The Grand Old Duke of York

I usually only write anything here to make <@UGU3XR5RP> happy, since he’s the only one that reads these, but I am trying to turn over a new leaf, because I do believe in the value of a BB, which is why I write my idiot reports. Problem is, I’m not a data guy, details of many kinds escape me, and I have a general disdain for rules or other practices that I see as officious, or that have high potential to be abused at some point by those who administer them (but often do not follow them – see also: Government).

But whatever… I’m a reasonable guy, most of the time, though I do get a lot more credit for being a jerk than is probably entirely true. Though I’ll be the first to say (and I often do) that we shouldn’t let facts get in the way of a good story, or a promising relationship get in the way of a good joke.

With that said, here’s what happened…

WARMUP: Sure enough… a little jog, a little windmill, a little merkin… I have a few hits that I play most every time. I should probably switch it up some, but I probably won’t.

THE THANG: “The Grand Old Duke Of York”
If you aren’t familiar with the children’s Nursery Rhyme, then this will seem even dumber than it already was.

(See the link in Slack if you want to watch the critically-acclaimed Peppa Pig version, or just Google that stuff yourself. It won’t be the weirdest crap most of you have Googled in the last week…)

Anyhow, it consisted of going up and down the WWW hill (Withers/Williamson/Watson) next to the FM Church of God and doing exercises at both the top and bottom of the hill (top = parking lot after Watson St.. bottom = under the carport at the FMCOG)

Top: 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 2-count flutters
Bottom: 5 CDD, 10 squats, 15 LBCs

Round 1: Bear Crawl up the hill (run down)
Round 2: Partner Carry
Round 3: Nur
Round 4: CrawlBear
Round 5: Run (no one made it this far)

Sasquatch and I were off to a strong start and Danny would have stayed there were it not for being partnered with me. Eventually, Farmers and Vuvu overtook us. They managed to complete the first half of Round 4, whereas YHC only got about halfway up the hill on the CB before time ran out. As I was going, Spectre showed up and I think managed to overtake me by a little. It was close…

MOLESKINE: If you listen to (or are familiar with) the Nursery Rhyme, then you know that the last part of the verse goes, “and when they were up, they were up… and when they were down, they were down… and when they were only halfway up, they were neither up nor down”
Be up or be down. Halfway is no way to live your life. That’s how SadClowns live… existing. Being neither a danger to anything, nor good for much of anything either… this can’t be us. It simply won’t do. And there is a zero % chance that I will quit until I have worn myself completely out trying to help men to change their perspective, overcome their self-limiting beliefs, uncover their Personal Purpose, and then wear themselves out in service to it.
MARY: No chicks.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter.
COT: The 5th Core Principle.

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Hills, hills, hills

THE THANG: 10 Mike Tyson’s in bank parking lot, 10 bombjacks in elementary school parking lot. 3 burpees every time you pass through the gate on Dave Gibson
ANNOUNCEMENTS: iron pax, ft mill care center, bethel

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Use your manners

WARMUP: mosey around loop with dynamic stretching at times.
THE THANG: ssh,alternating lunges, squats, 45 degree lunges, elbow to planks, walk outs with squat, burpees. Mosey in formation to back of school 7s squats and shoulder taps, mosey to hill burpees bear crawl burpees. All done while wearing ruck.
COT: prayers and praises

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F1/Nascar/IndyCar Inspired Racetrack

Mosey to Keller Williams lighted parking lot on the way to school

10 Windmill IC

Mosey to far end of school to start loop:
1. Walking Lunges to end of parking spaces
2. Bunny Hop back down parking spaces on other side

Mosey to next loop:
1. Spiderman Lunge to storm drain
2. Complete the loop

Mosey to final loop:
1. 10 Hand Release Merkins
2. Complete loop run back to start.

See image. Most completed 4 laps.

Final lap in front of flags:
10 Flutter IC
10 Hello Dolly IC
10 BigBoys IC

Mosey back to COT


Fort Mill Care Center
Iron Pax

Show To Know

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Another Dora… more reps and sandbags

WARMUP: Descending ladder from 6-1
– squats
– Incline merkins
– Step ups
– Box jumps
– Dips
THE THANG: partner carries sand bag around second set of basketball goals and back while other partner does reps, then switch.
– 500 Side straddle hops
– 400 LBCs
– 300 Flutters
– 200 Merkins
– 100 Dry docks
– 50 Dips

Repeat the warmup when done

ANNOUNCEMENTS: golf tournament and Christmas party
COT: Surgery coming up for my M, Cheddah’s monumental return to the gloom, long ducks coworker, teachers and students

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The Toddler Carry

WARMUP: windmill, imperial walkers, low slow squats, SSH
THE THANG: 11s with squats and overhead press. 3(ish) “catch me if you can” laps around the parking lot with 3 Burpees for the chaser
MARY: 1 minute push up challenge (try to do one pushup over the period of one minute in continuous motion)
ANNOUNCEMENTS: tortoise and the hare this weekend, Golf fundraiser in October

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Bring em out bring em out

WARMUP: pre-run at 0445
THE THANG: braden loops – with 3 pain stations
stop 1 – 20 squats
stop 2 – 30 LBCs
stop 3 – 20 merkins

3 to 4 miles by all

MARY: a few core exercises


COT: yup

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The Toddler Carry

WARMUP: windmill, imperial walkers, low slow squats, SSH
THE THANG: 11s with squats and overhead press. 3(ish) “catch me if you can” laps around the parking lot with 3 Burpees for the chaser
MARY: 1 minute push up challenge (try to do one pushup over the period of one minute in continuous motion)
ANNOUNCEMENTS: tortoise and the hare this weekend, Golf fundraiser in October

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