Jokers Were Smokin Wild

WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, Morrocon NC, Hillbilly Walkers, Calf Raises, and Cherry Pickers
THE THANG: Part 1: 5-10-15-20 Reps of KB Deadlift, KB Goblet Squats, KB Reverse Lunge, and KB Thrusters; After each round, farmer’s carry. Part 2: Deck of Cards as Spades ♤= KB Swings, Heart ♥ = KB Bent-Over Rows, Diamond 🔹 = KB Floor Chest Press, Clubs ♧ = KB Overhead Press, and Jokers 🃏 = (10) MAN Makers; After every 5 cards drawn, mosey to first speed bump and back.
MARY: KB American Hammers and KB Flutters
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read the newsletter
COT: Prayers and Praises

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Head Fake: actually working out!

5 Burpees
Toy Soldiers
Hillbilly Walkers
Imperial Walkers
4 corners around NAFO
10 Merkins
20 Plank Jacks
30 Sumo Squats
Partner goes one way
Other goes opposite
When meet do 5 Burpees together then keep going

MARY: don’t know her
Matthew 16:15
Take your vitamins and say your prayers

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Freak In The Sheets!

WARMUP:  After much complaining about being in the dark we warmed up and started a yog around the back of the school.

THE THANG: We had fun with a skinny starfish SORRY! 😂

Each exercise is followed by returning to the center for 20 squats (crowd pleaser)

Station 1

Round 1 – Hand Release Merkins x10
Round 2 – Add Clap Merkins x10
Round 3 – Add Toe Touch Merkins x10
Round 4 – Add Mike Tysons x10
Station 2 (All Men)

Station 2

Round 1 – Shoulder Tap x15 (Double Count)
Round 2 – Add Mountain Climbers x15 (Double Count)
Round 3 – Add Peter Parkers x15 (Double Count)
Round 4 – Add Donkey Kicks x15 (Double Count)

MARY: We stretched a bit and realized that Italian Job is way more flexible than expected.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: One month till my birthday. Accepting gifts now.
COT: Please pray for mental health and reach out if you need help. Thanks Poppins for the invite and always being a HIM.

The Thrill is gone.

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Rucking with Man-Makers

– mosey to parking lot behind Panera, some warm-up
– cross 160
– follow the loop around the lake, various PT in the parking lots in form of 2 sets, 1x without ruck and 1x with ruck
– once back at 160, cross over into Kingsley and loop around Kingsley with various PT along the way
– stop at intersection and do some step-up
– finished with a few man-makers at the end
– read newsletter
– was held

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Chesty deck o cards

WARMUP:  Quick loop to warm up.  It was 29 and wanted to get the guys warm before we started

Did a little stretching and yoga

Beaker asked for a 5 min buy-in and with it being cold, I wanted to make sure the guys were warm before we kicked off the deck o’cards. So we lined up at the bottom of the grass hill and ran suicide light poles with burpees at the bottom where you increase by one each time. I believe there were 5 light poles total.

Next we moved to the pavilion and started the deck
❤️- curls
♦️- merkins
☘️- overhead press
♠️- laying down lat raises (fan favorite)

Finished with 45 seconds of LBCs
Read newsletter
Each shared a praise or prayer and challenged each man to remember those throughout the day.

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Inaugural Jaeger

Beautiful March weather (seriously it was a perfect day) for the 0800 launch of the Eröffnung Jäger. PAX were assured by Grinder that the routes were well marked and there were no Zima-miles. This proved to be 99.9% true (you could still get lost if you wanted to…)

The premise was solid. 4 man team (2 Ruckers, 2 Runners). Runners had longer routes and teams met at checkpoints for team exercises before they could head to the next station. The pain stations were tough. Lutefisk about killed the PAX at the first one. (Oh, that was just me?) Triple Lindy had us loading munitions. Cake Boss brought candy, but it was not a sweet treat. (Could have also been that the leg leading to Alison Park was soul crushing….) Tinsel forgot it was a CSAUP and thought he was prepping for a Tables, Ladders, and Chairs wresting match.

