Clear & Crisp P200 Tune Up

What a great morning to get out in The Fort for a little jog around Wally World. Attendance is strong lately with all of the P200 training and the handful of (almost) only running PAX. There’s a pace and a buddy for everyone when the crowd is this size for a running workout.

The Thang:

Wally World – A Flight Plan original wrapping around a shopping mecca and the back road for two of Fort Mills finest learning institutions. All kinds of opportunities to modify distance and incline. So if you were well rested, take that Dave Gibson Hill. If you had too much for St. Patty’s day, easy out and back to WW entrance. It was a glorious morning to be reminded how lucky we are to have our brotherhood and inhale that late winter frosty air.


Jekyll took the lead at COT. Reminding us to support our brother Olive and The Christina Latini Memorial 8K on March 30th. Sign ups right now are lower than last year. Let’s get the word out not just to the PAX but to everyone we know. Olive has taken the worst of situations and grown it into a lasting tribute. Something that he has made easy for us to be a part of. He’s done all the heavy lifting and we can claim a little bit of pride simply by doing something we already do, run a little bit. If you can’t make the actual run in Huntersville or the virtual one set up by Change Order at Alcatraz, then still donate. You will be smiling all day after you do (Christina Latini Memorial 8K) Thanks for the reminder Jekyll


Lift up Funhouse’s brother Scott . He’s going through major life changes today; new home for himself as he starts the painful process of a divorce. He will need the strength of Sky Q so be sure to add Scott to your prayers.

Help Hootie as he travels this week. He asks that we lift his M & kids in prayer as they work through the week while he’s gone. The life work balance is hard on everyone. Supporting each PAX with fellowship and prayer will get us through.



A COT this large can be tough for me. I don’t hear well (Funhouse & Pusher excepted) and can’t wear my hearing aids while running. The sweat makes them shut down. I miss a lot of the jokes and camaraderie that goes on. But the energy that comes from the circle is real. Just like the workout, it doesn’t matter if you’re wide awake or struggled just to make it back, there’s something in there for everyone. Take these jokes, causes, praises and prayers to heart. Think about them as you go through your day. Give them the extra prayer they need or the smile/laugh to yourself they bring to your soul.  And know there’s more waiting for you tomorrow when you need it all over again.








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The Fort: Flat Tire & Band Camp

8 PAX gathered in the gloom among many more vehicles than the represented by the posting. Clearly some P200 Runners were  training in our midst.

Flat Tire on Q


Clockwise Mosey full-loop around jogging path.
Imperial walkers
Wide arm merkins
Low slow squats with calf raise
Bomb jacks
Overhead claps

Mosey down jogging path to mile marker for group work
At each marker, start with 1 exercise, 5 count.
At each subsequent marker do that again and add next exercise plus 5 more IC.

We did:
5 burpees
10 Scorpion Dry Docks
15 Freddy mercury
20 jumping lunges
25 mountain climbers

Mosey to the dreaded hill

Pick a partner around the same size
Wheelbarrow up hill
Walk back down and switch Back up

Handoff to Band Camp

Monkey Humpers x10
Howling Monkeys

Mosey down the hill towards set cones

Lateral Slalom through cones

Bearpees (OYO 1 Burpee followed up by 4 count bearcrawl forward) from cones to bottom of the hill

10 squats, 10 leg thrusts, 10 Merkins, 10 leg thrusts, then up (Deconstructed Burpee)

Bearpees back to cones (2 burpees, 8-count bear crawl). YHC had more of this planned but was smoked after two rounds…..If you can’t Q it, don’t do it….so I modified.

Plank–>Honeymooner–>Downdog–>High Lunge–>rinse repeat
Message during sequence

Lateral Slalom through cones x4

Plank–>yoga quad stretch (Crescent Lunge: Anjaneyasana)

Bear Crawl Slalom through cones x2

Slow mosey towards the hill (called out for walking by the returning-from-a-9-mile-run Gecko)
Crawl Bear up the hill

Mosey towards Calhoun St. field.

