Keep up…the good work

Disclaimer at 5 AM sharp from YHC, we crossed the street to panera for some in cadence Warm-O-Rama that included,

Side Straddle Hop
Moroccan Nightclubs
Imperial Walkers
Hillbilly Walkers

1 mile around Kingsley and then time for some,
Step up

1 more mile around Kingsley and now this time,
Mountain Climbers

1 more mile and it was time for CoT

Announcements: Bethel men’s, convergence and read newsletter
Prayers and Praises (said & unsaid)

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Whetstone not Wet Stone

Cohiba led warmup where we ran to front of Elementary School and commenced with COP

Hand off to Kaiser where we ran bball courts behind middle school and performed a modified Dora
-dips, irkins, big boys

Hand off to CakeBoss
Mosey to side of elementary school

Partner one big boys
Partner two bear crawl

Partner one leg raises
Partner two bear crawl

Partner one LBCs
Partner two bear crawl

Partner one hellos dollys
Partner two suicide sprint

Partner one something
Partner two suicide sprint

Mosey to driveway for gasers between light poles
Last one all the way to COT

8/4: Convergence
8/5: Stuff the bus

Prayers and Praises recognized

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Keep Moving at The Fort

WARMUP: Mosey the WEP loop with 3 merkins at each bench. COP with all the favorites

Chest: do exercise, run/jump on stage, tag wall and run back to start. Accumulator. 5x merkins, 5x wide arm merkins, 5x shoulder taps 5x CDD

Legs: Lt Dan. #soulcrusher

Cardio: Triple Nickel. Big hill. 5 Mal Tar jai at bottom, 5 burpee at top, 5x. Group temp run.

MARY: LBC, flutter, dying cockroach, grave digger.

COT: theme today was Keep going. In the work out, work, family, life. Great to be back in the gloom today. Trucker’s mumblechatter never disappoints. We welcomes two FNGs. Let’s keep @Ditchwitch and Kulu coming back.

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Know your place

WARMUP: rucked over to old Kingsley
THE THANG: continued rucking around old Kingsley loop and back to bigger parking lot on far west side. We then did a small set of exercises: 10 squats, 10 curls, 10 overhead presses.

Next up was a goal of a 15 min, 1 mile time hack. Instructions were: single file line, we’d rotate the man in front to the back every .2 miles, we had to stay together within a 1-2 arm reach, only the man in front and back could talk in terms of instructions on spacing, speed, etc.

We did pretty well keeping together until the end when our spacing separated a bit to much so while we did make the time back, we didn’t complete it all together.

Quick AAR (after action report) in the parking lot on what went well / didn’t go well. Comments were: difficult to stay silent when not in the front / back, the need to ask for help when trying to keep up, need for more talking from the back.

Another set of the 3 exercises noted above. Then back to COT going the short way as we were running low on time.
MARY: not today
COT: check

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The 3 costs of leadership

WARMUP: Mosey to springs building lot for various exercises with 2 burpees in between each. Mosey to the pike energy lot for act 1

THE THANG: Cost #1 – You will have to make hard decisions that negatively affect people you care about.
Partner up for Dora
100 – Boxcutters
200 – Squats
300’- Flutters

Mosey to Act 2 at Subway
Cost #2 – You will be disliked despite your attempts to do the best for the most
Dora – Same partner, new count
50 – Burpees
100 – Merkins
150 – Squats

Mosey to bank lot for a plank and act 3:
Cost #3 – You will be misunderstood and will not always have the opportunity to defend yourself.
Mosey to the WEP running path – with 12 minutes to go YHC called 5 burpees, 10 squats and 15 SSH’s at each swing. It was a bit aggressive. Modified to 5 hand release merkins from the 4th swing on.

JWOW found his landholdings at WEP to be in good working order, so we proceeded and
all finished in time for COT at 0730.

YHC is also pleased to report that the perceived minimum burpee requirement of Slapahot’s was also reached – all of them.

MARY: No time – had work to finish
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Go pick up trash afterward. So many PAX did.
COT: 5th core principle

Thanks to Grinder for the call. Always a privilege to lead where it all started.

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4th of July Convergence

1776 Workout
50 Burpees
100 SSHs
100 Merkins
Run Lap
100 Squats
100 LBCs
100 Mountain Climbers
Run Lap
100 Carolina Dry Docks
100 Lunges
100 Flutters
Run Lap
100 Seal Jacks
100 Squat Jumps
100 America Hammers
Run Lap
100 Plank Jacks
100 Monkey Humpers
100 Dips
Run Lap
100 Hello Dollies
100 Overhead Claps
100 yard Bear Crawl
Run Lap
26 Burpees
Run Lap

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Four Corners & a Burpee!!

WARMUP: Abe Vigoda, Cherry Pickers, Flying Squirrels, Imperial Squat Walkers, The Drill Instructor,
THE THANG: Four Corners on the Football field, 50yd line and end zone, pick a card, do the Thang, run, nur, karaoke, side shuffle to each corner. The 400m run around the track was a crowd pleaser. One burpee in the middle of the field in between sets thanks to @Twister who was pumped up to an ‘80s rockin’ soundtrack of Boston, Christopher Cross’ Ride Like the Wind, The Cars, Led Zeppelin, Van Halen. Indian run back to COT.
MARY: Box Cutters, Flutters, LBCs
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Black Flag workout, 08/04 Convergence @ PKMS, Shovel Handoff
COT: Prayers for @Cornerstone’s neighbors

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Power hour happy hour

WARMUP: Indian run around WEP trail, Cherry pickers,windmill,imperials
THE THANG: 2 rounds of sets below

Set 1:
50 Merks
25 diamond Merks
25 wide Merks
50 squats
25 lunges
25 monkey humpers
50 LBC
25 Big Boy
25 American hammer

Set 2:
50 Carolina dry dock
25 incline Merks
25 decline Merks

50 squats
25 Bobby hurleys
25 jump Squats

50 flutters
25 mountain climbers
25 second plank

MARY: none
ANNOUNCEMENTS:  sign up for fort Mill Retreat and learn how to respond in a dangerous situation of active shooters

COT:saying negative things out loud can make it 40x -70x more likely to happen

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KABOOM at Colosseum

WARMUP: Disclaimer only
THE THANG: 1776 reps of pain plus some running
COT: On this birthday of our country we added FNG Tang to our pax, EH’d by Mark Twain. Welcome brother! We sweat like crazy in the Gloom and let the familiar soreness settle in as the fireworks lit up the sky to honor our forefathers and our fellow Americans. Grateful to have been born in the USA and to share this life with my F3 brothers. May we stay United and foster Unity with those we meet each time we leave COT and enter the world around us. God Bless America!

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