
WARMUP: SSH, cherry pickers, Moroccan night clubs. Mosey to front of school for some merkins- mosey a little more
THE THANG: 10 burpees, run up hill to rock and back
20 big boys, run up hill to rock and back
20 hand release merkins, run up hill to rock and back
20 squats, run up hill to rock and back
20 Carolina dry docks, run up hill to rock and back
Repeat until we head back
Most got atleast 3 rounds through
MARY: burpees ,flutters ,American hammers
ANNOUNCEMENTS: dam2dam packet pick up and read your newsletters

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Tribute to Cardinal

15- Side Straddles Hops
10- Tempo Merkins*
10- Flutter Kicks Double Count
10- Little Baby Arm Circles Forward
10- “ “ Backward
10- Hallujahs
10- Knoxville Cherry Pickers*
20 Sec. Samson Hold*

Complete each round and then run 160m
Rd 1&2 (5 counts)
– Burpees, Big Boys, Heels to Heaven
Rd 3&4 (10 counts)
– Burpees, LBC, Mtn Climbers (double count)
Rd 5&6 (15 counts)
– Burpees, Air Squats, Freddie Mercurys

20 Burpees

We still had time after completing Cardinal’s weinke so we took a quick mosey to the playground. Partner up. One partner completes runs while the other partner does 10 pullups and 5 burpees. Two rounds and then run back to the start point.
Completed some rounds of exercises
Decided to forego announcements and focus all of our thoughts and prayers on Cardinal’s family.

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Currahee – Sapper Style

YHC’s brother in law (F3 Blanca) recently graduated Sapper school for US Army and is headed to his first post at Fort Bragg as a 2nd LT tomorrow! YHC did my best to build a #weinke worthy of the Sapper level of fitness. Check out more on Sapper here:

Here’s the workout:
Currahee Weinke

Warm Up:
• Ruck Shuffle around big loop with breaks to do exercises
o Squat
o Merkin
o Mountain Climber
o Flutter with press

Main Thang:
Partner up. Each partner does the exercise. Ruck OH for SIX (curls at failure)
Round 1 – Partner A has ruck; Partner B has ruck
• A: Ruck pull through with merkin
• B: Ruck to mid-field – 5 burpees slick; Ruck to fence – 5 burpees slick
• A: Ruck thrusters
• B: Dairy carry to fence – 10 burpees slick
• A: Ruck curls
• B: No strap carry to mid-field – 10 burpees slick
Round 2 – Partner A is slick; Partner B has both rucks
• A: Burpees
• B: Ruck on / Ruck OH to mid field – 5 squat with Ruck OH
• A: Lt. Air Dan (2 lunges + jump squat)
• B: Dairy carry both rucks to fence – 5 man makers
• A: BBS
• B: Ruck front/back to fence – 5 squats
Round 3 – Partner A has both rucks; Partner B is slick
• A: Ruck on / Ruck Press
• B: NUR to fence – Run back
• A: Ruck on / Ruck Curl
• B: Bear crawl to mid field – Crawl bear back
• A: One ruck TWO weights – Squat
• B: Run to fence – 10 burpees

Strong work done by ALL men this morning. Great to see Tsunami back in the gloom! Mainframe did Mainframe things and we all watched in awe. Olaf did Olaf things and we all watched in confusion but also in awe (umm one armed burpees anyone?). Blanca confirmed the #weinke met his expectations. YHC just tried not to spill merlot.

Announcements: D2D Fundraiser – do it!

COT: Praise for seeing joy in our kids eyes. Prayers to make the first things first – ALWAYS!

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Long Drive

WARMUP: The warmup was a slow mousey around the parking area….we did Windmills, Hillbilly Walkers, Imperial Walkers and Morrocan Nighclubs.
We did the first exercise the count was 5 then ran a lap around the parking lot, then repeat the exercise before and continue down the list in increments of 5 until you completed the list and rinse and repeat. Thank you to Slapshot for giving me the opportunity to lead and for giving great directions to the AO in the best hype video out there.
MARY: no Mary
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dam to Dam Bar 10k
COT: We prayed for safe travels and family

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2nd times a charm

THE THANG: Fort Mill loop. 160 – Massey- Harris – Munn – (optional Kingsley loop)
ANNOUNCEMENTS: sign up for D2DB10K, double down Saturday at 6 @ 6
COT: prayers for patience and those dealing with health issues

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CVS Loop

It was a frigid morning in The Fort, but the high intensity of the PAX kept us warm. We warmed up the engines and we were off.

The Thang – 4 Corners Jack Webb with running as the mode of transportation.
Cone 1 Merkins 1 – 10
Cone 2 Overhead Claps 4 – 40
Cone 3 Flutters 4 – 40
Cone 4 Squats 1 – 10

We had some time for wall work with bear crawls and some Mary.


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Clemson mumble chatter

WARMUP: Lots of compliments about my Clemson hoodie especially from Assassin and Pusher. I think Backdraft wanted to punch me. JK. A little mosey after a few DIAs don’t ask. We did some dips, derkins, SSHs and various movements to get warmed up. All were warm with the hot air flying around from the mumble chatter.
THE THANG: pulled out the orange signs from the Yeti a while back. Lots of compliments on the visibility of them. NOT! 5 stations with 5 exercises at each stop. Stop 1. 25 reps – American hammers, mtn. Climbers, squats, SS hops, Rosalitas. Stop 2. 15 reps – merkins, big boy sit-ups, squats, LBCs, plank jacks. Stop 3 20 reps – monkey humpers, calf raises, sumo squats, seal jacks, weezy jeffersons. Stop 4. Reps 10 – flutters, SS hops, mtn. Climbers, American hammers, shoulder taps. Stop 5. Reps 30 – imperial walkers, Peter Parker’s, Parker peters, gas pumpers, hello dolly. Noted that @backdraft was concerned that the rep count didn’t increase as the stops progressed.
MARY: ran out of time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2D, newsletter.
COT: very open personal prayers shared. We will leave it at that. Good transparency. Love my F3 brothers

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exercise roulette at currahee

WARMUP: SSH and some merkins
THE THANG: everyone got a coupon. Range from 60ish lb sandbag, 50lb laptop bag, GoRuck pillow, 25lb rucksack,
Lots of cones with exercises written on them. Each PAX toed the line on the field with their coupon. Everyone picked a cone that was facedown and performed the exercise after dragging the coupon some 20 yards via bearcrawls. Perform 10 reps of exercise listed on your cone. Bearcrawl drag coupon back to start line. Grab another cone and rotate to the coupon to the left bc sharing is caring. After everyone got a chance to “experience” the bearcrawls drag of each coupon. We then did some ruck shuffling with each coupon and some more exercises. Big boy burpees and 8 count body bag builders were the crowd favorite

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