2 stations in the mist

WARMUP: SSHs, Cherry Pickers, Merkins, Windmills, Chatter.

– mosey round to find cover
– 2 alternating stations with pyramid format at each of 10,20,30,20,10 and mosey in between each station
– Station 1:
– 10 burpees
– 20 merkins
– 30 squats
– 20 shoulder taps
– 10 CDDs
– Station 2:
– 10 big boys
– 20 leg lifts
– 30 flutters
– 20 LBCs
– 10 Freddy Mercurys

MARY: Didn’t show

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lots going on. Trash pickup. Christmas party. 4k run for CRI. Comedy night at Sweetwaters coming with proceeds going to CRI (see <@U01FDRQSQG3>). Pizza social at Emilios next Thurs (<@U061P7HUFRR> buying first couple pies!). Next Bethel shelter will be first Thurs in Dec.

COT: We all learned that teenagers throw away silverware/utensils. I’m baffled and scared. Many family related things on our hearts; support each other through these holidays!

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Bad(lands) Decisions

Pre-run at 0445 for those that set alarms…

WARMUP: yog around parking lot and them SSH, WM, baby arm circles while waiting for Grout to get out of the bathroom. Grab Cindy and rifle carry down to the lower parking lot near Oak Academy

4 legged starfish

Center Exercise: Block Core Series
Each time PAX return to the center, they complete the following:

10 Block Flutters (block press)
10 Block LBCs (hold block above chest while crunching)
10 Block American Hammers

After completing the core series, PAX choose a new station to run to.

The 4 Starfish Stations

Station 1: Block Overhead Lunges
Exercise: 20 Lunges (10 each leg) holding the block overhead
Return to Center for core series after completing lunges.

Station 2: Thrusters
Exercise: 15 Thrusters
Return to Center after completing thrusters

Station 3: Block Swings
Exercise: 15 Block Swings
Return to Center once finished for core series.

Station 4: Block Rows
Exercise: 15 Bent over rows
Return to Center for core series after completing rows

After round 1 take a active recovery jog around parking lot and then repeat.

After completing round 2 – murder bunny back to ROTC house

MARY: Hello Dolly, LBC, box cutters, 6ct burpees

ANNOUNCEMENTS: thanksgiving convergence, marathon tomorrow, sign up for Christmas party

COT: yup

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Grout’s Ladder

WARMUP: Mosey to WEP Ampitheater. 20 SSH, 10 Hillbilly Walkers, 10 Windmills
Board of Pain:
Round 1:
5 Burpees
10 Merkins
15 CDD’s
25 American Hammers
30 LBC’s
35 Monkey Humpers
40 Flutters
45 Mountain Climbers
50 Squats
Run to top of hill / stop sign
Round Two:
Rinse and Repeat but drop Squats.
5:55 run back to COT
MARY: None

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The Short Hand

Side straddle hops, Windmill, Frankensteins, Murkins
Set one: 3X Bear Crawl up hill, look at stars walk down hill
Down Hill – 20 – Lunges
Up Hill – 20 – Squat
Down Hill – 20 – Diamond
Up Hill – 20 – Carolina Dry Dock
Round 1 – 100 – Earl Fonda (right side)
Round 1 – 100 – Earl Fonda (Left Side)
Round 2 – 150 – Flutter Kicks
MARY: Plank and gratitude sharing moment

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Cherry poppin Q with some corners & such

WARMUP: side straddle hops, merkins, cherry pickers, moroccan night clubs
THE THANG: mosey to lower field for some 4 corners. each corner 10 bomb jacks, 20 merkins, 30 CDDs, 40 squats, 50 flutters with MOT between corners mosey & bear crawls. 2nd half mosey to basketball courts for rounds of sprints with reverse of first half (10 flutters, 20 squats, 30 CDDs, 40 merkins.
MARY: heel grabs, cockroaches, LBCs, 6 count burpees (aka a normal burpee?)
ANNOUNCEMENTS: BBQ & bourbon. Everyone donate to give the Bethel men some ham and show up Thursday. Sign up for Christmas party Dec 21.
COT: Thanks for all the feedback and the solid showing at my VQ! Won’t be the last.

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Halloween House Party

WARMUP: Mosey to the back lot
Side Straddle Hop x 25
Windmills x Most ever done
Cherry Pickers x 10
Moroccan Night clubs x 10
Merkins x 10
High knees
sprints x 3
The Pax pulled exercises from the bucket :
31 Monkey Humpers
31 Squats
31 Merkins
31 Burpees (twice, who would put 2 of those in there?)
Big sprint suicide style
31 Carolina dry docks
31 Flutter Kicks

MARY: Smidge of planks
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bourbon night, Bethel, Christmas Party
COT: Men laid it out there so we can help shoulder the burden

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Too many merkins

Run to Hill
Hillbilly Walkers
Imperial Walkers
Downward Dog

The Thang
100 CDD
200 Squats
300 Merkins
400 LBC
One does exercise, one runs up the hill
Bear Crawl up the hill
Return to COT

Bourbon BBQ
Trash pickup
Beers for Beetus
Men’s Shelter

Prayers for health and the country

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Figure it out

WARMUP: gathered up, ran to the top of the hill and into the parking lot. Quick round of SSH, 5 burpees, more SSH and 4 burpees. Low slow squat and some hillbilly walkers. Ran down the hill and to WEP playground.
THE THANG: Partner up for some Dora.
– 100 pull ups (realized there weren’t any pull up bars so you figured it out)
– 200 merkins
– 300 squats
– Timer was partner running around the playground

Ran to engineering parking lot in the front and found the wall. Did a wall sit where the pax held the sit while we went down line and did 5 press ups on the wall, 2x.

Wrapped by going to the big hill and did this 3x up and down.

MARY: we did this for about 2 min.
COT: of course

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Consistency and Contentment at Lazarus


Run to the movie theater parking lot

With lots of mumblechatter in the background…
SSH x 30
Windmills x 10
IW x 15
Merkins x 10
Mtn Climbers x 20
Low slow x 15

Dirty McDeuce
WAM x 12
Lunges x 12
Big Boy x 12
Run a lap

8 Count burpees x 12
Squats x 12
LBCs x 12

Discussion on contentment – see Q Source reference

Handoff to Maximus

Wall Work
Wall Sits
Split leg lunges

Run to parking lot
Bear crawl to each of 7 islands with 5 Mike Tysons in between

Discussion on Consistency – see Q Source for details

Run back to start

Nur to 3 islands

Back to COT



See Newsletter – pour into something


You had to be there!

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What a stupid idea- what time do we start?

WARMUP: 45 SSH, 10 windmills, plank and some stretching
4 corners (in a rectangle)


First lap

Partner 1 Bear crawls the long part of the rectangle while partner carries both bells in an suitcase carry
At halfway point switch places or as needed

100 halos- 25 of each at each corner
100 skull crushers- 25 of each corner

For short part of rectangle partner 1 does lunge walks and partner two does overhead carry with both bells, again switch halfway or as needed

Second lap same MOD

100 goblet squats
100 bent over rows

We had an odd number so the second group figured out a way to have someone always crawling and two ppl using bells to do work.

20 American hammers with bells
Pickle pointers


Golf outing

Lots of discussion about WNC insurance, ultimately the fraud of such predatory companies, but more importantly the good men and women that are helping those in need which is anticipated to last well into the winter, Jcruise plugged an organization 2nd wave specifically designed to bring relief when this “first wave” is done.

Thanks for the callout 3D

COT: yes

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