Clyde in the dales

WARMUP: nope, just counted off. Then I promptly forgot how many we had. Luckily Anchorman remembered we had Repeat and that he peeled off early. Q-fail. Will learn from that.
THE THANG: ran –
MARY: nope, just a pigeon lunge
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read the newsletter
COT: had to be there, it was more meaningful

First time to Q at Clydesdales or any running AO. Not my forte, but we made it work. Not too many actually made the route I drew up work, but everyone was generous about not letting me know.

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You Could’ve Stayed In Bed

WARMUP: Run the parking lot down and back, twice. 5 Jump Squats. 10 Merkins. 15 Mountain Climbers. 10 Windmills.
THE THANG: I’m not sure how much ground we covered but the intent was to get ~2mi plus a good workout to make getting out of bed worth it. After all, we have way too many guys staying in bed on a Saturday morning. Anyways, back to the topic at hand.
Line up on the left field line and bear crawl to the McDonald’s sign on the outfield fence. 20 Mountain Climbers. Bear crawl back for 20 more Mountain Climbers.
Run to the main hill on the back side. Run to the bottom, dodging deer, 5 burpees, NUR up the other side, 10 Carolina Dry Docks. Run back to the bottom for 5 Burpees then NUR up to the original start point for 10 more Carolina Dry Docks.
Head to the Pull-Up Bars:
Each PAX must complete 20 Pull-Ups and while you’re not doing Pull-Ups, you’re cycling through 10 Merkins and 20 American Hammers on repeat until everyone is done their Pull-Ups.
Head over to the 2nd most famous hill, Tara Tea Drive, again, dodging more deer.
Run to the bottom, 10 Jump Squats, run up, 10 Diamond Merkins. Complete 3 rounds.
Head to the field for a modified Jack Webb series:
1 WWII sit up : 4 Flutter Kicks. Complete all the way to 10:40.
Get on the line and run to the net and back.
Here’s the new one. Two lines, get in a plank position, head to toe. Man in the back does 5 Wide-Arm-Merkins then bear crawls to the front of the line (Indian Run style). Keep cycling through for about 50yds.
3-tier suicides.
MARY: Sprinkled in throughout the workout…that’s more my speed. We did finally close it out with Grave Diggers, Toe Touches and elbow planking.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Newsletter (3 convergences in a row starting on Thanksgiving, Turkey money drive, clay shooting, etc)
COT: You should’ve been there. Our guys are carrying a lot these days. Head up, shoulders back, eyes clear and lean on each other as needed.

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Pillars of Pain

Quick jog around the parking lot, then square up for 15-25 of each (all 4ct)
* Windmills
* Imperial Walker
* Strawberry pickers
1. Pillars of Pain
Starting at the main entrance of the school, there are several masonry pillars holding up the cover along the car rider drop-off zone. Approx 20 pillars at approx 60-70 yards distance. Fun fact: these are what inspired the Pantheon name for the AO. First round of exercise is to the furthest pillar, then a different exercise to the next pillar working your way closer to the start with each pillar in the line, so each round of exercise to a pillar gets you closer to the start.
* Burpee broad jump from the start to the furthest pillar, run back
* Lt Dan from the start to the next pillar, then run back
* Alternate burpee broad jump and Lt Dan until done.
* A LOT of burpee broad jumps! We had approx 10 minutes left, so the next thing…..
2. Ab 11’s
Start at flag pole with 1 box cutters, then run to end of pillars for 11 (4ct) flutters), then run back to flag pole for 2 box cutters, then back to end of pillars for 10 (4ct) flutters. Repeat until 11 box cutters and 1 (4ct) flutter. We timed out but got past halfway.
Back to COT for a quick discussion on how you say something is just as, if not more, important than what you say. Tone, volume, body language, facial expressions can all send a different message than intended, and also spur unintended reaction as well. This applies for whether you are acting – sending the initial message – or reacting to someone. You may not be able to control anyone else’s actions or reactions, but you have control over yours.
* ALOT of leadership among the PAX, alot going on. Read your newsletter, get involved!!
* Thanksgiving convergence at the Ranch!!
* Had to be there. Alot to give thanks and praise, but also alot of prayers lifted up.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead!

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Honoring Noah

Cable guy took the full hour at Alcatraz. We started with a mosey down the street to the fire station and back. The FNG was running a little late and almost took us out with his vehicle, thus we named him Wipeout. Back to the parking lot. In Cadence exercises, all sets of 22 in memory of Noah, Cable Guy’s 2.0 who would have celebrated his 22nd birthday.
Continued with some partner sprints and sets of 22 merkins, squats, and Big Boys.

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pendulum of pain

WARMUP: SSH, Merkins, Squats, Moroccan Night Clubs
THE THANG: Mosey to the fountain, 5 Burpees at the bottom, 10 merkins and 10 LBCs at tops. 4 rounds
Mosey to the back of the repair shop. Step ups, Derkins, Dips, Erkins.
Mosey to CVS. Partner up, one ran around the building, second did the exercises until partner returns. merkins, Hello Dollies, Big Boys, Calf Raises.

