Start and stop, repeat

Man it’s been too long. Cha Ching set me up with the opportunity to Q at the SWAMP and I must say, I do miss that place. But then again, I think I say that with every AO I have the opportunity to Q at. So for this one, I “solicited” a few ideas from my Ragnar team and even got to incorporate a few of them while only 2 of them graced us with their presence.

17 BC’ers and 2 Ruckers for a total of 19 was the count as we circled up to be disclaimed and get a brief unnecessary overview of what I thought would be necessary instructions. In short, this post would be about starting and stopping, that’s it. No deeper meaning, no Beyond discussion this time, just full on “get your work on and get it done.” We’ll be running between our COP’s at 2 different speeds and I’ll call it out before we take off: 1: All you’ve got and 2: As a PAX.

1: COP in THD’s parking lot: for a little warm up.

2: Lt. Dans

3: Merkins/Carolina Dry Docks

4: Kracken Burpee (Only 1 way to get better at these and when in the Lake Wylie area, these are a must).

5: Staggered Merkins & Jump Squats

6: 1 min of 6″ leg holds, 1min 45 degree crunch hold. Followed by Dips & Dry Docks again.

7: 2min Al Gore, 1 min 6″ Merkin hold and 1min Calf Raise hold. Bunny hop 30 yds and back.

8: Diamonds, Wide-Arm Merkins, Slow Sumo Squats & 1min Flutter Kicks with a press

9: 24 Dips & the fountain

COT: Prayers for Stang’s parents, Emma Holt, those in the path of Hurricane Florence. Be open to how you can help others in the wake of the storm.

Until next time…


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The Abyss – Pushing the Perimeter!

Put this one together fairly quickly the night before my Q while laying in bed w/ my 2.0.  Those tend to not work out so well for the Pax as it’s super easy to write down everything that is awful and hard and then ask the Pax to make it happen.  Well, that’s what I did.  It felt lazy.  It felt last minute.  It was both of those things.  And I was happy about it.

Had a solid crew of 18 boot campers – gave them the general theme of what this would be about, quick disclaimer, just enough to scare them a bit, and then we were off for a very quick warmup – something I am known for.

Warm-up:  seal jacks, merkins, plank punches, shoulder taps, superman coupled w/ Moroccan night club, slow as day windmills and we were done.

I didn’t know how long this next part would take, so I had a few extra things to do if we had time, but I was a bit uncertain from the get-go.  If you’ve been to Abyss (Palisades Elementary School), you know the front of the school is a standard school set up – a long road in w/ some turns, making its way to the parking lot, a roundabout for the drop off, etc, etc.  My goal was for us to do the outer perimeter with exercises as our mode of transportation – for the entire thing.  Starting at the loop at the front doors of the school:

– Lunge Walk (90 yards / 80ish meters) to the first turn
– Burpee Broad Jump (175 yards / 160 meters) to the next turn that then goes uphill to 49
– Crab walk up the hill (230 yards / 200 meters)
– Bear Crawl down the side walk parallel to 49 and then down the stairs (140 yards / 130 meters)
– Grand Finale:  Burpee Bounces around the loop / circle back to your starting point…you make ground by doing one burpee and as you push-up, you explode up and throw yourself forward 3 times on all fours.  Pop up, jump, that’s one burpee.  Keep it moving.

After the last of the pax finished the full loop, we had about 10 minutes, which we leveraged for partner carry work.  Thanks GRT from Friday night.  Felt inspired.  Partner up –
– Partner 1 does Spiderman Merkins while Partner 2 runs the length of the parking lot.  When they get to the end, they call for Partner 1 who starts to run to their Partner 2 (while Partner 1 is catching up, Partner 2 does Spiderman Merkins).  When they meet up, they partner carry each other the full length of the parking lot back to the starting point.  Did that 2 more times so everyone carried their partner 3 separate times.  The other exercises while one partner was running were squat touches (squat low enough to touch the ground w/ your fingers) and crunchy frogs.

2 minutes left – good old fashioned sprints.  Everyone back pedal 1/2 the length of the parking lot, all you got, and then turn and sprint the second half.  Did that 2 times and then it was time for COT.

