
Mosey to fire station, then:
10 Windmills IC – the mumblechatter began.
10 HIllBilly Walkers IC – the PAX thought this might bother me.
10 LSS IC – Block Party is way worse.
10 Shoulder Taps IC
10 Merkins IC
Broga – mumblechatter significant here.

Moseyed to the pullup bars. All planked while we two waterfalls of 5 pull ups each. The weather had been nice, but all of the hot air spilling out of the PAX had changed the local conditions. Shirts became optional.

Moseyed around the ball fields and down Tara Tea Drive. Partnered up and did a DORA, with NUR up the hill for the first half and then running the second half. Exercises were:
100 Merkins
200 Overhead Claps
300 LBCs
One last run up the hill. Toy Soldiers and slow Lunges down Windward Drive. Mosey to ball fields.
A series of Webbs, starting with Core.
Captain Thor, 1 big boy sit-up – 4 American hammers, progress up to 10 BBSU and 40 Am Hams.
Total: 55 BBSU and 220 AH

1 squat – 4 calf raises, progress up to 10 squats – 40 calf raises.
Total: 55 squats – 220 calf raises

Upper Body
1 merkin – 4 shoulder taps; progress up to 10 merkins – 40 shoulder taps.
Total: 62 merkins – 248 shoulder taps

The mumblechatter was off the charts through the 2nd Half. I can’t recall all of it, but the laughter hurt as much as the 220 American Hammers…. and the ant bites.

Flutters, Hello Dollys, Box Cutters, Xs & Os… just for Decibel!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Highway Clean Up, Convergence, Sweetwaters Coffee on 7/30

COT: Stays in CoT.
6 of us made it to Dunkin Donuts for some Coffeeteria. It was a great morning for 1st-F and 2nd-F, thoroughly enjoyed it fellas!

TClap |

Black Diamond is uncovered at The Stockade

Warm-up began with short mosey to church parking lot. Some pax were lucky enough to carry a sandbag. Teams of three were formed, luckily we had just enough to form six teams. Seven rounds of exercises, team members rotated to each exercise. The first exercise (motion) acted as the clock. Once complete, rotate to next exercise.

Round Motion Exercise 1 Exercise 2
1 Run to church Squat with SB SSHs
2 Sandbag carry H/R Merkin LBCs
3 Inch Worm merkins Flutter/press Calf Raise
4 Sandbag toss Shoulder Taps Jump Squats
5 Burpee Broad Jump Diamond Merkin S. Press
6 Lunge walk w/bag Carolina Dry Dock Hello Dollies
7 Bear Crawl Man Maker American H

Most got through round 6, need to adjust cone distance or save the workout for 1hr.
Great job everyone!

TClap |


We spent most of our time on challenges that @Mainframe “could have accomplished 20 years ago.”
Notes: @Peta needs a side career doing voice overs
   @Joe Lyons (F3 Long Duck) is actually from GA, which makes the bulldog thing understandable
   @Slapshot and @fishstix stayed towards the 6 to make YHC feel like the workout was challenging
   @SouptoNuts brought a co-worker (Joe Blow) along to commiserate. He name dropped @Royale_F3
   @photobomb and @Badlands were psychic on the lack of running and got more in on their own. For an extra fee, they’ll do tarot card readings
   @Sprocket is considering building a company based around puzzles of Mark Rothko paintings
   @Shady & @Esso seemed enamored with how many picnic benches you can fit under an awning

Kept it light on running as recovering from giving blood apparently takes me a long while. Spent a lot of time on mobility and leg exercises. And hey, you can learn a lot on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CuLyss7FkFc

The pistol squats after a ton of lunge walking pissed guys off. 🙂

TClap |


We spent most of our time challenges that @Mainframe “could have accomplished 20 years ago.”
Notes: @Peta needs a side career doing voice overs
@Joe Lyons (F3 Long Duck) is actually from GA, which makes the bulldog thing understandable
@Slapshot and @fishstix stayed towards the 6 to make YHC feel like the workout was challenging
@SouptoNuts brought a co-worker (Joe Blow) along to commiserate. He name dropped @Royale_F3
@photobomb and @Badlands were psychic on the lack of running and got more in on their own. For an extra fee, they’ll do tarot card readings
@Sprocket is considering building a company based around puzzles of Mark Rothko paintings
@Shady & @Esso seemed enamored with how many picnic benches you can fit under an awning

Kept it light on running as recovering from giving blood apparently takes me a long while. Spent a lot of time on mobility and leg exercises. And hey, you can learn a lot on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CuLyss7FkFc

The pistol squats after a ton of lunge walking pissed guys off. 🙂

TClap |

7-17-2023 Simple

All veterans so quick disclaimer, run to back for 7 HR merkins, 17 morracan night clubs, and 23 SSHs. I decided last night to just keep it simple and use the date. Run to gravel lot, 7 squats, 17 overhead claps, and 23 seal jacks. Run to Toastery, 7 HR merkins, 17 MNCs, and 23 SSHs. Run to bank lot in front of Walmart.

