Back to long pants

11 runners and 3 ruckers on display at Flight Plan. A few went to the hills of Braden.

Looking forward to trash pickup this Saturday at 0745 at Harris St Park.

Prayers for CrabCakes friend Ashley. Bass-O has a knee Dr appt soon. Def need to get that fixed.

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Hills, Stairs and Jake Webb- Oh My!

WARMUP: The Usual suspects- SSH, MNC, Merks and OYO Burpess sprinkled in
THE THANG: 7s up & down the Monroe White hill, Bombjacks at top, LBCs at bottom. Mosey over to FMCOG for a partner DORA- Merkins, Squats & LBCs at partner runs the snakey stairs. Head back to 1St Baptist for Jack Webb
MARY: none
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Cannoli Run, blood Drive
COT: Prayers for FMHS Band trip to Ireland (YHC is also going)
Closed with a request for each Pax to bring some of HIS light into someone’s day. Thanks DoJo for the nod.
Shortest Of All Sales

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Peeing in the bushes

Mosey – hip swings – mosey – circle up for IC exercises

SSH, Windmills, cherry pickers, plank/broga stuff, merkins

used parking lot near persis – Bear Crawl across lot with a merkin at every parking space line

Mosey to vape shop and back

used parking lot near Lowe’s – high knees across lot with an imperial squat walker at each row of parking spaces

Mosey to vape shop and back to Persis – Wall sits with various exercises in seated position – forward arm raises, toe raises, etc

Mosey to vape shop and back to parking lot near Persis to use entire length of long curb – do 2 dips, roll to right and do 1 merkin, roll to right and repeat the sequence until you reach end of the curb

Mosey back to Persis for more wall sits with various exercises in seated position

Mosey to vape shop and back then walking lunges for length of Persis parking lot. crawl bear back length of parking lot.

Mosey back to vape shop for more wall sits with various exercises in seated position. Then while all PAX in a wall sit, each PAX would take a turn getting off the wall to do 4 merkins. shook out the legs and did another wall sit/merkin combo and finished out the workout at 0600 in a wall sit.


Change order didn’t pee before coming to the workout

Jaeger – tomorrow

Cannoli Run – cant recall date -talk to twister

Trash pickup this month

COT: yup

Thank you Weezer for getting me out there, I will be back!

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Snarky Title!

WARMUP: mosey to a church parking lot
Do some burpees and some dynamic warmups along with some exercises in cadence.
THE THANG: NUR up the hill to a different church parking lot. Introduce 5/10/15 of big boy sit ups, merkins and squats. Run to other places to do 5/10/15. Hit a record for most churches hit, unofficial of course.
Held AL Gore and did squats in a circle.
Introduced walk like an Egyptian.
Duck walked up Main Street with squats at light poles.
Some more running to churches for more 5/10/15
MARY: Souptonuts led us in some Mary as a warmup for next week’s VQ.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: burpees for bbq round 2. March 2nd 2024.
COT: CSPAN style.

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Purple Unicorns with Glitter Accents

Nice morning at The Armory.

Ran the bells across the lot. dropped and circled for a warm-up.
walkers (Imperial/Hillbilly), merkins, squats, LBC, Rinse & R.

7 boards set out. Rotate from one board to the next with a short run in between. Boards had bell exercise 15 count, both sides (L & R), non-bell exercise, finished by a 10 count bell exercise, both sides.

Returned across the lot with the boards and flipped the one at a time until time ran out.

Lots of lifting.

Thanks for the opportunity, first bell Q in many, many years.

Looks like we made it,

Barry Manilow

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Cranky Q

THE THANG: Dora: 100 swings, 200 curls, 300 something (this is what happens when I don’t write a weinke and write backblast a week last). Another Dora 100 bent over rows, 200 squats, 300 LBC. Then speed drill of 20 skullcrushers, 20 hammers, 20 side abs.

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7 for the 7 WOD

WARMUP: SSH, low slow squats, Moroccan night clubs, low slow merkins
THE THANG: 7 rounds of 7 reps of each of the following 7 exercises:
Right arm curl
Left arm curl
Overhead  Tricep extension two hands
Overhead press two hands
Gobble squat
Swings two hands
High pulls two hands

Run up hill to Munn Rd after each cicle (7 times)

Definitely not a stationary kettlebell workout.

MARY: Ab lab
COT: stays at COT

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Reverse Aging Mechanism

WARMUP:  Slight Yog (soft j) to warmup area behind the school.  Comprehensive group of exercises designed to ready the mind, body, and spirit for the workout ahead.   Plus stretching.

THE THANG:  Three rounds of Rugby Sprints [trademark] which have been documented in medical journals [citation needed] to reverse the aging process.  Have you ever actually *seen* an old rugby player?!  ….exactly.  

Then we headed to the entrance hill for partner work:  

P1 – flying squirrels.  
P2 – down and back.  
How long?
No idea.  🤷🏻‍♂️

That got old quick

[annnnnd queue rain]

Hey – let’s do some step ups under some cover!

What else can we do under some cover?

Wall Sits?   Sure!

Anything else? ….hmmmm never too early for some….⬇️

MARY:  Rotating Q of various ab exercises….under some cover

ANNOUNCEMENTS:   Mental Battle March!   Drop Thrill Qing all over the place.   Can’t do this life alone – get out there and support each other.  

COT:   Welcomed back Dictator after 18 months away (stick-tap to Shady for apparently being annoying AF pestering him to come back out – his words – not mine).   Let’s not take F3 for granted, gents.  Imagine if you didn’t have it as an option in your life.  Appreciation!   Thanks to Bitcoin for the opportunity.  Aye!

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4 Horsemen Preview The 23 Mental Battle WOD

The pax got a sneak peek at the Mental Battle WOD for 2023.

Starfish workout after the warmup with the following exercises and returning to the center each time for 20 squats

Round 1 – Shoulder Tap x15 (Double  Count)
Round 2 – Add Mountain Climbers x15 (Double Count)
Round 3 – Add Peter Parkers x15 (Double Count)
Round 4 – Add Donkey Kicks x15 (Double Count)

Round 1 – Monkey Humpers x20
Round 2 – Add Bonny Blairs x20 (Single Count)
Round 3 – Add  Side Lunges x20 (Single Count)
Round 4 – Add Jump Squats x20
Station 4 (Peer Led)

Round 1 – LBCs x25
Round 2 – Add Freddy Mercuries x25 (Double Count)
Round 3 – Add Heels to Heaven x25
Round 4 – Add Superman

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Pitt’s Birthday

WARMUP: mosy to the back of the school. SSH, MNC, Arm Swings
4 Rounds
12- squats
12 – merkins
12 – mnt climbers
12 – inch worms
Mosey to the fieldhouse and back

3 rds of 20 reps -15 reps -10 reps
Squat Thrust
Mosey to the fieldhouse and back

AMAPs 30 sec on 15 sec rest
Set 1
Speed Skater
S.S. Hops
Bomb Jacks
Mnt Climbers

Set 2
Russian Twists
Flutter Kicks

Mosey back to COT

MARY: None

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Jaeger, Bethel Mens Shelter, Mental Health Awareness is coming up,
COT: Closed out in prayer

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