Praises – new jobs / promising job interviews
Prayers – marriages, big flo barreling our way

Thanks to Bones for giving me the chance to lead these great men.  Big thanks to all the guys who made it out today – was awesome to bust a$$ together and get after it.


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Q School 101- Part II

School was back in session at Golden Corral for the 2nd week of “September Q School”.  Bones and Senator Tressel were the originally scheduled professors.  However, due to Senator being on the IR, YHC was called in as a substi-Q teacher.

14 pax posted for 2nd of two workouts covering 101 material.  An additional 8 pax went their own way with their black backpacks (likely not filled with textbooks).  NASA and TwoFerns brought out FNG, later to be named “Ruxpin”.

Bones kicked us off with a mosey around the parking lot with some high knees, butt kickers, Karaoke, and lunges.  Circling up for COP, he shared advice and wisdom on exercises that are simple and keep pax together. We did a few minutes of COP warm-up, with some exercises called out (and lead by) by pax that hadn’t Q’ed before (or only Q’ed once):

  • Windmills
  • Cherry Pickers
  • Moroccan Night Clubs
  • Seal Jacks
  • Slow Low Squats
  • Peter Parkers
  • Side Straddle Hops
  • Carolina Dry Docks

Mosey over to a different part of the parking lot where Bones emphasized that “simple” doesn’t mean “easy”, and that partnering up helps hold men accountable during the exercises.  We each partnered up for the next exercise event. All of the following were done with your partner, not switching off, like some lazy pax (or maybe just YHC) were hoping for.

  • 10 Merkins
  • Lunge across small lot
  • 10 Burpees
  • Bearcrawl back
  • 10 LBCs

Rinse and repeat 4 times.

Hand off to YHC.  We took a couple 10 counts and moseyed to the parking lot behind the shopping center.  I discussed a bit about how pax will follow and trust the Q until they have reason not to.  Trust can be broken by putting pax in dangerous situations.  Trust can be built by showing effort in planning.

Next up, Rugby Sprints.  Two sets of cones were set up about 30 yards apart.  Pax were instructed to perform exercises (together) until Q called out “GO!”.  At that point, pax were to sprint to the other cones, sprint back, then recovery walk back to the other cones.  Rinse and repeat as time allowed.  Stationary exercises we did where:

  • Merkins (in cadence)
  • Overhead Claps (in cadence)
  • Crab Cakes (in cadence)

Mosey back to COT.  Along the way we discussed the importance of promoting your Q via Twitter and documenting it afterwards via BackBlast.

T-claps to FNG Ruxpin for not only posting, but making his first post a Q school! With a Q school now under his belt, he should be ready to lead workout in no time.  Also, great work by NASA and TwoFerns for brining him out.


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Tour of The Swamp

We started promptly at 0515 this morning. The parking lot at The Swamp is pretty dark, and since there weren’t any FNG’s, I made a partial disclaimer and we were off. Of course, it was pointed out to me that it may have been the shortest disclaimer ever…

When we got over in front of The Home Depot we attempted to make a circle so we could stretch:

SSH’s – 20

Windmills – 10

Sun Gods – 10 each direction

Plank to Downward Dog and into Honeymooner x 2

Recover for shoulder stretches – Each arm across, each arm behind the head

Mosey over to the front of Target for The Thang:

We partnered up and got started:

Partner 1 found a spot on the wall for People’s Chair while partner 2 Duck Walked to the second Big Red Ball (or the other side of the cross-walk) and ran back. Partners then switched. We did this twice.

We had a little too much mumble chatter while transitioning to the next exercise so I extended it. The group had to lung walk from the first big red ball to the last, moving towards 49 in front of Target, and had to stop and do 5 Flying Squirrels at every other ball. At the last ball the Q forgot about the Flying Squirrels, but the PAX provided a very gracious reminder.

Next, we mosey’d around to the back of the building. Partners again: Partner 1 performed the exercise while partner 2 ran to the building and back (about 50 yards each way). Partners then switched. Exercises were: Plank, Shoulder Taps, and Big Boy Sit-Ups. Seemed like so much fun the first time Q called for a Rinse and Repeat.

