- QIC: Bass-O-Matic
- When: 03/06/2020
- Pax: Anchorman, Assassin, Backdraft, Barry Manilow, Bass-o-matic, Boss Hogg, Corruption, Fogerty, Rebel, Spark Plug, Twister, Yellow Submarine
- Posted In: Slow Burn
It was nice to get out into the gloom on Friday for a mildly foggy start at slow burn. A little pre-work at the lower parking lot set us up for a back to the basics beat down. Shout out to Twister for inviting Cindy to join us for the morning. We started out with the disclaimer and intro and moved on to grabbing our coupons and moseying down to our first stop.
A quick call to circle up for our warm-up that encompassed: Side straddle hops, windmills, Moroccan night clubs, imperial walkers, hill billie walkers, and overhead claps.
Now on to the meat and potatoes of the workout with a little 4 corners and our coupons. Each corner had 5 exercises starting with 10 reps per exercise at each corner. We did the first 2 exercises and moseyed to the next corner with Cindy. After the first round of corners we took a lap around the building to let Cindy get some rest. Round 2 for the remaining 3 exercises at each corner.
Somewhere in between there we had a short plug for shieldlocks and the importance of having accountability with each other. A very important part of leadership and growth.
If you are curious the four corners and exercises are below:
- Side Straddle hops, Shoulder taps, flutters, triceps and squats
- Mountain climbers, merkins, Big Boy sit-ups, chest press, calf raises
- Peter parkers, wide arm merkins, curls, monkey humpers
- Overhead claps, Carolina dry docks, Freddy Mercuries, overhead press, sumo squats
It was great to be out with the PAX and have to opportunity to lead. Thanks Twister!