WARMUP: SSH, Cherry pickers, IW, HW

THE THANG: In light of the Q Source topic of DRP, the weinke reflected the Spurs.
1. “A man needs help to get right.”
The first portion of the workout was a team effort. Teams of 2 had to complete 50 merkins, 50 big boys, and 50 squats total reps.

During the next portion of the workout we discussed the second spur
2. “A man must turn pro to get right.”
Second workout 25 minutes of 100yd sprints EMOM.
Turning pro means that you’re making the decision every day to work towards your goals, being a true HIM. Often times with the help of a Disrupter.

Third spur is “Discretion is a cage with velvet bars”
This means that when you give yourself too many options, giving up is easy. Before every workout the disclaimer is made “modify if necessary” and too often we modify our goals to make it easier to quit.

Wrapped up the workout with 50 merkins, 50 big boys, and 50 squats. If you finished before someone else, take a portion of their reps to help them finish up as well. A man needs help to get right.
Final buy out was a 200yd sprint.


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suits, chalk and reflections from Meditations – Book 8

WARMUP: Tiller warmed up PAX and then kettlebellera split with YHC
THE THANG: the deck of cards – spades = squats, diamonds = merkins on the bell, hearts = hammer curls, clubs = swings burpees when a 5 gets drawn and a lap was run every 10 cards.

Upon completing each lap, pax planked for one thought from Meditations book 8 by Marcus Aurelius.

MARY: Time for a few flutters with the bell held high.


COT: 5th core principle

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Bass in the bush

We had 9, 2 KB snake pit 7 bushfire run boot camp.
WARMUP: SSH, IW, Windmills, Hillbilly walkers, overhead claps
THE THANG: today is usually a run day so we ran with a few exercises in between. 2.5mi in total. Was a little disappointed we didn’t hit 3. After warmup ran to the flags. Did the pledge. Ran to the back of campus near benches. Did 20 dips, 20 step ups and 20 derkins. Run to fire station. Did some ab exercises LBCs, flutters, cow milkers (thx @jwow). Run back to cot/ticket booth. Did hip exercises. Run back to flags and repeat. Run to benches and repeat. Run all the way back to cot for another round of hip exercises.
MARY: not much.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: take care of your M today it’s Vday.

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Bell-entine’s Day

Joined Bushwood for this. See their BB

30 reps each exercise. Farmer Carry up and down the parking lot after each exercise

Lunges (SC)
KB Swings
Rows (30 each arm)
Upright Rows
Palloff Press
Bicep Curls
Skull Crushers

4 Manmakers.
Total reps = 214

We had time so we went through the list again adjusting the farmer carry for time.

MARY: This was mostly core engaging work
COT: Marriages, Spectre’s son (Jed)

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Where is everyone???

Worked thru 20 reps each of the following. Then one carried sandbag and other carried empty keg overhead down parking lot aisle and back. Rinse and repeat. If had more people, the exercises would have been OYO and you work until your turn to walk the aisle with choice of sand bag or keg.

OH press
Flutter with press
Around the World

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Up The Massey Hill We Go


Route was Massey St. to Harris St. to Ardell, back to 160.
10 hand release merkins in the parking lot at the top of the Massey St. hill.
10 hand release burpees in the parking lot at the top of WEP.
Rinse and repeat till 0600.

MARY: some folks did some in the parking lot.

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Running after late night is bad

We ran, some ran 6 miles, some ran more, some ran less, but we all got it done.

Word of advice- don’t agree to Q the morning after a wine tasting event.

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Pain & Misfortune

WARMUP: none

All movements with weighted vest and minimum 30lb sandbag.

15 – Curls – 3x
20 – Russian Twist – 3X
25 – Thruster- 3x

Each set, one pax performing tractor tire flips 3X per man/ total 9 reps per section.

15 – Pull Throughs – 3x
20 – Shoulder to Shoulder- 3x
25 – Bag Push-Ups

Each set, one pax performing tractor tire flips 3X per man/ total 9 reps per section.

15 – Power Cleans – 3 x
20 – Rows – 3x
25 – Man-Makers 3X

Each set, one pax performing tractor tire flips 3X per man/ total 9 reps per section.

15 – Burpees- 3 x
20 – Over The Shoulders – 3x
25 – Flutter Kicks 3X

Each set, one pax performing tractor tire flips 3X per man/ total 9 reps per section.

MARY: none
ANNOUNCEMENTS: bethel men’s shelter, litter pickup, read newsletter

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The Murph-ish?

WARMUP: 2.25 mi pre-run
50KB Swings
100 KB Pullovers
200 Merkins (100 with each hand on the bell)
300 goblet squats
50 KB Swings
COT: Dojo’s sister, Spectre’s son

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