There’s that smell again…

Started with a mosey run. Then a warmup circle:
Warm up with: SSHs, windmills, imperial walkers, Moroccan n/c, Low slow squats, big arm circles, peterparkers, plank stretches. Count of 15 reps I/C.

The Thangs
Thang 1: Mountain Climber relays
Run to line 1 and do 20 mtn climbers
Run to base line
Run to line 2 and do 30 mtn climbers
Run to baseline
Run to line 3 and do 40 mtn climbers
Run to base line

Thang 2: Interval routine. Had a Nirvana playlist going, 30 years since Kurt Cobain’s suicide.
Three sets:
Set A: Do the below 32 seconds on, 10 sec standing rest in between
Cherry Pickers
Squats (w/ Block)
Bobby hurleys
Set B: Do the below 40 seconds on, 15 sec rest in between
American Hammers
Curls (w/ block)
Mountain Climbers
Set C: Do the below 45 seconds on, 20 sec standing rest in between
Imp Walkers
Squat Jumps

Thang 3: Pull up bar assembly line
Nine pull up bars. First one: 4 pull ups, second: 5 thrusters using cindy, third: 6 knees to chest. The sequence repeats. Pax go down the line and end up doing the sequence three times; bear crawl back to the start and do 7 squats with the block. Then get back in the pull bar sequence again.


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A brick workout broke out in the midst of a Shield Lock discussion

WARMUP: Took a lap around the COT parking lot performing karaoke, buttkickers, and highknees. Circled up close to my vehicle because we needed to grab some bricks. But, before each man grabbed his source of pain we performed 10xSSHinCadence, 10xWMinCadence, 10xCPsinCadence, 10xMNCsinCadence, and 10xMerkinsinCadence. Short mosey to the vehicle, popped open the tailgate, and everybody grabbed some bricks.
THE THANG: COT parking lot is marked as a football field. Started at the goal line and lunged walk to the 50yard line. Every time PAX went down into their lunge they were asked to perform a lateral raise with the bricks. We stopped every 10 yards and executed 10 Burpees.

Next, we moseyed to a nearby grassy area. Time for a Jack Web of pain. 1 Merkin – 4 OCs w/ bricks. We definitely felt the pain by the time we made it to 10 Merkins – 40 OCs w/ bricks.

Moseyed back to the 50yard line. Ask the PAX to reverse lunge walk back to the goal line. Every time the PAX went down in to their lunge they performed a front raise with the bricks. We stopped every 10yards to perform 10 BombJacks with the bricks.

Didn’t need to travel far for the next Jack Web of pain. PAX circled up and we started with 1 Squat – 4 LowSquatPulses. While pulsing PAX were asked to hold their bricks in a front raised position. Legs & shoulders were burning by the time we made it to 10 Squats – 40 LowSquatPulses. A lot of funny commentary regarding everyone’s pulsing technique and pulsing speed ( apparently I’m a slow pulser ).

Last, but not least, asked the PAX to lie down on their bellies for some Superman Poses. We held each pose for a 10 count by YHC ( apparently, I’m also a slow counter, blame it on my Southern upbringing ). 1st pose was arms straight out with bricks in hand and legs together, 2nd pose was arms in field goal position and legs spread slightly apart, 3rd pose was arms in airplane position with legs spread shoulder width apart, and 4th pose was arms in parachute position with legs spread wide apart. Performed 2 sets of each pose.
MARY: Had time for 15xAlternating Single Leg V-Ups and 30x Touch your toes crunches, of course, all exercises performed with bricks.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel Men’s Shelter serve tonight, the upcoming Jager CSAUP ( can’t wait for this one ), Rock Region’s 10 year anniversary, and a few others that I’ve failed to remember.
COT: ShowtoKnow

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Lucky Board Seven

WARMUP: Disclaimer Followed by some movements:
Moroccan Night Clubs x 10
Cherry Pickers x 10
WindMills x 12
Imperial Walkers x 10
Hillbilly Walkers x 10

Mosey to Pull Up Bars to grab some Cindy’s and meet back at the gate by the track !

Lucky Board of Seven
1 Set = 7 Movements x 7 Reps each!

W/Cindy Bent Over Rows
W/Cindy Flutter Kicks-Chest Press (Right Leg Count)
Cindy Swings
Big Boy Sittups w/Cindy
Cindy Squats
Over Head Press
Run 1 Lap around the track!

Rinse and Repeat
We did all of them, some got up towards 12Laps others a bit less. Great WOD HIMs

MARY: Cindy showed up instead!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel Men’s Shelter, HIM Camp see for info! Read your newsletter !

COT: Just Like Vegas! What happens in COT, stays in COT !!!

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Good Cop ,Bad Cop

WARMUP: Morrocan Nightclubs, Imperial Walkers, Windmills and Low Slow Squats
THE THANG: We did 5 rounds of :
40 SSH
All exercises completed is a round and after each round we ran the busloop in front of Springfield Middle School.

