Choose Hard

WARMUP: Run to bandshell at WEP
THE THANG: We did laps around WEP with an accumulator thrown in for fun. When returning to the bandshell after each lap pax did the following starting with the first exercise and then adding the 2nd to it, then the 3rd, then adding the 1st exercise on top of the original 3 following the 4th lap

Burpees x10
Should taps x20
Squat x30

We got in 5 laps before returning home. All the effort in continuous fashion kept the pax warm and kept the cranky mumblechatter flowing.

MARY: done inside the Thang

ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2D items and more
COT: yes!

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Phi Slamma Bama

WARMUP: The first 10 mins of the ruck
THE THANG: We continued the ruck for another 35 mins covering the Alabama route rolling back down Main St and then up around the Pharmacy and back home. No official Strava results but certainly close to 3 miles. Pax moved briskly throughout to keep the heart beating and the body warm. Nice job by all pax!

Great to have Bacon out for his first post at DP.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2D, wine event, etc
COT: yes!

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The buckets of pain made a triumphant return on Friday to slow burn. Back by popular request. Three buckets were placed around the AO. Each bucket had tickets with multiple pain choices chosen at random by delighted pax. All enjoyed.

Good chatter in the cold.

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Sugar cookie removal

WARMUP: Lap around Lowe’s stopping 4 time for various warm up exercises.
THE THANG: Split PAX into 2 teams. Each team has a stack of cards on other side of lot with a team exercise and a hold exercise. 1 PAX from each team runs to get a card while rest of team does hold exercise. When PAX returns do team exercise together then next guy runs. Repeat until out of cards. Not super complicated but keeps guys moving together.
MARY: Some
COT: Thx for the opportunity Peachstamd and sorry it took .e so long to post this.

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Crazy 21s

WARMUP: it’s minnow pond. So, no

Fast pace 3.75ish miles stopping to do Super 21s.

That’s 1 merkin, 1 squat, 2 merkins, 2 squats, etc. up to 21 merkins, 21 squats. 231 total reps: n(n-1)/2 is the formula if you want it.

Did this back in 2019 it sucked then too.

MARY: a little with the 45 seconds remaining when we returned to COT

NMM: listen, every man that posted today is already trying. Sometimes it’s not enough just to try. We have to find ways to be better. Maybe that’s working with more intensity, maybe that’s eating better, maybe that’s resting smarter, maybe that’s speaking kindly to your children… but whatever it is, if you’re already trying and you need better, find a way.

It’s 2025, MEN of The Fort it is time to thrive

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Avoiding the Construction

The weather was 37 and rainy (in spite of Old Bays Steve) to start the day at Flight Plan. It was one of those days where the fartsack was extra inviting but the downpainment made was more than worth it.

We explored Baxter to avoid the construction happening on 160 which included lots of hill work. Here is the route:

Down Market Street to YMCA loop
Right on 6th Baxter
Left on Sutton
Right on Mills Lane to the dead end
Left on Gardenia
Right on Morris Hunt
Right on Downing
Left on Berkshire
Back to Richard’s Crossing
Right on Sutton
Back down Market Street

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Starting the new year with a haunted and (possibly) stacked deck

WARMUP: Short mosey with some SSH, Moroccan nightclubs, imperial walker, hillbilly walker and windmill


Broke out the Disney World Haunted Mansion deck of cards which may or may not have been separated to play eucher…

A: 1 Burpee and mosey to the end of the shops and back
2-4: Burpees
:heart:: LBC (4 count)
:diamonds:: Spiderman Merkins
:clubs:: Heels to Heaven
:spades:: Squats

Finished the deck and even got in some gas pumpers for Twister

COT: Welcome FNG Dutch

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Bury those burdens

WARMUP: Standing at start waiting for Pusher to get his act together
THE THANG: We completed a holiday lights ruck through FM. Along the way we shared some low points, burdens, disappointments from 2024 with a fellow pax. We did Gravediggers at the start for the hole to bury those burdens and then Gravediggers again at WEP to cover them up. Lots of spirit and energy throughout from the pax!
MARY: yes, 2 mins at end
COT: prayers and praises Cspan style around the group. Coffeeteria afterwards at Humble Cup. A great wrap to Year 1 of Dawn Patrol!

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One Word for the Win

WARMUP: Killed some time with usual fare in pkg lot while Mainframe and Pusher fixed the wrinkle in their panties
THE THANG: Ran past the golf course (with some exercises along the way) to the lower part of the trail that goes up the hill from Tega Cay Drive to the tennis courts. We did hill repeats with squats at the bottom and burpees at the top. We did so many that Dark Helmet cried and our Q (YHC) lost count. Then we did some more. And then more. When Fishstix proved to be unbreakable, we ran past tennis courts, out the golf course entrance and down the road back to Runde with some exercises along the way.
MARY: Flutters in parking lot for last 2 mins
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Pusher is leading 8 Blocker exercise 1st Sat of Jan at Panera after workouts.
COT: Falconcrest brought our FNG Slurve who showed up in a golf cart but somehow we have him baseball name. Thanks for the EH! Let’s get him back out this week!

We addressed the One Word topic throughout, including examples of random words that don’t motivate and thoughtful words that do. Pusher added some best practices, Senator gave his solid plug for Why F3 still matters to him in his 13th year. Finally DOAH stuck the landing with a heartfelt example of how F3 and One Word can come together in mysterious ways to make Impact.

A great morning for all present. You were missed Uber!

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