After two 10 counts we mosey’d over to the stairs near the fountain. Partner 1 performed Air Squats while partner 2 ran up the stairs, across the platform, down the other side and back. Partners then switched. We did this for 8 minutes.

At the end of the 8 minutes, giving us 10 minutes left, we mosey’d over to the fountain where the PAX were instructed to find a spot on a bench. Since I haven’t been able to work in upper body much lately, I threw one upper body exercise into the mix. On our bench we were to do Irkins, followed by single count step ups on our bench, with a short break in between rounds. Amount to be performed was 30, 20 and then 10.

A slow mosey brought us back to COT with two minutes left for MARY.

Announcements: Lots of announcements today, which included but was not limited to: 9/21 Invergence, Ragnar, and Bourbon Chase.

Prayers: We are praying for the PAX doing the GRT tonight. We are praying for job searches and next steps in life. We are praying for healing for injured PAX and sick family members.

Thanks Cha Ching for the opportunity to lead. Now that we have more local AO’s in relation to my house it’s been a while since I’ve made my way to The Swamp. As always, it was a blast!

  • Peg
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Recovery Q

Almost evenly split, 6 for the bootcamp and 5 for rucking.  After a busy week of tough workouts and Qs, I did not have much time to plan for this morning’s adventure so I borrowed routines from some HIMs.


Butt Kickers

High Knees

Soccer Circles

Next, we jogged over to Just Fresh for COT.

SSH x 20

Imperial Walker x 20

Windmill x 15


  • Elbows, left arm out for Moroccan Night Club x 10
  • Back to plank
  • Honeymooner
  • Downward Dog
  • Elbows, Right arm out for Moroccan Night Club x 10
  • Back to plank
  • Honeymooner
  • Downward Dog

Next, we lined up for 7 minutes of sprints.  Each segment was 1 minute, any extra time would be used to rest between sets.

We took a break from the running and performed part of this week’s Iron Pax Challenge:

25 walking lunges

25 squats

Rinse and repeat 4x

Next, we went back to the clock for ten minutes of merkins.  Each 1 minute segment, we did 20 merkins, any extra time would be used to rest.  This exercise was tough, not much rest 5 minutes in.

We headed back to COT at a slow jog pace, passing the ruckers twice along the way.  We had time for one set of LBCs before time elapsed.



Q School – Golden Corral starting next week

The Fort Invergence – Sept 21 @1730, Rush Pavilion


Injured Pax

Family stresses (kids, jobs, etc)

New F3 Pax – life changing, keep coming out

Families traveling over the holiday

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Live Right through your Concentrica

My goodness it was humid again.  The day started at 74 degrees and just being outside for 1 minute you started to sweat.  It was going to be a tough morning!

17 men gathered before the 5:15 start, I was happy to meet Radar down from F3 Gastonia.  Tesla told him to come down and check us out.  Regal also brought Supafly who was posting for his 2nd workout this week while up from GA on business.

Bones allowed me the pleasure to Q at one of my favorite AOs.  Always a large and great group of guys out at the Abyss.  Today I wanted to bring more of a message to the group than usual, but this is a 1st F workout…so a beatdown came with it!

Gave the longer disclaimer (I needed the practice) and off around the parking lot we went for the warmup.  Standard running stuff, high knees, butt kickers, karaoke, toy soldiers then circled up.

COP consisted of Seal Jacks, Imperial Walkers, Moroccan Night Clubs,  Slow Squats, Merkins, Plank Jacks…all at different reps.  That seemed to drive Witch Hunt and Jedi crazy because the mumble chatter between those two wouldn’t stop.  Tough to yell at someone when you’re counting in cadence (and they know it).

Mosey to the back bus parking lot for the things I had planned.

The Thang

I really did find these on the F3 Nation exercises!

“Bo jangles Biscuit” = Use the oval track, sprint the straightaways & mosey the turns. Do this twice.

“Slowjangles Blueberry biscuit” = lunge walk around the oval and at four designated spots we stopped for 5 burpees.  One lap.  This was longer and harder than I thought!  I might have been the biggest complainer about this evolution.

