Mr. Hugh Midity

I recently asked Badlands for a Q At Sweep The Leg. He gave me June 13th and I accepted the assignment forgetting that was the Monday after a week at the beach. Vacation is rough on the body. But all in all it turned out fairly well. Ran one of my fastest miles 7:42 pace that morning and it all went quickly  downhill from there. Noticed a fairly large gathering for my Q which was obvious since I’m a celebrity in F3. Noticeably missing was Bobber.

The Thang

Told everyone what the plan was at 5:14. Which was, run to Berkshire Heights meet at the stop sign. Go clockwise around Berkshire stopping at every stop sign and doing 5 Hand-release Merkins, 5 X and O, 5 Jump Squats. There are 6 stop signs all the way around and one big hill the last 1/4 mile. The next loop add 5 more reps to same exercises for 10 of each. Everyone got over 2 loops some pushed for 3. Finished with 3.35 miles the others got 4. Thanks Badlands for the Q I enjoyed hearing the complaining  from the Pax.
Last thing men. Let’s show the world what a real man looks like. Be kind to strangers even if they think differently than you. Hold the door for a lady as she exits the store. Open the car door for your wife. Go buy her womanly things without bitching about it. Say your kids prayers at night while tucking them in. Push the buggy back inside the grocery store. Love you guys more than you will ever know.


Prayers for Decibel son Noah and his recovery



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Kotter Q + Broga


15 minutes of Broga led by Sasquatch


3 (or 4) laps of Quadzilla by the pull up bars.

Grab a spot at the bars for 10 rounds EMOM of:
5 Pull Ups
10 Merkins
15 Squats

The minutes got shorter with each round…

Rinse and Repeat a/ 3 (or 4) laps of Quadzilla


Flutters, Penguins, American Hammers, Protractor, Rosalitas, 1 min low plank hold

During the plank, YHC gave a quick speech on how to get “Murph Ready” with a little bit of work each day. This lesson can be applied to anything in life.


F3 Dads is happening tomorrow at WEP at 9:30
Bethel Men’s Shelter is moving to the first Thursday of every month.


Prayers for the way we love our lives – we could be gone in an instant without knowing.
Prayers for Mrs. Sasquatch starting a new job next week.
Prayers for Sharknado’s baby growing in his M’s womb.

PL out.

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A Happy Hour Hustle

WARMUP: Happy Hour brought his Cleveland charm and hockey player grit today as he delivered a solid warm up, including burpees, merkins and big boys among others. He had the pax laughing and Slapshot doling out compliments in his AAR. Thanks for stepping up! Great work!

Mosey to picnic area for some 11s with Dips and Derkins. Bobber led the Mumblechatter about some crazy Merkin count from Shady at Bushwood, but nobody listened. Poppins dutifully nodded next to Bobber as any good Site Q would do to make the pax feel welcome.

Mosey to soccer field for Leg Day!
Run all the way across the field stopping at three light poles for 10-20-30 reps of an exercise then sprint to the end. wait for the six then repeat on the way back with the next exercise .

Calf raises
Backward lunges
Apollo Onos
Ski jumps

Partner up:
Partner 1 run around the entry loop
Partner 2 burpees
Flapjack and work toward 100 reps combined

Omaha after 2 rounds to squeeze in some Mary

Flutter kicks

Bethel shelter team is full!
F3 Dads starts Sat 6/11 (with popsicles and Slapshot in Q)
QSource starts up 6/21 at Baxter Starbucks 6.20-6.45
The Swamp’s last day at Rivergate is Fri 6/10. It moves to McGospel site (TC HT) as of 6/17.

COT: Great energy among the group today! Good to see the strong support for Happy Hour. Can’t wait to see his first full Q! Message today around Hope was aimed at challenging each of us to reflect on where we place our hope — is it your own ability, government, employer, money, your friends, family, etc….they will fail you. They’re all human constructs and thus flawed and faulty. Dig deep and anchor your hope in something/someone outside yourself and the everyday world you see around you. For me, that’s my creator, who loved me and believed in me before I ever took a breath. Find that solid rock that won’t fail you.

Thanks to all, especially Poppins and Happy Hour this morning.

