Friday the 20th at the Stockade – clever title absent

WARMUP: Short “mozyroo” from the AO to the front of Harris Teeter.  YHC has been nursing a bum calf so no SSH were to be had.  We proceeded with  Carolina Dry Docks, Low Slow Squats, American Hammers, Mountain Climbers and Moroccan Night Clubs.
THE THANG:  Another short mozy to the side of HT.  At HT we did a group wall sit with the first Pax giving us a 10 count.  We then crossed the alley and did 5 merkins as a group.  When back to the HT wall we swapped out wall sits for planks.  Rinse and repeat with ongoing 10 counts and merkins (regular, hand release, Diamond, wide arm) alternating wall sits and planks.  After finishing these we did a lap around the oil change place with a brief stop for dips using the wall.  
 Back to HT for the same series but we swapped out merkins for 3 burpees.  Burpees included regular, Superman, Kraken and 8 count.  Repeat the lap (with dips) and back to HT.  Last series we swapped out burpees for 5 big boy sit-ups.
 Mozy to the fountain at the bottom of the hill by the fire dept.  There we did a plank clock with Carolina Dry Docks.  We started at 1:00 and did one CDD.  Plank walk to 2:00 for two CDDs.  Kept going until we did a full fountain lap and 78 total CDDs.
 Briefest mozy ever to the start of the row of arborvitae trees at the entrance to the apartment complex.  Starting with the first arborvitae we did two burpees and lunge walked the row, where at alternating trees, we did two burpees.  48 burpees later we were done.  Running a bit short on time we jogged our way back down the row and did two burpees at every third one.
  Mozy back to COT with one minute to spare.  One minute of full body destroyers ensued and we were all happy.
MARY:  she stayed home
ANNOUNCEMENTS:  D2D fund raisers
COT: Family health, marriages, 2.0s

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In Honor Of September, 11, 2001

WARMUP: All PAX but Shield dropped in the plank with their ears wide open to listen to our brother Shield share his experience as an NYPD officer on 9/11/2001. This included the names of a few of Shield’s fallen brothers. Some of us have been fortunate enough to hear him talk about that day but every time I hear it, I take away something new. This morning was no different.
Following the plank, we mentioned a few numbers of significance for the PAX to think about:
9 & 11: This was obvious
22: Years since that day 22yrs ago
100: The number of days Ground Zero in NY smoldered
ALL PAX 100 Side Straddle Hops (50 in cadence) & 22 Burpees

THE THANG: Grab your bell and meet over by Clickbait’s trailer where we had more gear. Everyone has a weight of some kind for the following 9 exercises:
11x Kettle Bell Swings
11x Thrusters
11x Goblet Squats
11x Bent Over Rows
11x Overhead Tricep Extensions
11x Big Boy Sit-ups w/ Weight
11x Bicep Curls
11x Standing Lunges
11x Overhead Press

We went through these 9 exercises one more time and occasionally modified the cadence.

In groups of 4, we all got to experience the 200lb sand bags for 4 reps, taking the bag from the hips, to the shoulders, to an overhead position, back to the shoulders and finally, back to the hips. If we weren’t on the 200lb sand bag, we did the same evolution with our own coupon.

Then, back to 22 Side Straddle Hops & 11 Burpees.

MARY: Throughout
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lots in the newsletter & THE BLOOD DRIVE
COT: Indeed

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Pelican Brief Q

WARMUP: Grassy Knoll led warm up
Grassy Knoll – traffic circle bear crawls
Slapshot – burpees and LBCs
BW – modified murph
Kaiser – Block work
MARY: shield lock discussion – each Q shared testimony on what shieldlock has done for each man
COT: 🙏 all around

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Avoid the Joker

WARMUP: run, stretch, etc
THE THANG: deck of cards
Spade ♠️ = squats
Heart ❤️ = merkins
Diamond ♦️ = dips
Club = step ups
Jack = 10 burpees
Queen = 25 LBCs
King 👑 = bear crawl around circle
Ace = player choice
Joker = Slapshot Says!!!!!
MARY: no we ran out of time
COT: Fishsticks won poker with 3 of a kind (thanks to pulling two joker wild cards)

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Humid hills

WARMUP: mosey over to bank, SSH, windmills, up/down dog with J-Lo’s, then mosey across 160 through Brayden to the bottom of the hill on Brayden Parkway. Did more SSH, merkins and some produce pickers waiting for the 6 to arrive.
Run up the hill
First 3rd at easy pace, next 3rd pick up to 10k pace and last 3rd AYG
Coming down the hill do 20 merkins at the 1st street (on RT), 20 squats at next street and 20 Freddie Mercuries (double count) at bottom.
Rinse and Repeat until 0559…then head to COT

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Blood drive, HIM camp, July 4th convergence, read newsletter
COT:prayers and praises

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Merkin Tuesday

Disclaimer given
Warm up
Up/down dog, with J Lo’s
Mosey to wall – wall sits while each Pax does 3 burpees
Mosey behind Jiffy Lube
 Step ups 20
 Erkins 25
 In/out abs 25
 One leg squats standing on wall 15
 Derkins 25
Go to HT parking lot
 Pair up – one pax does pull ups on cart  
 corrals while other does merkins 50/200

Mosey to church
 25 Squats OYO – run to circle, bear crawl around, head back to benches
 15 Step ups (each leg)
 20 more Derkins
 15 hello dollies
Head back to COT to do:
21 merkins & 21 LBCs (single count)
18 merkins & 18 LBCs (single count)
15 merkins & 15 LBCs (single count)
12 merkins & 12 LBCs (single count)
9 merkins & 9 LBCs (single count)
6 merkins & 6 LBCs (single count)
3 merkins & 3 LBCs (single count)

10 Freddie Mercuries IC

2 minutes of full body destroyer
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read newsletter, HIM camp and blood drive
COT: prayers

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Pain day at the Stockade

WARMUP: gave a quick disclaimer, started with some SSH, windmills and up/down dog. Moseyed around the parking lot to loosen up and get the PAX ready for the beat down.

Ascending exercises shown below. With a lap around the small parking area we were near in between each completed set.
10 wine mixers
10 WM + 20 LBCs
10 WM + 20 LBCs + 30 CDD
…+ 40 walking lunges
…+ 50 Freddie mercuries
…+ 40 calf raises
…+ 30 dips
…+ 20 merkins
…+ 10 burpees

Some got to burpees, but we ran out of time and headed back to COT at 6:01.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: newsletter, blood drive
COT: prayer for items that stay in COT

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Gardenia The Valuables

Ran to Gardenia

Stopped along the way for merkins/squats to keep folks together

Hit Savona Trace to keep it real

At Gardenia did 5 HR merkins
Ran the Gardenia cul-du-sac: 6 burpees
Ran to the top of Gardenia: 1 bomb jack
Rinse and repeat: 5 burpees/2 bomb jacks
(Still 5 HR merkins in the middle)

Barely had time to make it back. Some may say YHC didn’t make it back by 0600, others may say that we were way early on Central time.

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Murph – Sweep the Leg style

Attempt to meet the 3 mile requirment for sweep the leg and mimic a Murph workout…

Ran 1.5 miles and ended up at middle school.

100 reps – Shoulder taps (double count)
200 reps – Freddy mercuries (double count)
300 reps – Imperial walkers (double count)

Run 1.5 miles back to CoT

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