Smell that BBQ!

THE THANG: Mosey to intersection of Academy St. & Monroe White St.
10 – Jump Squats then run up the hill to Watson St. / Parking Lot then back down.
Ran Academy St. left on Forrest St. left on Confederate St. left on Main St. and left back on Academy St. to make a (.91 Mile) loop.
10 Merkins, 10 Mountain Climbers, & 10 LBC’s every corner and intersection. (6 per lap)
MARY: American Hammer and Flutters
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Prayers for health & back to school

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Merkin Filled Zipper

This is Band Camp reporting for the work-swamped Fire Marshall Bill and the 16 other PAX at minnow pond on 8/4. Looks like y’all ran a zipper and did merkins? This report has not been verified, but I think the tags are accurate

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