Bear crawl back to COT (this was a long way to bear crawl)

Shoulder Tap x10
J-Lo x6

Saved just enough time for some Pigeon Lunges


In my professional life as a music professor, I’ve been thinking about language and the way we talk to ourselves. After attempting something for the first time or a skill that is still developing, I often hear students say, “I can’t ______.” As if saying “I can’t” excuses them from needing the skill/competency/etc.

My response is often a little pithy at first. “Well you know what Abraham Lincoln said. If at first you don’t succeed. . . . . . just quit. You’re done.” This usually gets a little laughter. Then we redirect to more constructive language. E.g., I’m still developing that; I’m not there yet; (or if “can’t” must be in their vocabulary) I can’t do that yet. The yet makes all the difference; it allows for progress to happen in the future.

We would never talk to a friend the way we talk to ourselves. If a friend attempted something for the first time and failed, no one would seriously respond, “Oh well, guess you can’t do it.” But we tell ourselves that or something similar all the time. And what’s even worse: we believe it! By believing it, we make it true! Living out the definition of self-fulfilling prophecy.

In our inner monologue can we treat ourselves like a fellow PAX? Strive to create an internal language that leads to encouragement and acceleration. A language that allows for disruption rather than just perpetuates the status quo.

-Band Camp dismissed

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10 Accelerating Together

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Golden Corral Corrals 3 FNG’s

From a last minute Q request from ______, Lutefisk grabbed 3 FNG’s from his neighborhood. You should try it… I posted the Men’s Health link and left an open invite and got three suckers to join us.  The disclaimer was given thoroughly and we reminded the PAX and informed the FNG’s of the 5 core characteristics of F3.

With that, a mosey around the auto parts store brings us to COP. Warm-up with:
-Low Slow Squats
-Imperial Walkers
-Hillbilly Walkers
-ChaChing Mercuries (Freddie Murcuries, start slow, then fast, then slow, then fast)
-Mountain Climbers
-Right Arm / Leg High
-Crab position for Dips
-Left Arm / Leg High

Mosey to the front of Harris Teeter. 9 pillars in front of the building. Line up and bear crawl to first pillar, 1 burpee. Bear crawl to second pillar, 2 burpees. You get the idea.  AYG run back to starting line. Rinse and repeat with broad jumps and squats.  Enough of that…

Mosey to the walls, partner up with someone of similar speed, that is your opponent – split into two teams with YHC as the judge for the contests. One pax at a time while the rest held position:
-Bear crawl to other side and back while the rest hold wall sit
-Duck walk to other side and back while the rest held plank
-AYG to other side and back while the rest hold BTTW
-Crab walk to other side and back while the rest hold chillcut
-Wheelbarrow to other side, flapjack, wheelbarrow back while others hold Al Gore
After each round, losing team does 5 krakken burpees, winning team does 5 flying squirrels

Mosey to parking lot, get back with original partner and complete as much Dora 1-2-3 as possible. Got through almost half of the squats.  COT

After counting off and name-o-rama, we got to the fun part. Name those FNG’s.
First up, Jim. Found out he loves Star Wars. F3 name = Solo
Next, Jason. From Long Island. He must like bagels. F3 name = Lox
Last, Justin. His last name is Earley.  F3 name = Tardy

Announcements, prayers, praises, and a prayer concluded our awesome morning. It’s always a pleasure to have an opportunity to lead these men that I look up to and admire for their awesomeness.  Lutefisk OUT.

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11 at Alcatraz

Eleven men rose to meet the day at Alcatraz with temperatures slightly better than forecasted.  Most came in cars or trucks; Funhouse and Judge Judy ran in from Northern Tega Cay, and Cable Guy emerged from the woods.  The following is my recollection of the events of the morning; I apologize for any unintentional errors, which I will attribute to the lack of oxygen during these events, and the fact that neither Q prepared nor followed a written weinke.

Trucker issued a disclaimer of sorts and got straight to work with some warm-ups and a brief mosey. Imperial Walkers, Hillbilly Walkers, Windmills, Morrocan Nightclubs, perhaps more.

Mosey ended at the top of the hill where  a round of Merkins was initiated, but got cut short by an approaching car.

To the bottom of the hill for a Quadzilla – backward run up the hill, 10 Merkins at the top, Mosey down and do 15 LBC’s at the bottom.  A few rounds of this with a forward run up as a variant.