The finishing team results:
1.) Vuvu/Beaker (for the record you were suggested to have a 4 man team…)
2.) Cobra Kai’s crew (that included the mythical Gekko)
3.) Camp 3D’s Sugar Shady Band Bug
4.) Cornerstone’s posse
5.) Poppins’ Chimney Sweeps (seriously impressive that Badlands ran back from the final pain station to connect with his teams’ Ruckers)
6.) The Entourage around Shield
7.) Slow Jams and the Lake Ridge Wanders
8.) Lake Wylie’s Wild Thing drinking Whiskey and enjoying a Big Mac (great to see these guys from across the bridge here for the CSAUP)

Afterwards at the Print Shop, we celebrated the Dam 2 Dam fundraising effort where The Fort is sending $7,500 to Defend the Fatherless, $7,500 to Autism Strong, $7,500 to the Fort Mill Care Center, and $10,000 to the F3 the Fort endowed scholarship.

It is an honor to be part of The Fort alongside some amazing high impact men. On behalf of Grinder and the entire planning crew, this backblast is respectfully submitted by the smallest cog in the Jaeger machine—Band Camp.

For reference:
The Preblast:
YHC’s Strava tracker:

The Jaeger will hunt again next year. Send any feedback to:

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The Deposit Broker starting The Length of the Pendulum

WARMUP: stuff

10 KB Swings
20 LBCs with Bell
30 Skullcrushers
40 Curls (or 20 each arm)
50 Tricep Extensions
60 Overhead Press
70 KB Swings cause Bandcamp whined too much
60 Flutters with Bell
50 Goblet Squats
40 Rows (20 each side)
30 Calf raises
20 American Hammers
10 Manmakers
Hip Flexors
Mary for last 3 min


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A4A Dry Run

THE THANG: A4A Preview – show on 4/22 to Alcatraz to find out!
MARY: Plank
COT: We did it
MOLESKIN: YHC really appreciates what Cousin Eddie is doing with ROF and the sharing of testimony. Many of us don’t take the opportunity or are not comfortable or maybe haven’t taken the time to think through what our testimony is. In F3 fashion he is pushing us to grow. I will save the details of my story for an in-person conversation for anyone interested but the 3 lessons I am learning and realizing to have the biggest impact on my acceleration are COMMUNITY, VULNERABILITY & SURRENDER. F3 provides opportunity for each of these – it is up to the Pax to make the choice. I’m happy to walk this journey and learn from each of you.

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Snarky Title!

WARMUP: mosey to a church parking lot
Do some burpees and some dynamic warmups along with some exercises in cadence.
THE THANG: NUR up the hill to a different church parking lot. Introduce 5/10/15 of big boy sit ups, merkins and squats. Run to other places to do 5/10/15. Hit a record for most churches hit, unofficial of course.
Held AL Gore and did squats in a circle.
Introduced walk like an Egyptian.
Duck walked up Main Street with squats at light poles.
Some more running to churches for more 5/10/15
MARY: Souptonuts led us in some Mary as a warmup for next week’s VQ.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: burpees for bbq round 2. March 2nd 2024.
COT: CSPAN style.

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WARMUP: There was a legit pre-run at 4:45, for which @beaker and I took part – great fellowship run. The actual warm-up consisted of @Sugarbug articulating either his displeasure about actually seeing the same coupons from last weeks Tomahawk or that he showed up anyway!

THE THANG: I typically don’t use the same weinke in back-to-back Qs, but the mumblechatter was strong last week, therefore the extra coupons at a KB AO reared their ugly head again!

Upon picking up some extra weight, the PAX moseyed to the bottoms of the first hill on the trail existing WEP behind the parking lot.

At the bottom of the hill, the PAX completed 10 reps of each exercise with their bell…swings, 1-arm press (each arm), overhead triceps extension, single arm curls (each arm), upright rows, lawnmower pulls (each arm), merkins w/ 1 hand on bell and switching in the middle of the rep count, alternating lunges w/ a pass through, goblet squats, calf raises. Then pick up all of the weight KBs and Coupons and run to the top of the hill for 1 burpee. Rinse and repeat decreasingly the rep count by 1 and the bottom and increasing the butler count by 1 at the top. The PAX complete 5 rounds before returning to COT for Mary

MARY: Completed 2-3 sets of Mary called out by each of the Pax
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read you newsletter
COT: what is discussed in COT stays in COT – show to know!!

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