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Surviving Hero’s Fallen Hero

WARMUP: Quick disclosure, then moseyed to the pull-up bars for a Trucker approved warm-up: Windmills, Tappy Taps, SSH, & OCs – in between each set of exercises PAX started with 1 burpee + 1 pullup – graduated to 5 reps of each.
THE THANG: PAX held plank position while we read about the Heroes we were about to honor: Retired Army General Barry McCaffrey and his fallen hero Captain Dave Ragin.
We carried our Cindys down the hill, starting at the first tree on the right we lunged walk with Cindy to the next tree. At this time, the PAX performed 21 reps each of: Merkins on Cindy, Curls w/ Cindy, and OH Presses w/ Cindy. Once this series of exercises was complete, the PAX, leaving Cindy behind, jog to the pull-bars to perform 7 pull-ups and 7 ToesToBar . Pax then jogged back down the hill to pick up Cindy and lunge walk to the next tree. Continued this routine for a total of 6 stops. Upon completion the PAX were asked to conduct MARY until the 6 was in.
On to the next phase, Jack Webb series I like to call Manly Swings. JWs are 2 exercises with a 1:4 ratio and the routine is typically completed at 10:40. The first exercise was ManMakers w/ Cindy and the 2nd was KB Swings w/ Cindy. We stayed together and completed it right as time was up!!!
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel Mens’ Shelter, F3 Dads, Shank’s send off Q tour.
COT: Everyone was asked to give a praise and then prayers were lifted up!

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Plank, Airbornes, Cindy Pyramid

* prolonged plank and updog<>downdog warm-up, airbornes, Cindy Pyramid= 5 Manmakers, 10 hops over Cindy, 15 swings, 20″ wallsits, 25 heelraises, 30 squats (all with Cindy), mosey to 🛑, NUR back, drop the squats on the next set, drop squats and HRs on next set, drop squats HRs and wallsits next set – finish with 10′ broga.

slash held a dookie in the whole workout!

too many pax not getting broga!!!

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Varsity Level Prison Workout

WARMUP: Sasquatch led the pax through a Broga session, under cover as promised but no less stretchy than his usual job making the pax hurt so good!

THE THANG: The AO was set up for wet, muddy pain with blocks and bricks. Mother Nature decided to throw electrically charged javelins at the Pax so we audibled to work under cover for 15 mins. Twister validated safe status for getting out in the open, then just as we put hands to the heavy things Mother Nature three another spear our way. Pax hauled gear back and the workout resumed undercover.

Here’s what we did:
Burpees X10
Bombjacks X10
Donkey kicks x10
Shoulder taps x10 IC
…rinse & repeat…again and again and again and…

COT: Thanks to the pax for enduring “the prison workout” as Twister called it. Quite appropriate since my theme for the planned weinke that never got unleashed focused on the Mental Battle. I’m very guilty of living in my head way too often, which leads to me becoming a prisoner in my own mind. staying in one spot under threat with grueling repetitive work is an even greater mental battle than the physical grind. Everyone pushed through including all the reps with inspiringly few groans…this is a tough group! and the toughness comes because of the group. I know I wouldn’t have knocked that out solo, so thanks for being there and pushing yourself and me. great work!

It being Memorial Day, we closed out with a challenge to remember someone who has passed during the drive home (vet or not). I’m grateful to have another day and grateful for those who’ve touched my life here and continue to touch me from the other side.

thanks to Bodywash. Honored to lead!

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Being Grateful…. And Burpees

WARMUP: Haha no warmup. We ran .25 miles.
THE THANG: We ran in .25 increments from the Ranch shovel flag across Springfield Parkway and and continued running on the Carolina Orchards sidewalk.

Every .25 we did the following exercises:

HR Merkins
4-CT Flutters.

Reps increased by 5 every stop. So at the 1 mile mark we did 20 of each exercise.

On the way back we decreased the reps back down to 5.

With 7 minutes left I did a 5 minute EMOM with 5 Burpees 5 Squats and 5 HR Merkins so we got to 100 (actually 105) reps of each exercise.

We were all able to get back to COT by 6:00.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Murph this Monday. Sasquatch will bring bands to help PAX as needed with the pull-ups.

COT:Prayers for health..mental and physical. Prayers for the country.

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The Revenge of Dr. Kraken & Jack Webb

The weather was warm which made it prime conditions for Broga; the only thing missing were goats. We kicked off the workout with @sasquatch doing 15 minutes of Broga stuff (Just bros being broga-y). We moseyed over to the carline circle for some crazy 8’s. The two exercises were Kraken Burpees (real crown pleaser) & Squats. We started with 7 Krakens on one side of the roundabout and 1 squat on the other side. Next 6 Krakens & 2 Squats and so on and so forth.

After the pain was realized we moved on to a Bear Crawls/Carolina Dry Doc Jack Webb. It was four Bear Crawls and 1 CDD. If you want to bottle up pain try this exercise.

We had a few minutes left so we did a modified Dora. It was 25 Merkins, 50 Squats, & 75 Clave Raises.

Back to COT for Prayers and praises.


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