Mosey back to the playground (passing McGuyver, who was out on a solo run) and split into 3’s for 3 rounds of: Step-ups (15), Derkins (15), and Pull-ups (10), before handing of to Smuggler.

Mosey to the small field wall for some People’s Chair while taking turns in a 30 yard Bear Crawl, Crab Walk, Bear Crawl, and Mosey.

Then on to an Ascending BTTW. Starting at horizontal, and working up one block at a time with a 10 count at each block until all PAX are vertical.

Mosey to the fence and back, before repeating one round of the People’s Chair.

On to the large field backstop for Elevens with 10 Squats at the bottom and 1 Bomb Jack at the top.  Repeat, reducing Squats by one and increasing Bomb Jacks by one on each trip until reaching 1 Squat and 10 Bomb Jacks.

A few rounds of 20 Dips and 10 Merkins on the backstop wall.

Back to the parking lot for 4 minutes of Mary, with some interesting yet painful ab and hip work. (PSA, Bolt is more flexible than most of the PAX).


Alcatraz will host a virtual run site for those unable to attend the 2nd Annual Christina Latini Memorial 8K in Huntersville on 3/30/19.  Register online for this race. If you can’t do it in Huntersville, register for the virtual race and run from Alcatraz.  Virtual Run will be held concurrent with the boot camp.

Sign up for the Yeti.

Post at the Paradise Workouts. We need men to help support this mission while some of the regulars are committed to youth basketball leagues.

Prayers for a family struggling with the loss of a parent, and those recovering from illness.

Thank you, as always, for the opportunity to lead.

Smuggler and Trucker

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3 Miles and a Cloud of Dust

Best way to fight off Old Man Winter isconstant movement with some pain thrown in.  Today’s edition borrowed from old skool #GoldenCorral.

After a roaming warm up showing the course we got started:

  • Start at GHMS- run down school road to bottom of hill (light pole).  10 merkins.  Up hill with 10 bombjacks at top.  Run to front door GHES- lunge walk to breezeway.  10 Carolina Dry Docks.  Run to wall with 6 muscle up and overs.  Run to GHMS Breezeway and bear crawl to entrance.  10 LBCs.  That’s 1 lap.  Rinse/repeat until 0600.

3 ish miles and approx. 40 of each exercise.  Good stuff.

Should be noted that we paired up naturally and due to that:fellowship, motivation, encouragement and good conversation flowed.  All while getting smoked.  MacGyver drug me along (without breaking a sweat).  he does have new gloves for the year so that’s nice.  Pusher and Gekko decided who’s got raising teenagers down the best.  (no clear winner here- both doing outstanding because they stay involved and engaged.  JWOW and ‘Bug mostly discussed how the Jersey Shore cast must have good dental hygiene routines.

Great take out from Gekko.  Qsource in full motion but good to note, you can pick it up at any time.  If you feel you have missed or its too far down the road, don’t listen to that voice. Its a big tent and all are welcome.

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The runners take on Pantheon

Thanks to Gears for putting the word out and doing some quality marketing for a rare Bootcamp Q by YHC, and an equally rare BC participation from Gears & Zima.  As I waited in the gloom, the cars kept coming in.

Circled up, disclaimer was given and the 3 runners took off and the rest of us moseyed around the parking lot for a nice warm-up.

COP – SSH, IW, Low slow squat, Merkins, Mountain Climber, Peter Parker

Mosey to the bottom of Hubert Graham hill for a little BLIMPS.  Run to the top -5 Burpees, back down for 10 Lunges(each leg), back up for 15 IW, Down again for 20 Merkins, up again for 25 Plank Jacks, last trip down for 30 Squats.  Mosey back to school parking lot for a round of 11.  Start on the curb for 1 Mike Tyson(look it up) Bear crawl across parking lot for 10 Hello Dolly(in honor of Carol Channing RIP) jog back for 2 Mike Tyson, and so on and so on. The Mike Tysons were a real crowd pleaser, especially with the runners.

Another Mosey around the parking lot, with an AYG to finish at COT just in time for some Mary.