MARY: None
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel shelter and read your newsletter
COT: Prayers and praises

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I love a rainy morning music 🎶

WARMUP: grab a block
Walk to gym entrance

Moroccan Night Clubs
Low Slow Squats
Imperial Walker
Sumo Squat

8 exercises, 6 rounds
Bent Rows
Man Makers
Tri Extension
Shoulder press
Upright row

Keep Posting….even in the rain 👏🏻👍🏻💪🏻

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Dora of Death

WARMUP: plank, down dog stretch claves, up dog, plank. Moroccan night club, cherry pickers
THE THANG: Partner Dora
100 4ct Imperial Walkers
200 4ct Side Straddle Hops
300 Squats
200 4ct LBC’s
100 4ct Merkins
Sasquatch kept the faster pace entertained and others helped finish
Mozy to picnic tables for dips, step ups, box jumps, incline merkins
MARY: 37 American hammers for a birthday celebration
ANNOUNCEMENTS: acceleration project, blood drive
COT: prayer and/or praise from everyone

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Tabata Wednesday

Disclaimer, plank while we wait for Sawdust and Toto

Slow mosey to the pullup bars, split into 2 groups. Group 1 does 10 pullups, while group 2 wall sits. Flapjack and rinse/repeat.
Mosey back to the start and circle up for Tabata:
8 exercises, 8 sets of each, 20s work, 10s rest. Today, we did the following exercieses:
1. Flutters
2. Carolina Dry Docks
3. Squats
4. Mountain Climbers
5. Hello Dollys
6. Merkins
7. Boat and Canoe
8. Burpees

Finish with 90s Body Destroyer

The Great Daffodil Field Hike (Sawdust coordinating this family friendly event – see your newsletter)

Prayers for Splinter’s mother with Cancer in Hospice and for Sawdust’s aunt Locy with cognitive decline.

The Tabata is a challenging workout and keeping track of the exercises and sets as the Q takes some concentration. I lost track of a few counts today, but the Pax kept me honest and put out a great effort. It was a perfect, cool, dry morning, and a pleasure to lead the group as always. Having Toto with us was icing on the cake. Well done, gentlemen!

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It’s Monday. It’s Honey Badger Time.

WARMUP: Farmer’s Only killed it. VQ on the Warmup…
Get a brick and head to the field…
– Buy in: 100 yd bear crawl, 100 yd partner carry (switch at 50)
– Partner 1: run 400M (brick optional)
– Partner 2: 5 burpees, 10 curls, 15 flutter with press, 15 big boys, 10 bent over rows, 5 overhead press
– Flapjack for 35 minutes
MARY: No chicks
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter.
COT: The 5th Core Principle

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Burpees & Bunionettes

WARMUP: Moseyed the COT parking lot for approx. 5 minutes picking up late arriving PAX and mixing in BKs, HKs, Karaoke, Mike Tysons, and bear crawling. At 5 min in we stopped and completed 25 SSHinCadence. Warm up complete.
THE THANG: Dora 2.0 – Took the PAX to the hill by the pullup bars and asked them to partner up. Partner #1 runs down the hill to the stop sign, completes 5 Burpees, and then runs back to the top of the hill to meet up with Partner #2 who was performing the selected exercise. Both guys walk over to the pullup bars where Cindys were available. Partner #1 completes 10 pullups and then hangs on the bar until Partner #2 completes 15 KB swings with Cindy. SWITCH! Once the team completes 1 set of pullups and KB swings each they return to the street to continue the Dora.
3 Exercises for the DORA:
100 – Diamond Merkins
150 – Alt. Lunges
200- American Hammers
If my memory serves me correctly we made 9 trips to the bars during the DORA.
MARY: Planking and Praising – Made it back to COT with a few minutes left so asked the PAX to move into a straight arm plank position. Asked the PAX to tell us something they are thankful for while holding the plank position. This took about 1 1/2 minutes. Then asked the PAX to lift their right hand off the ground while holding the plank position. Did this for each arm and leg for 15 seconds each. Then asked PAX to lift right hand and left leg off the ground while holding the plank position. Did this for both sides and held it for 10 seconds. Held normal plank for a little longer to reach 3 minutes. DONE!
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Warning -more SawDust foot pics coming soon, Saturday Convergence/Invergence, Daffodil hike
COT: From my experience the men of The Fort are good at praying for others and asking for prayer for others. Very seldom do I hear something vulnerable/transparent about what’s going on internally, personal struggles with the PAX. So, asked each PAX to be vulnerable and share something that they are struggling with currently. Lifted me up to hear men share their hearts/struggles and hear other men immediately offer words of wisdom, encouragement, and comfort. Thanks for sharing fellas!

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The Chapman

THE THANG: 1.5 mile run followed by 100 Merkins 100 BigBoy situps 25 broadjumps
1.5 mile run followed by 100 Merkins 100 BigBoy situps 25 broadjumps and 1 miles run
MARY: none
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel shelter, invergence
COT: Prayers and praises

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