The Main Event

I’ve truly enjoyed the 43 feet Podcasts and the Q source posts.  The messages are excellent, but the implementation is tough…but bringing this stuff to our PAXs attention should be something we all do as a Q in some detail.  Many of my most memorable posts are when the Q brings a solid message with the workout and I wanted to live up to that.  In my own life I know how backwards I’ve had my Concentrica lately and a good refersher for all followed.

We talked about the Acceleration of a HIM going from Get Right –> Live Right –> Lead Right –> Leave Right.  Today was a focus on the Live Right.

The discussion I shared was around intentionality, understanding the fallacy of a work-life balance being represented on a teeter-totter.  The picture is best represented as a target.  In the center is your “M” (and we properly defined M) then 2.0 (family) then Shieldlock Brothers then Friends then Mammon.  I explained each and there suggested relevance to your life.

But I had also drawn a large target representation of all this on the ground (Mr. Selfie forgot to take a picture)…so we were going to play a game! Each PAX was going to get an opportunity to throw a bean bag at the target from about 18 paces away.  (definitely not corn hole regulation distance I was told multiple times.)

Each section represented a different 10 rep exercise we would do…and DO NOT miss the target!

M = 10 count (we had ZERO hits here)

2.0s/Family = Squats in cadence

Shieldlock = Ranger Merkins

Friends = Jump Lunges

Mammon = Bombjacks

outside the circle = 10 burpees (about 5 men missed)

I thought it was fun, and we kept sweating quite a bit.   I hope the PAX enjoyed it as well.

Mosey back to COT where we had 5 minutes left of Mary.  10 counts for ab exercises picked by the PAX

Annoucements = (read your newsletter)

Prayers for Lutefisk’s mother, Tesla’s friend Meredith and her passing, Qbert and his church helping 100 children through the gospel.

A Honor to Lead!


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Nickels at the Quagmire

We had 14 Pax show up in the gloom this morning including 1 FNG “Supafly” and the “Return of the Jedi” (I couldn’t help myself) from his foot injury.

I gave a nice disclaimer for our FNG and we took a long mosey around the parking lot while mixing in, shuffle steps, NUR, toy soldiers, butt-kickers, and high-knees, before settling in around the back parking lot behind the fountain that had the stairway access.


Keeping with the shoulder-burn theme, we circled up for the following:

  • Windmills x 10 IC
  • Plank (2-10 counts)
  • Elbow Plank (2-10 counts)
  • Merkins x 10 IC
  • SSH x 25 IC
  • Plank (10-count)
  • Peter Parker x 10 IC
  • Parker Peters x 10 IC
  • 6″ Plank Hold (2-10 counts)

We recovered and I began explaining the 1st of 3 routines we made it to today, I had at least 1 more nasty one planned, but the last one was so brutal I think the PAX were glad we didn’t get to it.  In any case, I kept it nice and easy to remember, everything was in sets of 5, hence the “Nickels”.

1st routine:

From the center island in the parking lot we performed 5 x True Americans (Hand-release Merkin w/Plank Jack), Bear Crawled up to and then up the steps and across the landing, Crawl Bear down the steps, and Bear Crawled back to the center lot where we did Hydraulic Squats (Squat, right kneed down, left knee down, right knee back to squat, left knee back to squat, rise and repeat x 5).  Then repeated the whole routine x 5.

2nd routine:

Thinking the shoulders needed some rest we did some sprints.  Starting at the back parking island, we sprinted to the top parking lot island (maybe 40 yards), did 5 Burpees, then sprinted back to the start and did 5 Absolution.  This was then repeated 5 more times.  I had some shipping pads laid out for the PAX to keep the elbows safe.

3rd routine:

I wasn’t sure if I was going to do this one going in, but we had an even PAX count so we did it and I think everyone hated it equally so I’m glad we did it.  Anyway, Partner up, and in wheelbarrow position with 2nd PAX holding legs of 1st PAX, 1st PAX performs 5 Donkey Farmers (think Peter Parker with your partner holding your legs).  We then wheelbarrow-walked up to and up the flight of stairs and did 5 Derkins at the top landing.  Recovered and moseyed back to start and switched partners.  Time cut this one a bit short, but I think everyone got in at least 3 sets of this one.  Amazing push by all the PAX, this one was hard.

