4 Quarters & a “soggy weinke”

1st Quarter: 1 LAP
-20 ea. Curls – (with blocks)
-20 ea. Overhead Press – (with blocks)
-20 yard high knee out and back
*rinse and repeat 4 times
2nd Quarter: 1 LAP
-20 ea. Merkins
-20 ea. Swings (with block)
-20 yard shuffle out and back
*rinse and repeat 4 times
3rd Quarter: 1 LAP
-20 ea. LBC’s
-20 ea. American Hammers (in cadence)
-20 yard Bear Crawl out and back
*rinse and repeat 4 times
4th Quarter: 1 LAP
-20 ea. Squats
-20 ea. Lunges
-20 yard Nur then run back
*rinse and repeat 4 times
MARY: none
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read the newsletter. several PAX registering for the Spartan November 19th

TClap |

Club 813

An awesome group of 30+ men came out to “Club 813”…celebrating the birthdays of Harry Carry, Fogerty, and Grassy Knoll!
HarryCarry started with a short mosey run.
SSH (20x I/C)
Windmills (8x I/C)
Imperial Walkers (15x I/C)
Moroccan Nightclubs (12x I/C)
Low slow squats (10x I/C)
Big Arm Circles (7 forward, 7 backwards)
Peter Parkers (10x I/C)
Plank Stretches (Downward dog, upward dog)

Short mosey run

Fish tracks routine:
Pax do the transportation and stop when instructed and do the exercise called.
Toy soldiers…stop and do Bobby Hurleys, repeat
Bear crawl…stop and do mountain climbers, repeat
Lunge walk…stop and do squats, repeat
Crab walk…stop and do pickle pointers (no repeat)

Hand off to Grassy Knoll:
Motivators from ten.
Jack Webb routine: One big boy sit up and four American Hammers, went to 11 bigboys to hit Grassy’s 44 years of age.

Hand off to Fogerty:
Elevens routine: 10 merkins at top of the hill, one bomb jack at the bottom, and proceed from there.

Run back to COT
Lastly, Badlands was inducted into Club 813.

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The Seesaw


YHC took the pax to the top of Massey where State Farm delivered the COP. YHC finished a few exercises including mandatory SSHs the moseyed to stops along the way to WEP with burpees at every stop.


The Seesaw is the hills between the new improved parking lot at WEP. Partnered up for bombjacks and lunges to 8.

Hit the stage for partner ab work.

Nur back and forth up the hill.

Finished with wall sits and burpees.

TClap |

Over when we say it is!


Moseying around stopping to build the following sequence. Added an exercise at each stop:

1 burpee
2 bomb jacks
3 jump squats
4 jump lunges
5 Bobby Hurley
6 split squats
8 squats
9 monkey humpers
10 Bulgarian split squats

Paused for Dick Webbs got to 5
15 total pull-ups
60 total merkins

Bearpees also to 4.5

Flutters and flexibility to 0600

It ain’t over till we say it’s over!

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Clovis showed us

WARMUP: à la carte

150 burpee pull-ups
10 mile run

We broke it into 15 reps, run 1 mile

Barely finished 4 rounds
That was hard.

When I do a hero workout, I remind myself that 2nd Lt. Clovis T. Ray didn’t share how he felt about the conflict he was fighting in. He just did what was asked of him, and wasn’t able to come home.

An honor to lead.

TClap |

Partner Murph and Hills

WARMUP: SSH, arm circles, Imp Walker, HB Walker, lap around park
THE THANG: Rebel led Partner Murph, 100 pull-ups, 200 merkins, 300 squats, while one is doing exercise the other partner ran to statue and back.

Hand off to Fogerty did 6’s up the hill with BB sit-ups and SSH. Went to adjacent parking lot for 4 corners. Pax named an exercise and led. Got in 3 laps around lot.
MARY: continuous Mary without feet touching ground led by Pusher.

COT: prayers and praises lifted up. Fogerty took us out.

TClap |

No pain no gain

WARMUP: 1 mile mosey through the mean streets and rolling hills of downtown Fort Mill, followed by a 1 mile Indian run
THE THANG: 11’s at the Monroe White hill with burpees at the bottom and bomb jacks at the top
MARY: Hello dolly, American hammers, merkins, and flutters
ANNOUNCEMENTS: upcoming CSAUP, Blood drive at Forest Hills 7/14
COT: prayers for a friend of Kermit’s that just lost a young child
Prayers for fire marshal Bill as his business struggles through employee turnover during a period of high demand
Prayers for Gekko as he tackles a 100 mile run 💪

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I’m Not A Runner?

Slight mosey to the road leading from the Fort Mill parkway entrance to the AO.
Some 21’s of SSH and IW/HW (alternating IW and HW every round of 5)
20 SSH & 1 IW
19 SSH & 2 IW

16 SSH & 5 IW


100 Merkins
200 LBCs
300 Squats
One partner runs ~70yards up and down the slight incline
Continued the 21’s from above for another 5 rounds.

5 burpees
Run the same distance as from the DORA
10 squats
10 Merkins
10 LBCs

Then wrapped up as many of the 21’s as possible before COT.

TClap |

All kinds of Grinding

– mix of SSH, Cherry pickers, Windmills, etc.
– mosey around WEP, stop at each bench and do a set of 3 exercises: 5x Burpee + 10x BigBoy + 20x MonkeyHumpers. At the end do some Mary until 6 is in.
– mosey to playground, Jack Webb: 1x Merkin + 4x Overhead Clap…all the way to 10/40
– mosey to Pikes parking lot: split PAX in 2 teams. 1 PAX is doing big tire flip to the other team while all remaining PAX do an exercise chosen by the traveler. Repeat until all PAX flipped the tire.
– mosey to COT, bring the music and do some pole grinding: Sally with squats, Big Balls with Big Boys and Thunderstruck with Burpees. Runners joined for the last part, mostly topless and sweaty, after they witnessed the Big Balls exercise.
– read your newsletter
– We all learned that grinding has multiple meanings.

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