WWF Day at Coach’s Box

Disclaimer then some windmills, walkers, and squats. Mosey over to front of school. At each corner 10 HR merkins, 15 squats, 20 SSHs. Finish up at the large grassy area in front. Partner up. Partner push across field performing 11s with Mak Tar Jai’s and Knee Tar Jai’s. 10:1, push across, 9:2, push across, etc.

Next up was the Junk Yard Dogs. We haven’t done this in a while and it was sort of fun to bring them back. P1 does burpee while P2 holds plank. Then P1 shoots under P2. P2 drops to 6″ hold and P1 jumps back over P2. That counts as 1. We did 10 then flapjacked. Got some nice grass exfoliation started so we did 8 each, then 6 each. Paused for a quick leadership discussion: Leadership is solving problems. The day people stop bringing you their problems is the day you have stopped leading them. Back to the JYDs for 5 each. Time is almost up so mosey back for a few ab exercises before COT.

Side note, the grass at FMHS is only slightly better than that stuff down at WEP. Next time we may need to go out to the baseball field where they have bermuda. Anyway, lots of mumble-chatter about old school wrestling and everyone’s favorite guys. Thx Cyclops for the opportunity!

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Alcatraz Runs of pain

Six pax posted at Alcatraz.

Started with a mosey run down to the circle and back.

SSH (20x I/C)
Windmills (8x I/C)
Imperial Walkers (10x I/C)
Moroccan Nightclubs (10x I/C)
Low slow squats (10x I/C)
Big Arm Circles (6 forward, 7 backwards)
Peter Parkers (10x I/C)
Plank Stretches (Downward dog, upward dog)

Short mosey run

BB court relays
10 Bobby Hurleys at the baseline, run to ½ court and do 20 Bobbys, run to far court and do 30 Bobbys, run/return to baseline.

Run to pull up bars
Pax do five pull ups and five toes to bar, waiting pax plank

Run again
“Bench” work: at short retaining wall we did: step ups, Dips, Incline Merkins, butt touch squats, calf raises, and then decline merkins.

Run some more.

Fish tracks routine:
Pax do the transportation and stop when instructed and do the exercise called.
Toy soldiers…stop and do jump squats, repeat
Bear crawl…stop and do merkins, repeat
Lunge walk…stop and do smurf jacks, repeat

Short mosey run
Back at the BB court: Prison yard burpees; from 7. Pax start in one corner and do 7 burpees, then bear crawl to next corner, do 6 burpees, bear crawl to next corner, do 5 burpees, and so on until 1.

Run. Some. More.
Wall work: Wall sits (rotate pax doing three burpees), BTW.

Back to parking lot:

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somewhat soggy sorta sadistic sets

WARMUP: some mosey. SSH, hillbillies, LSSq
THE THANG: run to a cart corral and 4 rounds of
25 pull ups
25 merkins
25 flutter (DC)
lap around the lot

run to the shelter at the church (got two rounds find done)
25 leg lifts
25 derkins
24 step up (SC)
25 LBC
lap around the little island


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Once a year Q

WARMUP: 6 Windmills
THE THANG: After Funhouse led us in the Pledge of Allegiance, we ran to the bottom of Main ST where the gaggle performed 1 burpee then ran to the 2nd light pole (16 on the Hobo’s sIde) perform a burpee then run back to start. at this point the “A” group began to separate themselves from us mortals. Epstein didn’t kill himself. Continue performing 1 burpee at ever other light pole and running back to the start until you reach the end of the street. Run back to the start, perform your burpee then choose your own adventure loop. Big loop, over the bridge and around the block. Lil loop, take the alley behind hobos and head back to the start. Rd 2 was 5 merkins, Rd 3 was 5 CDD. Some Pax got more miles than others, looking at you #Badlands and #MacGyver.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Murph options, other things I don’t remember
COT:Prayers for marriages and sick family members. God answers your prayers, keep praying and they will be answered. Sometimes blessings come from ppl and places you didn’t expect.