All in all a great morning, awesome to see some faces I hadn’t seen in a while, and it’s always fun to have Olaf around.  Thanks to Royale for making the long trip over the bridge to join us.

Announcements – Q-Source, Joe Davis, Special Honey Badger workout on Monday, and of course The Yeti!

Quick discussion on the Word of the Year, a few guys shared their word and why it was chosen

Prayers & Praises – Mile High is thankful for coming out for 6 months and the change it has made in his life. Prayers for sick friends & family members as well as injured Pax.



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Don’t Skip Leg Day

For whatever reason, YHC has taken to running on Tuesdays (what??) and therefore has not posted to Golden Corral in several months. It was nice to get back to the first non-running AO to which I posted. Something like coming home, but not at all.

Honestly didn’t know what to expect as far as number of PAX, but was encouraged to see four of our stronger, steadier PAX arrive to join me in the cold gloom. Disclaimer given, then off we went on a somewhat quick-ish mosey towards the Teeter.

String-of-pearls style warmup, stopping at various points to complete 20 SSH, 10 low slow squats, 10 merkins, 15 imperial walkers, and 20 Moroccan nightclubs, all in cadence, ending in the small parking lot in front of what used to be Fort Mill BBQ and what used to be Papa Murphy’s. Worked out to almost exactly one mile. #plannedit

The Thang

To honor the site Q, who unfortunately could not post today, YHC planned a ladder workout in the style Falcon Crest seems to love. Simple: do the exercise at cone 1, run down to Harris Teeter and back, do the exercise at cone 1 and then cone 2, run to HT and back, exercise at cone 1, 2, and 3…


  • 5 burpees
  • 10 pistol squats (5 per leg)
  • 15 squat jumps
  • 20 lateral lunges with leg lifts (10 per leg; FishSticks had some coordination issues here…)
  • 25 monkey humpers
  • 30 jumping lunges (15 per leg)
  • 35 static sumo squat calf raises
  • 40 hydrant circles (20 per leg)

All PAX made it through the series and got to the bonus round: removing the burpees.

Ultimately got in 2.5 miles, in addition to a whole lot of leg pain. We also learned that we don’t do nearly enough single-leg work or lateral work to tone the gluteus medius.

Read the newsletter for announcements. Cool stuff coming up.

Good prayer time for the PAX.


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300 and more at Alcatraz

Two of the Fort Mill famous Run and Gun Musketeers led Saturday’s Alcatraz workout.  One, Mainframe, has been a solid, regular poster and another, Bolt, has been fartsacking too much and turning into a Kotter Q (only posting when Q’ing). Bolt arrived early to lay out his goodies.

Solid plan in hand from both. Mainframe led out testing everyone’s stamina.

Started with a lap around park then back to parking lot for normal starters – Windmills, Hillbilly Walkers, SSHs, Merkins, Mountain Climbers, and MNCs.

Warm-ups done, onto the “300”. Pretty simple concept, 10 exercises, 30 reps each. The focus was on legs and abs. The plan was to run suicides after every 2 exercises. 3 line suicide with 10 seal jacks at each line.

Exercises for the 300 were: Smurf Jacks, Flutters, Bomb Jacks, Tiny Os (15 each way), Plank Jacks, Big Boy Sit-ups, Jump Squats, Box Cutters, Monkey Humpers, & Hello Dollies. We had to skip the suicides between the last set in order to stay in the :30 time window. (It’s amazing how we get used to 20 reps on most exercises… so pushing past for another 10 can really bring about the mumble-chatter).

Bolt took over with sandbag mania , duct tape wonders at 4 of 6 stations. Pairs went to each station and did work during a time frame of about 2 minutes. The actual time was determined by the pair of PAX either carrying sandbags down the parking lot with burpee stops and/or the pair of PAX working and dragging the 140# Worm sandbag across the field and back. (trust me, that sucked). After each performance, met in the middle for some ab work, then broke out back to the stations.

The 6 stations were: sandbag carry with at least 3 burpee stops, sandbag American hammers, playground hang (as long as you can), 10# sandbag each hand or cinderblock burpees, Worm drag, Balls to the Wall.