We made it back to CoT with about a minute left so I asked Jedi to call out an Ab exercise, which was a one-legged V-Up. I think we did 10 of these IC which took us right up to 6:00AM.

Announcements, Praises, Prayers

  • Read your newsletter!
  • 6th annual invergence at Rush Pavilion on 9/21 @ 5:30
  • Prayers for new jobs, and injured PAX, and Charlotte schools back at it today

Until next time (Thursday at the Poopdeck),




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Fun and Games Friday @ The Swamp

On a cool Friday morning, things got weird quick. After we ditched 5 ruckers led by Zima, the 17 bootcampers moseyed to a parking lot with some shuffles on the way. Warm-o-rama started with some windmills, peter parker peters, mountain climber merkins, super low super slow squats followed by smurf jacks. We went on to do some T-bombs and a superman hold which led to sun gods and Moroccan NC’s whilst in superman pose. This warm-o-rama made for much mumble chatter.

Next, mosey to the walls between target and home depot for some wall work, where PAX started with a derkin ladder from 10 to 1, running to the other wall in between. Next was ascending testicles, with feet starting at 10 degrees for a 10 count, then 45 degrees for a 10 count, followed by full BTTW 10 count. Mix in some leg work with a squat countdown. Start with 10 squats and hold Al Gore for a 10 count. Not too bad, until you do 9 squats and hold Al Gore for a 9 count. Repeato until 1:1.  Ouch…

Numbered off 1’s and 2’s to split into teams.  Regal forgot he was a 2.  Fridays are hard.  When we finally got the teams even, both teams hold BTTW and one at a time run to other wall and get up BTTW then call for next teammate. First team to have everyone BTTW on the other side wins.  Team 2 won both.  Probably because Regal was on team 2.

Mosey to parking lot where we lined everyone up at the end of the lot. It was game time. Good ole Rock Paper Scissors. Everyone against the Q. If you beat the Q, you had to bear crawl forward approx. 10 yards.  If you tie the Q, 1 burpee.  If you lost to the Q, 1 kraken burpee.  In perfect statistical form, about a third beat the Q.  Next, round two, where the winners bear crawled another 10 yards, the ties did 2 burpees, and the losers did 2 kraken burpees. This went on for a total of 6 rounds and I’m fairly certain I saw 1 or 2 PAX who lost them all.  More ouch…. Regal won

Mosey to grassy hill to finish off the arms with 2 rounds of clock merkins on the hill, mosey back to COT where we met up with the ruckers. With 2 minutes left, busted out the JBL for some linkin park workout. Let the Bodies Hit the Floor (LTBHTF).  On the lyrics “1, 2, 3, 4” we did a merkin. On a “LTBHTF” it was a donkey kick.  Hold plank in between.  Made it just under halfway though the song for a 6am COT.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead Cha Ching!


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Burpees, Bearcrawls, and Barf!

A great crowd this morning at The Abyss.  We had a bunch of runners and a bunch of bootcampers and 1 FNG.  Those that stayed for the bootcamp probably wish the would have joined the runners, I know I did.  This workout was hard and we didn’t complete it, but there is always next time…

We started with the typical mosey to get the blood flowing a bit, we circled around the parking lot and did some shuffle steps, NUR, and back to mosey before circling up for warm-a-rama around the basketball hoops.  I decided prior that the warm-up was going to set the precedence for the workout (hard) and warm-up the muscles we’d be using a lot (shoulders, core, arms).


  • 10 Windmills
  • Elbow plank (called on random PAX for 10 counts, at least 2 rounds)
  • Back to regular plank – 10 Merkins
  • 9 Diamond Merkins (Q-Shame, I didn’t have one more in me)
  • Recover with 25 SSH IC
  • Back to Plank – 10 Peter Parkers
  • 10 Parker Peters
  • 6″ hold – Called on Random Pax for 10 counts (at least 2 rounds)
  • 25 Moroccan Nightclubs IC

We then moseyed to the grass hill for the next exercise.

For the first routine we paired up and started at the bottom of the hill on the sidewalk.  PAX A was to do Burpees while PAX B went backwards up the hill (NUR) and forwards down the hill x4.  After 4, we switched and PAX B continued the Burpees while PAX A ran backwards up/forwards down x4.  We did this until we reached 120 Burpees… a few of the PAX finished, most were over a 100 when I called it for time (I had another routine I wanted to get to).  Our Friendly New Guy thought this was a great time to splash merlot, so he did, but he kept on trucking right after.  He definitely brought the GRIT!