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Tour De Fort Parks

SSH/Cherry Pickers/Imperial Walkers/Side Shuffles/Knees to Butt/High Knees/Kareoke
Mosey to Harris Street Park-25 count – Merkins, Big Boys, Sumo Squats.
Shuttles at basketball court 5x’s 10 Bobby Hurleys mid court and base line.
Mosey to Millstone Park-25 count -Carolina Dry Docks, Box Cutters, Lunges.
Mosey to Veterans Park – 25 count -Mike Tysons, American Hammers, Mountain Climbers
Mosey to Springs Global parking lot. W/ help of site Q Grinder complete Dora w/ Merkins and LBC’s.
Mosey to Pike parking lot and did wall sits until legs gave out and balls to wall last HIM standing.
Mosey back to WEP
MARY:Grinder led Jane Fonda workout.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Highway trash pick up, Canoli Run.

COT: prayers/praises for all the MOMS

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We did a thing I later learned is called the escalator.

Set up 10 cones spaced 2 parking spaces apart over in the church parking lot. Each time through you would add an exercise on the next cone. Then run a lap.

10 Merkins
20 Monkey Humpers
10 Mike Tyson’s
20 Flutters
10 side lunges
20 LBCs
20 CDD
10 Big Boys
10 Burpees

For demonstration purposes the first lap pax did 10 merkins and ran the lap. Second lap 10 merkins and 20 monkey humpers…all the way up to 10 where all exercises were done.

Had a few minutes for the airborne special

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There will be Blood

Disclaimer attempted …
The PAX brought the energy this morning, had to get their attention… 5 burpees!
Disclaimer given, and it was probably the best disclaimer I have ever given. “We will be going off campus, lighting should be ok, but please watch your footing.”
F3 Credo – and encouraged that whoever led would do clave raises/shoulder taps for the 6, Their pick each time.

**Is there a connection between Leadership & Faith?
10 Windmills IC
15 IW IC
15 MNCs IC
**The Acceleration of Faith requires a Belief System.

THANG 1: Cinco De Mayo 5 rounds of 5 exercises with a little mosey in between. And there was blood, JWOW speeding through the parking lot and got sniped by the speed bump.
**How does a man know his belief system is based upon truth?
5 Burpees
5 Merkins
5 Squats
5 LBCs
5 Mike Tysons
**Study puts a Leader’s Belief System to the Test.

THANG 2: **Is Faith static or dynamic?
Made it to the church parking lot. Did a list of exercises (below), starting with all of them, running a lap around the parking lot and removing one exercise before repeating.
10 Squats
9 Monkey Humpers
8 Lunges
7 Carolina Dry Docks
6 Sumo Squats
5 Bobby Hurley’s (or whoever else you like that dribbles/cheers)
4 Lump Lunges
3 Merkins
2 Bomb Jax
1 Burpee
**Faith is a Practice that requires Study to Accelerate.

MARY: The leaders made it back to COT and led Mary.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Cannoli Run, Blood Drive, etc.

COT: Some local prayers, but that stays in COT.

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Swinging tire flipping hip flexing WOD

– mosey to fountain
– Swing:
– run to left stop-sign: 20x shoulder taps + 10x Big Boys
– run to fire station: 20x x&o + 10x Jlo
– rinse and repeat 3x
– mosey to Church
– Tire flip: split PAX in 2 teams and space them apart. 1 PAX travels with tire (flipping) from one side to other. Traveling PAX calls exercise which everyone else does while he is traveling. Cycle thru all PAX.
– Mosey to COT
– Airborne Hip Exercise
– 13 burpees to 0600
– see newsletter
– was held

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4/25 beatdown

WARMUP: SSH, windmills, hillbilly walkers, produce pickers. Honeymooner, down dog stretches. PLUS curb to curb 7’s starting with 1 dip, bear crawl to curb, 6 incline merkins, crab walk back to dips
THE THANG: Mosey across Gold Hill road. 4 corners starting at Crossroads corner, to McDonald’s corner, up to storage corner, to mavis corner with dealers choice 25x exercises at each stop.
MARY: stretches
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read your newsletter
COT: prayers and praises

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