome turn out my largest AO by far!

Let’s mosey!

Circle up in front of HD, Stretch it out a little,

In Cadence

  • Nice slow wind mill x 10
  • Side straddle hops  x 25
  • Imperial Walkers x 20
  • Merkins x10
  • Plank, right arm high, leg if you got it, leg down “when I dip ,you dip, we dip” Lower the hip x 5
  • Plank, left arm high, leg if you got it, leg down “when I dip ,you dip, we dip” Lower the hip x 5, Recover
  • LBC’s x 25
  • Low Slow Squats x 20

Let’s Mosey, off to the back side of Target for some peoples chair, 5 count down the line. Recover!

Form a line and balls to the wall, walk down the wall as far as you can go, you -vs- you! LBC’s while waiting for the six.

Back to some peoples chair for another 5 count down the line. Recover!

Let’s Mosey around to the front of Target. How do you learn to love something? Make yourself do it over and over!

Hello Target Balls!

Ball #1 – 10 Merkins then Lunge walk to the third ball (why? only 8 signs)

Ball #3 – 30 mountain Climbers, Crab Walk to Ball #4

Ball #4 – 20 LBC’s, Bear Crawl to Ball #5

Ball #5 – 20 Flutter Kicks, Inch Worm to Ball #6

Ball #6 – 10 Peter Parkers, Karaoke Left to Ball #7

Ball #7 – 20 American Hammers, Karaoke Right to Ball #8

Ball #8 – 10 Parker Peters, Lunge Walk to Ball #9

Ball #9 – 20 Hello Dollies, Sprint back to Ball #1 and Plank it up waiting for the six.

A gracious 10 count was provided by Wild Thing

Suicide time!

Sprint to each ball, complete exercise, return to ball #1 for 10 Merkins, Sprint back to the next ball and so on and so on and soooooo oonnnn. Who’s Idea was this!!!!!!!!!!!

Dance off time, Moroccan nightclub style x 25

Indian run in 2 lines too COT.

We had an awesome turn out of very respect worthy HIM’s! It was indeed an honor to lead this Q with most all of my favorite PAX in attendance. Again I thank you all for your support!

18 Boot Camp and 3 Ruckers

Prayers, Praises & Announcements

Prayers for Senator Tressel’s Father-in-law for a quick and full recovery from a fall last week.

Prayers for Kevlar, In that God will assist in the problems he is having with gaining and keeping his energy levels up. Hoping he can get back out with us in the mornings.

Praises for the new job/position for Tater, all is going well and pray that all continues.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Zima’s “M’. Have a wonderful and great day!

Rock Hill Children’s Attention Home is looking for donations that can be dropped of at any AO. This Saturday there is also a request for volunteers to do landscaping/yard maintenance on site in Rock Hill. Bring any gas powered lawn equipment to use will be greatly appreciated.

Continued prayers for Wild Thing’s Cousin Jenny as she recovers from a motorcycle accident. Asking for a quick and definitive recovery physically and emotionally in regard to her life path and choices.

Happy Birthday to Royale’s 2.0 on his 8th birthday on the 15th. Also Happy 9th Anniversary for he and his ‘M’ next week.

Again, Thank you all for the opportunity to lead this amazing group of men for a glorious 45 minutes of pain!




TClap |