I wanted to keep everyone somewhat together before turning loose the speedsters (Tesla, Fishy). Keeping with the date, did 7 bombjacks in bank lot, run down to traffic circle, 7 merkins, back up to bank lot. Repeat with 17, 20, and 23 reps. Pick up the 6 since time was almost up. Make our way back to COT with the same stops on the way back.

Pretty hot out in the gloom right now but I appreciate all the guys coming out and pushing it this morning. Thanks Badlands for the opportunity!

TClap |

Lazy Dora isn’t so lazy

Yog down to end of school for some warmups. Typical items: SSHs, windmills, imperial walkers, etc.

Yog to back of middle school and partner up for a Lazy Dora.
>P1 does 10 merkins while P2 holds plank, flapjack and repeat until total 100 merkins.
>P1 does 20 LBCs while P2 does 6″ leg hold (10 degree protractor), flapjack and repeat until total 200 LBCs.
>P1 does 25 squats while P2 hold Al Gore, flapjack and repeat until total 300 squats.

Yog over to middle lot for a round of 11s. 10-1, 9-2, etc. running between 2 basketball goals. Bombjacks on one end and dry docks on the other end.

Circle up. All PAX doing lunges while 1 PAX does 3 burpees. Each PAX takes turn doing the burpees around the circle. Next PAX are doing shoulder taps while 1 PAX does 5 HR merkins. Round the circle. Last circle is 5 big boys while PAX alternates between 10 degree leg hold and 90 degree leg hold.

Times up, over to COT to wrap up. Great work by everyone on humid morning. Thanks for the opportunity Bitcoin!

TClap |

Lt Dan Rules!

WARMUP: Quick run/jog around the front parking lot then out to the driveway close to the parkway. Circle up and 10-15 reps of the following:
* Windmills
* Imperial walkers
* Moroccan night clumbs
* Strawberry pickers
Good mumblechatter from the start. Then mosey back to the parking lot near the front of the school for the main event.

4 corner fun
Cones were set up around the front parking lot and also along the car rider pickup area in front of the school at the main entrance. Do the exercise, then the movement to the next cone.
Area was approx 100yds long x 30yds wide.
1. Burpees, then Crab Walk to next cone (~20yds)
2. Box cutter, then Lt Dan to next (~100yds)
3. Merkins, then Bear Craw (~20yds)
4. Mountain climbers, 2 ct, then Lt Dan (~100yds)
Repeat until time out
Reps of each exercise were descending with each round: 5, 10, 15, 20, (50 total reps of each exercise)
Alot of mumblechatter that died down as we got through the first round. Everyone got through 3 rounds of the loop until we switched things up (30reps of each exercise). Then we did some wall sits for about a minute, then on to COT for some ab/core work. GREAT JOB FELLAS!!!
Quick jaunt back to COT which wasn’t very far.
MARY: 5 sold minutes of Mary – flutters, hello dolly, LBC, BBSU, Hammers, v-ups.
Everyone left behind a good 5-10lbs of water weight, but what a way to start the day.
* READ THE NEWSLETTER. Alot going on. Get involved.
* Lifting up prayers that were said and unsaid.
I have been checked out for the past 2-3 months doing taxi duties as well as just not wanting to post. I needed this. Thanks for the opportunity to lead!
God Bless and SYITG

TClap |

Elite 8

WARMUP: mosey to Grace presby with various exercises including burpees sprinkled in to honor the site q
THE THANG: 7 rounds of 7 and 23’s – burpees and LBC’s or squats depending on proximity to the dumpster. After comments and chatter about oderiferous emanations we moseyed to the office park for 5 rounds of 10-10-10-5: squats, flutters, hand release merkins and burpees.

Mosey at 0557 to COT for a 0600 arrival

MARY: no time
COT:5th core principle

Thanks for the callout, Slapshot. Always an honor to lead.


TClap |

4th of July Convergence

1776 Workout
50 Burpees
100 SSHs
100 Merkins
Run Lap
100 Squats
100 LBCs
100 Mountain Climbers
Run Lap
100 Carolina Dry Docks
100 Lunges
100 Flutters
Run Lap
100 Seal Jacks
100 Squat Jumps
100 America Hammers
Run Lap
100 Plank Jacks
100 Monkey Humpers
100 Dips
Run Lap
100 Hello Dollies
100 Overhead Claps
100 yard Bear Crawl
Run Lap
26 Burpees
Run Lap

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– SSH / CP / IW / WM
– mosey to amphitheater
– modified suicides with 10/20/30/40/50 reps each
– 5x man-makers every 5 minutes as break
– squats / mountain climbers / plank jacks / standing side crunches
– mosey back to COT / Airborne hip exercise
– read your newsletter
– was held

TClap |