Implementing individual stations, it should be noted, has it’s positives and negatives. It can offer some creativity. It allows for PAX to workout at their own pace. If paired, builds comraderie. But the Q has to be aware that he is no longer “directly leading”.  PAX may not push at the stations as much as if the Q was leading. Q’s should make sure they are mixing up their Q’s over time.

As a write this BB, I can tell you I am really sore in the thighs and lower back. Pushing up the rep count will do that and should be done periodically. Mixing in something unusual like a 140# Worm pull will definitely work new muscles.

Thanks to PAX for their effort. Had some good mumblechatter. It was highly unusual, but this Alcatraz stayed in the parking lot for the full hour. I’m pretty sure that won’t happen again. It was great meeting again some new PAX. Keep posting and Q!!! Thanks to PAX for helping Bolt cleanup.


Decibel requesting support with the breakdown of Badger’s business. This is what F3 is all about. Support your brothers, do what you can.

Cornerstone still collecting bandaids for the Children’s Home. Xmas party was same today, now happened, and looked like a very good time. Join Bolt in Paradise every Saturday 3:00 pm to workout and interact with the kids of the community. Volunteer at the afterschool tutoring and homework at Bethlehem Baptist every Monday and Wednesday 3:00 pm.

Bolt spoke of his fartsacking  and thanks Jekyl for the kind words about his involvement in the Paradise community. PAX, always speak up about your brothers and the good things they do.

Mainframe took us out. PAX met at DD for some F2.


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Dogs Pissing on Black Friday

After a Q swap followed by a BEYOND takeover, YHC was due to actually Q at the Swamp in November. When the Black Friday slot came available, I jumped on the opportunity and started to put together some bad ideas. The problem was, each idea was only about a 5-10 minute circuit, not a full workout. I couldn’t seem to get a full workout put together.

So, I sent a message to ChaChing warning him up the forthcoming shi….er, Elvis Explosion, made a couple notes, and hoped for the best.

Friday morning rolled around, and more PAX showed up than Black Friday shoppers, which is unfortunate for the stores, since we only had 6 PAX, including 2 visitors from Bluffton (welcome Joker and Snowflake). It should also be noted that there is a Bluffton in SC, which came as news to YHC, who up to now was only familiar with the small Mennonite hamlet of the same name in western Ohio. Disclaimer disclaimed, and off we moseyed.

In order to change up from the norm, we ran past Chick-fil-A and out to 49 to head toward 160. We added in a stretch of high knees, butt kickers, turned the corner at 160 and did some toy soldiers, then the ever popular forward moving hillbilly squat walkers.

We rallied at the top of the hill by the bank for the first round: 11s. Squats at the top, burpees at the bottom, starting with 1 burpee at the bottom and 10 squats at the top. I wanted to end at the top of the hill, so we started by running down and doing the burpee, then went from there.

Once all PAX were done, we moseyed to the far entrance by Ulta, then cut in and headed straight for Kohl’s to honor the Site-Q’s request to stick it to the discount department store.

Next up, 3 rounds of:

30 second balls to the wall

20 tuck jumps (or jump tucks, since you jump before you tuck)

10 Mike Tysons (“sneaky hard,” according to a few PAX)

10 lateral squat leg raises, lovingly called “pissing dogs” by the heavy-laden backpackers gathering in a line waiting to go into Kohl’s

With that out of the way, short mosey to the red balls. Short and sweet: 5 donkey kicks at each ball with a bear crawl in between balls. Lots of modifying here, but good push by all.

Mosey up to Old Navy. Next up: burpee broad jumps down to the parking lot crossing between the shops. It was going to be the roundabout, but PAX agreed that those extra 15 feet were just too far.

Mosey the short way around the roundabout and back out to 49, down to McDonald’s, and back to COT for the last bit of fun. It had been a while, so we ended with the currently unnamed dips/crap cakes combo ala Jack Webb style (1 dip:4 crab cakes). This brought us to 0600 on the dot. It was noted that the heavy-laden backpackers gave up their spots in line at Kohl’s to end their wandering at 0558.

There were announcements and prayer requests, but I can’t remember them.

Thanks to ChaChing for the opportunity to lead and for putting up with my disorganized dumbness.


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