Goat Track

– SSH x30
– Merkins x10
– Peter Parkers x10
– Windmills x10
Ran to Fort Mill Golf Club which has apparently moved to Augusta National status because we were turned away by the guy pulling the carts out. So a quick audible turned us around and headed back to the top of the steep hill on Withers St.

Here we would still play golf on something not nearly as nice as the course we planned to play. Nasty courses are commonly referred to as Goat Tracks.

9 Holes of Golf:
– Top of the hill is the tee box (perform 2 squats for the first hole, 4 for the second, etc.)
– Circular grass island in front of Fort Mill Baptist Church is the green (1 burpee for the first hole, 2 for the second, etc.)
– Run back and forth between the two points to complete 9 holes.

Most people got through the 7th hold before we needed to call it to mosey back.

Took turns calling exercises for 5 min

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Back to school

THE THANG: 3.4 miles down to Gold Hill Elementary and up the back hill towards Walmart. Turn around and take a more scenic route back.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Christmas party, golf tournament
COT: prayers for my M and for me to remember that I need to focus on serving her through recovery and maybe even after.

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DH is not a bad example

WARMUP: SSH, Moroccan Night Clubs, Windmills, Low slow squats, Cherry Pickers
THE THANG: mosey to stage at WEP
100 – LBCs
Run a loop
90 – squats
Run a loop
80 – merkens
Run a loop
70 – flutters
Run a loop
60 – lunges
Run a loop
50 – big boys
Run a loop
40 – Freddy Mercury’s
Run a lap
30 – Burpees
Run a lap
20 – dry DOCKS
10 – diamond merkens
Run back to cot
COT: what happens in COT stays in COT

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#eastwardexpansion – OTB with PLC

– Partner Bear crawls and running.
– nuR uphill
– bball court legs: squat variety and lunge walk
– Life’s a bench: chest and upper body burner
– Jailbreak
– Mary

Parking Lot Coffee (PLC) post-COT

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The Bradley

0500 Honey Badger

A great group of HIMS descended on NAFO to start their week like a Hero.


10 Windmill IC
20 Mnc Climbers IC

Run to the Pull Up Bars

“ The Bradley”

100 meter sprint
10 Burpees OR (10 HR merkins for ppl preserving their knees)
100 meter sprint
10 Pull-ups

Wash rinse repeat 10 times.

I’m happy to say that we all finished with plenty of time to spare. A lot of great chatter, and great support for everyone along the way.

Got to COT and did 2 sets of 4 rounds of various ab exercises to finish right at 0600.

Always honored and privileged to lead at this AO. The stories and workouts here in remembrance of those who served are great reminders of what has been sacrificed for us and give us the perspective to tackle whatever life throws at us.

Take care and SYITG!

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Club 813

What a way to start my 50th birthday.
Short mosey run
Warmup: SSH (12xI/C); windmills; Imperial Walkers; Low Slow Sqts; big arm circles; peter parkers; parker petes; plank stretches
–mosey Run to awesome parking lot across from First Baptist Ft Mill– Thang 1: Burpee relays, Start at baseline.
Run to cone 1, do 5 burpees, run back to start
Run to cone 2, do 5 burpees, run back to start
Run to cone 3, do 5 burpees, run back to start
–mosey Run to Ft Mill Church of God–
Thang 2: leg lift loop dora: Partner 1 runs loop, other does leg lifts (we held onto the fence) cumulative to a 125 leg lifts
–mosey run back to nice parking lot
Thang 3: Mtn climber relays: Start at baseline.
Run to cone 1, do 15 mtn climbers, run back to start
Run to cone 2, do 15 mtn climbers, run back to start
Run to cone 3, do 15 mtn climbers, run back to start
–mosey run to the Print Shop—
Thang 4: Pull up dora (there was a lot of pax)
Partner 1 does pullups while partner 2 runs to front of Print Shop and back
Continue to 75 cumulative…later reduced to 50
–Run to shovel flag–
Badlands led the Mary
I am truly grateful for being a part of F3. Special thanks to Deacon for the constant persuasion to get me out to try this F3 thing 8 years ago.

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Band Practice at The Ring of Fire

SSH x30

Merkin x10

Windmills x10

Run to the pull-up bars – 10 strict pullups with no step and not kipping. When you get to failure your partner can grab your feet and help you

Grab a coupon and head to the band practice field
From the goal line:
Curls and Tricep Extensions
Run with your coupon to the 10 yard line and complete 10 of each exercise

Leave the block and run back the goal line

Run back to the 10 yard line, grab your coupon and run to the 20 yard line and complete 10 of each exercise

Leave the block and run back to the goal line

Run back to the 20, grab your coupon and run to the 30, complete 10 of each exercise.

Continue this series until you reach the other goal line.

Run it back in the same manner with different exercises:
Bent over rows

OH Press

Partner up:
Catch me if you can the long way around the school back to the pull-up bars to return the blocks. One partner runs with both blocks, the other partner does 2 burpees and runs then down.

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Rabbit and Turtle Training

8 men showed up at the park. Promise made, no roaming is the wet field. Warm-ups: SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Windmills, Plank, PP, Merkins,PP, more merkins.
Next, stroll around the park. Partner 1 farmer carried sandbags, while Partner 2 ran to swing and back. Flapjack.
Finished at the amphitheatre. Next, wall sit, 1 – 4 Merkin – Arm raise combo, finished 10 -40.
Stroll around the park again, this time, one sandbag, alternate between shoulder carry and front carry. Finished at the amphitheatre.
Two additional sandbag carries around the amphitheatre, first partner one bear crawl while other partner bag carry. Second partner one lunge walk while other partner bag carry.
We finished with a cool down lap around the parking lot.
I was ready for a nap afterwards.

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Band Practice at The Ring of Fire

SSH x30

Merkin x10

Windmills x10

Run to the pull-up bars – 10 strict pullups with no step and not kipping. When you get to failure your partner can grab your feet and help you

Grab a coupon and head to the band practice field
From the goal line:
Curls and Tricep Extensions
Run with your coupon to the 10 yard line and complete 10 of each exercise

Leave the block and run back the goal line

Run back to the 10 yard line, grab your coupon and run to the 20 yard line and complete 10 of each exercise

Leave the block and run back to the goal line

Run back to the 20, grab your coupon and run to the 30, complete 10 of each exercise.

Continue this series until you reach the other goal line.

Run it back in the same manner with different exercises:
Bent over rows

OH Press

Partner up:
Catch me if you can the long way around the school back to the pull-up bars to return the blocks. One partner runs with both blocks, the other partner does 2 burpees and runs then down.

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Rabbit and Turtle Training

8 men showed up at the park. Promise made, no roaming is the wet field. Warm-ups: SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Windmills, Plank, PP, Merkins,PP, more merkins.
Next, stroll around the park. Partner 1 farmer carried sandbags, while Partner 2 ran to swing and back. Flapjack.
Finished at the amphitheatre. Next, wall sit, 1 – 4 Merkin – Arm raise combo, finished 10 -40.
Stroll around the park again, this time, one sandbag, alternate between shoulder carry and front carry. Finished at the amphitheatre.
Two additional sandbag carries around the amphitheatre, first partner one bear crawl while other partner bag carry. Second partner one lunge walk while other partner bag carry.
We finished with a cool down lap around the parking lot.
I was ready for a nap afterwards.

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