
14 Men, 45 Minutes, Goals Met.

The Thang:

COP Warmup:

  • SSH
  • IW
  • MNC

Mosey to Parking Round-a-bout, bear crawl the circle

Pearls on a String – 3 sets of each group after some distance.


  • Merkins – 10
  • Monkey Humpers – 15
  • Dying Cockroach – 20


  • MC – 10
  • Squats – 15
  • Flutter – 20


  • CDD – 10
  • HB Squats – 15 (Crowd Pleaser)
  • Box Cutter – 20

Mosey to Pull-Up Bars,  Partner up

Partner 1 – 2 Pull-up Burpees
Partner 2 – Run the hill
Repeat 5 times


Ring Of Fire Site Q request a verse that speaks to the Q.  Today mine was Ephesians 4:14-16, specifically focusing on how we are all fitted together for building up the body.  Seek to “know your role” and contribute where Sky Q has you.  You’ll make a bigger impact if you are working for his glory and not your own.

Finished with COT, Praise-o-rama.

Read your newsletter.

Honor to Serve.

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Finding Cindy

The cars really poured in this morning….

25 PAX Present

Changed my plans a bit….Modify as necessary, right?

SSH in cadence….had to part the waters for River Rat’s arrival
Burpees in cadence. I think we hit 18
Imperial Walkers in cadence 15ish

Brisk Mosey to the Church of God

Hillbilly Walkers
Some Yoga
Mountain Climbers
Slow Count Merkins (always a crowd pleaser)
A few burpees in cadence

Mosey through all the brick stairs at the Church of God
Plank it up in First Baptist Parking Lot
Some More Yoga (squats)

Bear Crawl with additive Merkins at each parking line
1-2-3-4-5-6 (total 21)
distance – a long way to bear crawl
Al Gore
Cossack Squats

Brisk Mosey up to the Rug factory

More Yoga? Yep
33 Monkey Humpers in cadence (nobody liked this)
Some burpees in cadence

Brisk Mosey to Sisk Memorial Parking Lot to find Cinder Blocks
(There’s a reason it’s called Block Party)
Thang:- divided into groups of 3
– Three Stations: Manmakers, plank, run to bottom of Massey hill and back
Had time for everyone to do one rotation (probably 15-20ish manmakers)

7 Additional Burpees in cadence
11 Bomb Jacks

Mosey with the blocks back to COT


Quote for the day from Thoreau’s Journal August 5 1891 ““The question is not what you look at, but what you see.”

A word on today’s naming: the Q takes responsibility for the outcome. That was me today. On naming an FNG, I went with “Dude Wipes” as a suggestion thrown out. Not the worst name, but was not right for this FNG.

It didn’t feel right. I did a poor job reading his body language. I should have vetoed it. Not my best moment as Q. We’ll rename this FNG.

When we’re on Q, we are charged to take responsibility. In this moment, I accepted responsibility for the outcome of the naming. In the future, I’ll take responsibility fearlessly when convicted. Even (especially?) when that conviction appears as a still small voice. If that means going against the flow of the PAX, so be it. After all, that’s a leader’s job: influencing movement towards advantage. Sometimes we gotta row upstream. I should have rowed harder today, and that’s on nobody but me.

Besides, none of the PAX wanted to do that many burpees or monkey humpers anyway. So if I go with a name they’re not happy with, it’s just more of the same from the 1st F side of the morning.

Welcome – unnamed FNG, It’ll be good to post with you again soon.
Welcome – Barrel Age, I think you brought out a lot of PAX to support you today!

Prayers for the kids, teachers, and parents of the FMSD as they plan for a return to school 5 days a week at all levels.

Band Camp Dismissed

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We’ll Drive Home Backwards

9 Men showed up at The Pit for a Kettlebell Workout from a Runner (not a professional).  YHC made a commitment to less than a mile of total distance.  Fortunately Odometer Fraud (look it up) works for the workout as well.