Congratulations and welcome Doubtfire! No better way to start F3, it’s all uphill from here!

We then took the short mosey to the paved hill the leads up to the rear gate to the school.  For the 2nd routine I brought back Paula Abduls, I’ve never done them on a hill so I thought that would be a nice (painful) new twist.  Paula’s aren’t really an exercise, its just a movement, 2 forward, 1 back, which is a nice metaphor on life.  Life isn’t a consistent line straight up, we all have setbacks, we all get knocked down, but it is how we respond to those set backs that contribute to our success.  We all know that through failure we become better, this is a nice way to build an exercise around that idea.  I didn’t have the energy to hammer that point home during the workout so I thought I would take the opportunity to point that out here.  In any case, back to the routine…

6 Cones were placed up the hill about 25 paces (50ft. or so) apart. We would always move in this order, 2 (cones) forward, 1 back until we reached the 6th cone and then we would work our way back. If you ever plan do this keep in mind cones will be hit multiple times depending on where they are placed, so plan accordingly.  Each cone had an exercise on it:

  1. True Americans x10 (hand release merkin & a plank jack =1)
  2. Donkey Kicks x10
  3. Squats x25 (this was meant to be a break)
  4. Crab Jacks (think plank jack, but in crab position) x10
  5. Diamond Merkins x10
  6. Absolution x10 – I haven’t done these before, but they will be back.  They were awesome and it was also a bit humorous watching the PAX get the coordination down for these.  It’s an 8-count exercise that goes a little something like this:
    • Start in plank position and perform a single Groiner (cadence “1” jump feet forward, “2” jump feet back), then Mahktar N’ Diayes to Chillcut position (cadence “3” & “4” with drop to each elbow), then Chilly Jack (cadence “5” feet out, “6” feet together), and finally Mahktar N’ Diayes to plank starting position (cadence “7” and “ONE, TWO, etc.” with rise on each hand).

Oh and I almost forgot to mention… we always went forward 2 by way of the Bear Crawl and backwards 1 by way of the Crawl Bear.  Brutal.

None of us made it back down, but we did all make it to the top, so I called it with about 5 minutes to spare to head back to CoT.

With only about 2 minutes left we did a couple of Ab exercises, I called LBC’s x 25 IC and called on Bones who did another 20-25 Flutters IC until we hit 6:00AM.

Announcements, praises, prayers

Read your newsletter!

Prayers for school teachers and our children as they head back to school.  Prayers for injured PAX and those with nagging injuries.

See ya’ll Monday at the Quagmire 🙂





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Pre-Blast: September ’18 – Back to (Q) School


The Mission of F3 is to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for the invigoration of male community leadership. In order to invigorate male leadership, we must strive to invigorate and encourage new males to step up and become leaders. One of the best ways we have to accomplish this is to help new PAX learn what it takes to Q.

This is especially important this year as we push to expand the number of leaders in The Fort with our #218in18 FNG Campaign. We are encouraging SiteQs to schedule VQs throughout the remainder of this year. To support this effort, we need to make sure we provide the resources needed to these new leaders.

We’ll be launching Q School at Golden Corral (centrally located for everyone in the region) every Tuesday in September (4th, 11th, 18th, 25th). Q School will be led by a few of our veterans (who are also trying to get better at these opportunities to lead). Q School will feature both Q101 (perfect for new guys or those that want to get a handle on the basics) and Q201 (a more advanced session focused on some of the more detailed aspects of Q’ing).

Here is the schedule:

  • September 4th – Q101 – CakeBoss + Longshanks
  • September 11th – Q101 – Senator Tressel + Bones
  • September 18th – Q101 & Q201 – Double D + Royale
  • September 25th – Q101 & Q201 – Pusher + Dark Helmet

This is a great opportunity to work together to continue to develop leaders across the Fort Mill/Indian Land/Lake Wiley area. Contact Ginsu or any of the Qs listed above with questions.

– Ginsu

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