Welcome FNG Vila

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Orange is the new NC State Red

WARMUP: mossy to playground for SSH, IW, HW, merkins
THE THANG: Each PAX completed 10 pull-ups then ran the path. For round 1, 15 merkins at each swing. Complete another 10 pull-ups and repeat path with 20 LBCs at each swing. Complete another 10 pull-ups and repeat path with 15 squats. Wrap it up with 10 pull-ups. Not sure Dark Helmet completed pull-ups or proper merkins since he was in the dark the entire time. Slapshot was leader as he’s trying to encourage PSU football team to whip up on that school to the south (No Pusher that doesn’t mean South Carolina) – Ohio State. Maximus wore the new NC State colors orange for his failed bet on them beating Clemson (but the ACC is a basketball conference not football conference 🤷‍♂️). Band camp never stops pushing PAX and Kermit is still in cloud 9 for Tennessee (the real orange) for beating the other school to the south (again, not South Carolina nor Georgia). Bobber even posted and complained that the monkey bars were wet (isn’t he a fisherman? Aren’t they always wet?)
ANNOUNCEMENTS: skeet shooting sign ups!! Shower curtain collecting coats
COT: prayers for Shower Curtain continued healing, balance – even better harmony.

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Maximus look-a-like

WARMUP: windmills, low slow squats, IW
THE THANG: mossy to Anchorage Ln. Each PAX was being held accountable as the instruction was do 50 merkins and run to white mailbox at bottom of hill. You vs you as you can break up the 50 and run the hill as many times as you want. This is not a Dora partner WO. Most ran the hill 2xs, some 3. Next: 75 leg raises and you vs you. Finally 100 LBcs and you vs you. Mossy to parking lot so Fish “half” Stick could go home and crawl back into bed crying of running hills. Mossy to swings for 3 rounds of planks and 15 gas pumps using the swing. Mossy to trail near trash can. Pendulum series. One end 15 merkins, middle 10 leg raises, other end 15 squats. 4 rounds. Mossy to COT for Broga.
MARY: Broga lead by CO
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Skeet shooting, need 9 more to make it happen! Sign Up!!!
COT: FMHS football player and two other football players from PKMS and FMHS JV who got concussions this week in games. PAX to find balance in home/work. Helping PAX get out of ruts.

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Spooky Halloween Dance Party

Today at the Ballroom, we took the AO name seriously and had a Halloween dance party. All movements were done in cadence with the music. The list of movements were as follows, and the order was totally arbitrary.

Step touch
Overhead claps with step touch
Hillbilly walkers
Side straddle hops
Jumping lunges
Grave diggers
Imperial walkers
Zombie walks
Mountain climbers
Bomb jacks
Shoulder taps
Plank jacks
Speed skaters

As always, I disclaim “anything you say can and will be used against you”. I exercised this statement to throw in some burpees by popular request.

at the call of “aaaand that’s 6 O’clock”, some PAX were surprised that we were already finished.

Playlist available upon request

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Cold + mumblechatter (whiners) = SlowBurn

The cold and the complaining was out in full force this morning. Great effort by … most

The first thing I did when I got home was was my sweatshirt, with my Weinke, so you get the cliff notes …

The pattern was 1. exercise on your feet 2. exercise on your 6 3. exercise on your feet 4. exercise in the plank position 5. rinse/repeat

We did stuff like: imperial walker, hillbilly walker, Travolta, shoulder tap, SSH, LBC, Mahktar N’Diaye, squats, sumo squats, Morrocan NC, OH Claps. Stuff like that. Mostly in dozens.

Then onto the those exercises that were rejected by the nation’s Exicon
Patrick Swayze: Karaoke L, Karaoke R, Power Skip, NUR with arms out
Jonah Hill: 3 broad jumps, 3 merkins, 7x
Matt Foley: 1 animated squat, 4 dying cockroach, 2-8, 3-12, 4-16, 5-20

Then a round of Assassin suicides, squats, imp walkers, OH claps, or something like that, super easy

Over to 4 corners where some actual did the work and some walked from corner to corner chit chatting
15 BB Sits, 15 Jump squats, 15 bombjacks, 15 merkins, 5 flying squirrels in the middle

To the wall for a sit and 2 burpees from each end, rinse/repeat

Back for 2 rounds of Assassin merkins
Donkey kicks, shoulder taps, mountain climbers

SlowBurn was my first AO I attended, SlowBurn was my first site Q, and has always been a great Friday workout. Thanks Weezer for the lead.

Looks like we made it,

Barry Manilow

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Ab Destruction

WARMUP: SSH, Slow Windmills, Imperial Walkers, Morrocan Nightclubs
THE THANG: We toured the campus of Springfield Middle and Elementary schools stopping 5 times for Ab Destruction.

Big Boy w/Twist
Toe Taps
Reverse Crunch
Mountain Climbers
Plank Toe Taps
Each exercise was done 20× at each stop for a total of 500 reps.
MARY: Was alot of stretching/Broga

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Skeet shoot and Bourbon tasting was mentioed
COT: We had an FNG that we named RollOff. …we said our prayers and Praises and I took them out with a prayer.

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