Here’s what we did:

COP – SSH, Windmills, IW, MNC

Paula Abdul

Carry the bell 2 lines forward, 1 line back, set of KB exercises, Repeat till end of lot

  • 20 Swings (160)
  • 15 Goblet Squats (90)
  • Interlude – KB Bear Crawl the Line
  • 10 Curls 5 Ea. Arm (60)
  • 10 Overhead Press (60)
  • 2 Man Makers alternating arms on the Merkin (12)

Mosey back for COT

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7 PAX for the Gears Edition of Tune Up Tuesdays at Block Party.  We kept it nice and simple, but simple doesn’t mean easy.

The Thang:

No warm up, STL style.

Launched down White, around Kanawah, and down Massey at a sub-8 pace.  3 Pain Stations on the route:

  • Little Ceasers
  • Wolfe Funeral Home
  • Sisk Memorial

10-20-30 Merkins-Dry Docks-Mountain Climbers

Headed up Springs Street and took a right on Confederate (5 Burpees OYO for the 6) to the intersection with Monroe White.  Next routine was a variation on Burp-Back Mountain.

  • Ran up to Fort Mill Town Hall Parking Lot, 5 Burpees, then back down the hill and
  • Ran up to the other Hilltop at Williamson and Watson, 5 Burpees

Repeat 6 times total (3 per side).

Meet at the FMCOG lot for some COP while waiting for the 6.  Proceeded to Nur back lot, then some lateral shuffles across the lot.  Ran back up Academy to the Shovel Flag for some Mary before closing out in COT.


Band Camp especially enjoyed Burp Back mountain… enough said.

3.8 Miles covered, proof here


Read your newsletter.

Honor to Serve.

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Golden Corral…GOTTA GO

It was raining and the temps were dropping throughout the morning but as discussed with several PAX, it’s mornings like this when memories are made and durability is built.

In the end, 22 PAX posted this morning with 13 for this final Golden Corral of edition in January. It started a little something like this…

50 Fast SSH
10 Jump Squats
10 Merkins
10 Burpees

Run to TCES: ~1.2mi
Jack Webb: 1 Merkin : 4 Overhead Claps (Total of 10:40)
10 Burpees

Run to TC Baptist Church: ~.8mi
Wide Arm Merkins
1 V-Up : 4 Flutters I/C (Total of 5:20)

Run back to Teeter:
Al Gore’s followed by baby squats
15 Mike Tysons
5 Burpees

Run to the end of the center
More Mike Tysons & SSH

Move to another storefront


Until next time…Maximus

TClap |

Pain posting at BAOPS

Alcatraz eventually became a prison on an island in the cold waters off the Northern California coast. It was known to be difficult to escape for the inmates that called Alcatraz home. The waters surrounding it were cold and rough, much like its residents.

When Trucker took over Alcatraz, he had a vision for our own little AO on the island, well, it’s really a peninsula but just go with me here. He wanted those that posted at Alcatraz to experience their hardest (or close to their hardest) workout of the week. The idea of coasting into the weekend wasn’t exactly his cup of tea. That said, for those of us that Q Alcatraz now, we have the Trucker-created acronym, BAOPS, in our minds when planning our pain. BAOPS stands for the Best AO for Pain on Saturday. You get the idea now?

For Ruby Slippers and I on this brisk morning, we knew we had to answer the call. The planning began earlier in the week when Ruby said he was incorporating cinder blocks. That’s when I knew this would be top-shelf. Ya see, when a man named after fancy footwear says he’s bringing pain like that, it’s time for the rest of us to bring our big-boy shoes. He shared his plan with me on Friday night and I had to chuckle; it was all I could do to keep from splashing at the thought.

To kick off this adventure, Fish Sticks, Trucker, Geronimo and I decided we needed to get to the AO early for a few rounds of pull-ups which has become quite the nice addition. At 0630, we had 17 of us gathered in the parking lot to embark on this journey.  While not swimming cold, choppy waters, we did see all the cinder blocks lined up and knew we were in for something special.

Ruby took control, disclaimed us and warmed us up with Wind Mills, Tappy Taps, Burpees, SSH, Merkins, Burpees and a few other things. Who does burpees in a warm up? We then all grabbed a cinder block, made our way to the field and counted off in 4’s for the 4-corner beat down. He had set up 4 stations in the corners about 15yds apart from each other.
Station 1: 10 Man Makers, 20 Cinder Block Swings, 30 Overhead Presses
Walk to station 2 with the cinder block in the rifle carry position, overhead.
Station 2: 10 Man Makers, 20 Cinder Block Swings, 30 Bent Over Rows.
Lunge walk to station 3 while holding the cinder block.
Station 3: 10 Man Makers, 20 Cinder Block Swings, 30 Derkins w/ your feet up on the block.
Walk to station 4 with the cinder block in the rifle carry position, overhead.
Station 4: 10 Man Makers, 20 Cinder Block Swings, 30 Curls
Lunge walk back to station 1 while holding the cinder block.

We continued on this circuit until our never-ending 30mins had expired. It felt like 30 days and holy smokes, the collective groan from the PAX almost woke the neighbors. We were all on the struggle bus after this and guess what, we were only 1/2 way through this wonderful nonsense.

Gee, THANKS TRUCKER!!! Now we’ll hand off to Maximus for what was intended to be the tour de hills of our lovely AO. Once I told the PAX about the 3 hills we were to be visiting, you could hear it again. That collective groan, yeah, it voiced itself again. Anywho….

Mosey to Hill 1 at the front of the neighborhood by the Fire Station:
Run down without busting your tail for 5 burpees and 10 Flutters I/C
Run up the hill for 2 squat burpees and 10 Flutters I/C
Complete this 4 times

Mosey to the next hill, Hill 2 down by the circle:
Run down the hill for (5) 8ct burpees and 10 Freddy Mercury’s
Run up the hill for (2) 8ct burpees and 10 Freddy Mercury’s
Complete this 3 times

C’MON MAN!!!! REALLY???? Did our time really expire before we can complete Hill 3? Yes, yes indeed. Fortunately, we got back to the AO in time do complete a few rounds of Mary.

Aaaannnndddd, there you have it. BAOPS lives on!!!

Announcements: FM Study Hall volunteers needed. D2DB reminder. Do yourself and your concentrica a favor by engaging in everything F3 has to offer. Spiderman cemented this by a call to action for the PAX to GET IN A SHIELDLOCK. There were more announcements but I apologize, my stenographer failed to show.

Prayers/Praises: Some serious things on the hearts of our PAX and if you want to know what they are, you should’ve posted. Praise for our boy, Skipper, now 1wk into this new chapter of his life with us in F3. Welcome.

Until we SYITG,
Ruby Slippers & Maximus

TClap |

OTB #1 with Rucks & Sand bags

Physically, we put in the work. Due to the suck we endured together, like hearing each other struggle through the sand bag evolutions, and other things you can read about below, there is a little bit tighter of a bond. Hard stuff builds the bond and on this Thursday morning, it was time to build.

After the planning committee did their work, we rolled into the AO with the following 60min throwdown:

Rucks consisting of the standard weight
60lb & 80lb sand bags

1mi run (slick)

To the field which was about 55yds, side to side:
It didn’t take long but this is where we realized this would be no mailed-in workout.
With rucks on, grab a sand bag. Throw the sand bag several times until you get about 5-7yds out (about 2 throws) then do a man-maker with your sand bag (mind you, you’re ruck is still on your back). As you stopped to do your man-makers, you added 1 more every time.

25 Flutters w/ Ruck Press I/C

For the return trip, it’d be a sand bag toss (with your ruck on) then when you get overtop the bag, execute (1) 8ct Body Builder.

Run across the field and back (slick)

25 Flutters w/ Ruck Press I/C

Ruck on – bear crawl to the other end however this time, you’re dragging the sand bag, too.

25 Flutters w/ Ruck Press I/C

Ruck on – crawl bear back to the other end, however this time, you’re pulling the sand bag, too.

Run across the field and back (slick)

Finish with a 1mi run (slick)

It was challenging but it was necessary.

TClap |

QSchool @ Colosseum

Esso >>
Open normal, mosey, circle up and then reiterate what you did

  • T minus warning
  • Look for guys you haven’t seen, introduce yourself
  • Ask if there are any FNG’s
  • Disclaimer 1) not a professional, 2) modify the exercise if need be but do something
  • Take control, be a leader, after this is about building leadership characteristics and guiding other men. THEY WILL FOLLOW YOU UNTIL YOU GIVE THEM A REASON NOT TO

Who has never Q’d?
Cadence counting – we do this for consistency

  • Next exercise is…
  • Starting position… move…
  • In cadence… exercise

Begin calling on pax, they choose exercise, mix in moseys

Gears >>

⁃ Weinke prep:
– at least the night before
– write it down, even if you don’t use it
– try to plan for about 20% more than you think you’ll need (mental math)
– go with your strengths, but honor the site theme. If you can’t Q it, don’t do it
– simple routine – Wall Worms
– focus areas on repeat
– lbc
– Flutter
– dying cockroach
– box cutter
– repeat x 2

⁃ Form exemplification
– you are responsible for allowing and even encouraging Good form.
– fast merkins vs slow Merkins
– fast Freddy vs slow Freddy

⁃ Scaleability – size of pax, ability of pax
– know your Pax
– pearls on a string
– Squats
– flying squirrels
– Mountain Climbers
– Burpees

⁃ COT routine
– phone /video Evidence
– count
– name-o-rama
– FNG naming

– announcements (newsletter)
– prayer /praise

⁃ follow up
– BB, counts

TClap |

Parking Lot Party

Nice and simple at Quagmire for a rainy end to November.

Mosey to far end of the lot.


  • SSH
  • Tappy Taps
  • Rebel Merkins
  • Mountain Climbers
  • LSS

Mosey to top of the lot next to Zoe’s
Burpee Ladder across lot to 7

Mosey to PetSmart wall
Wall Worms 1:4 Merkins:OH Claps up to 5

Mosey around building back to Zoe lot
Bear Crawl Merkin (x2) Ladder Across lot to 14

Mosey to PetSmart wall
Mike Tysons x 10

Mosey around building back to lot
Crab Walk BBS ladder across lot to 14

Mosey to PetSmart wall
BTTW count down the line (40 sec)

Mosey around building back to lot for COT

2.8 Miles

Read Your Newsletter.

Honor To Serve.

TClap |

Laced Up Tight

31 degrees at Laces In? Sure, I’ll take it. I gave the PAX a heads-up, shown below…

At the risk of potential “over-hyping,” here are a number of things to consider for Laces In:

  1. Minow Pond will be converging with us.
  2. AKA will be converging with us.
  3. Looks to be the coldest morning of the week.
  4. Gloves highly recommended.
  5. If you want to stretch or warm up, show up early.
  6. Wheels up 0515 and it’ll be GO-TIME.
  7. You’ll be warm by 0525.
  8. If you’re prone to FOMO, then you should post.

The 12 of us arrived, commented about the cool temps and all the men in tights, were disclaimed and we took off for a lap around part of the gym lot.

Circle Up:
20 x Fast-Paced SSH
10 Burpees
Another lap but this time, just a bit shorter
Line up at one end of the parking lot and bear crawl to the other end of the lot.
Sprint 1/2 way back, 10 Burpees, Sprint the rest of the way

Mosey over to the circle by the stadium:
20 Bomb Jacks
30 Flutter Kicks I/C
Run up the hill to the stop sign and back down
40 Jump Squats
40 Merkins I/C
Run up the hill and back down
10 Burpees

Mosey back to the gym parking lot.

Line up on the line for 2-Tier Grounded Suicides:
Bear crawl out 20 yards, crawl bear back. Bear crawl out 40yds, crawl bear back
10 Wide-Arm Merkins
Crab walk out 20yds, walk crab back. Crab walk out 40yds, walk crab back.
10 Wide-Arm Merkins
10 Burpees

30 American Hammers I/C
20 Flutter Kicks I/C

COT: There are very heavy prayers on the hearts & minds of our PAX. Remember, do not walk alone.

Thank You, Slapshot


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